Upload EDI 820 Files in ORMB

A new batch named Lockbox Payment Upload - Small Group (C1-PUPSG) is introduced in this release. This batch is used to read the EDI 820 lockbox file received from the bank containing payment details for accounts and uploads the payment details into the ORMB payment upload staging tables. The batch uses the reference ID available in the payment and remittance record (in the specified order) to identify the account in the system:
  • Source System Customer Number

  • Invoice ID (if the source system customer number is not available)

  • MICR (if the source system customer number and invoice ID are not available)

If all three reference IDs are available in the payment and remittance record, the system uses the source system customer number to identify the customer in ORMB. If the customer is found in ORMB, the system then checks whether the identified customer has an account. If the identified customer has one account, the system checks the following:
  • If the Check Binder Payment parameter in the Pay Tender Staging Account Distribution - Pay Oldest Bill First (C1-CCPYTSADS) algorithm is set to Y, the system checks whether the payment is the first payment for the account and the tender used for the payment is not automatic payment. If so, the payment is applied to the Binder Payment contract.

  • If the Check Promise To Pay parameter in the Tender Staging Account Distribution - Pay Oldest Bill First (C1-CCPYTSADS) algorithm is set to Y, the system checks whether there is an active promise to pay for the account. If so, the payment is applied to the On Account contract.

  • If the Check Payment Agreement parameter in the Tender Staging Account Distribution - Pay Oldest Bill First (C1-CCPYTSADS) algorithm is set to Y, the system checks whether there is an active payment agreement request for the account. If so, the payment is applied to the On Account contract.

However, if the Check Binder Payment, Check Promise To Pay, and Check Payment Agreement parameters are set to N, the payment is applied to the account's open bills in the order of the due date (i.e. oldest bill first). If the payment amount is greater than the account's billed balance plus overpayment threshold amount (defined in the Tender Staging Account Distribution - Pay Oldest Bill First (C1-CCPYTSADS) algorithm), the entire amount is applied on the On Account contract. However, if the payment amount is greater than the account's billed balance, but less than account's billed balance plus overpayment threshold amount, the overpayment amount is applied on the On Account contract.

Let us understand this with the help of an example:

Payment Amount Bill 1 (Due Date 01-Feb-2017) Bill 2 (Due Date 01-April-2016) Overpayment Threshold Amount System Behavior
100 50 50 50 One payment (50$) is created for Bill 2 (oldest due date); One payment (50$) is created for Bill 1.
150 50 100 120 One payment (100$) is created for Bill 2 (oldest due date); One payment (50$) is created for Bill 1.
175 60 75 50 One payment (75$) is created for Bill 2 (oldest due date); One payment (60$) is created for Bill 1; The remaining amount (40$) is applied on the On Account contract.
200 50 50 50 The entire amount (200$) is applied on the On Account contract. This is because the payment amount is greater than the account's billed balance plus overpayment threshold amount.

If the identified customer has multiple accounts, then the payment is applied to the On Account contract. If there are no accounts for the identified customer, or account could not be found in ORMB, or the customer could not be found in ORMB, the payment is applied to the suspense contract defined on the tender source associated with the external source (lockbox) ID.

If the source system customer number is not available, but the invoice ID and MICR are available in the payment and remittance record, then batch uses the invoice ID to find the account for which the invoice is created. Once the account is identified, the system behaves in the similar manner (listed above) when the identified customer has one account.

If the source system customer number and invoice ID are not available, but the MICR is available in the payment and remittance record, then system finds the payment where the same MICR is stamped as a characteristic and then finds the account for which the respective payment is created. In this way, the system derives the account for which the payment must be applied. However, the MICR is used to derive the account only when the Search Customer Using MICR (Y/N) parameter in the batch is set to Y. Once the account is derived, the system behaves in the similar manner (listed above) when the identified customer has one account.

Following scenarios must be considered before uploading the EDI 820 file in the system.

Scenario System Behavior
If the RMR tag contains the bill Id and the NM1 tag contains the binder payment identification value The system initiates the payment for the bill Id and defines the binder payment identifier value in the Characteristics tab of the Payment screen.
If the RMR tag contains the bill Id but the NM1 tag does not contains the binder payment identification value The system initiates the payment for the bill Id and does not process further.
If the RMR tag contains some other information besides the bill Id and the NM1 tag contains the binder payment identification value The system performs the following actions:
  1. Identifies the appropriate membership using the binder payment identification value provided in the NM1 tag. The binder payment identification value must contain the binder payment applicability flag set to Y.

  2. Once the membership is identified and is in the Pending Effectuation status, the system identifies the account of the membership, using the information provided in the RMR tag, and applies the payment against the binder contract.

  3. If the membership is in the Active status, the system applies the payment against the account's contract.

If the RMR tag contains some other information besides the bill Id and the NM1 tag does not contains the binder payment identification value The system identifies the account of the membership using the information provided in the RMR tag and applies the payment against the account's contract.

You can upload payment and remittance advice in the TXT format. You need to ensure that the text file is in the required format; otherwise the file will not be uploaded.

Once the text file is uploaded through the Lockbox Payment Upload - Small Group (C1-PUPSG) batch, the deposit control staging, tender control staging, and payment upload staging records are created in the respective tables. You can then execute the Payment Upload (PUPL) batch to create the deposit control, tender controls, payment events, tenders, payments, and payment segments using payment records in the staging area.

Note: For more information about the batches, refer to the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide.