Frequently Asked Questions

Configuration and Run Time

  • What is the difference between system properties and exchange properties?

    Refer to the section "Integration Parameters and Exchange Properties" section in the Integrations page of the Configuration Guide.

  • How to configure a system property?

    Refer to section "System Property" chapter Integration in the Configuration Guide.

  • There is a configurable entity called exchange properties - what is its purpose?

    Refer to section "Exchange Properties" in the Operations Guide.

  • What is the relationship between Integration Parameters and Exchange Request Parameters?

    Oracle Insurance Gateway uses Integration Parameters configuration
    1) to set default values when the integration gets invoke using Oracle Insurance Gateway scheduler.
    2) to set up validation rules, that a certain parameter must be specified when the integration is invoked and
    3) for user interface invoke exchange page to show the list of applicable parameters when a user selects an integration to invoke.

    Exchange Request Parameters are name value pair submitted at the time of exchange invocation. If integration configuration specifies a parameter to be mandatory then it should present in the name value pair list.

    Exchange Request Parameters are then added to Exchange Properties.

    Refer to the section "Integration Parameters and Exchange Properties" section in the Integrations page of the Configuration Guide.

File Handling

  • How to set a filename for an file that is to be delivered?

    This is possible by initializing the output writer with the desired file name.

    def myoutputwriter = outputWriters
                         .getDataFileOutputWriter("sampledata.csv", "application/text")
  • How to set a filename for extract file?

    The filename of the file produced by the extra step is system generated, and it is not possible to configure it.

  • How to get the name of the uploaded file?

    The upload file’s filename can be accessed as follows

    trigger.dataFiles.each { df ->
        exchangeStep.addLogEntry( df.code ) // code of the data file is the filename


  • How can the properties from parent exchange be accessed in a sub exchange?

    Properties from parent exchange be accessed in a sub exchange by accessing

  • Can properties from a sub exchange be accessed back in the parent exchange ?

    It is not possible to access properties of a sub exchange in the parent exchange

  • The Output Name (binding) from parent exchange can they be accessed in the sub exchange dynamic logic?

    It is not possible to access the Output Name from parent exchange in the sub exchange dynamic logic. Similarly, Output Name bindings from sub exchange are not accessing in the dynamic logic of the parent exchange.

Logging and Auditing

  • How can a user produce logging statements from dynamic logic?

    By calling addLogEntry method on exchageStep bind variable. For more details refer to chapter Predefined Methods in the implementation guide.

  • What all information gets logged as Log lines by Oracle Insurance Gateway?

    An exception encountered during execution of exchange gets logged by Oracle Insurance Gateway as system log.

    When the setting auto download on invoke activity or invoke process step is set to true, then the messages returned by activity processing or a long-running process also get logged as system logs.


  • Is there a fixed name for a property that is used to notify back to Oracle Insurance Gateway when the extract is ready or when an activity/process has concluded?

    It is not a single property. The property that is required to be set, depends on the use case at hand. All the asynchronous processes in Oracle Health Insurance allow for an outbound message - notification - when the process gets concluded. The documentation of the process includes more details on configuring this outbound message. This outbound endpoint must be configured to reach to Oracle Insurance Gateway.

    The table below list the possible use cases and the details to loop up notification endpoint configuration.

    Table 1. Notifications
    Use Case Notification Property to be Set in the Oracle Health Insurance Application


    Refer to the Extract Integration Point in the Oracle Health Insurance application’s Developer Guide.


    Refer to the Activity Integration Point in the Oracle Health Insurance application’s Developer Guide

    Long Running Processes

    A log running process may have its own notification endpoint. For details refer to the specific long running process documentation

    Submit Claims

    By configuring claim events for end statuses. Claim event endpoint property is configured to Oracle Insurance Gateway notification custom endpoint. For details refer to Claims Events Integration Points in the Claims Developer Guide.

    Submit Policy/ Submit Group

    By configuring message rules on policy/group status. The Oracle Health Insurance Connector Configuration must send the "message" to Oracle Insurance Gateway notification custom endpoint. For details refer to the Policy System Administration Guide - Change Event Rules and Oracle Health Insurance Connector Configuration in the Policy Configuration Guide.

  • The long-running process concludes, however exchange continues to be in the waiting status for much longer. But eventually resumes after a delay. Why is the delay?

    Check the notification configuration. It is possible that exchange is not getting resumed through notification, but is getting Timeout while waiting for the notification. When this happens Oracle Insurance Gateway polls the long-running process to check on the status, if the process has concluded, the exchange is resumed. This may cause additional delays.

  • Data files links in the notification response are not correct, Oracle Insurance Gateway cannot download messages or datafiles from Oracle Health Insurance applications. What could be wrong?

    Check 'ohi.<application identifier>.application.baseurl' property in the Oracle Health Insurance application. This should typically include the machine or load balancer, the domain and a port number. Also, this property must be set and any changes to this property require a server restart. Refer to Property Management for more information on setting a property.

    Additionally, also check 'ohi.http.api.path', this is typically the context root for the Oracle Health Insurance application, for example, typically API, but can be on the load-balances so, claims-ws/api.

Event Handling

  • How to only pick up events that are not yet handled?

    This is possible by using readUnhandledEvents() predefined method. For details refer to Predefined Methods section in the Dynamic Logic chapter.

  • How to manually set an event to 'handled' for an integration. Can a user set an event to handled for an integration?

    Events are marked as handled by the Oracle Insurance Gateway framework when they are read by the dynamic logic using predefined defined Event Consumption Methods. No there is no other way to update handled events. For details refer to Predefined Methods section in the Dynamic Logic chapter.


  • Can an agent read from/write to multiple in/out folders?

    An agent can read from only one folder and write to only one folder.


  • Can exchanges and events be purged?

    Yes, it is possible to purge exchanges and events - refer to Purge Exchange Integration Point in the Developer Guide.