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Predefined functions in the system library

Predefined functions in the System Library




Clinical Functions


Calculates the Body-Mass Index, based on height and weight.



Calculates the body surface area.



Calculates the waist-to-hip ratio.

Clinical Validation Functions


Checks the format of the subject initials.

Date Manipulation Functions


Calculates a new date and time by adding an interval to or subtracting an interval from another date and time. The interval is based on a date part, for example, a number of days.



Compares two date times to determine whether the first date time is less than, equal to, or greater than the second date time.



Compares two date times to determine whether they are within a specified range of each other.



Returns the current date and time on the InForm server.



Returns the number of units between two specified dates, based on the requested date part.



Normalizes a date based on the specified template.



Normalizes UNKNOWN or EMPTY date time parts to the maximum values for those parts.

Date/Time, Float, Integer, or Text Array Comparison Functions

These functions take different parameters depending on the data type of the value to which you are comparing the values in the array.


Counts the number of occurrences of a specified value in an array.



Checks whether a specified value is greater than all values in an array.



Checks whether a specified value is greater than or equal to at least one of the values in an array.



Checks whether a specified value is equal to one of the values in an array.



Checks whether a specified value is less than all values in an array.



Checks whether a specified value is less than or equal to at least one of the values in an array.



Returns the screening number of the subject in the InForm application.



Returns the locale of the study site, such as en-US or ja-JP.



Returns the mnemonic (abbreviated site name, specified in the Admin area of the InForm application) for the site of the current subject.



Returns the current time at the data-entry site.



Returns the number of the subject in the InForm application.



Returns the name of the trial in the InForm application.



Returns the name of user who is currently logged in to the InForm application.



Returns a drug kit number based on the randomization type and the sequence and drug kit numbers stored in the randomization source database on the InForm host computer.

Rule Event Functions


Determines whether to send data to the InForm Publisher queue.

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