Pricing Rule Types

You can create a pricing rule using the respective pricing rule type. The system enables you to create pricing rule types of the following categories for the self-funded plan from the user interface:

Pricing Rule Type Pricing Rule Type Category Sample Shipped with the Product
Claim Claim CLAIM
Retention Type Claim Based Retention Type Claim Based RETCLMBSD
Discount Share Discount Arrangement DISSHARE
Discount Guarantee Discount Arrangement DISGUAR
One-Time Flat Fees Flat Fees ONETIMEFLATFEES
Bill Period Based Recurring Flat Fees Flat Fees RECFLATFEES_​BP
Frequency Based Recurring Flat Fees Flat Fees RECFLATFEES_​FREQ
Retention Type Enrollment Based Retention Type Enrollment Based RETENRLBSD
Ancillary Ancillary ANCILLARY
Specific Stop-Loss Specific Stop-Loss SSL
Aggregate Stop-Loss Aggregate Stop-Loss ASL
Enrollment Based Premium Level Funded LVLENRLPRE
Flat Rate Based Premium Level Funded LVLFLATPRE