Deferred Processing Mode for Discrepancy Report Creation

Until now, the reconciliation discrepancy report at the file or account level was only created in the online mode (i.e. immediately). Now, the system provides you with the ability to configure deferred processing mechanism for the reconciliation discrepancy report creation. A new status named Deferred Processing is introduced in the lifecycle of the C1-DiscrepancyReport business object. On generating a discrepancy report at the file or account level, the discrepancy report is created in the Draft status. A new algorithm named C1-DISCDEF is attached to the Enter system event of the Draft status. This algorithm checks whether the number of pay instructions in the non-final status exceeds the deferred count specified in the algorithm. If the number of pay instructions in the non-final status does not exceed the deferred count, the status of the discrepancy report is changed to Pending. The system then adds the discrepancy line items in the discrepancy report by comparing each non-final pay instruction against the open and unmatched bill line item of the exchange account.

However, if the number of pay instructions in the non-final status exceeds the deferred count, the status of the discrepancy report is changed to Deferred Processing. A new batch named C1-DRMT is introduced in this release. This batch is used to monitor or check whether there are any discrepancy reports in the Deferred Processing status. If there is a discrepancy report in the Deferred Processing status, the batch changes the status of the discrepancy report to Pending. Then, the system adds the discrepancy line items in the discrepancy report by comparing each non-final pay instruction against the open and unmatched bill line item of the exchange account.

This batch is a multi-threaded batch. The multi-threading is based on discrepancy request ID and chunks for multi-threading are created based on numerical distribution of discrepancy request ID. This batch contains the following parameters:

Parameter Name Mandatory (Yes or No) Description
Maintenance Object Yes Used to indicate that you want to monitor discrepancy reports which are created using the business objects of a particular maintenance object.
Note: By default, the parameter value is set to C1-DISCR-RPT.
Restrict by Batch Code No Used when you want to monitor discrepancy reports whose current status is linked to the Discrepancy Report Monitor (C1-DRMT) batch. The valid value is true.
Restrict by Discrepancy Report Type No Used when you want to monitor the discrepancy reports which are created using a particular discrepancy report type.
Restrict by Business Object No Used when you want to monitor discrepancy reports which are created using a particular business object.
Restrict by Status Code No Used when you want to monitor discrepancy reports which are in a particular status.
Note: This parameter is useful when this batch is invoked from more than one status in the lifecycle of the business object.
Override maximum errors No Used to override the maximum number of errors after which the batch must be terminated.
Threadpool No Used to specify the thread pool on which you want to execute the batch.