Manually Changing the Status of a Self-Funded Policy to Runout


To manually change the status of a self-funded policy to Runout, you should have:

  • Runout end date specified in the self-funded policy.


To manually change the status of a self-funded policy to Runout:

  1. Search for the self-funded policy in the Policy screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Policy Information column corresponding to the self-funded policy whose status you want to change.
    The Policy screen appears.
  3. Ensure that the Main tab is selected.
  4. Click the Runout button in the Policy zone.
    The status of the self-funded policy is changed to Runout.

    The Runout button appears when the self-funded policy is in the In Force/Active status.

    You cannot transition a self-funded policy to the Runout status when:

    • The self-funded policy is renewed.

    • The runout end date is not specified.

    • The policy end date is earlier than the system date.

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