
A bulk update enables doing an update on a set of policies in one go.

Some examples of such updates are renewing policies, changing the enrolled product(s) for a group of members to another product, changing the broker or agent for a group of policies, setting/changing the values of dynamic fields on the policy or its sub-levels.

Bulk Update Definition contain the conditions that are to be fulfilled by a policy to become eligible for an update. They also contain the update logic to be applied on the policy if it fulfills all the defined conditions.

Bulk update definitions can also be used to check on timed events, that is, check if a date on the policy or one of its details is equal to a specified date. For example, check if any of the enrolled members on the policy has turned 26 on the reference date. As a result the bulk update could, for example, create a business event.

The Bulk Update activity checks the condition and performs the update.