Agent Configuration Overview

Oracle Health Insurance Agent is a stateless component. It does not store data locally, nor does it depend on locally stored/available configuration data. This means that in order to do meaningful work Oracle Health Insurance Agent needs to get configuration from somewhere else. Besides a minimal set of command line parameters to start Oracle Health Insurance Agent application, this configuration is retrieved from Oracle Insurance Gateway. The Oracle Insurance Gateway exposes a collection of REST resources for this purpose.

Effectively, two top-level entities hold configuration data for an Agent. They are agent configuration subtypes and agent configuration integration. The combination of an agent configuration and agent configuration integration must be unique. You can configure multiple agent configurations for the same integration. For outbound scenarios, the agent expects a preset exchange property agentConfigCode at runtime. The property’s value is sent to the agent. This value helps the agent determine the OUT folder location where to store the outbound file. Without the exchange property being set, the agent cannot determine where to store the file, which results in a failed sign-off step in the Oracle Insurance Gateway.

Please note that when specific localization of the Oracle Insurance Gateway is applicable, there also might be a need for localization specific Agent Configuration. Please check the localization specific section of the documentation when applicable.

Agent Configuration

An Agent Configuration record holds a particular configuration item that Oracle Health Insurance Agent knows how to process and used to drive a particular component that operates on premises. The standard Agent Configuration types, which are provided by the default Oracle Insurance Gateway product are described in separate sections of this document.

Agent Configuration Integration

For every individual entry in Agent Configuration an association can be made with one or more integrations that actually need Oracle Health Insurance Agent interaction. This is called an Agent Configuration Integration.

Table 1. Agent Configuration Integration
Field Description


A reference to an Agent Configuration.


A reference to a configured Integration.

To run an agent that connects to different OIG instances from a single application, use the Dtangosol.coherence.cluster property to configure the cluster name.

Similarly,the Dtangosol.coherence.clusterport property changes the clusterport property name.

Following are the commands to use:

java -Dtangosol.coherence.clusterport=<post_number> \
-Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=ohi-agent-cache-config.xml \
-Dtangosol.coherence.cluster=ohi-agent \
-Dtangosol.coherence.log=slf4j \
-Dtangosol.coherence.log.level=3 \
-Dtangosol.coherence.mode=prod \
-jar ohi-agent.jar
Agent configuration does not include integration version. Agent can only invoke the highest-enabled integration version.