Search Business Rule

The Search Business Rule zone allows you to search for a business rule using various search criteria. It contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for a business rule using the business rule category. The valid values are:
    • Binder Payment Rules

    • Fully-Insured Pricing Rules

    • New Born Rules

    • Rate Guarantee Rules

    • Refund/Write Off Business Rules

    • Delinquency Grace Period Business Rules

    • Delinquency Event Attributes Business Rules

    • Delinquency Termination Date Business Rules

    • Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rules

    Note: By default, the Fully-Insured Pricing Rules option is selected.
    Business Rule ID Used to search a particular business rule. No
    Business Rule Type Description Used to search a business rule with a particular business rule type description. No
    Effective Date Used to search business rule which is effective from a particular date. No
    Criteria Description Used to search a business rule with a particular business rule criteria description. No
    Status Used to search business rules with a particular status. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    Parameter 1 Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter code.

    You can specify the parameter code where the parameter usage is set to Business Rule Eligibility Criteria.

    You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter Search window appears.

    Parameter 1 Value Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter value. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required if Parameter 1 is specified.
    Parameter 2 Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter code.

    You can specify the parameter code where the parameter usage is set to Business Rule Eligibility Criteria.

    You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter Search window appears.

    Parameter 2 Value Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter value. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required if Parameter 2 is specified.
    Parameter 3 Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter code.

    You can specify the parameter code where the parameter usage is set to Business Rule Eligibility Criteria.

    You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter Search window appears.

    Parameter 3 Value Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter value. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required if Parameter 3 is specified.
    Parameter 4 Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter code.

    You can specify the parameter code where the parameter usage is set to Business Rule Eligibility Criteria.

    You must not specify the ampersand (&) character in this field.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter Search window appears.

    Parameter 4 Value Used to search a business rule based on a particular parameter value. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required if Parameter 4 is specified.
    Note: While searching for the business rule, always ensure that you provide the parameter and the parameter value in a sequential order.
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Criteria Description Displays the description of the criteria which is associated with the business rule.
    Eligibility Criteria Displays the eligibility criteria for the business rule.
    Priority Displays the sequence in which the business rule criteria must be executed in the business rule.
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the business rule is effective.
    Status Indicates the status of the business rule. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Inactive

    Grace Period Days Displays the number of days which are used to define the grace period end date for the delinquency process.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Grace Period Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Wait Days Displays the wait period (in days) after which the delinquency event is triggered.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Events Attribute Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Wait Month Displays the wait period (in months) after which the delinquency event is triggered.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Events Attribute Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Wait Day Of Month Indicates the particular day of the month after which the delinquency event is triggered.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Events Attribute Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Send Membership Level Notification Indicates whether you want to send membership level notification when the customer contacts are created as part of the events in the delinquency process, created using the delinquency process type. The valid values are:
    • Send Membership Level Notification Required

    • Send Membership Level Notification Not Required


    This column appears when the Delinquency Events Attribute Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable in the case of Individual Delinquency.

    Termination Date Rule Indicates the termination date rule used for calculating the termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Termination Date Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Trigger Date Recalculation On Hold Release Indicates whether you want to recalculate the trigger date once the hold request is released. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Trigger Date Recalculation On Resume Indicates whether you want to recalculate the trigger date once the hold request is resumed. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Trigger Termination Process Indicates an option based on which the termination process is triggered. The valid values are:
    • After X Days

    • Immediate

    • Month End

    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Termination Wait Days Displays the wait period (in days) after which the termination process is triggered.

    The system sets the termination wait days to zero, if you do not specify a value while defining or editing a delinquency process type.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    Allow Automatic Reinstatement Indicates whether you want to allow automatic reinstatement of the individual membership. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No


    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Maximum Automatic Reinstatement Count Displays the maximum number of time the system allows automatic reinstatement.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Trigger Reinstatement Process Indicates an option based on which the reinstatement process must be triggered. The valid values are:
    • After X Days

    • Immediate

    • Month End


    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Reinstatement Wait Days Displays the wait period (in days) after which the reinstatement process is triggered.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Reinstatement Threshold (%) Displays the percentage value based on which the automatic reinstatement takes place.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Days Since Termination Displays the number of days since the termination effective date for automatic reinstatement to take place.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Member Notification Days Displays the number of days after which the member receives notification.

    This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.

    This field is not applicable for Individual Delinquency.

    Add Days to Date of Processing of Termination Request Displays the number of days that you want to add to termination request date in order to derive termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Add Days to Grace End Date Displays the number of days that you want to add to grace end date in order to derive termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Add Days to Coverage End Date Displays the number of days that you want to add to coverage end date in order to derive termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Add Days to Paid Through Date Displays the number of days that you want to add to the paid through date (of the account) in order to derive termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Add Months to Paid Through Date Displays the number of months that you want to add to the paid through month (derived from the paid through date of the account) in order to derive termination effective date.
    Note: This column appears when the Delinquency Miscellaneous Options Business Rule option is selected from the Search By list.
    Maximum Dependents Indicates the maximum number of dependent persons which are eligible for premium calculation.
    Dependant Max Age Limit Indicates the maximum age limit for children which are eligible for premium calculation.
    Dependant Order Priority Indicates the order in which the system should first consider youngest or eldest children during premium calculation. The valid values are - YOUNGEST and ELDEST.
    Age Calculation Date Indicates whether you want to calculate the member person's age using the member person's enrollment date or policy's start or renewal date.
    Age Recalculation Date Indicates whether you want to recalculate the member person's age using the member person's age changes or next month or policy renewal date.
    Young Adult Applicability Indicates whether you want to consider the young adults during the premium calculation. The system supports the following two characteristic values - Y and N.
    Young Adult Max Age Limit Indicates the maximum age limit for young adults which are eligible for premium calculation.
    Member Relationship Derivation Date Indicates whether you want to derive the member relationship for a member person using its date of birth or enrollment date. The system supports the following two characteristic values - Date of Birth and Enrollment Date.
    Business Rule ID Displays the business rule ID.
    Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Search Results section. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.
    By default, the Filter area is visible. You can hide the Filter area by clicking the Filters (The Filters Icon) icon in the upper right corner of this zone.

    On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon ) icon corresponding to a business rule, the Business Rule zone appears where you can view the details of the respective business rule.

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