External Callout

Dynamic logic configured for integration steps can perform callouts. From a configuration perspective this leverages the information that is contained in a Destination record. Effectively the attributes addressKey and credentialKey are used. Then from a piece of Groovy dynamic logic, one can initialize a callout by invoking the webTarget predefined method. This method takes the identifying code of a configured destination as input, returning a JAX-RS WebTarget instance. This WebTarget instance can then be used to further construct the actual callout.

WebTarget and Configuration Elements

As mentioned in the introduction there are two specific elements of a Destination configuration that are of importance for callouts.

  • addressKey

This holds a value for which Oracle Health Insurance System Property needs to be defined, that specifies the base segment of the URI from which a complete address is to be formulated.

As an example, say the value is configured to be "address.key.policies.application", there needs to be Oracle Health Insurance System Property defined at runtime that maps this key (for example, a property value of URI upto context root:). Please note, for Oracle Health Insurance applications, the URL value should be at least till the context root of the application.

  • credentialKey

This holds a value that is used to obtain a cached JAX-RS client for which an applicable authentication mechanism is activated. In case the configured destination does not specify a value for this credentialKey, this means that no authentication mechanism is used for the callout. On the other hand when a value is specified, an authentication mechanism is set up that matches the Oracle Health Insurance System Property value that is defined for: "ohi.service.<credentialKey>.client.authentication".

Traversing Location Header Through WebTarget

Using a webTarget in a POST action to create a resource, a system responds with a HTTP Response code of 201 (Created) and sends back a Location header of that new resource. Now if to traverse that Location header link whilst leveraging destination (and credential information), use the overloaded webTarget function of webTarget(<destination code>, <location header>). When invoking this function the system will check whether the presented location header matches the base URL that is referenced by the Destination Code. When these match, returns a new WebTarget. If not, returns a NULL.


This section provides some examples about the external callout mechanism.

These examples highlight the mechanism and protocol that is currently provided for by default by this module; JAX-RS Client API.
  1. Issuing a GET request to a configured destination having the code "destination_remote".
    The URL has an additional path parameters abc.
    The response is a xml.
    The example uses XMLSlurper to parse the response and sets the result on 'a' field of a policy object.
    The response is:

    <root someField="someValue"/>
       String response = webTarget("destination_remote")
       def result = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response)
       policy.someField = result.@someField
  2. Issuing a GET request to a configured destination having the code "destination_remote".
    The URL specifies a query parameter "code" as an input.
    The response is the same query parameter value.

       result = webTarget("destination_remote")
  3. Issuing a GET request to a configured destination having the code "destination_remote".
    The URL specifies a header parameter.

        result = webTarget("destination_remote")
  4. Issuing a PUT/POST request to a configured destination having the code "destination_remote".
    It takes in XML as an input.
    This example sets the response as is on 'a' field of a policy object.

       def writer = new StringWriter()
       def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
       xml.ServiceCategoryRequest(version:4) {
          policyCode( policy.code )
          someField ( policy.someField )
       String response = webTarget("destination_remote")
       policy.calloutField = response.toString()
  5. Using a returned Location header from a WebTarget POST operation.

       newResourceLocation = webTarget("destination_remote")
                              .buildPost(Entity.text("Hello World!"))
       newResourceLocationData = webTarget("destination_remote", newResourceLocation)
  6. Issuing a PATCH request to a configured destination having the code "destination_remote".
    It takes in XML as an input.
    This example sets the response as is on 'a' field of a policy object.

      def writer = new StringWriter()
      def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
      xml.ServiceCategoryRequest(version:4) {
          policyCode( policy.code )
          someField ( policy.someField )
      String response = webTarget("destination_remote")
                        .header("Accept", "application/xml")
                        .build("PATCH", Entity.xml(writer.toString()))
      policy.calloutField = response.toString()