Event Store Integration Point

This integration point provides the ability to store opaque events from applications. Events can be consumed from within an exchange (step) in dynamic logic code in the Gateway using pre defined dynamic logic methods.

The operations are protected by the HTTP API access restriction 'eventstore IP'.

The endpoint is available at the following location:




Event Store Invocation

event relaying in OIG.drawio

To store an event a path parameter is necessary.

  • eventType: This is the event type. There are no restrictions on what it should contain. The event type can be considered a topic under which specific events are stored and can be read. Reading events of a particular event type is done through dynamic logic event consumption methods.

The Event Store Integration Point also exposes a HTTP PUT operation on <tt>/events</tt>. It is added for backward compatibility reasons. This behaves the same way as HTTP POST. The preferred way to invoke the event store is through HTTP POST.

Payloads received on this endpoint are stored in the database along with the event type and the event time. These can be later consumed in an integration invocation using predefined methods. Please see Dynamic Logic Predefined Methods section for more details on how the events can be consumed.


The integration point returns HTTP status codes as defined in the Developer Guide in section Response Messages. Successful creation of event returns HTTP 201 (Created) along with the Location header of the event, like is shown below.
