Specific Stop-Loss Report

The Specific Stop-Loss report enables you to view the specific stop-loss which is billed for each member to a bill group. At a time, it enables you to view the specific stop-loss information of a particular parent customer which belongs to a particular division. While generating the specific stop-loss report, you can specify the following parameters - Division, Parent Customer, Claim Billed Through, Policy Start Date, and Policy End Date. The division and parent customer are mandatory. If you specify the claim billed until date, you need to specify the policy start and end dates. For example, if you specify 03-01-2022 in the Claim Billed Through parameter, 01-01-2022 in the Policy Start Date parameter, and 12-31-2022 in the Policy End Date parameter, the system fetches the specific stop-loss charges which are billed to different bill groups of the parent customer between 01-01-2022 to 03-01-2022.

This report can be used for the self-funded business. You can generate the specific stop-loss report from the user interface or through a batch process in either PDF or Excel format. We have shipped the following specific stop-loss reports in this release:

  • FOPSSLHCBPDF - Used when you want to generate the specific stop-loss report through the C1-RPTGN batch in the PDF format.

  • FOPSSLHCBXLS - Used when you want to generate the specific stop-loss report through the C1-RPTGN batch in the Excel format.

  • FOPSSLHCOPDF - Used when you want to generate the specific stop-loss report from the user interface in the PDF format.

  • FOPSSLHCOXLS - Used when you want to generate the specific stop-loss report from the user interface in the Excel format.