Display Purchase Order Item

Purpose: Use the Display Purchase Order Item window to review additional details about an item on a purchase order.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the display icon.) in the Display column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Purchase Order Inquiry authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
review the next item

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next item.

review the previous item

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous item.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item.

Item #

The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Vendor Item #

The vendor’s item number or code. The vendor’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap. From the order_line_gift_wrap setting in the CreateDSOrder message.

Line Status

The current status of the item on the purchase order. Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: You have canceled the line.

    Held: The vendor has held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. The vendor might put a line on hold if the vendor cannot fulfill it, and is requesting that you cancel the line. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation or to be sent to an integrated vendor; or, if the purchase order line was already in process, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if the vendor uses the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.

  • In Process: The vendor has generated pack slips for the entire purchase order or the line, or sent the purchase order to the vendor’s system (and the batch was acknowledged, if required) if it is an integrated vendor.

  • New Order: The vendor has received the purchase order, but has not yet generated pack slips for the entire purchase order or the line; or, in the case of an integrated vendor, the vendor has not yet received the purchase order or required acknowledgment, if required.

  • Shipped: The vendor has confirmed shipment of the line.

Note: The line status is different from the Order Status if the purchase order has more than one line, and the lines have different statuses. See the Order Status for more information.

Original Due Date

The due date that was specified for the line. From the po_line_due_date in the CreateDSOrder message. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.

Revised Due Date

The current due date for the line, if the vendor has entered a different due date. If the vendor has revised the due date more than once, the most recently entered due date is displayed. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.

When the vendor revises the due date, the vendor also needs to enter a Reason Description.

Reason Description

The reason for a change to the line on the purchase order. When the vendor revises the due date, the vendor also needs to enter a reason description. The vendor can also enter a reason description when changing a line’s hold status, or for any other reason.

Ordered Qty

The original ordered quantity of the line. From the po_qty_ordered in the CreateDSOrder message.

Shipped Qty

The total quantity of the line for which the vendor has confirmed shipment.

Cancelled Qty

The total quantity of the line that you have cancelled.

Invoiced Qty

The total quantity that has been included on an invoice. See the Invoices tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure. From the vendor_uom_code in the CreateDSOrder message. Informational only.

Unit Price

The vendor’s single-unit price for the item. Rounded to 2 decimal positions (for example, a price of $1.3456 is rounded to $1.35). The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order. From the vendor_unit_price in the CreateDSOrder message.

Ext. Price

The extended price for the item, calculated by multiplying the Ordered Qty * the Unit Price. Rounded to 2 decimal positions. The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

UPC Code

The item’s UPC code, if any. From the item_upc_cd in the CreateDSOrder message.

EAN Code

The item’s EAN code, if any. From the item_ean_cd in the CreateDSOrder message.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the line changed. Format is based on the settings at the User Profile Configuration screen.