Report Generation List

The Report Generation List zone allows you to view a list of FOP reports which are generated in the system. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Sequence Displays the sequence of the generated FOP report.
Report ID Displays the unique identification number which is created automatically by the system for a particular FOP report during report generation process.
Report Displays the FOP report which is generated in the system.
Created By Displays the user who has generated the FOP report in the system.
Creation Date Time Displays the date and time when the FOP report is generated in the system.
Generation Successful Indicates whether the FOP report generation is successful or not. The valid values are:
  • No

  • Yes

Message Text Displays information about the FOP report generation.

If the FOP report generation is successful, then, this column displays the following message:

Report Generation Success

However, if the FOP report generation is not successful, then, this column displays the reason why the FOP reports is not generated successfully in the system.

Download Report On clicking the Download link, you can download the FOP report.
Note: The Download link does not appear for FOP reports which are not generated successfully in the system.

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