1 Features and Updates

This page describes new features and updates in 19.5 and patches to 19.5.

Sections that describe features and updates in a patch also have links to Customer Support Portal documents that describe documentation updates and issues fixed in the patch.

See Oracle MICROS Simphony Transaction Services Gen 2 (STSG2) Fixed Issues (DOC3542) for information on Simphony STSG2 fixed issues.



This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5 Documentation Updates (DOC11474) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5.x Fixed Issues (DOC11478) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support for Automatic Clock Out/In When Changing Revenue Centers

Organizations which use Labor Management and operate locations with multiple outlets can configure Simphony to automatically clock out and clock in when an employee changes revenue centers. This allows the organization to see a complete financial picture of each business—including the labor costs.

The default revenue center of the workstation that the employee is using to clock in determines the revenue center that the employee is clocked in to. To avoid confusion, employees need to clock in at a workstation that has a default revenue center that matches the revenue center of the job they are going to use.

If an Enterprise running Simphony version 19.5.5 upgrades to any version of Simphony 19.6, this feature is not available in 19.6.

See Setting Auto Clock-Out and Clock-In When Changing Revenue Centers and Clocking In and Out for more information.


This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5 Documentation Updates (DOC11474) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5.x Fixed Issues (DOC11478) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Support for Transaction Table Service Page Template

A transaction table service page template is now available in the Page Design module through the Internal Templates list. This new template has a navigation bar that lets you configure the tabs within the template.


This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5 Documentation Updates (DOC11474) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5.x Fixed Issues (DOC11478) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Monitoring Device Status to Prepare for Upgrades

The Device Information tab now warns you of system information to review before you upgrade to a future release of Simphony. For example, the tab warns you of a workstation operating system that will no longer be supported in an upcoming release.

Transaction Services

Monitoring Simphony Transaction Services (STS) Gen2 API Performance

You can now use the STS Gen2 Cloud API activity dashboard to monitor API performance and to troubleshoot API issues. The dashboard shows details for an API call such as the endpoint and the API response code.

See the Simphony Transaction Services Gen2 API Guide for more information.


This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5 Documentation Updates (DOC11474) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5.x Fixed Issues (DOC11478) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Ordering Efficiency Enhancements

Simphony lets you charge guests based on the difference between combo meal prices. For example, a guest orders two combo meals and asks for medium fries for each combo meal. The guest changes to large fries for both combo meals. The system calculates the price difference between large and medium fries for both combo meals and applies the difference to the order total.


This section describes new features and updates in the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5 Documentation Updates (DOC11474) describes documentation updates to support the patch.

Oracle MICROS Simphony 19.5.x Fixed Issues (DOC11478) lists issues fixed in the patch.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Internationalize Property and RVC Address Format

The Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service is now available for customers in the United States and United Kingdom. To support this, Property and Revenue Center (RVC) address formats in EMC are updated to follow international standards, allowing Merchant Stores to be created for international Payment Cloud Service customers.

The new field Phone Country Code allows users to select the desired country code from a drop down list in Properties Configuration and RVC Configuration.

See Adding a Property and Adding a Revenue Center for more information.

Gift and Loyalty and Stored Value Cards (SVC)

The Generic SVC Processor (Givex) and SVS Processor XProcessor Plug-ins have been Enhanced to Allow for the Batch Issue of Multiple Gift Cards

You can now activate multiple gift cards in batches for the Generic SVC Processor (Givex) and SVS Processor XProcessor plug-ins. Batch Activate functionality allows users to sell and activate multiple gift cards like this:

You are selling 20 gift cards at 10.00 each

  1. Select the Batch Activate button.

  2. Use the number keypad on the workstation to enter the quantity of gift cards (20)

  3. Select the appropriate activation method:
    1. For Givex, this would be either Activate or Reload.

    2. For SVS, this would be either Activate or Issue.

  4. Enter the amount (10.00).

  5. Swipe each card consecutively until completed.

Ordering Efficiency Enhancements

This release of Simphony includes the following ordering efficiency enhancements:
  • POS Operations automatically navigates to the transaction page for an incomplete combo meal.
  • POS Operations automatically applies combo placeholders which allow the workstation operator to follow the guest ordering conversation, and then return to an incomplete combo meal.
  • Menu Items and Condiments activate custom levels.
    • Allows menu items and condiments to activate and switch custom levels. By allowing menu items to change custom levels (rather than having to manually select a custom level), item switching can be used to transform a hamburger (with bacon and cheese subsequently added), to a bacon cheeseburger on the workstation, which is then correctly reflected on menu item sales reports as a bacon cheeseburger. Custom levels are configured from the Page Design module.

  • A workstation operator can add combo meal groups out of order. For example, a workstation operator selects combo meal side groups in any order, letting them follow the guest's ordering conversation.
  • A workstation operator can un-combo a combo meal without having to select items from the side group(s).
  • A workstation operator can change the size of a combo meal without having to first complete the combo. While adding combo meal items, the workstation operator can change the size of a combo meal at any point in the ordering conversation with a guest.
  • Smart keys display, hide, and change point-of-sale (POS) behavior based on transaction status and items selected in the check detail. You can create smart keys in the Page Design module with the following new conditions:
    • Smart keys with the Check Active condition will disappear and/or be disabled when out of a transaction, and will appear and/or be enabled when in a transaction.

    • Smart keys with the Detail Selected condition will disappear when there are no items selected, will appear when an item is selected, and will perform different functions based on the selected detail type. The following detail types can be configured as a smart key:
      • Menu Items (Major Groups or Family Groups)

      • Discounts

      • Service Charges

      • Tender Media

      • Reference Information

      • Extensibility Data

To enable the enhancements:
  1. On the EMC home page at the Property level, navigate to the Configuration tab, and then click Data Extensions.

  2. Add a new Data Extensions record and name it Conversational Ordering V2.

  3. Ensure that the columns are configured to the following:
    • Table – 1001 – Property

    • Extra Column Name – Conversational Ordering V2

    • Type – 4 – Boolean

    • Translatable Name – Conversational Ordering V2

    • (Optional) Translatable Help – Conversational Ordering V2 Functionality

  4. Save the record.

  5. On the EMC home page, navigate to the Setup tab, and then click Properties.

  6. Select the desired property, navigate to the Enable Efficient Order Entry column, and mark the check box.

  7. Click Save, and then restart the POS workstation(s) to enable the function.


Support for Applying a Luxury Tax (for Retail Sales Only)

Luxury items can be targeted for additional sales tax based on their price. The state of Massachusetts has implemented a tax which is applied when an item exceeds a certain price (currently 175.00). This luxury tax only applies to items which exceed the 175.00 price point. The first 175.00 is not considered when applying the tax. Only the amount beyond the 175.00 threshold is taxed. This luxury tax is currently only supported for retail sales items (not for food and beverage items).


A jacket costs 200.00. The law states items with a price of over 175.00, must then be taxed with an additional 10% tax.

Table 1-1 Breakdown of an Applied Luxury Tax Item

Line Item Calculation Taxable Amount Total




Taxable Amount

200.00 minus 175.00




25.00 x .10



Total Due



See Configuring a Luxury Tax (Retail Sales Items Only) for more information.


This section describes the features and updates contained in the release.


Installation Packages Include SQL Express Server 2014

The installation package for new Simphony 19.5 installations and upgrades of existing Microsoft Windows Simphony POS clients contains SQL Express 2014 Service Pack 3. This replaces SQL Express Server 2012, which was included in previous Simphony releases. When Windows clients are upgraded to Simphony 19.5, their database will be upgraded to SQL Express 2014 if they were previously using SQL Express 2012. If custom CAL packages were previously deployed for SQL Express 2014 or SQL Express 2016, they will be unaffected by this change.

This enhancement does not affect Linux or Android POS clients.


The Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide has been replaced by the Location Upgrade Guide

The Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide has been replaced by the Location Upgrade Guide. This new guide is for Simphony Cloud Services users and provides post-upgrade steps to perform at your location after an upgrade to your enterprise application server to the latest version of Simphony software.

Enterprise Management Console (EMC)

Added Content and Configuration API URL Field to the EMC

The Content and Configuration API field on the Enterprise Parameters Applications tab now shows the Content and Configuration API URL for the environment.

See the Configuration and Content API Guide for more information.

Updated Workstation Touchscreen Aspect Ratio Settings

When configuring workstation touchscreens (for devices such as the Oracle MICROS Workstation 6 Series), the default aspect ratio has been changed from 4:3 to 16:9. This only affects rendering of the sample screens in the EMC’s Page Design module, and not on the point-of-sale (POS) workstations. An additional aspect ratio of 16:10 is available, and must be utilized when configuring Oracle MICROS Compact Workstation 3 Series devices. The 4:3 aspect ratio remains available as needed for legacy devices such as the Workstation 5a. This configuration is not supported for mobile Hand Held Terminal (HHT) devices such as POS clients running the Android mobile operating system.

See Configuring a Workstation's Touchscreen Aspect Ratio for more information.

Support for Local Popup Menu for Mobile Hand-Held Terminal (HHT) Touchscreen Templates

You can configure a Local Popup Menu for mobile Hand Held Terminal (HHT) devices (including Android devices) from the EMC Page Design module. Configuring a Local Popup Menu button provides you a good option to save touchscreen space by not having to configure individually hard-coded menu item buttons. Multiple menu items can be added to the Local Popup Menu button. When the button is pressed, all of the items show in a popup window in the same order in which they were configured in the Page Design module.

See Configuring a Local Pop Up Menu for Mobile (HHT) Touchscreens for more information.

Support to Upload EGateway and SPI Log Files

You can allow Oracle Customer Support staff to access the EGateway and Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) logs from POS client devices operating in a specific locations (for example, restaurant, stadium, or airport). POS Operations automatically uploads these log files, and Support staff can access and use them to troubleshoot payment issues, decreasing time spent resolving issues. All workstations at a location that are running POS Operations upload the log files to the cloud, except for KDS Displays.

See Enabling Upload of EGateway and SPI Logs for more information.


Initial Support for Kiosk Configurations

You can set up Simphony to let customers order from kiosks. Setup includes tasks such as adding workstation records for the kiosk, adding Client Application Loader (CAL) packages, adding tag groups and tags, creating screen look-ups (SLUs), and associating images with menu items.

See Kiosks for more information.

Kitchen Display System (KDS)

End of Support for Kitchen Display Controllers on Microsoft Windows CE and XP Embedded

Simphony no longer supports Oracle MICROS Kitchen Display Controllers (KDC) running Microsoft Windows CE or XP Embedded. This includes Restaurant Display Controllers (RDC) running Microsoft Windows CE and Microsoft Windows XP Embedded.

You can upgrade the Simphony enterprise to Simphony 19.5, but Simphony 19.5 cannot be downloaded to a store that uses Microsoft Windows CE-based Kitchen Display Controllers. All clients in the store must be on the same version of the Simphony software. For example, if you upgrade a KDS Controller (such as a Microsoft Windows 10 workstation running the KDS Controller Service) to Simphony 19.5, the KDS Controller will no longer connect to Microsoft Windows CE KDS DisplayApp devices that are still on a previous Simphony version. Both the KDS Controller and KDS DisplayApp need to run the same Simphony version.

Operations on the POS Workstation

Support for Android Devices Periodically Relaying their Connectivity Status and Current State to the Enterprise

Starting with Simphony 19.5, idle workstations running the Android mobile operating system, now ping the enterprise every 4 minutes (which is the default setting) to relay their POS to Cloud connectivity status and current state. This relayed information aligns with Telemetry reports.

Support for Assigning Multiple Revenue Centers to Android Devices

Starting with the Simphony 19.5 release, you can assign multiple revenue centers (1–8) to devices running specific versions of the Android mobile operating system. The Castles Tech S1F2 device remains limited to having one revenue center assigned when configuring the device in the EMC.

The Oracle Food and Beverage Compatibility Matrix contains more information about the supported services and functionality for devices running specific versions of the Android mobile operating system.

See Configuring an Android Workstation for more information.

Support to Suppress Condiment Groups on a Condiment Orderer Page

To help reduce order entry steps at the POS workstation, there are times when users do not want to show a condiment group on the condiment orderer page because there are no condiments in the group which are valid in the current ordering context. See the following examples:
  • When ordering a beverage for a delivery order, it is necessary to enter the soda flavor (for example, Cola, Orange, or Tea) so it can be delivered. However, when ordering a beverage to be consumed on premises, the choice is not necessary because some locations have customers dispense their own drink at a soda fountain.

  • Condiment pre-fixes are not usually ordered on their own, and are normally displayed on fixed touchscreen buttons outside of the condiment orderer; so the condiment group which they belong (which normally only contains the pre-fixes) should not be shown to users.

You can now configure the Page Design module and specify one or more condiment groups to be suppressed from view on a condiment orderer page.

See Suppressing Condiment Groups on a Condiment Orderer Page for more information.

Support to Change Non-Placeholder Combo Meal Side Items Ordered in Previous Rounds

An employee Roles option has been added to control a user’s ability to change non-placeholder side items which were added during a previous round for combo meal orders. Enabling the new Roles option 310 - Authorize/Perform changes to non-placeholder side items ordered in previous rounds allows workstation operators to change non-placeholder side items for combo meal orders in previous rounds. When this option is disabled, operators are prompted to have a privileged employee enter their ID in order to continue changing previous round non-placeholder combo meal side items.

See Configuring Additional Combo Meal Settings for more information.

Support to Configure and Report Non-Revenue Menu Items

Non-revenue menu items on guest checks do not add to the net sales total amounts on financial reports. A typical use case for non-revenue menu items is to use them to enter the value of a gift card reload amount. Workstation operators can add the item to a check and then tender the transaction, causing the item’s value to be added to a gift card. This value does not increment the system’s revenue because no physical product has been sold.

The following restrictions are enforced on checks, including non-revenue menu items on the point-of-sale (POS) system (and including Transaction Services Gen1):
  • Taxes and discounts are not applied to non-revenue menu items (even if they are configured in the EMC).

  • Non-revenue menu items cannot be included as a part of combo meals. If a combo meal is added containing non-revenue menu items, the POS generates an error message.

  • Non-revenue menu items can only be configured as condiments for non-revenue parent menu items. Non-revenue menu items cannot be configured as condiments (or combo meal sides) for conventional priced parent menu items, and vice versa. Incorrect configurations generate an error message.

  • For all workstation financial reports, the previously existing line Non Rev Svc has been changed to Non Rev Total. Non-revenue menu item sales are now posted on the Non Rev Total line on reports.


The existing Menu Item Sales and Menu Item Summary reports do not post non-revenue menu item sales totals. Two new workstation reports have been added to track such totals:
  • Non Revenue Menu Item Sales

  • Non Revenue Menu Item Summary

See Adding Non-Revenue Menu Items for more information.

See List of Workstation PMC Reports for more information.

For a description of non-revenue menu item changes in Reporting and Analytics, see the Oracle MICROS Enterprise Back Office Release Notes.

Android Point of Sale Client Requires Acceptance of End User License Agreement Terms

Upon initial start up, the End User License Agreement (EULA) terms must be agreed to before using the Android Simphony point of sale client.

Support to Allow Cash Drawer Use When Voiding a Tender on a Closed Check

You can configure the cash drawer to open when there is a tender on a closed check and a workstation operator performs a Void Closed Check or Void Closed Check From List function. For example, if a cash tender is configured to open the cash drawer, the cash drawer opens when a workstation operator voids a check which was closed to cash.

The new option 74 - Allow open of Cash Drawer when voiding a tender on a closed check in the Control Parameters module affects the cash drawer behavior.

See the following setup information in the Oracle MICROS Simphony Configuration Guide:

See Voiding a Closed Check for user information.

Support for Third Party Payment Service Providers to Distribute Simphony Software to Android Devices

You can use a third party Payment Service Provider (PSP) and its proprietary external Mobile Device Management (MDM) platform to distribute the Simphony software to Android devices. To accomplish this, an option has been added to the EMC in the Workstations module named 68 - Third Party Managed Device. Enabling this option allows a third party PSP to ensure the device’s CAPS and Service Host versions are compatible and in sync. When the option is enabled, if the device’s CAPS version does not match the Service Host version, the customer is prompted to upgrade (or downgrade) the Simphony application version on the device.

Option 68 is only available for use with the following POS workstation types:
  • 1 - Mobile

  • 2 - Workstation Client

  • 6 - Tablet Client

See Enabling a Third Party Mobile Device Management (MDM) to Distribute Simphony POS Client Software for more information.

Support for Optional Name Entry in OPERA Self Pay

OPERA Self Pay now supports the option for guests to validate a payment by entering only a room number during lookup, instead of using their last name and room number.

You can enable this option when configuring the OPERA Self Pay button in the Page Design module by entering NoGuestName in the text field.

See Configuring the OPERA Self Pay Button for more information.

Support for Reprinting Previous Checks Credit Card Voucher

Workstation operators can now reprint credit card vouchers from the most recent transaction using the Reprint Previous Credit Card Voucher function key.

See Reprinting a Credit Card Voucher for more information.

Support for Adjusting a Credit Card Payment on a Closed Check

Workstation operators can now adjust and refund a credit card payment from a closed check using the CCard Adjustment function key. This function eliminates the need for the consumer’s credit card to be present at the time of adjustment.

Adjusting a credit card payment on a closed check allows for operators to refund an existing credit card charge from a previous business date and also perform multiple partial refunds up to the full amount (including tips, but excluding cash back). All refunds will appear as a separate line item.

To enable this feature, you must create a Service Charges record named Adjustment Applied with the following options enabled:
  • 1 – Post to Charged Tips Total on Tip Reports

  • 7 – Non-Revenue Service Charge (No Post to Sales)

After creating the record, select Adjustment Applied as the Payment Adjustment Service Charge in Tender Parameters configuration.


Contact your payment service provider (PSP) to verify that they support adjusting credit card payments on closed checks. If they do not, then these types of transactions may be rejected.
See the following topics for more configuration information:

See Adjusting a Credit Card Payment for user information.

Support for Single Receipt Printing

Workstation operators can now print a single receipt that includes check and credit card details together. To accomplish this, an option has been added to the EMC in the Format Parameters module named 64 - Print Payment Card Details on Guest Check and Customer Receipts. Enabling this option allows the credit card voucher data to be included immediately after the tender media line on the guest check for the current tender media record. When this option is disabled, the credit card voucher prints at the time of tender. This option is disabled by default upon upgrade.

See Configuring Single Receipt Printing for more information.

Support for Configuring OPERA Self Pay and OPERA Package Display with the OPERA PMS Payment Driver

Two new fields have been added to the Opera Interface Properties section of Payment Drivers configuration to support the use of OPERA Self Pay and OPERA Package Display with the OPERA PMS Payment Driver.

The App Key field supports OPERA Package Display, while the Rest API Web Service field supports OPERA Self Pay.

See Configuring the OPERA PMS Payment Driver for more information.


Payment Data Detail Accessibility

Customers who do not use the Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service can now access and view payment details from Simphony, provided by partner payment service providers (PSPs) for system processing.

The following interfaces and tools have access to the data:
  • Extensibility

  • System Interface Module (SIM)

  • Reporting and Analytics - Business Intelligence API

  • Reporting and Analytics - Self-Service Imports

  • Reporting and Analytics - iQuery

  • Reporting and Analytics - Database Access Cloud Service

The data is accessible from the POS client using Extensibility (.NET) or the System Interface Module (SIM), and in Reporting and Analytics through the following features:
  • In Reporting and Analytics version 20.1 only:

    • BIAPI

    • Self Service Exports

    • Custom Report Writer

    • Database Access Cloud Service

  • In Reporting and Analytics versions 9.1 and 20.1:

    • Audit and Analysis (as check detail)

    • Reports that drill down to the check details

    • iQuery

    • A new payment processor data report

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Point-of-Sale Client Extension API Reference for more information.

Value Included in CardAlias Field of Payment Reports

Credit Card transactions posted through the Simphony Payment Interface (SPI) now include a value in the CardAlias field of the LOCATION_ACTIVITY_DB.NON_OPP_PAYMENT table (if sent by the payment service provider (PSP)) and the LOCATION_ACTIVITY_DB.OPP_PAYMENT table (if sent through Oracle MICROS Payment Cloud Service).

The purpose of the CardAlias value is to report all transactions performed by the same card, aiding in marketing and customer tracking efforts. This value is a representation of a credit card, and is not usable for payment transactions and cannot be reconstructed into the original primary account number (PAN).

Support for Reauthorizing Released Credit Card Authorizations

Workstation operators can now reauthorize a previously released credit card authorization on the same check. This allows operators to charge a card associated with an authorized transaction without needing to re-swipe a customers card.


There are several limitations for this feature, including:
  • It must be supported by the Payment Service Provider (PSP).

  • There is a limit to one credit card authorization per check.

  • The reauthorization must be performed on the same business day as the original authorization.

  • Using this feature may result in higher card processing fees for the merchant.

  • The reauthorization attempt may be rejected by the issuer, regardless of if the PSP supports the feature.

The Reauthorize released CC Authorization function key, configured in the Page Design module of EMC, allows users to use this feature. A new privilege called Authorize or Perform Reauthorization of released CC Authorization is assigned to specific workstations operators enabling them to perform the function.

See Configuring Reauthorization of Release Credit Card Authorizations for configuration information and Reauthorizing Released Credit Card Authorizations for user information.

Transaction Services

Support for Menu Item Price and Quantity Override

When a Transaction Services Gen 1 API call has quantity and price override, the system now calculates the price correctly when the following new options are enabled in the EMC:
  • 75 - Treat Menu Item Price Override as unit price in the RVC Parameters module

  • 29 - Treat Menu Item Price Override as unit price in the Employee Classes module

  • 29 - Treat Menu Item Price Override as unit price in the Employee Maintenance module

See Configuring Menu Item Price and Quantity Override for more information.