Bulk Update

This activity runs at two levels, the global and the policy level. The bulk update activity at global level is the only level for this activity that is started by a user; the bulk update activities at policy level are automatically started by the system itself. The user can control the scope and outcome of the update by selecting values for the activity parameters or specifying the properties on the Bulk Update Definition.

Controlling the Scope of the Update

Activity Parameters

Bulk Update Definition (mandatory)

The bulk update only picks up policies fulfilling all the specified conditions on the bulk update definition (mandatory).
See the section Bulk Update Definition Scope in this document for the conditions specified on the bulk update definition.

Brand (optional)

If specified, the bulk update only picks up policies for that brand. If not specified, then the bulk update picks up policies for any brand.

Group Client (optional)

If specified, the bulk update only picks up policies for group account(s) in the specified group client.

Group Account (optional)

If specified, the bulk update only picks up policies for that group account. If not, then the bulk update picks up policies from any account.
If the value unspecified is keyed in (it is not available in the pick list), the bulk update only picks up individual policies. Specifying a group client in combination with a group account value unspecified will result in no policies selected.
Specifying a group client in combination with a group account that is not part of the group client will also result in no policies selected.

Reference Date (optional)

All the checks on a policy that are time valid are checked on their validity as per this reference date.
It is important to note that the reference date can be set in the past and hence past policies can be picked up for bulk update. However, the execution of bulk update will only happen on the last version of the policy, that is, the present state of the policy.
If this parameter is left empty, the activity uses the reference Date from the Bulk Update Definition.

Indicator Submit After Update

If checked, the global update activity starts a global submit activity at the end of the activity.

Named-Pairs parameter (optional)

This parameter can hold combinations of a named parameter and the value assigned to it. These parameter-value combinations can be used in the bulk update condition and bulk update function dynamic logic functions.
For example: name0;value0; name1;value1; etc. If used, the parameter must hold a ';' as seperator between the name and value.

Enrollment File Name (optional)

This parameter is used to scope the bulk update to all policy versions that were included in the file.

If more than one of the above parameter is specified, the activity only picks up policies that apply to all specified parameters.

Bulk Update Definition Scope Properties

Reference Date

same as the activity parameter reference date. If that parameter is emtpy, the system uses the reference date on the bulk update definition.

If not specified, the current system date is taken as the reference date.

Policy Status

If specified, then policies whose last version is in the given status are picked up. If not specified policies whose last version is in any status except Canceled are picked up.


If specified, then the policies that have the specified broker valid on the reference date are picked up else no condition is applied on the broker.


If specified, then the policies that have the specified agent valid on the reference date are picked up else no condition is applied on the agent.

Enrollment Product

If specified, then the policies that have a policy enrollment for the specified enrollment product valid on the reference date are picked up else the policies that have at least one policy enrollment valid on the reference date are picked up.

Indicator Reapply

If unchecked, then only policies that have not applied the bulk update definition previously as per the bulk update history are picked up for this activity.
If checked, then no condition is applied on the history.

Indicator Ignore Bulk Update

If checked, then only policies that have not set the indicator to ignore bulk update are picked up for this activity.
If unchecked, then no condition is applied on the indicator to ignore bulk update on the policy.

Contract Expiration Period

If specified, then policies that are contractual and whose contracts are about to end in X days/months/years are picked up.
If not specified, then no condition is applied on the contract.

For each of the eligible policies, this activity starts a new Bulk Update Per Policy activity.

Controlling the Outcome of the Update

Bulk Update Definition Outcome Properties

Version Status After Update

This parameter controls the version and the status of Approved policies after the update. It has three allowed values:

  • New Edit (default choice)
    The update creates a new version of the policy and sets the status to Edit.
    Typically used for updates that require (re-)validation of the policy.

  • Keep Version
    The update does not create a new version, the status of the approved policy stays Approved.
    Typically used when the bulk update checks on business events. The update activity does not update the policy but creates a policy enrollment event. For example a member reaching the age of 26.

  • New Approved
    The update creates a new version of the policy and sets the status of that version to Approved (without submitting it).
    Typically used when the update needs to be create a new version of the policy but the applied change is not expected to have any impact on the policy validation.

Note that this property only applies for Policies with status Approved.

Indicator Apply Change Event Rules

If checked, the bulk update creates change events according to the specified change event rules. If unchecked, the update does not create change events

Indicator Automatically Create Bulk Update History

If checked, the bulk update creates a bulk update history record for every bulk update activity started at policy level. If unchecked the bulk update only creates bulk update history if specified in the dynamic logic function.


The following messages can occur during this activity:

Code Sev Message Text



Bulk update definition code {code} is unknown or is disabled



Brand code {code} is unknown



Group account code {code} is unknown



Group client code {code} is unknown



Enrollment file {name} is unknown