Membership Status Reason Preference

The Membership Status Reason preference enables you to map a member person status and status reason with an individual membership status reason. This mapping is used during:

  • Membership Status Transition - When the member person status and status reason are received through a health care inbound message or membership repricing inbound web service

  • Member Person Status Transition - When the binder payment is monitored for the individual membership

The system enables you to define, edit, delete, and copy a membership status reason preference through the Field Mapping screen. You can derive the member person status and member person status reason mapping attributes from the values specified in the MEMBER_​PER_​STATUS_​FLG and MEMB_​PERS_​STAT_​RSN_​FLG lookup fields, where as the mapping attributes of the membership status reason can be derived from the Status Reason screen.

For more information about these attributes, see Defining a Membership Status Reason Preference

The system determines the individual membership status reason using the membership status reason preference which is specified in the Status Reason Mapping option type of the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.

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