4 Setting Up Data for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module

Purpose: Follow the steps below at Order Broker screens when completing data setup for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module as part of Order Broker configuration.

Before you start: When setting up data, you typically log into Order Broker as the default admin user. If you are setting up data for an additional organization in Order Broker and are not using the default admin user login, you need full authority to all secured features based on the roles assigned to the user profile. See the Role Wizard and the User Profile Configuration screen for background.

Integrated shipping setup: See Integrated Shipping Setup, Troubleshooting, and Mapping: Supplier Direct Fulfillment for information on the setup required for integrated shipping with ADSI.

Allow list: The allow list is a list of URLs that are approved for communication. Oracle staff need to make sure that all URLs, such as logos and those used for integrations, are included on the allow list for Order Broker. See the description of the allow list in the glossary for more information.

Vendor integration: See the Vendor Integration Guide for information on required setup for integrated vendors. This document is available from the Documentation area of the Home Screen

In this topic:

Step Procedure
Basic Organizational Setup

The following steps are required if you are setting up an organization in Order Broker for use of the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Not all steps are required if you already have completed setup for use of the Order Broker module.

Define tenant data

About tenant data: Use the Tenant screen to specify the modules you use and other information related to your installation of Order Broker.

Note: This step may not be necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this organization.

  • Select Systems > Tenant to advance to the Tenant screen.

  • Review and, optionally, change any of the information on the screen.

Create the organization that will include your system and vendors for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

About organizations: The organization is the second level in the Order Broker hierarchy, below the tenant. All drop ship setup and purchase order creation takes place within the organization.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this organization.

  • Select Locations > Organizations and Preferences to advance to the Organizations and Preferences screen.

  • Enter the organization code in the Organization field. The organization code can be 1 to 10 positions long, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique within Order Broker.

  • Enter the name for the organization in the Name field. The name can be from 1 to 35 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

  • Click NEW to create the organization.

Create a default system for your organization to correspond to the system originating drop ship purchase orders.

About systems and the default system: Each system in Order Broker represents a group of data in application, such as a company in Order Management System or CWDirect, and is required both for Order Broker usage and for Supplier Direct Fulfillment. The first system you create for an organization is automatically flagged as the default.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this system.

  • Select Systems > Systems to advance to the Systems screen.

  • Select your organization from the Organization drop-down box.

  • Enter a system code in the System field. System codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique.

  • Order Management System or CWDirect integration: The code for the Order Management System or CWDirect system must match the setting of the OROB System (K50) system control value. However, names for systems do not need to be the same as the Order Management System or CWDirect company descriptions.

  • Click NEW.

  • At the System screen, to complete the creation of the system, click Save. Note:

    • It is not necessary to flag the system as on-line if you are using Supplier Direct Fulfillment and not the Order Broker, or to select any other options or enter any other data for the system.

    • The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.

Assign the default shipping system to the default admin user.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker or already created another system for Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

  • Select Systems > User Profiles to advance to the User Profiles screen.

  • Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to the default admin user to advance to the User Profile Configuration screen.

  • At this screen, select the Default Shipping System to control the system product code to display when the default admin user reviews an order.

    Click Save.

Create a location type for the system originating drop ship purchase orders.

About location types: Types must be 1 of 3 categories (store, vendor, or warehouse) and further identify a group of locations based on the system to which they belong, such as Order Management System or CWDirect warehouses and Xstore locations.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this organization.

  • Select Location Types in Modern View to advance to the Location Types screen.

  • Enter a description of the location type in the Location Type Description field. The description cannot exceed 40 positions.

  • Enter a code for the location type in the Location Type Code field. The code cannot exceed 10 positions.

  • Select the correct category from the Category drop-down box. Typically, you would select a Category of Warehouse to identify the locations.

  • Click New.

Create a location representing your main warehouse in your originating system.

About locations: A location can represent a store, a warehouse, or a virtual location such as a web storefront. Each location is associated with an integrated system, such as Order Management System or CWDirect.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this organization.

  • Select Locations > Locations to advance to the Locations screen.

  • Select your organization at the Organization drop-down box.

  • Select the location type you created earlier from the Type drop-down box.

  • Enter a Code identifying the location. The code cannot exceed 10 positions and should match the warehouse code in the originating system, such as CWDirect or Order Management System.

  • Enter a name for the location in the Name field. The name cannot exceed 40 positions.

  • Select the system from the System drop-down box.

  • Click NEW to advance to the New Location screen. It is not necessary to enter additional information about the location.

  • Click Save.

Specify event logging settings.

About event logging: Oracle staff can specify whether to log different types of activity for Order Broker, and how much detail to include.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker or Supplier Direct Fulfillment for another organization.

Oracle staff use the Event Logging screen to set the level of logging for various activities.

  • Typically, Oracle staff set all Event logging options at this screen to Detailed until you have completed final configuration of Order Broker.

  • Typically, Oracle staff set the XML logging option to Everything until you have completed final configuration of Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

  • Oracle staff complete the Email Notifications settings for each event.

  • Oracle staff complete the Email Settings:

    • The Administrative Email address receives all email notifications.

    • The From Email address appears as the originating email address for all email notifications.

  • Click Update.

Create roles for retailer users.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already completed configuration for the Order Broker for this organization.

  • Select Systems > Roles to advance to the Roles screen.

  • Click NEW to advance to the Role Wizard.

  • Use the Role Wizard to create roles for retailer user who need to manage the drop ship process.

Optionally, create additional retailer user profiles.

About user profiles: Follow these steps to enable users to log into Order Broker, and to set authority levels controlling the screens available to each user.

Set up users in IDCS or OCI IAM and import them through the process described under Import users from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Supplier Direct Fulfillment Setup

The following steps are required regardless of whether you have already completed setup for the Order Broker module.

Set up drop ship preferences for your organization.

About drop ship preferences: Use the Drop Ship Preferences screen to set rules governing locate item searching and order assignment as well as the logo to display on the Vendor Portal and the link to the Vendor Portal to include in email notifications. You can set preferences at the organization, location type, and location level.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that any external URLs are added to the allow list.

Important: You need to open the Drop Ship Preferences screen and click Save for your preference settings to take effect.

Create the default vendor system.

About the default vendor system: The Supplier Direct Fulfillment module requires you to create a default vendor system for your organization before you can create any vendors in Order Broker.

Note: The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

  • Select Systems > Systems to advance to the Systems screen.

  • Optionally, select a different organization from the Organization drop-down box.

  • Enter a system code in the System field. System codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique.

  • Click NEW.

  • At the System screen, select the Vendor Default flag. It is not necessary to select any other options or enter any other data.

  • Click Save.

Create at least one brand.

About brands: You need to create at least one brand for an organization to use the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. Brands. The brand controls the logo that prints on the pack slip and picking pullsheet, and the formats of these documents.

Note: To integrate with Order Management System or CWDirect, you must enter a brand code that matches the ID for the related retail brand (WRDB).

  • Advance to the Brands screen in Modern View.

  • Select the organization from the Organization drop-down box.

  • Enter the brand code in the Brand Code field. The brand code can be 1 to 10 positions long, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique within the organization; however, other organizations can have the same brand code.

  • Enter the name of the brand in the Brand Name field. The name can be from 1 to 40 positions long and can include spaces and special characters.

  • Click NEW.

  • Complete entry of the New Brand screen, including:

    • Specifying the URL for a logo to print on the pack slip, if graphical, and picking pullsheet. The image file can be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, and the recommended size is 225 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.

    • Program names for the pack slip and pullsheet. The default programs are ob_sdf_packslip_report and ob_sdf_pullsheet_report.

    • message to print on the pack slip.

Click Save when you are done. See the New Brand screen in Modern View for more information.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that any external URLs are added to the allow list.

Create vendors and set preferences.

About vendors: Vendors fulfill drop ship purchase orders sent to them for fulfillment through Order Broker. When the purchase orders originate in Order Management System or CWDirect, the vendor code in Order Broker needs to match the vendor code in Work with Vendors (WVEN).

Vendors use the Vendor Portal to work with drop ship purchase orders.

Who can set vendor preferences? Both you and the vendor administrative user, if authorized, can set vendor preferences. See Create vendor users.

Ways to create vendors include:

  • Use the Vendors screen (select Locations > Vendors) to create a new vendor, using the code that matches the vendor code in Order Management System or CWDirect. If you use this option, you can set vendor preferences at the same time. See the Vendors screen for more information.

  • Use the Download CSV Vendors option (ECSV) in Order Management System or CWDirect to import vendors into Order Broker through the CreateDSVendor message. If you use this option, the vendor name and address match the information from the originating system; however, you still need to use the Vendors screen (select Locations > Vendors) afterward to set vendor preferences.

  • Use the CreateDSVendor message to create a vendor when using a system other than Order Management System or CWDirect. If you use this option, you still need to use the Vendors screen (select Locations > Vendors) afterward to set vendor preferences.

  • Create a vendor automatically when you send a drop ship purchase order to Order Broker through the CreateDSOrder message. Order Broker creates the vendor using the vendor code, name, and email address indicated in the message. If you use this option, you still need to use the Vendors screen (select Locations > Vendors) afterward to set vendor preferences and optionally enter the vendor address.

If you create a vendor through any means other than using the New Vendor and Edit Vendor screens, you need to complete vendor configuration by setting preferences through these screens.

Vendor preference settings at the New Vendor and Edit Vendor screens include:

  • pack slip generation options: Whether to generate a PDF pack slip; whether the pack slip should be graphical or nongraphical; whether to generate a CSV file containing pack slip information; whether to generate a packing pullsheet.

  • email notification options: Whether to generate each type of email notification to the vendor, the email address(es) to use See the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module Email Notifications Summary.

  • data formats: The language to use for vendor forms (pull sheets) and for system-generated emails to the vendor, as well as date/time and numeric formats for pull sheets, emails to the vendor, and Vendor Portal screens. Note: The language used in the Vendor Portal is controlled by the locale appended to the Vendor Portal URL.

  • integration settings: The setup required for an integrated vendor.

    invoicing options: Whether the vendor can submit invoices, and controls on invoice approvals and requirements.

Create roles for vendor users.

Note: This step is not necessary if you have already set up roles to support Supplier Direct Fulfillment for another organization.

  • Select Systems > Roles to advance to the Roles screen.

  • Click NEW to advance to the Role Wizard.

  • Use the Role Wizard to create roles for vendor users who use the Vendor Portal to fulfill drop ship purchase orders.

Create vendor users.

About vendor users: A vendor user is different type of user profile from the user profiles set up through User Profile Configuration, and has authority only to the Vendor Portal, where the vendor user has access only to the purchase orders related to that vendor.

Set up vendor users in IDCS or OCI IAM and import them through the process described under Import users from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Create carriers.

About carriers and assigning them to vendors: Carriers (ship vias) deliver drop ship purchase orders. When you create a new vendor, the vendor is assigned to all active carriers by default. Similarly, when you create a new, active carrier, you have the option to assign the carrier to all vendors.

Ways to create carriers and assign them to vendors include:

  • Use the Carriers screen in Modern View to create a new carrier, using the code that matches the ship via code (WVIA) in Order Management System. When you click NEW to create a carrier, the New Carrier window opens for you to specify whether a tracking number, weight, and rate are required when the vendor confirms shipment using this carrier. When you use this option:

    • A window prompts you on whether to assign the carrier to all vendors automatically.

    • You can also use the Carriers tab at the Edit Vendor screen to change the carrier assignments for a vendor.

  • Create a carrier automatically when you send a drop ship purchase order to Order Broker through the CreateDSOrder message. When you use this option, Order Broker creates the carrier using the carrier code specified in the message:

    • The carrier description, which is displayed to the vendor at the Vendor Portal, is set to Auto Created 99, where 99 is the carrier code passed in the CreateDSOrder message.

    • The carrier is automatically assigned to all existing vendors as an active carrier, with the Tracking # Required, Weight Required, and Rate Required flags all unselected.

Set up web service authentication for integrated vendors

About web service authentication: By setting up and requiring user IDs and passwords for web services, you confirm that Order Broker authenticates the identity of the system submitting web service messages. If authentication is required and Order Broker receives a web service request message without a valid web service user and password, the request is refused with error 3005: Invalid vendor code.

Use the Manage External Application Access screen to work with and create client IDs for OAuth authentication, and then use the Edit Web Services window to assign the Vendor web service to the client ID. See these screens for details.

Then use the Edit Vendor screen to specify the client ID for the vendor to use. Each integrated vendor requires a unique client ID.

Note: Each integrated vendor must be notified of the credentials required to authenticate inbound request messages.

Information on the Vendor Portal landing page

Overview: The composition of the Vendor Portal landing page is controlled by your Drop Ship Preference settings and other configuration options. Details about these and other settings are below.

Illustrates the Vendor Portal landing page, with the various components that are described below labeled.


Logo image URL: You can use the Logo URL field at the Drop Ship Preferences screen to specify the location of the logo on Vendor Portal screens. The URL should use https rather than http.

The recommended size is approximately 250x35.

If the URL entered does not point to an existing image file, Vendor Portal screens do not display a logo.


Oracle staff need to make sure that any external URLs are added to the allow list.

Purchase order aging chart

Future/current/late/very late purchase orders: The Vendor Portal landing page displays a pie chart indicating the percentages of open purchase orders based on the aging of their earliest due dates. Order Broker uses the following calculation to determine whether an unshipped, uncanceled purchase order is future, current, late, or very late:

  • Future: The due date is at least 7 days in the future. For example, if today is 7/17, the due date must be 7/24 or later.

  • Current: The due date is the current date or later, but no more than 6 days in the future. For example, if today is 7/17, the due date can be 7/17 through 7/23.

  • Late: The due date is earlier than the current date, but does not fall into the very late range based on the setting of the Very Late Days preference specified at the Drop Ship Preferences screen. For example, if today is 7/17 and the Very Late Days preference is set to 10 days, the due date can be 7/7 through 7/16.

  • Very Late: The due date is at least the number of days old specified in the Very Late Days preference. For example, if today is 7/17 and the Very Late Days preference is set to 10 days, the due date can be 7/6 or earlier.

Original or revised due date: The calculation is based on the revised due date, if the vendor has revised it; otherwise, it is based on the original due date.

Line quantity not used in percentage calculation: The calculation does not factor in the purchase order line quantity. For example, there is one current purchase order line with a quantity of one, and another future purchase order line with a quantity of four. The Vendor Portal landing page displays 50% current and 50% future.

Statuses: Purchase order lines in New Order, In Process, and Held status are included in the calculation. Shipped and Canceled lines are not included.

The determination of dates is based on the vendor’s local time zone, rather than your time zone.

The Vendor Portal must have Internet access to display the charts and graphs.

Additional information for the Vendor Portal landing page

Link to generate an email: The retailer email address on the Vendor Portal landing page is from the Retailer Email Address at the Drop Ship Preferences screen. When the vendor clicks the email link, the default mail program opens with the retailer email address as the “to” address, and the subject line is from the Email Subject at the Drop Ship Preferences screen.

Announcement: The announcement displayed on the Vendor Portal landing page is from the Announcement at the Drop Ship Preferences screen.

Tasks and modules: The vendor user’s authority, based on the assigned roles, controls the tasks and modules that are enabled on the Vendor Portal landing page vs. those that are grayed out. See the Roles screen for background.