Search Refund/Write Off Instruction

The Search Refund/Write off Instruction zone allows you to search for a refund/write off instruction using various search criteria. This zone contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for a refund or write off instruction using the policy or individual membership details. The valid values are:
    • Policy Details

    • Individual Membership Details

    Note: By default, the Policy Details option is selected.
    Policy ID Used to search refund or write off instructions which are created using a particular policy.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Search Policy window appears.

    This field appears when the Policy Details option is selected from the Search By list.

    Account ID Used to search refund or write off instructions which are created for particular account.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Account Search window appears.
    Membership ID Used to search refund or write off instructions which are created for particular membership.
    Note: This field appears when the Individual Membership Details option is selected from the Search By list.
    Created From Used to search refund or write off instructions which are created from a particular date onwards. No
    Status Used to search refund or write off instructions with a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Canceled

    • Completed

    • Error

    • Invalid

    • Pending

    • Pending Completion

    • Valid

    Created Until Used to search refund or write off instructions which are created till a particular date. No
    Action Used to indicate whether the instructions are created for refund or write off. The valid values are:
    • Refund

    • Write Off

    Note: You must specify at least one search criterion while searching for a refund or write off instruction.
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:
    Column Name Column Description
    Policy Information Displays information about the policy for which the refund or write off instruction is created.

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Policy screen appears where you can view the details of the respective policy.

    This column appears when you select the Policy Details option from the Search By list.

    Membership Information Displays information about the membership for which the refund or write off instruction is created.

    It has a link. On clicking the link, the Membership screen appears where you can view the details of the individual membership.

    This column appears when you select the Individual Membership Details option from the Search By list.

    Account Information Displays the account for which the refund or write off instruction is created. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
    Creation Date Time Displays the date and time when the refund or write off instruction is created.
    Status Indicates the status of the refund or write off instruction. The valid values are:
    • Canceled

    • Completed

    • Error

    • Invalid

    • Pending

    • Pending Completion

    • Valid

    Reason Displays the reason for which the refund or write off instruction is created in the system.
    Action Indicates whether the instruction is created for refund or write off. The valid values are:
    • Refund
    • Write Off
    Request Creation Date Displays the date when the request is created.
    Refund/Write Off Request Information Displays information about the refund or write off request.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Refund Request or Write Off Request screen appears depending on whether the request is for refund or write off.

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