Schedule Definitions

A schedule definition specifies the different dimensions (columns) in a premium schedule, add-on premium schedule, adjustment type, group adjustment type, surcharge type or fee schedule.

Schedule Definition

A schedule definition has the following fields:


The functional identifier of the schedule definition.


The description of the schedule definition.


The type of the schedule definition; the options are (1) Premium, (2) Policy Based Premium, (3) Adjustment, (4) Group Adjustment, (5) Surcharge or (6) Fee.

The type cannot be modified if the schedule definition is used by a premium schedule, add-on premium schedule, fee schedule, adjustment rule, group adjustment rule or surcharge rule (POL-SCDE-001).

Surcharge Rule Evaluation

The way the system evaluates surcharge rules; the options are (1) On Premium or (2) After Adjustment.
Must and may only be specified if the type is Surcharge (POL-SCDE-006).

Premium Scope

The premium scope of the adjustment; the options are (1) Product, (2) Add-on or (3) Total.
Must and may only be specified if the type is Adjustment or Group Adjustment (POL-SCDE-002).

Premium Schedule Type (scoped on)

The premium schedule type that the adjustment is scoped on; if left unspecified the adjustment applies to premium schedules of all premium schedule types.
May only be specified on schedule definitions of type Adjustment with a premium scope Product, and on schedule definitions of type Surcharges with a surcharge rule evaluation Premium (POL-SCDE-004).

Add-On (scoped on)

The add-on that the adjustment is scoped on; if left unspecified the adjustment applies to all add-ons.
May only be specified if the premium scope is Add-on (POL-SCDE-005).


Is the surcharge distributed across the applicable components (products, add-ons and adjustments)?
Must and may only be specified if the type is Surcharge (POL-SCDE-003).

Schedule Condition

An optional dynamic logic condition that can be used to determine whether the premium schedule, adjustment or surcharge using the definition should be applied to a policy enrollment product during premium calculation.
May only be specified if the type is Premium, Policy Based Premium, Adjustment, Group Adjustment or Surcharge (POL-SCDE-008).

Line/Rule Evaluation Condition

An optional dynamic logic condition that can be used to customize the evaluation for the premium schedule lines, adjustment rules, surcharge rules or fee schedule lines based on this schedule definition.


Any premium schedule, adjustment rule, surcharge rule or fee schedule based on a disabled schedule definition is ignored during premium calculation or fee generation.

In Scope (for) Percentage Commission?

When set to Yes the schedule definition is considered as an input to compute the base amount on which the percentage commission is applied.
May only be specified if the type is Adjustment, Group Adjustment or Surcharge (POL-SCDE-007). For premiums the 'In Scope for Percentage Commission' can be set on the premium schedule.

Reference Date Field Name

The name (as in the object model) of a date field on the policy calculation period that is used as the reference date to determine the schedule value during premium calculation. This is only applicable for the premium calculation using policy calculation period.

Fatal If Line Not Found?

Should a fatal message be raised if no line is found for the schedule during calculation?


Premium schedules can be extended with single value dynamic fields.

Schedule Dimension

A schedule definition consists out of zero, one or more schedule dimensions. Each dimension represents a column. A schedule dimension has the following fields:

Schedule Definition

The schedule definition to which this schedule dimension belongs.

Field Name

The unique name of this column within a schedule definition (used in dynamic logic).

Display Name

The name of the dimension when displayed in the user interface.

Display Sequence

The placement of the column (from left to right) in the user interface.

Display Length

The width of the column in the user interface (in pixel).


Does this column show (1) a single Value field or (2) two fields to capture a Range of values?

When a schedule dimension is configured as a range, "Display Name" From and "Display Name" To columns are available in the lines and rules.


The kind of values that can be set in this column. The options are (1) Parameter (2) Dynamic Field or (3) Generic.
The option Parameter is not allowed for schedule definitions of type Fee (POL-SCDI-006).


The datatype of the column. The options are (1) Amount, (2) Char, (3) Date or (4) Number.
The datatype is mandatory for dimensions of type Generic (POL-SCDI-004). It is a derived field for dimensions of type Parameter and Dynamic Field.


The Parameter Aliases that is represented by the column.
The parameter must and may only be specified for schedule dimensions of type parameter (POL-SCDI-001)

Dynamic Field Usage

The dynamic field that is represented by the column.
The dynamic field usage must and may only be specified for schedule dimensions of type dynamic field and the specified usage may not refer to a dynamic record definition or flex code set (POL-SCDI-002).

For dimensions of the type dynamic field, the dynamic fields on the following records can be chosen:

  • Enrollment Product (not allowed for schedule definitions of type Fee)

  • Fee Definition (only allowed for schedule definitions of type Fee)

  • Group Client

  • Group Account

  • Group Account Product (not allowed for schedule definitions of type Fee)

  • Policy

  • Collection Setting

  • Policy Calculation Period

  • Policy Enrollment

  • Policy Enrollment Product (not allowed for schedule definitions of type Fee)

  • Policyholder

  • Relation

  • Relation Address

  • Insurable Object1…​10.
    Insurable Object1…​10 are the insurable object types configured in the system, for example, 'Car', 'House'.

Schedule dimensions of type dynamic field for entities nrollment Product, Policy Enrollment Product and Group Account Product are not allowed for schedule definitions of type fee, and schedule dimensions of type dynamic field for entity Fee Definition are only allowed for schedule definitions of type fee (POL-SCDI-006).

Schedule Dimension Values

A schedule dimension value stores the value of the configured schedule dimensions. It has the following fields:

Schedule Dimension

The schedule dimension to which the value belongs to

Premium Schedule Line, Adjustment Rule, Fee Schedule Line

The reference to a a premium schedule line, adjustment rule, or fee schedule line

Value Character From, Value Date From, Value Nr From, Value Amount From

The value of the dimension. If the dimension usage is Value , this is the exact matching value. If the dimension usage is Range , this is the lowest value. Which field is filled depends on the schedule dimension’s data type.

Value Character To, Value Date To, Value Nr To, Value Amount To

The highest value of the dimension if the schedule dimension is of usage Range. Which of the four fields is filled depends on the schedule dimension’s data type.

Parameter Aliases

A parameter alias is the business name for a specific calculation parameter that can be associated with, for exmample, an adjustment rule. Examples are the 'Office visit copayment' and the 'Member Deductible'.

A Schedule Dimension of the type parameter has to refer to one of these parameter aliases. The same list of parameter aliases is available on an enrollment product in the context of a policy.

During premium calculation, the parameter values listed in the rules and premium schedule lines are compared to the values set on the person’s enrolled products in order to determine if the rule or line applies. The same applies for values listed in fee schedule lines during fee generation.

A parameter alias has the following fields:


The functional identifier of the parameter alias

Display Name

The name of the parameter when displayed in the user interface.

Display Sequence

The order in which parameter aliases are shown in the user interface.


The type of value (amount, number, percentage or service days,


The currency of the parameter value. The currency is required for parameter aliases of type amount and not allowed for other types (POL-PARV-001).