15 Glossary

Field Definition
admin user

A user with full authority to all Order Broker screens, including the Tenant-Admin screen, which includes configuration options related to application administration. This is the user created at installation. You cannot delete this user.

allow list

A list of URLs that are approved for communication. Retailers need to make sure that Oracle staff include all URLs, such as logos and those used for integrations, are on the allow list for Order Broker. URLs that need to be on the allow list include:


Customer data in Order Broker can be anonymized (changed to asterisks) through either the Completed Order Private Data Purge job or through web service requests.

Vendor and user data can be anonymized through web service requests.

The types of personal data that can be anonymized are:

  • customer names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers (sold-to and ship-to) on sales orders and purchase orders
  • vendor names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers
  • Order Broker user names and email addresses
  • Vendor user names and email addresses
  • Store Connect associate names and email addresses
  • Brand contact names and email addresses

Once data has been anonymized, it cannot be recovered. See Anonymizing Data for an overview, and see the Operations Guide for more information on using web service requests to inquire on private data and anonymize it.


Product location attributes: Key metrics for product locations. Possible attributes are Daily Sell Through Quantity, Sell Quantity/Multiple, Minimum Sell Quantity, Shrink Rate %, and Sales Velocity.

Probability rules can use product location attributes as part of their calculations. For example, you might want to set up a probability rule that specifies to reduce the available quantity displayed in locate items search results by the daily sell-through quantity for a location in an offline system.

Custom attribute definitions: You can define custom attributes and assign them to locations, or to locations and products, to filter eligible locations when routing orders. See the Attribute Definitions screen for setup information, and see Using Attribute Rules for Delivery and Pickup Orders or Using Attribute Rules for Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background.

auto-cancel unclaimed orders job

Cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders whose Pickup By Date has passed, based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job uses a Schedule Interval of Daily, and runs at the specified Time. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

availability update request

An inbound message to increase, decrease, or reset the current available quantity for a product location without using the import process. See the Operations Guide for more information.

available to promise quantity

The available quantity from the product location minus the reserved quantity and any stc_fulfilled_quantity (displayed on the Product Location screen as the Fulfilled Quantity).


A retail brand associated with an organization to identify the organization to customers receiving drop shipments. The brand logo prints on the pack slip and pullsheet when the vendor generates these PDF documents.

Each organization using the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module must have at least one brand.


The dimensions of a box used to ship one or more items using an integrated shipping system. You can define whether the box is available in the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, Store Connect module, or both. The dimensions of the box used with each shipment is required for all delivery orders and purchase orders using an integrated shipping system.


A mathematical expression that you can include in a probability rule. For example, you might include a calculation such as Next PO Quantity Minus [-] Daily Sell Through in a probability rule.

Created how? You can create and work with calculations at the Calculations window. See that window for more information.


A ship via that your vendors use to deliver drop ship orders to customers or that a store associate can use to confirm shipment of delivery orders in Store Connect. Required for all sales orders and purchase orders.


See location category.

conflicting job

Any of the following jobs, which cannot be run at the same time:


The message submitted by the retailer to create a new purchase order in Order Broker and assign the purchase order to a vendor.


The message submitted by the retailer to create a new vendor in Order Broker, or to update an existing vendor.

CSV file

A comma-separated file.

Order Broker:

Supplier Direct Fulfillment:

  • Pack slip: When the vendor uses the Vendor Portal to generate pack slips for purchase orders, the vendor can generate a CSV file containing the pack slip information, either instead of or in addition to a PDF file.
  • Shipment upload: The vendor can use a CSV file to confirm shipments of purchase orders.
  • Invoice upload: The vendor can use a CSV file to create invoices.
daily cleanup job

The Daily Clean Up job clears outdated information, including:

  • Pack slip records generated through the Vendor Portal, after the number of days specified in the Pack Slip Files field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Reports, after the number of days specified in the File Storage field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • File storage records, after the number of days specified in the File Storage field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Job history records which are older than the Job History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

  • Pack slip records generated through Store Connect, after one day.
  • Shipping label records generated for integrated shipping with ADSI, in either the Vendor Portal or Store Connect, after one day.
  • Email notification records, after three days.
  • Product import error files or error records in the FILE_STORAGE table, after the number of days specified in the Product Import Error Files field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Records in the RICS_LOG table of messages between Order Broker and Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS), based on the number of days specified in the RICS Log History field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen. RICS log records whose Retry Status is Failed are not eligible to be purged.
  • Shopping logic trace records for closed, completed, canceled, and unfulfillable orders when the records are older than the number of days specified in the Trace Log History field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen, if shopping logic tracing is enabled; see Trace Shopping Log for background.
  • Audit records for audited tables that have exceeded the audit retention days specified in the CTL_APP_CONFIG table in the database. The retention days is set 183 days (6 months) by default, and is not displayed on any screen. The audited tables include Preferences, Preference Overrides, Drop Ship Preferences, Job Schedule, System, and Web Service Users.
  • Records in the XOM_ITEM_DUPLICATE table that are older than 180 days. This table contains a record for each order line that was not created in Order Broker because a duplicate was found. Duplicate records are retained for 180 days for troubleshooting by Oracle Support.

  • Records in the XOM_ITEM_DUP_CHECK table that are older than 2 days. This table contains a record of each submitted order, which is used temporarily only for the duplicate checking process before order creation.

The Daily Clean Up job does not clear logs.

This job uses a Schedule Interval of Daily, and runs at the specified Time.

See the Tenant-Admin screen for information on Retention Settings fields. See the Schedule Jobs screen for details and a complete list of updates.

default Store Connect system

The system that is available for order processing through the Store Connect module. There can be only one Store Connect default system in an organization. Defined by the Store Connect Default flag at the System screen. This flag controls whether:

  • you can assign store associate user profiles to the locations associated with the system, so they can log in and process orders through the Store Connect screens
  • to include the locations for the system in the settings you set up through the Store Connect Preferences screen, such as the schedule to update assigned orders from New Order to Polled status
  • to generate an email notification to the store when new orders are polled
  • to generate pickup-ready notification emails for pickup orders or shipment notification emails for shipped delivery orders
  • to track the Fulfilled Quantity for each product location, and reduce this quantity when you run the inventory export
default system

The primary system for a organization. Products in Order Broker can have relationships with every integrated system, but they are defined by the default system. You should load the Order Broker database with the default system’s products first, and then create system products for each additional integrated system.

Created how? A default system is identified by the Default flag at the Systems screen. You set this flag by selecting the Organization Default checkbox at the System screen.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including systems.

default unfulfillable location

The location where the Routing Engine assigns an order if it is unable to find an actual location to fulfill or source the order or line. The Routing Engine uses the Order Broker Settings Tab at the Preferences screen, or overrides specified through the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen, to determine which locations to select to fulfill or source an order or line, and the Search Retries setting at this screen to determine the number of times to reassign an order or its individual lines after rejection by a fulfilling or sourcing location.

default vendor system

The system within an organization that is associated with any vendors. Order Broker identifies the default vendor system by the Vendor Default flag.

Required to create vendors: You cannot create a vendor for an organization until you create the default vendor system. This system should not represent an actual system that integrates with Order Broker.

No additional information required: It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the default vendor system besides entering the Name and selecting the Vendor Default flag.

Only one default per organization: There can be only one default vendor system for an organization. If you select the Vendor Default flag for an additional system, the flag is cleared for the current default vendor system.

Automatically creates vendor location type: When you create the default vendor system, Order Broker automatically creates a the DS Vendor location type. This location type is also required to create vendors. You should not delete this location type.

delivery order

An order to be shipped to the customer from one or more locations selected by the Routing Engine or specified in the submit order message. See Delivery Order for more information.

Delivery orders are supported regardless of whether ship-for-pickup orders are enabled.

discovery messages

The discovery web services provide a means to request a listing of systems or locations from Order Broker. See the Operations Guide for more information.

DS Vendor location type

The location type identifying drop ship vendors. Order Broker automatically creates this location type when you create the default vendor system for your organization. This location type is required for you to create drop ship vendors.

Identifying the DS Vendor location type: Order Broker creates this location type with:

  • Type = DS Vendor
  • Name = Drop Ship Vendors
  • Category = Drop Ship Vendor


Important: You should not delete this location type.
File Storage API

The File Storage API is a RESTful web service that supports importing and exporting data: uploads, downloads, deletions, and inquiries.

The FILE_STORAGE table stores data on import files and export files, as well as errors that occur during import processing. The web service requests files from, inquires on files in, deletes files in, and puts files in this table.

For more information: See File Storage API for Imports and Exports for a discussion.

fulfilling location

The location (warehouse or store):

  • pickup order: where the customer is picking up the order
  • delivery order: that is shipping the order or lines to the customer
  • An integrated system might use the term “fulfilling location” differently.
fulfillments message

A message sent to the Routing Engine from a location or system, requesting information on any orders or lines assigned to the location, or locations associated with the system, for fulfillment or sourcing. See The Routing Engine for an overview.


The message submitted by the retailer to request a listing of purchase order activity since the last getDSChanges request was processed. The response message includes information on activities such as status changes and shipments. Part of the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.


The message submitted by the retailer to request details on any invoices posted by the vendor since the last getDSInvoices request was processed. Part of the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.


The message submitted by an integrated vendor to request new purchase orders. See Vendor Integration for background, and see the Vendor Integration Guide for details.


The message submitted by an integrated vendor to confirm shipment of a purchase order. See Vendor Integration for background, and see the Vendor Integration Guide for details.

grouping shipment locations

The Group Shipment Locations setting at the Preferences screen controls how the locate items response works for delivery or ship-for-pickup requests:

  • If the Group Shipment Locations preference is unselected, the response message lists locations where the available quantity should be able to fulfill or source the order.
  • If the Group Shipment Locations preference is selected, the Routing Engine uses the same logic as when the preference is unselected; however, the response does not include details on each location that can fulfill or source the order. Instead, the response just includes the virtual (non-existent) location, indicating that the order can be fulfilled or sourced through the Routing Engine.

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order for a discussion.


Order Broker uses IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) for authentication.

Setting up users for IDCS or OCI IAM: Before setting up users in Order Broker, you need to create users in IDCS or OCI IAM, including the current email address for each user. The first time users attempt to log into Order Broker, they can use the Can’t log in? link at the login screen to reset their passwords. IDCS or OCI IAM generates an email to the user’s email address, providing a link for password reset. The user can reset the password as needed through the Can’t log in? link.

If the user ID in Order Broker is not the same as the user in IDCS or OCI IAM, you can use the Cloud Service User ID field to create a cross-reference between the Order Broker user record and the IDCS or OCI IAM user record. You might use this option if, for example, you use the user’s email address as the user ID in IDCS or OCI IAM. This option is available only for Order Broker users and Store Connect users.

IDCS or OCI IAM control authentication for:

  • Access to the Order Broker user interface
  • Access to the Vendor Portal (vendor users)
  • Access to the Store Connect interface (Store Connect users)
  • Web Service authentication (web service users)

For more information: See Import users from IDCS or OCI IAM for background.

Note: IDCS or OCI IAM control authentication only, and do not control role-based authority within Order Broker. See the Role Wizard for more information on setting authority.

import ID

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a product and product location import. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview. Part of the Routing Engine module.

import process

A process to import new or updated locations, products and system products, product locations, and product barcodes from an integrated system into Order Broker for the Routing Engine. In order to import, you need to use the Schedule Jobs screen to schedule regular imports of new or updated products and product locations, or to run the import on demand.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for background.

IN PROCESS location

The temporary virtual location where the Order Broker assigns delivery orders, or the sourcing location for ship-for-pickup orders, at initial creation before selecting an actual fulfilling or sourcing location, if no fulfilling or sourcing location is specified in the submit order request.

This location is created automatically, and:

  • is assigned to the organization’s default system
  • is assigned to the same location type as the organization’s Default Unfulfillable Location
  • has all Fulfillment settings at the Preferences screen (Pickup Available, Delivery Available, Backorder Available, Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available, Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available) set to No

Used only if the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference is selected.

integrated vendor

A vendor who uses XML and JSON messages, rather than Vendor Portal screens, to receive purchase orders and confirm shipments. See Vendor Integration for an overview, and the Vendor Integration Guide for details.

intransit message

Web service request and response used to notify pickup locations of any ship-for-pickup orders that are in transit from the sourcing location.

intransit polled order

An order that has been transferred from the sourcing location to the pickup location, and the pickup location or system has been notified through the intransit message.

inventory inquiry

A request for product availability sent by Order Broker to an online system, in order to respond to a locate items request or product availability search.

For more information: See The Routing Engine for a process overview.

inventory level type

The Type for a probability location assignment. The inventory level type provides a means to apply rules differently based on how recently you received an inventory update for the product location. Possible types are:

  • On-line only: The product location is within an online system, and you have received an inventory inquiry response for the product location.
  • Off-line only: You have not received an inventory update within the time period specified at the Preferences screen. Even if the product location is within an online system, it is considered off-line for the purposes of probability rule evaluation if you have not received an inventory inquiry response (if, for example, the location is having communication difficulties, or if the process responsible for inventory inquiry requests and responses is not running).
  • Both: Evaluate the rule for the product location, regardless of whether the product location is processing inventory inquiry responses.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

invoice status

Possible invoice statuses are:

  • Approved = The invoice was approved, either automatically or by you, but has not yet posted to the originating system.
  • Held = The vendor has submitted the invoice, and the invoice includes at least one line that is out-of-balance because the vendor changed the unit price by more than the Unit Cost Threshold specified for the vendor: for example, you set a threshold of 10%, and the vendor changed the unit price by 15%. The invoice remains in Held status until the you either approve or reject it.
  • New = The vendor selected the Update and Save for Changes option when creating the invoice, and has not yet submitted the invoice to you for posting.
  • Posted = The invoice has been posted to the originating system, such as Order Management System, for payment processing.
  • Rejected = The vendor submitted an invoice that includes an out-of-balance line, and you rejected it. The vendor can change the invoice so that it no longer contains an out-of-balance line, or can delete the invoice.

Used by the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

labor cost

The Labor Cost for a location is used to shop an order for fulfillment or sourcing as part of the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) method when determining the cost to pick, pack, and ship an order. You can update the labor cost through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

line status

Routing Engine: See Order and Line Statuses for possible Order Broker statuses.

Drop Ship: Possible purchase order line statuses are:

  • Cancelled: You have cancelled the line
  • Held: The vendor has held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation.
  • In Process: The vendor has generated a pack slip that includes the line.
  • New Order: The vendor has not yet generated a pack slip for the line.
  • Shipped: The vendor has confirmed shipment of the line.

For more information: See order status.

locate items

A request to the Routing Engine inquiring whether there are any locations that should be able to fulfill a delivery or pickup order or source a ship-for-pickup order for one or more items, and the Routing Engine’s response message indicating the availability of the item(s).

Order Broker receives the request and determines the availability information to include in the response by:

Order Broker sends the availability information to the requesting system in the locate items response. See The Routing Engine for an overview.


A place where a product is sold, stocked, or available for pickup. A location can be a warehouse or store where you keep actual inventory. It can also be a virtual location such as a web storefront or a vendor. Locations are defined within an organization both by the system to which they belong and their location type. You use the Locations screen to work with locations.

Order Broker stores information on a location, including address, phone number, and hours of operation. These fields are informational only; however, the name and address information for the location that is displayed in the locate items response is derived from your entries at the Location screen.

Created how? You must create each location within Order Broker in order to integrate its inventory for locate items searches and other processing. You can create locations through Importing Locations through File Storage API, the New Location screen, or the Location Update request JSON message. See the Operations Guide for a discussion of this request message.

Location address: It is important that the location address be accurate, since the location address is used as the ship-to address for ship-for-pickup orders.

Sort order: The sort at the Preferences and Probability Location screens is in alphanumeric order within each organization. In other words, organizations are listed alphanumerically by name, as are location types within an organization, and locations within a location type. Since the sort is alphanumeric, numeric codes are listed before alphabetical codes; for example, location 123 is listed before location ABC.

Location code requirements: The location code is alphanumeric, can be 1 to 10 positions long, and must be unique within an organization and system. For example, you can have two locations with a code of 10 in the same organization, as long as each is associated with a different system.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including locations.

location category

Indicates whether each location type is a store (S) or a warehouse (W). Each location type must be assigned to one of these categories.

Created how? The 2 location categories are delivered with Order Broker and cannot be changed.

Order Broker does not evaluate locations differently based on their category; the category is informational only.

location type

Describes one or more locations within an organization. Each location type indicates the location category (store, warehouse, or vendor), and can also provide additional information, such as “East Coast Stores” or “Outlet Stores.”

Created how? You must create each location type through the Location Types screen.

Location type requirements: The location type code can be 1 to 10 positions long and must be unique within the organization.

Display in drop-down boxes: The location type code and the location type name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including location types.

location update request

A web service request to create or update a location.

master style

Indicates a basic product type. For example, the master style for a green shirt, size large, identifies the shirt itself; the color and size might represent styles in a POS system such as Xstore, and represent SKU’s in an order management and fulfillment system such as Order Management System. A master style can be defined at both the product and the system product levels.

Master style requirements: The master style can be 1 to 35 positions in length.

The master style is informational only. Normally, you would never change the master style for a product in Order Broker.

Order Management System integration: The master style for Order Management System items is the base item number; the master style is populated only for SKU’d items and is set at both the product and system product levels, assuming that Order Management System is the default system.


OAuth is a standard for web service authentication through the use of access tokens rather than passwords.

IDCS or OCI IAM is required for the use of OAuth. When creating a User at the New Web Service User window, specify the IDCS or OCI IAM Client ID of the client that generates the OAuth token.

OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services

You can use the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or the Merchandising Omni Services to import information from across the enterprise, including data that originates in Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS).

offline inventory

The inventory information (Available Quantity, Next PO date, and Next PO Quantity) currently stored in Order Broker for a product location. Order Broker uses the offline inventory information in merchandise locator responses for product locations in:

Used by the Routing Engine module.

offline system

An offline system is one which Order Broker does not request real-time inventory updates when it receives a locate items request, product availability search request, or needs to select a fulfilling location for a delivery order, either as part of initial order creation or through the status update process; instead, it relies on the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory) to calculate the Available to Promise quantity. Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your systems administrator.

Specified how? An offline system is identified by the Online flag being blank at the Systems screen. You clear this flag by clearing the Online checkbox at the System screen. Order Broker does not clear the connection information, if any, so that you can easily change an online system to an offline system and back again.

online system

An online system is one from which Order Broker obtains interactive inventory updates when it receives a locate items request, product availability search request, or needs to select a fulfilling location for a delivery order, either as part of initial order creation or through the status update process.

Specified how? An online system is identified by the Online flag at the Systems screen. You set this flag by selecting the Online checkbox at the System screen. You must also provide connection information for Order Broker to use when requesting product and product location updates.

Obtained how? Order Broker either sends a RESTful service request to a specified URL. See the System screen for more information.

If no update available: When Order Broker cannot obtain an interactive inventory update, it uses the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory) to calculate the Available to Promise quantity, if the No Offline Response Action setting at the Preference screen is set to Use offline. The available quantity is updated either through a recent interactive inventory update, an incremental inventory update, or through the most recent product location import from the system. Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your systems administrator. See Import Process Overview (Other than RMFCS File Upload through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) for background.

If Order Broker is not able to obtain an interactive inventory update, and uses the offline inventory information as a result, it considers the product location offline for the purposes of evaluating it for a probability rule.

Update Offline Inventory? If the Update Offline Inventory flag for your organization is unselected, Order Broker checks with the online system for current inventory levels, but does not actually update the database with this information during this process. You might omit the database update step during the location shopping process in order to streamline performance.

Oracle Maps Cloud Service

This integration supports sending requests for latitude and longitude to the Oracle Maps Cloud Service when:

  • creating a new location, or updating the address of an existing location
  • searching for inventory for an order based on the customer’s address, such as through a locate items request or a submit order message

The Oracle Maps Cloud Service is supported only when the Use Proximity Locator option is selected at the Preferences screen, and a Geocode Address is specified at the Tenant-Admin screen.

If the Oracle Maps Cloud Service is not implemented, the proximity location table is required to support proximity location searches.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview.

order number

Routing Engine: The number identifying an Order Broker order in the originating system. From the order id passed in the submit order message. The Routing Engine uses both this order number and the request ID to track each order. The order number is alphanumeric and cannot exceed 30 positions.

Supplier Direct Fulfillment: The number identifying the sales order that originated a drop ship purchase order assigned to a vendor for fulfillment.

order status

Routing Engine: See Order and Line Statuses.

Drop Ship: Possible purchase order statuses are:

  • Canceled: You have canceled the purchase order.
  • Complete (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include a combination of Cancelled and Shipped; there are no remaining open lines.
  • Held: The vendor has held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation.
  • In Process: The vendor has generated pack slips for the purchase order.
  • New Order: The vendor has not yet generated pack slips for the purchase order.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
  • Shipped: The vendor has confirmed shipment of the purchase order.

For more information: See line status.

order type

The type of order, based on the transaction_type_id in the SubmitOrder message. Possible order types are:

Used by the Routing Engine module.

OrderUpdate message

A request to the Routing Engine to reset the Under Review flag for an order. If this flag is selected, it indicates that the fulfilling or sourcing location should not complete fulfillment of the order.


The highest level of the Order Broker data hierarchy, an organization includes the systems and products that can integrate with each other for the purposes of inventory searches, as well as the locations where products are sold or stocked. If there is more than one organization within Order Broker, searches do not cross from one organization to another.

The organization-level settings include defining whether ship-for-pickup orders are enabled, and the languages and data formats to use for certain system-generated emails.

Created how? You must create the organization through the Organizations screen in Modern View as the first step in setting up data in Order Broker.

Organization requirements: The organization code can be 1 to 10 positions long and must be unique within Order Broker.

Display in drop-down boxes: The organization code and the organization name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

Display on screens: The organization code and the organization name are displayed, separated by a space.

Default: On screens where the organization is available for searching or creating new records, this field defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.


You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including organizations.


An invoice detail line is out-of-balance if the vendor changes the unit price from the original purchase order unit price by more than the Unit Cost Threshold you specify for the vendor: for example, you set a threshold of 10%, and the vendor changes the unit price by 15%. Any change to unit price, either higher or lower than the original unit price, triggers out-of-balance evaluation. When the vendor submits the invoice, it does not post automatically to the originating system; instead, it remains in Held status until you either approve or reject it.

The out-of-balance icon (Illustrates the out-of-balance icon.) at the Detail tab of the Invoice screen indicates if the invoice detail line is currently out-of-balance.

Used by the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

pack slip

The packing document that the vendor generates for drop ship purchase orders. Depending on the vendor’s preference settings, the pack slip can be in PDF format, CSV format, both, or neither.

Used by the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

partial status update

An order line status update that specifies a unit quantity lower than the total quantity currently on the order line. For example, if the customer ordered 5 units and now wants only 4 units, the system might send a status update canceling 1 unit. Supported only if the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected for the organization. See Updating Order Status at the Line or Unit Level for an overview.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

Pickup By Date

The last date before a pickup or ship-for-pickup order is eligible to be canceled by the auto-cancel unclaimed orders job. Assigned when an order is first eligible for pickup, based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

pickup location

The location where a customer picks up a ship-for-pickup order. Might be the same as the placed location or the sourcing location. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for a discussion.

pickup order

An order to be picked up by the customer at a specified location, without requiring the Routing Engine to facilitate transferring the inventory to that location. See Pickup Order for more information.

Pickup orders are supported regardless of whether ship-for-pickup orders are enabled.

placed location

The location (store or warehouse) that requested that an order be shipped, transferred, or prepared for pickup through the Routing Engine.


An integrated system might use a different term for this location.
polled order

An order or order line for which the assigned fulfilling or sourcing location has been notified. Order lines flagged as polled are no longer be included in the fulfillments response message. The Routing Engine flags an order line as polled automatically if the fulfilling location’s system’s Require Status Update flag is unselected. Otherwise, if the Require Status Update flag is selected, the assigned fulfilling or sourcing location must send a status update of either polled (any order type) or accepted (pickup or delivery orders only).


Flagging an order or line as polled does not necessarily change the order or line status to polled.

See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

probability rule

You can set up rules that indicate any adjustments to make to the Available to Promise quantity, next PO date, or next PO quantity for a product location when you display this information in merchandise locator search results; or, you can set up a rule indicating not to include a product location in search results at all under certain conditions. Probability rules let you build additional intelligence into merchandise locator searches by accounting for predictable patterns in inventory activity.

Setting up rules: See the Probability Rule Wizard for information on defining and assigning probability rules, including sample rules and an overview of rule hierarchy.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

probable quantity

A quantity, stored in the product_location table, based on the available to promise quantity after applying an assigned probable quantity rule, if any. The probable quantity is available for an external system, such as your system, to retrieve in order to provide more accurate availability information on the web storefront, but this quantity is not returned in any messages to integrated systems or displayed on any screens.

See the Inventory Quantity Export for background.


A single inventory item that you sell in systems integrated with Order Broker. For example, you sell a pen as AB100 in Order Management System company 1. You sell the same pen as 345789123 in Xstore. Because your Order Management System company is your default system, the product is identified as AB100, and each of the related items in Xstore and other integrated systems is a system product, but all are related to the main product.

Created how? Products are created in Order Broker when you use the product import process, download items, or export products from your default system. You can also create new products at the Products screen. Whenever you create a product, Order Broker also creates a system product for the default system.

Product code requirements: The product code can be 1 to 35 positions long, and must be unique within a organization.

Display on screens: The product code and the product name are separated by a space.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including products.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

product availability search

The Product Availability search message is similar to the locate items search, except that the Product Availability search:

  • can include more than one transaction type (delivery, pickup, and ship-for-pickup) in a single request, and each type can include its own search range distance
  • does not include product location details for delivery searches, or for sourcing locations for ship-for-pickup searches; instead, it indicates:
  • if the entire requested quantity can be satisfied; otherwise,
  • if a partial quantity of the requested items can be satisfied, the maximum available quantity of each item
  • for a pickup request, always returns each item location that could partially fulfill the requested quantities of all requested items
  • for a ship-for-pickup request, returns each location where the customer could pick up the order

For more information: See Using Product Availability Search for a Pickup or Delivery Order.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

product location

A record of a product within a location where it is stocked or sold. For example, an item warehouse record in Order Management System corresponds to a product location.

Order Broker stores availability information for the product location, including the available quantity and the date and expected quantity of any open purchase orders.


A system product must first exist for the product and system owning the selected location before you can create a product location. For example, if product AB123 does not exist in Order Management System company 10, then you cannot create a product location for AB123 in company 10’s warehouse 1.

Available quantity updated when? For an offline system, the available quantity is updated only when you run the product import process or perform an inventory download from the system. For an online system, Order Broker also updates the available quantity, next PO date, and PO quantity for the product location when it receives a response to an inventory inquiry. Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your systems administrator.

Created how? Typically, you create product locations through integrations with external systems. For example, product locations might be created as part of the product import process.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including product locations.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

product update request

An inbound message to create a new product, system product, and product locations without using the full import process. See the Operations Guide for more information.

proximity location table

A table that stores U.S. zip codes and Canadian postal codes and the longitudes and latitudes of each, so this information is available for proximity locator searches.

This table is used for proximity searches only when the Oracle Maps Cloud Service is not implemented.

For more information: See Proximity Uploads for more information on creating or updating the data in the proximity location table, and see Proximity Locator Searching for background.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

proximity locator

Provides the ability to search for a product location based on its distance from the customer’s location. For example, the customer wants a certain product and would like to know if it is available within 25 miles from his home. If proximity locator searching is enabled, Order Broker can find eligible product locations within this distance from the customer.

Proximity location is supported either through the proximity location table, or through the Oracle Maps Cloud Service, depending on whether the Geocode Address is specified at the Tenant-Admin screen.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching for background.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

request ID

A unique number assigned by the Routing Engine to identify an order. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

requested location

A location specified in the locate items request message if the customer is interested in requesting availability information for that store location only. When the request message specifies a requested location, the Routing Engine:

  1. ignores the distance specified in the request and does not exclude the requested location based on proximity
  2. always returns the actual location in the response message, rather than the virtual location, regardless of the setting of the Group Shipment Locations flag on the Preferences screen, and regardless of whether the location would otherwise be excluded because you are using zone fulfillment or because the location is within the same system and the Disallow shopping within same system flag is selected for the system
  3. always returns a response even if the Available to Promise quantity is less than the requested quantity
reserved quantity

The quantity on all order lines assigned to this product location that are in a status indicating the inventory is reserved and should not be assigned to new orders or listed in the LocateItems response message. See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

retail pickup order

Not currently implemented.


The system that submits drop ship purchase orders to vendors through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module in Order Broker.

retailer user

A user who has access to Order Broker screens in order to work with either the Routing Engine, possibly including Store Connect; or the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module; or both.

retailer’s time

The time to display on most screens, to use on reports and for setting schedules. Based on the Time Zone specified at the Tenant (retailer information) screen. See Time Zones for a discussion, and for a listing of screens that use the user’s time zone instead.

Routing Engine

The Order Broker module to:

  • select the best location(s) to fulfill a delivery order, either automatically based on criteria that you set for the enterprise, by providing a list of possible locations
  • selects the best location(s) to source a ship-for-pickup order, either automatically based on criteria that you set for the enterprise
  • help the customer select a location for a pickup order or a ship-for-pickup order
  • determine whether inventory is available in the enterprise to fulfill a delivery or ship-for-pickup order
  • create orders across the enterprise
  • notify locations about orders assigned to each location for shipment, transfer, sourcing, or pickup
  • track order status
  • provide information on current order status upon request

The Routing Engine can use either the standard brokering or weighted brokering criteria when selecting a fulfillment or sourcing location. When weighted brokering is selected, the Science Engine selects locations based on the information that the Routing Engine provides. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

run job API

An API that enables a system to submit a job through a web service request, as an alternative to scheduling a job at the Schedule Jobs screen or running it on demand. See the Run Job API Message in the Operations Guide for more information.

sales velocity

A numeric ranking you can use to indicate how well a product sells in a particular location. You can use the sales velocity ranks assigned to product locations as part of the Order Broker criteria for selecting fulfilling locations for orders. Numeric, 2 positions with an optional 2-position decimal. See the Order Broker Settings Tab at the Preferences screen and the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen for more information.

Science Engine

The module that selects the locations for shipment, transfer, or sourcing of delivery or ship-for-pickup orders based on data submitted to it by the Routing Engine. This engine is used for location selection only when Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected at the Preferences screen.


The message submitted by an integrated vendor to confirm receipt of a batch of purchase orders. If the Require Acknowledgement flag is selected for an integrated vendor, the acknowledgement is required to change the status of the purchase orders from New Order to In Process and generate the pack slip. See Vendor Integration for background, and see the Vendor Integration Guide for details.

SetDSAddress Change

The request message sent from an external system, such as Order Management System, to change the address on a drop ship purchase order. The request specifies whether to change just the shipping address, or both the shipping address and the sold-to address. Address changes are:

  • applied automatically if the purchase order or item is in New Order status
  • submitted to the vendor for review if the purchase order or line is in Held or In Process status
  • rejected automatically if the purchase order or line is in Shipped or Canceled status

The request message sent from an external system, such as Order Management System, to cancel a line on a purchase order. Cancellations are:

  • applied automatically if the line is in New Order status
  • submitted to the vendor for review if the line is in Held or In Process status
  • rejected automatically if the line is in Shipped or Canceled status

The request message sent from an external system, such as Order Management System, to change the cost on a purchase order. Cost changes are:

  • applied automatically if the line is in New Order status
  • rejected automatically if the line is in Shipped or Canceled status
ship-for-pickup order

An order that the customer picks up, and which can have the originating, sourcing, and pickup locations be three different locations, for example:

  • order placed in warehouse A, inventory sourced from location B, and customer picks up in location C
  • order placed in location D, inventory sourced from location E, and customer picks up in location D
  • order placed in location F, inventory sourced from location F, and customer picks up in location G
  • order placed in location H, inventory sourced from location J, and customer picks up in location J
ship-to-store order

Not currently implemented.

sourcing location

The location providing the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order. Can be the same as either the placed location or the pickup location, but not both. If the sourced location is different from the pickup location, the sourced location transfers the inventory to the pickup location. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

splitting orders

If the Allow Split Order preference is selected, the Routing Engine assigns the lines on a delivery ship-for-pickup order to multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations if it cannot find a single location that could fulfill or source the entire order. This setting also affects the locations returned in the locate items response message and the product availability response message, and requires that status updates apply at the line level rather than the order level. See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order or Selecting a Sourcing Location for a Ship-for-Pickup Order for more information.

splitting lines

If the Allow Split Line preference is selected, the Routing Engine assigns a single order line to multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations if it cannot find a single location to fulfill or source the entire line. This setting is available only if the Allow Split Order preference is also selected. See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order or Selecting a Sourcing Location for a Ship-for-Pickup Order for more information.

standard brokering

The selection of shipping, transfer, or sourcing locations for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders based on the criteria set up under the Standard Brokering Tab of the Preferences screen. Standard brokering is used only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules at the Preferences screen is not selected. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

You can override standard brokering rules by system and order type through the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen.

status inquiry

A message sent to the Routing Engine requesting the current status of an Order Broker order. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

status update

A message sent to the Routing Engine to update the status of an Order Broker order. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

store associate user

A separate user login for Store Connect, providing access to orders assigned to Store Connect locations. Authority for store associate users is controlled by a separate set of roles. See Store Associate User Profiles and the Role Wizard for more information.

Store Connect

The Order Broker module that provides a suite of screens that a store associate can use to work with orders, assigned to the store location through the Routing Engine.

You can assign store associate users to any locations associated with the system flagged as the Store Connect Default, and the associates can use the Store Connect screens to work with orders assigned to these locations.

submit order message

A message sent to the Routing Engine requesting creation of an order. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

Supplier Direct Fulfillment

The Order Broker module that enables the retailer and the vendor to communicate about fulfilling drop ship purchase orders.


An external database or business entity which integrates with Order Broker. For example, a system is an Xstore database or an Order Management System company.

Created how? You must create each system at the Systems screen.

System code requirements: The system code can be 1 to 10 positions long, and must be unique within Order Broker.

Display in drop-down boxes: The system code and the system name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including systems.

system product

An identification of a product within a particular system that is integrated with Order Broker.

Created how? A system product is created for a product when you download items or import products from an external system, such as Order Management System or Xstore. You can work with system products at the System Products screen.

System product code requirements: The system product code can be from 1 to 35 positions long. System products need to be unique within a system, but the same system product code can be assigned across multiple systems. For example, you cannot have more than one system product for AB123 in system 2, but you can have system product AB123 in systems 2, 3, and 4.

For more information: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including systems.

Used by the Routing Engine module.

system time

Set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).his time zone is used for dates and times in the database and web service responses. See Time Zones for a discussion.


Use the Tenant-Admin screen to review or work with attributes of your business in Order Broker at a level higher than the organization, such as specifying which modules to use. The Tenant - Admin screen, available if you are an admin user, includes additional settings required for cloud administration. Tenant-level settings apply to all your organizations in Order Broker.

turn-by-turn distance

Optionally, you can use the actual turn-by-turn distance, rather than the straight-line (Euclidean) distance, to determine which locations are eligible to fulfill a delivery order using a specified carrier. This option is available only if you use Oracle Maps Cloud Service. See Turn-by-Turn Distance Calculation for Delivery Orders for an overview.


See location type.

under review

A selected setting indicates that the fulfilling system needs to delay shipping or fulfilling the order until the flag is cleared.

  • It is the responsibility of the integrating systems to prevent fulfillment of an order that is under review. Order Broker does not prevent fulfillment based on this setting.
  • The items on orders that are under review are still included in the reserved quantity calculation.

Updates: You can select this flag through the initial submit order message, and can also update this flag:

The History tab of the Order screen displays a record of each time you change the setting of this flag.

Hold under review? If the order is fulfilled through Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration and the Hold Under Review Orders flag for the system is selected, the order is submitted for fulfillment when you clear this flag. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

user’s time

The time zone on the user’s personal computer or specified in the user’s browser. This is the time used to determine the date that defaults when you click the calendar icon. In most cases, the times displayed on screens and indicated in emails are in the retailer’s time rather than the user’s time. See Time Zones for a discussion.


The external organization that fulfills drop ship purchase orders for the retailer. Each purchase order processed through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module is associated with a vendor.

vendor default system

A vendor default system is required before you can create any vendors to fulfill drop ship orders. An organization can have only one vendor default system.

It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the vendor default system besides the organization, name, and this flag.

vendor item

The vendor’s item code. The CreateDSOrder message specifies the vendor item code for each item on a purchase order, and Order Broker creates the vendor item record automatically if it does not already exist.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Vendor Portal

The external website that a vendor can use to review, print, report shipments on, and create invoices for drop ship purchase orders through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Each vendor user has access to screens in the vendor portal listing information related only to that purchase orders for the associated vendor.

vendor preferences

Preference settings specific to a vendor, including:

  • pack slip generation output, such as whether to generate pack slips in PDF or CSV format, and whether the pack slip PDF should be graphical or nongraphical
  • email addresses to receive notifications on purchase order activity

A vendor user can also modify these settings with the required authority.

See the Preferences tab at the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screen for more information.

vendor user

A separate user login to the vendor portal, providing access to the purchase orders for the associated vendor. Authority for vendor users is controlled by a separate set of roles. See the Role Wizard for more information.

virtual location

The location that the Routing Engine uses in the locate items response message to indicate that it can fulfill an order. The Routing Engine returns the virtual location in the response message only if you use the Group Shipment Locations option, indicating that requesting systems do not need to know which locations would be able to ship an order for the requested item(s), only that the order can be shipped (delivery order) or sourced (ship-for-pickup order).

The locate items response message lists the virtual location, rather than details on actual locations, if:

  • the Group Shipment Locations flag at the Preferences screen is selected
  • the Routing Engine receives a LocateItems request message with the fulfillment_type set to DELIVERY or SHIPFORPICKUP
  • the Routing Engine has found at least one location that should be able to fulfill or source each line on an order for the requested item(s) in the specified quantity(ies), or that is flagged as Backorder Available

You do not need to create the virtual location in Order Broker.

web service

A programming component made available by a web server to perform specific programming tasks. For example, there is a discovery web service to supply an external system with the systems and locations set up in Order Broker for an organization.

weighted brokering

The selection of shipping, transfer, or sourcing locations for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders by submitting information to the Science Engine. The information submitted includes the criteria set up under the Weighted Brokering Tab of the Preferences screen, information about the order line, a list of eligible locations, and other configuration settings such as whether split order is enabled. Weighted brokering is used only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules at the Preferences screen is selected. See The Routing Engine for an overview.

You can override weighted brokering rules by system and order type through the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen.

zone fulfillment

An option to restrict location selection for delivery orders based on the shipping address for an order, or based on the requesting location in a locate items request. You can set up zones to include addresses based on country, state or province, or zip code prefix range. Also, you can specify one or more primary store or warehouse locations to fulfill orders within the zone, as well as one or more alternate locations to use if the merchandise is not available within the primary locations.

For more information: See Using Zones for Fulfillment.

Used by the Routing Engine module.