2 Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module

Purpose: Follow the steps below when completing data setup as part of Order Broker installation and configuration for use of the Routing Engine. You should log in to Order Broker as the default admin user to perform the following setup steps.

Other setup steps:

Allow list: The allow list is a list of URLs that are approved for communication. Oracle staff need to make sure that all URLs, such as logos and those used for integrations, are included on the allow list for Order Broker. See the description of the allow list in the glossary for more information.

“From” email addresses: Email addresses must be approved in order to be used as a return address on an email generated by Order Broker. Please change the default email addresses at the Event Logging screen and the Cust Service From Email Alias specified at the Store Connect Preferences screen, and contact your Oracle Representative to have the new email addresses approved.

In this topic:

Basic Order Broker Setup:

Set up Locations, Products, Inventory, and Related Information:

Additional Optional Setup

For more information: See the Glossary and the Order Broker Routing Engine Overview for background.

Step Procedure
Basic Order Broker Setup
Define tenant data

About tenant data: Use the Tenant screen to enter controlling information related to your instance of Order Broker.

  • Select Systems > Tenant to advance to the Tenant screen.

  • Review and, optionally, change any of the information on the screen.

Certain options at this screen are available only to the admin user.

Configure the organization that will include your systems

About organizations: The organization is the second level in the Order Broker hierarchy, below the tenant. For example, all locate items searching and order creation takes place within the organization.

Default organization: A default organization is created in a newly provisioned Order Broker environment. The organization code and description is set to DEFAULT, and the locale is set to English United States. Optionally, you can use the Organizations screen in Modern View to change the locale.

Create a default system for your organization

About systems: Each system in Order Broker represents an application, such as Order Management System or Xstore, that shares inventory information via Order Broker and creates cross-channel. orders.

About the default system: The default system is the application that is the system of record for product creation and naming. The first system you create for an organization is automatically flagged as the default.

Note: The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

  • Select Systems > Systems to advance to the Systems screen.

  • Select an organization from the Organization drop-down box. See Data Hierarchy for more information on how systems are integrated within organizations.

  • Enter a system code in the System field. System codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique.

    Note: For Order Management System or CWDirect, the system code should be the same as the company number, without padding zeros.

  • Optionally, enter a name in the Name field. Names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and can include spaces and special characters. If you do not enter a name here, you need to enter it at the System screen when creating a system.

  • Click New. If:

    • the system already exists in the organization, or if you did not select an organization or enter a System code, Order Broker displays an error message;

    • otherwise, you advance to the System screen, where you can complete the creation of the system.


    • If you click Cancel at the System screen after clicking New, the system is not created.

    • Flagging the system as on-line or off-line and specifying the database connection information are described below.

    • The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.

Order Management System or CWDirect integration: The code for the Order Management System or CWDirect system must match the setting of the Order Broker System (K50) system control value. However, names for systems do not need to be the same as the Order Management System or CWDirect company descriptions.

Assign the default shipping system to the default user

By assigning a default system, you indicate which system product codes to display and which organization to default on Order Broker screens.

Note: You can create a user profile without assigning a default system only if you have not yet created any systems yet in Order Broker.

  • Select Systems > User Profiles to advance to the User Profiles screen.

  • Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to the default admin user to advance to the User Profile Configuration screen.

  • At this screen, select the Default Shipping System to control the system product code to display when the default user reviews an order.

  • Click Save.

Note: After completing this step, you can log out of Order Broker and log back in to have this system default at screens.

Create each additional system that will integrate through the Order Broker

See Setting Up Data for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module for information on setting up the default vendor system, and see Setting Up Data for the Store Connect Module for information on setting up the default Store Connect system.

Use the instructions above under Create a default system for your organization, except do not flag the additional systems as the Organization Default.

Configure one or more systems for online product and inventory update

About online systems: An online system is one that provides Order Broker with inventory updates for specific products when Order Broker requires the information (for example, in order to respond to a locate items request). This update can take place through a web service request or an interface program.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database in the overview.

  • Select Systems > Systems to advance to the Systems screen.

  • Select edit (Illustrates the edit icon.) for the system to advance to the System screen.

  • Select the Online flag.

  • For RESTful service calls: Set the Connection Type to URL, and enter the URL for the remote system’s web service.

Create location types

About location types: Types must be 1 of 3 categories (store, vendor, or warehouse) and further identify a group of locations based on the system to which they belong, such as Order Management System warehouses and Xstore locations.

At least one location type is required for you to set up locations.

  • Select Location Types in Modern View to advance to the Location Types screen.

  • Enter a description of the location type in the Location Type Description field. The description cannot exceed 40 positions.

  • Enter a code for the location type in the Location Type Code field. The code cannot exceed 10 positions.

  • Select the correct category from the Category drop-down box.

  • Click New.

Specify event logging settings

About event logging:Oracle staff can specify whether to log different types of activity for Order Broker, and how much detail to include.

Oracle staff use the Event Logging screen to set the level of logging for various activities and other Order Broker-wide settings.

  • Typically, Oracle staff set all Event logging options at this screen to Detailed until you have completed final configuration of Order Broker.

  • Typically, Oracle staff set the XML logging option to Everything until you have completed final configuration of Order Broker, including integration with all online systems.

  • Oracle staff complete the Email Notifications settings for each event.

  • Oracle staff complete the Email Settings:

    • The Administrative Email address receives all email notifications.

    • The From Email address appears as the originating email address for all email notifications.

  • Click Update.

“From” email addresses: Email addresses must be approved in order to be used as a return address on an email generated by Order Broker. Please change the default email addresses at the Event Logging screen and contact your Oracle Representative to have the new email addresses approved.

Optionally, create additional user roles

Use the Role Wizard to review the roles delivered with Order Broker and make sure to review the authority associated with these roles prior to assigning them to a user.

Import users from IDCS or OCI IAM

Use the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job to import users from IDCS or OCI IAM. If you do not use this job, users that exist in IDCS or OCI IAM are created automatically in Order Broker when they first log in. See the Identity Cloud User Synchronization for more information.

Set up web service authentication

About web service authentication: By setting up and requiring user IDs and passwords for web services, you confirm that Order Broker authenticates the identity of the system submitting web service messages. Web service authentication is required. If Order Broker receives a web service request message without a valid web service user and password, the request is refused with an error: Inbound Message failed validation.

Note: Each web service user must also be created in IDCS or OCI IAM to support authentication.

Use the Web Service User screen to create web service users for authentication. See these screens for details.

Set up schedules

Note: Do not attempt to schedule jobs before creating systems.

Use the Schedule Jobs screen to schedule daily cleanup, email generation, auto-cancel unclaimed pickup orders, and the sales order data extract.

Then use the Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen to enable all scheduled jobs and programs, including those configured at the Schedule Jobs screen and elsewhere.

Note that the Reschedule All option does not restart jobs that are temporarily in Paused status (Illustrates the paused icon.). Order Broker restarts these jobs automatically.

Set up Locations, Products, Inventory, and Related Information
Create a location for each warehouse or store location that will be included in inventory inquiry requests or Routing Engine processing

About locations: A location can represent a store, a warehouse, or a virtual location such as a web storefront. Each location is associated with an integrated system. Locations search for inventory in other locations, and can create or fulfill orders through the Routing Engine.

Typically, you create locations through integrations with external systems. For example, locations might be created as part of the product import process; see Importing Locations through File Storage API.

You can also create locations directly in Order Broker:

  • Select Locations > Locations to advance to the Locations screen.

  • Select your organization at the Organization drop-down box.

  • Select the location type from the Type drop-down box.

  • Enter a code identifying the location. The code cannot exceed 10 positions.

  • Enter a name for the location in the Name field. The name cannot exceed 40 positions.

  • Select the system from the System drop-down box.

  • Click New to advance to the New Location screen.

    Note: If you will be using proximity searching for this organization, you need to enter both a postal code and a country code. If a submit order request for a pickup order originates from a location without an address that includes a valid postal code, Order Broker returns an error indicating that the location does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item. The remaining fields on this screen are informational only.

  • Click Save.

Order Management System integration:
  • For warehouses in Order Management System, you might want to include only allocatable warehouses.

  • The code you enter for an Order Management System warehouse should be the same as the warehouse code from the OROB Location field in Order Management System; however, the name does not need to be the same as the warehouse description in Order Management System.

Setting up the sort order: The sort at the Preferences and Probability Location screens is in alphanumeric order within each organization. In other words, location types are listed alphanumerically by name within an organization, as are locations within a location type. Since the sort is alphanumeric, numeric codes are listed before alphabetical codes; for example, location 123 is listed before location ABC.

Upload proximity data

About proximity data: If you are not using the Oracle Maps Cloud Service, uploading proximity data enables you to search for merchandise or assign orders based on the approximate distance from a store, warehouse, or customer address.

Note: This step is required only if you are using proximity locator searching and are not using the Oracle Maps Cloud Service. You can also perform this step at a later time.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching.

If you are using proximity locator searching to restrict locate items searches to the customer’s area and are not using the Oracle Maps Cloud Service, obtain the required .CSV file of postal code information and then use the Proximity Uploads screen to upload that information into the proximity location table:

  • Select the Canada, International, or United States from the Proximity Data Type drop-down list.

  • Use the Browse... button to select the .CSV file on your local computer.

  • Click Upload. Wait until the upload status is completed.

Schedule product imports

About product imports: The automated import process enables you to import and update product and inventory information from an integrated system.

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for a process overview.

Select System > Schedule Jobs to advance to the Schedule Jobs screen, and complete the steps described under Product Import to set up, change, or review the import schedule for a system or run the import on demand.


Important: Oracle recommends that you schedule imports daily at a time when demands on the system are limited, and when it does not interfere with the database backup, and that you do not schedule more than one import at a time against the same database.
Load products, system products, product locations, and locations

Consult the integrating system’s documentation and complete the steps described under Scheduling the Product Import Job for systems that support the import process, including Order Management System.

Create the default unfulfillable location

About the default unfulfillable location: The Routing Engine assigns an order to the default unfulfillable location when it cannot find a location to fulfill the order. You need to specify a default unfulfillable location at the Preferences screen.

Note: This location needs to be associated with the organization’s default system.

Typically, you create locations through integrations with external systems. For example, locations might be created as part of the product import process; see Importing Locations through File Storage API.

You can also create locations directly in Order Broker:

  • Select Locations > Locations to advance to the Locations screen.

  • Select your organization at the Organization drop-down box.

  • Select the location type from the Type drop-down box.

  • Enter a location code. The code cannot exceed 10 positions.

  • Enter a name for the location in the Name field. The name cannot exceed 40 positions.

  • Select the default system for your organization from the System drop-down box.

  • Click New to advance to the New Location screen.

  • Click Update to save your entries.

    Set preferences for the default location to exclude it from locate item requests and order assignments:

  • Select Organizations and > Preferences to advance to the Preferences screen.

  • Advance to the default location and highlight it in the left-hand pane.

  • Set all of the displayed Yes/No options under Fulfillment (including Pickup Available, Delivery Available, Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available, Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available, and Backorder Available) to No.

  • Click Update to save your entries.

Set up default carriers and, optionally, additional carriers

About carriers: A carrier is required on each order. At a minimum you need to set up a default carrier, specified at the Preferences screen. The default PICKUP carrier is created automatically when a SubmitOrder request is received.

If the Submit Order message creating a delivery order:

  • specifies a ship_via that matches a carrier you have set up through the Carriers screen in Modern View, Order Broker uses this carrier on the order and resets the carrier as active, if needed

  • specifies a ship_via that does not match a carrier you have set up through the Carriers screen in Modern View, Order Broker creates the carrier and uses this carrier on the order

  • does not specify a ship_via, Order Broker uses the default carrier you specify at the Preferences screen

  • For a pickup order, Order Broker uses the default PICKUP carrier, regardless of whether a ship_via is passed in the Submit Order message.

The following steps are required if you want to override the default carrier created during the installation or upgrade process:

  • Advance to the Carriers screen in Modern View.

  • Optionally, enter a Code and Description. If you do not enter them here, you can enter them at the New Carrier window in Modern View.

  • Click New to advance to the New Carrier window in Modern View.

  • Repeat the steps above to create a PICKUP carrier. Order Broker requires this carrier in order to begin processing pickup orders.

  • Select Organizations and Preferences and click the Order Broker Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for your organization to advance to the Preferences screen, and change the Default Carrier to the new carrier you have just created.

Set up preferences for your organization

About preferences: Use the Preferences screen to set rules governing locate item searching and order assignment. You can set preferences at the organization, location type, and location level.

  • Select Organizations and Preferences and click the Order Broker Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for your organization to advance to the Preferences screen.

  • Set the preferences for the organization. See the Preferences screen for field descriptions. You can return to the Preferences screen later to reset any existing preferences.

  • Click Save.


Important: You need to set all Order Broker preferences at the organization level before integrating any external systems with Order Broker. See the description of the Preferences screen for complete information on setting preferences.
Optionally, set up preference overrides for individual originating system, order type, and Express carrier combinations

About preference overrides: Use the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen to override the Order Broker preference settings that control sorting results for locate items searches and order assignment.

Advance to the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen, where you can set up overrides to the Order Broker sort criteria set at the Preferences screen.

Example: You can have the Routing Engine rank locations for a pickup request based first on proximity, while it ranks locations for a delivery request based first on available quantity.

Test locate items searching

Test searching for products, either from an integrated system or using a standalone testing tool such as soapUI (www.soapUI.org). Confirm that the products returned and their sort order are what you expect.

Note: If Order Broker is not returning any locations to locate items requests, confirm that you have completed the steps described under Set up default carriers and, optionally, additional carriers.

Test order creation

Test creating new orders, either sending them from an integrated system or using a standalone testing tool such as soapUI (www.soapUI.org). Confirm that the orders are created as you expect, and that updates are processed correctly across the integrated systems.

Optionally, create fulfillment zones to control the locations eligible to fulfill delivery orders based on shipping address
  • Use the Fulfillment Zone Wizard to create zones based on the shipping addresses for delivery orders, indicating the locations eligible to fulfill these orders.

  • Use the Preferences screen to select the Use Zone Fulfillment preference.

Additional Optional Setup
Create probability rules

About probability rules: You can use probability rules to control the information returned in merchandise search results or that the Routing Engine uses to determine where to assign orders; for example, you can apply rules to reduce the available quantity indicated for certain products, or to exclude certain product locations temporarily from search results.

Optionally, use the Probability Rules screen to create rules that you can apply for locate items searches and order creation. See that screen for more information.

Assign probability rules

Optionally, use the Probability Location screen to assign probability rules to locations, location types, or the organization.

Test probability logic

Test locate items searching and creating new orders to confirm that the probability rules you have set up and assigned are producing the results you expect.

Set fulfillment options for systems

About system fulfillment options:You can flag a system to require a status update from each assigned fulfilling location after it polls for new orders through the fulfillments request message. When you flag a system to require status updates, you also indicate the number of times that an order can be included in the fulfillments request until you include it in a notification email to your system administrator.

Optionally, use the System screen to set the fulfillment options to indicate whether Order Broker requires a status update from the system for new orders.

See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Specify reserved statuses for systems

Optionally, use the System to specify order or order line statuses to subtract from the total available quantity for a product location, indicating that orders in these statuses are considered reserved.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Set up additional import and export options for systems

Optionally, use the Schedule Jobs to set up:

Enable auto-cancellation of unclaimed orders

Optionally, use the Preferences screen to set up auto-cancellation of unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders: