Runtime Parameters

The system generates the runtime Parameters in an Execution Setup from the input and input/output Parameters, their default values and other settings, defined in the executable object instance.

In the Runtime Parameters subtab the system displays each Parameter's default value (if any) and its Required flag setting. You can change the default setting that will appear in the submission screen by entering a value in the Parameter Value column.

If you want to view or change other settings, including Visible, Read Only, Required, and the validation method, click the Parameter's hyperlink. See Defining Variables and Parameters for further information.


If you add, remove, or modify Parameters in the executable object, when you install the object the system automatically upgrades its Execution Setups to reflect the change.

Predefined Runtime Parameters: Some object types have predefined runtime Parameters. In general, you should not change these Parameters in any way.

In particular, do not set values for the following Parameters in the Execution Setup:

  • In Oracle Load Sets, do not enter a remote location. This is a security risk. The user submitting the Load Set for execution must have his or her own remote location/connection, which requires a username and password on the external Oracle system, or proper security access to a shared connection.
  • In SAS and Text Load Sets, do not specify the file to be uploaded. The person submitting the Load Set for execution must enter a file name in the Server OS Filename parameter or the Data File Name parameter depending on whether Load From Server OS is Yes or No. The system uploads the file at the time that you specify it. If you specify it during Load Set or Execution Setup definition, the data in the file may be out of date by the time the user runs the Load Set.

Details about each predefined Parameter are included in the chapter about each object type: Setting Load Set Parameters and Setting Data Mart Parameter Values.