12 Systems Menu


Screens indicated with an asterisk (*) are available from the Systems dropdown menu but not from the Systems area of the home screen.

View Active Schedules

Purpose: Use the View Active Schedules screen to:

  • Review jobs that are currently scheduled to run, or that have existing history. Only jobs whose Schedule Enabled flag is selected at the Schedule Jobs screen, or that have existing job history that has not been purged, are displayed here.
  • Start or reschedule all scheduled jobs and other scheduled programs such as imports, exports, and report generation. You might use the Reschedule All option to resolve an issue with scheduled jobs and programs. You also use this option at initial Order Broker configuration to start all jobs and tasks, or after applying an upgrade.

History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

History icon always shown: The history icon to review job history is available for all jobs listed on this screen, regardless of whether the Schedule Enabled flag at the Schedule Jobs screen is selected for the job. However, history is available for review only if the job has run at least once, and it has any history records that have not been purged.

How to display this screen: Select View Active Schedules from the Systems Menu. The landing page does not have a shortcut to this screen.


Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a scheduled job

Optionally, select a Job Name, Organization, and/or System and click Search to display the scheduled job.


Searching by organization or system is supported only for jobs that are specific to an organization or system. See the Job Name field a summary description of each job.
select a scheduled job for review

Highlight a scheduled job to open the Browse Active Schedules window. This window displays the schedule interval and the related time or minutes for the scheduled job.

refresh the displayed information

Click Search.

review history for a job

Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) in the History column for a record to open the related history screen:

Although you can advance to the related history, screen, no history is displayed if the job has not yet run, or if existing history records were purged.

reschedule all

Select Reschedule All to stop and restart all scheduled jobs and programs. You might use this option:

  • When you first configure Order Broker and need to enable all jobs and programs to run as scheduled.
  • After an upgrade is applied to Order Broker.
  • To correct an issue with scheduled jobs and programs.

Only users with Reschedule All authority have this option.

Which jobs and programs? This option schedules, or stops and reschedules all of the jobs listed at this screen, plus:


The Reschedule All option does not change the status of jobs that are in Paused status (Illustrates the pause icon.). Order Broker automatically restarts these jobs after a brief pause.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:
Job Name

A job that is currently scheduled. Optionally, select a listed job and select Search to display the schedule information for that job. Jobs that can be scheduled and displayed here are:

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders: Cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job runs daily at a specified time. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Completed Order Private Data Purge: Anonymizes customer data on sales orders that closed (fulfilled, canceled, unfulfillable, completed) and purchase orders that have been closed (shipped, complete, or canceled) and that are older than a specified number of days. See Completed Order Private Data Purge for a discussion.

Daily Clean Up: Clears outdated information on a daily basis. See the Daily Clean Up job for details. This job runs daily at a specified time.

Email Notifications: Generates email notifications to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff based on the unprocessed records that are currently in the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION table. This job runs at the specified minute interval: for example, generate email notifications every 5 minutes. See the Email Notifications job for details.

Fulfilled Quantity Export: Generates a pipe-delimited file of recent order fulfillments, so the inventory system of record can use this information to update its own inventory based on activity in Order Broker. See the Fulfilled Inventory Export job for details.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails: Generates pickup-ready reminder emails to customers whose pickup orders have not been picked up within the number of Aged Hours defined for the job. See the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job for details.

Identity Cloud Service Synchronization: Creates users in Order Broker based on the data that has been set up in IDCS or OCI IAM. See the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job for details.

Incremental Inventory Import: Uses the contents of a pipe-delimited import file to update product location records for the system. See the Incremental Inventory Import job for details.

Inventory Quantity Export: Creates a pipe-delimited export file providing the current totals for products or product locations based on updates to product location quantities, including applying probable quantity or probability rules. Also, supports a web service to respond to requests for current inventory quantity changes based on probability rules. See the Inventory Quantity Export job for details.

Product Import: Imports and updates information that includes products, system products, product locations, locations, and product barcodes. See the Product Import job for details.

Sales Order Data Extract: Creates export files containing data related to orders with any activity within a specified date range. See the Sales Order Data Extract for details.

Jobs that are not flagged as enabled at the Schedule Jobs screen are not listed in the results here.


See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.

Filtering displayed jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


See system. Optionally, select a system the drop down list in order to display jobs run for the selected system. If you first select an Organization, only systems associated with that organization are displayed.

Filtering jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

Results fields:
Job Name

See the Job Name, above, for information.


The organization code is displayed only for jobs related to a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


The code identifying the system associated with the scheduled job. The system code is displayed only for those jobs related to a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

System Name

The name describing the system.

Last Updated

The last date and time when the schedule was updated for the job, and the ID of the user who performed the update.

Last Run

The last date and time when the job ran.

Next Run

The next date and time when the job is scheduled to run.


Indicates the result of the most recent import process:

  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to import.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred for at least one record in the import.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the yellow triangle icon.) indicates that the import was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the import is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running.

This field is blank if you have not yet run the import process for the system, or if the job is anything other than the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, Inventory Quantity Export, or Sales Order Data Extract.


The number of minutes and seconds it took the job to run, in MM:SS format. Displayed only for the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, and Sales Order Extract.


Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) to advance to a screen displaying history for the job.

Note that history will exist only if:

  • The job has been run at least once,
  • The history has not been purged, based on the number of days specified in the Extract Log History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Available history screens are:

Browse Active Schedules

Purpose: Use the Browse Active Schedules window to review how frequently or at what time an active job is scheduled to run.

How to display this window: Highlight a schedule at the View Active Schedules screen.


Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Job Name

The name of the active job. Available jobs are:

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders: Cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job runs daily at a specified time. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Completed Order Private Data Purge: Anonymizes customer data on sales orders that closed (fulfilled, canceled, unfulfillable, completed) and purchase orders that have been closed (shipped, complete, or canceled) and that are older than a specified number of days. See Completed Order Private Data Purge for a discussion.

Daily Clean Up: Clears outdated information on a daily basis. See the Daily Clean Up job for details. This job runs daily at a specified time.

Email Notifications: Generates email notifications to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff based on the unprocessed records that are currently in the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION table. This job runs at the specified minute interval: for example, generate email notifications every 5 minutes. See the Email Notifications job for details.

Fulfilled Quantity Export: Generates a pipe-delimited file of recent order fulfillments, so the inventory system of record can use this information to update its own inventory based on activity in Order Broker. See the Fulfilled Inventory Export job for details.

Identity Cloud Service Synchronization: Creates users in Order Broker based on the data that has been set up in IDCS or OCI IAM. See the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job for details.

Incremental Inventory Import: Uses the contents of a pipe-delimited import file to update product location records for the system. See the Incremental Inventory Import job for details.

Probable Quantity Export: Creates a pipe-delimited export file providing the current totals for products or product locations based on updates to product location quantities, including applying probable quantity rules. See the Inventory Quantity Export job for details.

Product Import: Imports and updates information that includes products, system products, product locations, locations, and product barcodes. See the Product Import job for details.

Sales Order Data Extract: Creates export files containing data related to orders with any activity within a specified date range. See the Sales Order Data Extract for details.


The organization related to the Displayed only for the Sales Order Data Extract.

Schedule Interval

The unit of time used for scheduling: Daily, Weekly, or Minutes.

A Schedule Interval of Daily can indicate:

  • Run on a single day of the week only, at a specified time.
  • Run every day at a specified time.
  • Run on one or more days of the week, at a specified time.

If the Schedule Interval is Minutes, this is the number of minutes the system waits between triggering the job to run. Otherwise, not displayed.

Day of Week

If the Schedule Interval is Weekly, this is the day of the week when the job is scheduled to run. Otherwise, not displayed.


If the Schedule Interval is Daily or Weekly, this is the time of day when the job runs (24-hour clock).

Scroll up or down: Click the next arrow (Illustrates the next arrow.) to display the next active schedule, if any. Similarly, click the previous arrow (Illustrates the previous arrow.) to display the previous active schedule, if any.

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders History

Purpose: Use the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders History screen to review the auto cancel unclaimed pickup orders jobs that have taken place or the one that is currently running, if any.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders for an overview on the automatic cancellation process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders entry for a system at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders schedule is currently enabled, or if there are any auto cancel unclaimed pickup order records that have not been purged.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an auto-cancel process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this job only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display a job that ended in error.
    • Running to display a job that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display jobs that included any records in error.
    • Success to display jobs that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for a process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description
Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.


Optionally, select a status from the drop down list and click Search to display jobs that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire job failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The job was rejected because another instance of the job was in process.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The job is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The job ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the job:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the job was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to process.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the job failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was in process.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the job is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders for background and troubleshooting information.

Completed Order Private Data Purge History

Purpose: Use the Completed Order Private Data Purge History screen to review the completed order data purge jobs that have taken place or the one that is currently running, if any.

For more information: See Completed Order Private Data Purge for an overview on the email notifications process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Completed Order Private Data Purge entry at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for a daily cleanup process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this job only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display a job that ended in error.
    • Running to display a job that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display jobs that included any records in error.
    • Success to display jobs that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for a process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description
Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.


Optionally, select a status from the drop down list and click Search to display jobs that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire job failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The job was rejected because another instance of the job was in process.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The job is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The job ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. Set to the user ID of the user who submitted the job, set to SYSTEM if it ran as scheduled, or set to the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.


Indicates the result of the job:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the job was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to process.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the job failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the job is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Email Notifications for background and troubleshooting information.

Daily Clean Up Job History

Purpose: Use the Daily Clean Up Job History screen to review the daily cleanup jobs that have taken place or the one that is currently running, if any.

For more information: See Daily Cleanup for an overview on the email notifications process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Daily Clean Up entry at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for a daily cleanup process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this job only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display a job that ended in error.
    • Running to display a job that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display jobs that included any records in error.
    • Success to display jobs that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for a process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description
Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.


Optionally, select a status from the drop down list and click Search to display jobs that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire job failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The job is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The job ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. Set to the user ID of the user who submitted the job, set to SYSTEM if it ran as scheduled, or set to the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.


Indicates the result of the job:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the job was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to process.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the job failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the job is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Email Notifications for background and troubleshooting information.

Email Notifications Job History

Purpose: Use the Email Notifications Job History screen to review the email notifications jobs that have taken place or the one that is currently running, if any.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Email Notifications for an overview on the email notifications process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Email Notifications entry at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an email notifications process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this job only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display a job that ended in error.
    • Running to display a job that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display jobs that included any records in error.
    • Success to display jobs that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for a process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description
Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.


Optionally, select a status from the drop down list and click Search to display jobs that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire job failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The job was rejected because another instance of the job was in process.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The job is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The job ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. Set to SYSTEM if the job ran as scheduled, or to the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.


Indicates the result of the job:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the job was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to process.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the job failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the job is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Email Notifications for background and troubleshooting information.

Generate Pickup Reminder Email History

Purpose: Use the Generate Pickup Reminder Email History screen to review summary information on the pickup reminder email generation for an organization.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job for an organization at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job is currently enabled, or if there are any email generation history records that have not been purged.
  • If the Generate Pickup Reminder Email History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the pickup reminder email history of the previously-selected organization displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an reminder email history record

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter a job number to display this extract process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that started on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display an extract process that ended in error.
    • Rejected if the submitted job was rejected due to a conflict with another instance of the job that was already running.
    • Running to display a job that is currently running for the organization.
    • Failed to display processes that included any records in error.
    • Success to display processes that completed without any errors.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for the process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Summary fields:

The code identifying the organization that generated the extract process, and the description of the organization.

Search fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job. Optionally, enter a number and click Search to display this process only.

Start Date

Optionally, enter a date to display jobs that started on that date.


Optionally, select a status of:

  • Error to display an extract process that ended in error if, for example, the number of orders to extract exceeded the limit of 500,000.
  • Rejected to display a process that was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.

  • Running to display a process that is currently running for the organization.
  • Failed to display processes that included any records in error.
  • Success to display processes that completed without any errors.


    You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Results fields:


History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.
Job Number

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Start Date

The date and time when the process started.

End Date

The date and time when the process ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the export was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates whether any errors occurred for the process:

  • A running person (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the process is currently running (status = Running).
  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred (status = Success).


    The green check is also displayed if there were no emails to generate.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon) indicates that an error occurred (status = Error).
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

The error that occurred, if any.

Emails Generated

The total number of pickup reminder emails that were generated.

Fulfilled Inventory Export History

Purpose: Use the Fulfilled Inventory Export History screen to review the fulfilled inventory exports that have taken place or are currently running.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Fulfilled Inventory Export for an overview on the fulfilled inventory export process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Fulfilled Inventory Export entry for a system at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Fulfilled Inventory Export is currently enabled, or if there are any fulfilled inventory export records that have not been purged.
  • If the Fulfilled Inventory Export History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the fulfilled inventory export history of the previously-selected organization and system displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an export process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed exports to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this export process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display exports that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display an export process that ended in error.
    • Running to display an export process that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display export processes that included any records in error.
    • Success to display export processes that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for an export process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description

The code identifying the organization associated with the export you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the organization is to the right.


The code identifying the system associated with the export you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the system is to the right.

Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export process.

Note: An export is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the export process started.


Optionally, select an export status from the drop down list and click Search to display fulfillment exports that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire export failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The export was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The export is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The export ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export process.

Note: An export is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the export process started.

End Date

The date and time when the export process ended.


The amount of time it took for the export to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the export took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the export was submitted. Set to the user ID of the user who submitted the job, set to SYSTEM if it ran as scheduled, or to the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the fulfillment export process:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the export was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to export.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the export failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the export was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the export is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2018 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Fulfilled Inventory Export for background and troubleshooting information.

Inventory Records

The total number of fulfilled inventory records in the export.

Inventory Errors

The total number of fulfilled inventory records that failed to export. See Fulfilled Inventory Export for background and troubleshooting information.

Incremental Imports History

Purpose: Use Incremental Imports History screen to review the incremental inventory imports that have taken place or are currently running.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Incremental Inventory Import for an overview on the incremental inventory import process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to an Incremental Inventory Import entry for a system at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Incremental Inventory Import is currently enabled, or if there are any incremental inventory import records that have not been purged.
  • If the Incremental Imports History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the incremental imports history of the previously-selected organization and system displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an import process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed imports to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this import process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display imports that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display an import process that ended in error.
    • Running to display an import process that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display import processes that included any records in error.
    • Rejected to display import processes that were rejected because another import process, or a conflicting job, was running. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.

    • Success to display import processes that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for an import process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description

The code identifying the organization associated with the import you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the organization is to the right.


The code identifying the system associated with the import you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the system is to the right.

Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an import process.

Note: An import is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the import process started.


Optionally, select an import status from the drop down list and click Search to display incremental imports that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire import failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The import was rejected because another import, or a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The import is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The import ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an import process.

Note: An import is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the import process started.

End Date

The date and time when the import process ended.


The amount of time it took for the incremental import to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the import took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the import was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the incremental import process:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the import was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to import.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the import failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the import was rejected because another import, or a conflicting job, was already running. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the import is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Incremental Inventory Import for background and troubleshooting information.

Inventory Records

The total number of inventory records in the import.

Inventory Errors

The total number of inventory records that failed to import. See Incremental Inventory Import for background and troubleshooting information.

Identity Cloud User Synchronization History

Purpose: Use Identity Cloud User Synchronization History screen to review the identity cloud user synchronization jobs that have taken place or are currently running. The screen displays up to 50 records.

For more information: See Identity Cloud User Synchronization for an overview on the identity cloud user synchronization job and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to an Identity Cloud User Synchronization job at the View Active Schedules screen.

Options at this screen


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if there are any identity cloud service synchronization records that have not been purged.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.
Option Procedure
Search for a synchronization job

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed synchronization jobs to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this synchronization job only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display synchronization jobs that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display a synchronization job that ended in error.
    • Running to display a synchronization job that is currently running for the system.
    • Rejected because another instance of the job was already running.

    • Failed to display synchronization jobs that included any records in error.
    • Success to display synchronization jobs that completed without any errors.


      You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for a synchronization job itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description
Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a synchronization job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the synchronization job started.


Optionally, select a job status from the drop down list and click Search to display jobs that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire job failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The job was rejected because another synchronization was in process.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The job is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The job ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a synchronization job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The amount of time it took for the job to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the job took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the job, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.


Indicates the result of the synchronization job:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the synchronization was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to synchronize.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the job failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the synchronization was rejected because another synchronization job was already running. Only one synchronization job can run at the same time.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the synchronization job is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

Identity Cloud User Synchronization
Inventory Records

The total number of records in the synchronization.

Inventory Errors

The total number of records that failed to synchronize. See Identity Cloud User Synchronization for background and troubleshooting information.

Inventory Quantity Export History

Purpose: Use the Inventory Quantity Export History screen to review the inventory quantity exports that have taken place or are currently running.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Fulfilled Inventory Quantity Export for an overview on the inventory quantity export process and background information.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to the Inventory Quantity Export entry for a system at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Fulfilled Inventory Quantity Export is currently enabled, or if there are any inventory quantity export records that have not been purged.
  • If the Inventory Quantity Export History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the inventory quantity export history of the previously-selected organization and system displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an export process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed exports to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an job ID number to display this export process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display exports that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display an export process that ended in error.
    • Running to display an export process that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display export processes that included any records in error.
    • Rejected to display export processes that were rejected because the job, or a conflicting job, was already running. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.

    • Success to display export processes that completed without any errors.


      You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for an export process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields on this screen

Field Description

The code identifying the organization associated with the export you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the organization is to the right.


The code identifying the system associated with the export you selected at the View Active Schedules screen is displayed. The description of the system is to the right.

Search fields
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export process.

Note: An export is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the export process started.


Optionally, select an export status from the drop down list and click Search to display inventory quantity exports that are currently in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Error (Illustrates the red X icon.): The entire export failed.
  • Rejected (Illustrates the rejected icon.): The export was rejected because another inventory quantity export, or a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • Running (Illustrates the running man icon.): The export is currently running.
  • Success (Illustrates the green check icon.): The export ran successfully, even if one or more individual records failed.


    You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running, and then Order Broker restarts it automatically.
Results fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export process.

Note: An export is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the export process started.

End Date

The date and time when the export process ended.


The amount of time it took for the export to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the export took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the export was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the inventory quantity export process:

  • A green check(Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that the export was successful, even if one or more individual records failed.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to export.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred and the export failed.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the export was rejected because another inventory quantity export, or a conflicting job, was already running.See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the export is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Error message, if any. For example, a message is written when the job status is reset, for example: Running job status was reset by user SYSTEM on 11/28/2021 04:29 PM. Up to 255 positions.

See Fulfilled Inventory Export for background and troubleshooting information.

Inventory Records

The total number of inventory quantity records in the export.

Inventory Errors

The total number of inventory quantity records that failed to export. See Fulfilled Inventory Export for background and troubleshooting information.

Product Imports History

Purpose: Use the Product Imports History screen to review summary information on the product, product location, location, and UPC imports that have taken place for a system. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview of the import process.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) next to a Product Import entry for a system at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Product Import is currently enabled, or if there are any product import records that have not been purged.
  • If the Product Imports History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the product imports history of the previously-selected organization and system displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Reviewing import errors:


Some errors that can occur from the data in the import file are not written to the related import database table, so in that case the error is noted only in the error file or record, and not on the related report, for example: an invalid number of columns in the import file, a numeric field that contains alphabetical data, or a date that is not formatted correctly.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an import process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed imports to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an import ID number to display this import process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display imports that took place on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:

    • Error to display an import process that ended in error.
    • Rejected to display an import process that was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.

    • Running to display an import process that is currently running for the system.
    • Failed to display import processes that included any records in error.
    • Success to display import processes that completed without any errors.


You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for an import process itself, it is displayed in the Error field.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Summary fields:

The code identifying the organization associated with the system that generated the import process. The organization description is to the right of the organization code, separated by a hyphen.


The code identifying the system that generated the import process, either because you ran it on demand from the Schedule Jobs screen, or it was scheduled at that screen. This is the system you selected at the Schedule Jobs screen.

The system description is to the right of the system code, separated by a hyphen.

Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an import process. Optionally, enter a number and click Search to display this import process only.

Search fields:
Start Date

Optionally, enter a date to display imports that started on that date.


Optionally, select a status of:

  • Error to display an import process that ended in error.
  • Rejected to display an import process that was rejected because another import, or a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.

  • Running to display an import process that is currently running for the system.
  • Failed to display import processes that included any records in error.
  • Success to display import processes that completed without any errors.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Results fields:


Records are retained for the Job History days specified at the Tenant-Admin screen.
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an import process.

Note: An import is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.

Start Date

The date and time when the import process started.

End Date

The date and time when the import process ended.


The amount of time, in minutes and seconds, that the import process ran. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the import took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how to import was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates whether any product or product location errors occurred for the import process:

  • A running person (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the import process is currently running.
  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred (status = Success).


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to import.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the import was rejected because another import, or a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an extract error or at least one product, product location, location, or product UPC barcode import error occurred. Use the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report to review location, product, product location, or product UPC barcode errors. See the Error field for additional reasons why an import might fail.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

Indicates the general error, if any, that prevented the product import from taking place.

If this field indicates Error importing file. See error file for details, this could indicate that at least one of the import files included invalid data, such as:

  • the wrong number of columns
  • alphabetical characters for a numeric field
  • an incorrectly formatted date
  • data that exceeds the maximum length of the field in the database

In this case, the process moves the file to the error container in the FILE_STORAGE table.

This field indicates Error importing from OCDS. See error log for details if errors occurred during OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports. See that help topic for more information.

Note: General errors are not included in the Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report, in the case of the Location Import Errors Report, some general errors are included on the report with the description Location Import Failed - Other Error.


Indicates that the top row for the following columns lists the number of records Processed, while the bottom row for the following columns lists the number of records Errored.

Product Records

Top row: The total number of product records included in the import process, including any records that were in error.

Bottom row: The total number of product import records that were in error. If there were any errors, you can use the Product Import Errors Report to review them.

Inventory Records

Top row: The total number of product location records that included in the import process, including any records that were in error.

Bottom row: The total number of product location import records that were in error. See Product Location Import Error Files for more information.

Location Records

Top row: The total number of location records included in the import process, including any records that were in error.

Bottom row: The total number of location import records that were in error. If there were any errors, you can use the Location Import Errors Report to review them.

UPC Records

Top row: The total number of product UPC barcode records included in the import process, including any records that were in error.

Bottom row: The total number of product UPC barcode import records that were in error. If there were any errors, you can use the Product Barcode Import Errors Report to review them.

Image Records

Top row: The total number of product image records included in the import process, including any records that were in error. Product images are displayed in Store Connect.

Bottom row: The total number of product image import records that were in error. A product import image record could be in error because the URL for the image was not formatted correctly.

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview.

Sales Order Data Extract Job History

Purpose: Use the Sales Order Data Extract Job History screen to review summary information on the sales order data extracts that have taken place for an organization.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Click the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) for an organization at the View Active Schedules screen.


  • Only users with View Active Schedules authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • Available only if the Sales Order Data Extract is currently enabled, or if there are any data extract records that have not been purged.
  • If the Sales Order Data Extract Job History screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the history icon, you advance to this screen with the order data extract history of the previously-selected organization displayed.
  • History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Maximum number of orders: The extract fails if the total number of orders to extract exceeds 500,000. If this occurs, use the Extract Orders with Activity From and To at the Schedule Jobs screen to run the extract for smaller segments by specifying date ranges to include each time, rather than including all orders.

For more information: See the Sales Order Data Extract for information on generating the extract, and see Sales Order Data Extract Files for information on the data included in the extract files.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Search for an extract process

Use the Job Number, Start Date, or Status fields to restrict the displayed extract to those that match your entries and click Search:

  • Job Number = Optionally, enter an extract job number to display this extract process only.
  • Start Date = Optionally, enter a date to display extracts that started on that date.
  • Status = Optionally, select a status of:
    • Error to display an extract process that ended in error.
    • Rejected if the submitted export was rejected due to a conflict with another instance of the job that was already running.
    • Running to display an extract process that is currently running for the organization.
    • Failed to display extract processes that included any records in error.
    • Success to display extract processes that completed without any errors.


    You cannot select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Understand general errors

If an error occurred for an extract process itself, it is displayed in the Error field. This might occur if, for example, the number of orders to extract exceeded the limit of 500,000.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Summary fields:

The code identifying the organization that generated the extract process, and the description of the organization.

Search fields:
Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export job. Optionally, enter a number and click Search to display this export process only.

Start Date

Optionally, enter a date to display extracts that started on that date.


Optionally, select a status of:

  • Error to display an extract process that ended in error if, for example, the number of orders to extract exceeded the limit of 500,000.
  • Rejected to display an extract process that was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.

  • Running to display an extract process that is currently running for the organization.
  • Failed to display extract processes that included any records in error.
  • Success to display extract processes that completed without any errors.


    You can select a status of Paused; however, a job stays in this status only briefly when it switches to another server to complete running.
Results fields:


History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.
Job Number

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an export process.

Start Date

The date and time when the export process started.

End Date

The date and time when the export process ended.


The amount of time it took for the export to run. HH:MM:SS format, but displayed in MM:SS format if the export took less than an hour.

Submitted By

Indicates how the export was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed here if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates whether any errors occurred for the export process:

  • A running person (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the export process is currently running (status = Running).
  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred (status = Success).


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to export.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the rejected icon.) indicates that the job was rejected because another instance of the job was already running.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon) indicates that an error occurred (status = Error).
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running. This status might be displayed only briefly.

The error that occurred, if any.

Order Records

The total number of order records included in the export process. This total can include both sales orders and purchase orders.

View Job History

Purpose: Use the View Job History screen to review jobs that have run.

History icon always shown: The history icon to review job history is available for all jobs listed on this screen, regardless of whether the Schedule Enabled flag at the Schedule Jobs screen is selected for the job. However, history is available for review only if the job has run at least once, and it has any history records that have not been purged.

The screen displays up to 100 job history records in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). If necessary, use the search fields at the top of the screen to restrict the displayed job history records.

How to display this screen: Select View Job History from the Systems Menu. The landing page does not have a shortcut to this screen.


Only users with View Job History authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

History screens for individual jobs: You can also use the history icon (Illustrates the history icon.) at the View Active Schedules screen to advance to a screen displaying all unpurged history records for the selected job. See that screen for more information.

History is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a job history record

Optionally, select a Job Name, Organization, and/or System, Start Date, or End Date, and click Search to display the scheduled job.


Searching by organization or system is supported only for jobs that are specific to an organization or system. See the Job Name field a summary description of each job.
refresh the displayed information

Click Search.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:
Job Name

A job that has run at least once, and not all history has been purged. Optionally, select a listed job and select Search to display the history records for that job. Jobs that can be displayed here are:

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders: Cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job runs daily at a specified time. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Completed Order Private Data Purge: Anonymizes customer data on sales orders that closed (fulfilled, canceled, unfulfillable, completed) and purchase orders that have been closed (shipped, complete, or canceled) and that are older than a specified number of days. See Completed Order Private Data Purge for a discussion.

Daily Clean Up: Clears outdated information on a daily basis. See the Daily Clean Up job for details. This job runs daily at a specified time.

Email Notifications: Generates email notifications to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff based on the unprocessed records that are currently in the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION table. This job runs at the specified minute interval: for example, generate email notifications every 5 minutes. See the Email Notifications job for details.

Fulfilled Quantity Export: Generates a pipe-delimited file of recent order fulfillments, so the inventory system of record can use this information to update its own inventory based on activity in Order Broker. See the Fulfilled Inventory Export job for details.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails: Generates pickup-ready reminder emails to customers whose pickup orders have not been picked up within the number of Aged Hours defined for the job. See the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job for details.

Identity Cloud Service Synchronization: Creates users in Order Broker based on the data that has been set up in IDCS or OCI IAM. See the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job for details.

Incremental Inventory Import: Uses the contents of a pipe-delimited import file to update product location records for the system. See the Incremental Inventory Import job for details.

Inventory Quantity Export: Creates a pipe-delimited export file providing the current totals for products or product locations based on updates to product location quantities, including applying probable quantity or probability rules. Also, supports a web service to respond to requests for current inventory quantity changes based on probability rules. See the Inventory Quantity Export job for details.

Product Import: Imports and updates information that includes products, system products, product locations, locations, and product barcodes. See the Product Import job for details.

Sales Order Data Extract: Creates export files containing data related to orders with any activity within a specified date range. See the Sales Order Data Extract for details.

Jobs that are not flagged as enabled at the Schedule Jobs screen are not listed in the results here.


See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.

Filtering displayed jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


See system. Optionally, select a system the drop down list in order to display jobs run for the selected system. If you first select an Organization, only systems associated with that organization are displayed.

Filtering jobs based on organization takes place only for the jobs that are associated with a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.

Results fields:
Job Name

See the Job Name, above, for information.

Job Number

A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify a job.

Note: A job is associated with a single job number, regardless of whether Order Broker breaks it out into multiple batches for processing.


The organization code is displayed only for jobs related to a specific organization: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import, and Sales Order Data Extract.


The code identifying the system associated with the scheduled job. The system code is displayed only for those jobs related to a specific system: these are the Probable Quantity Export, Fulfilled Quantity Export, Product Import, Probable Quantity Export, and Incremental Inventory Import.

System Name

The name describing the system.

Start Date

The date and time when the job started.

End Date

The date and time when the job ended.


The number of minutes and seconds it took the job to run, in MM:SS format. Displayed only for the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, and Sales Order Extract.

Submitted By

Indicates how the job was submitted. This could be the ID of the user who submitted or scheduled the process, or the client ID used to authenticate the run job API request message.

SYSTEM is displayed as the user ID if the job ran successfully through a schedule; however, if a scheduled job was rejected, the ID of the user who scheduled the job is displayed.


Indicates the result of the most recent import process:

  • A green check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that no errors occurred.


    The green check is also displayed if there were no records to import.
  • A red X (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that an error occurred for at least one record in the import.
  • A yellow triangle (Illustrates the yellow triangle icon.) indicates that the import was rejected because another instance of the same job, or of a conflicting job, was in process. See Schedule Imports for a listing of jobs that can conflict.
  • A running man (Illustrates the running man icon.) indicates that the import is currently running.
  • A pause icon (Illustrates the pause icon.) indicates that the job has paused briefly while it switches to another server to finish running.

This field is blank if you have not yet run the import process for the system, or if the job is anything other than the Incremental Inventory Import, Product Import, Inventory Quantity Export, or Sales Order Data Extract.

Schedule Jobs

Purpose: Use the Schedule Jobs screen to work with scheduled jobs.

Displaying the jobs available to schedule: Use the folders on the left-hand pane to display the related jobs available for scheduling:

Highlight a job in the left-hand pane to display schedule information and options in the right-hand area.

See each job below for more information.

Resolving scheduling issues: The Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen stops and restarts the schedules for all jobs in the case of an unexpected interruption. Also, you use this option to start running all scheduled jobs and programs when first configuring Order Broker, or after an upgrade is applied.

Note that the Reschedule All option does not restart jobs that are in Paused status (Illustrates the pause icon.). Jobs stay in Paused status only briefly before Order Broker restarts them automatically.


Do not attempt to schedule jobs before creating systems.

Dates and times: The dates and times are based on the retailer’s time, which may be different from your local time zone. As a result, you need to calculate the difference between your local time and the system time to have the scheduled import take place at the desired time.

Job notifications: If the Event Notifications settings are configured at the Event Logging screen, a job notification message is generated each time one of the scheduled jobs runs. See Event Notifications settings and the Job Notification Messages appendix of the Operations Guide for more information.

Status email: If a job for a specific system is rejected because a conflicting job was already running, Order Broker generates a status email to the Administrative Email specified at the Event Logging screen, indicating:

  • System Code: The system submitting the job.
  • Blocking System Code: The system that submitted the job that blocked the job.
  • Date/Time File Rejected
  • Run By: The user ID of the person who submitted the job, or set to SYSTEM if the job was scheduled.

Which jobs conflict? You cannot run any of the following jobs at the same time:

Run Job API: You can also use the Run Job API to submit a job, as an alternative to submitting the job on demand or scheduling it at this screen. See the Operations Guide for background.

In this topic:

Data Hygiene Folder:

Exports Folder:

Imports Folder:

Orders Folder:

Fields at this Screen

How to display this screen: Select Schedule Jobs from the Systems Menu. The landing page does not have a shortcut to this screen.


Only users with Schedule Jobs authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Completed Order Private Data Purge

The Completed Order Private Data Purge job in the Data Hygiene folder anonymizes customer data on sales orders that closed (fulfilled, canceled, unfulfillable, completed) and purchase orders that have been closed (shipped, complete, or canceled) and that are older than the number of days specified in the Days Old field.

If the same external order number is assigned to multiple sales or purchase orders, each purchase order is purged only if is closed and is older than the retention days. For example, order number 12345 is assigned to two purchase orders created on February 1 and another was created on February 6. If the current date is February 15 and the retention days is set to 10, then the third purchase order cannot yet be purged.

The order’s age is calculated based on the CREATE_TIMESTAMP from the XOM_ORDER table or the CREATED_DATE from the PO_HEADER table. This is the date and time when Order Broker created the sales order or purchase order, which might be different from when the order was created in the originating system.

About anonymization: When the customer data is anonymized, all information is replaced with asterisks. Anonymized data cannot be recovered. Data that is anonymized includes sold-to and ship-to customer names, address, email addresses, and phone numbers for sales orders and purchase orders. Even if a field, such as one of the address lines, did not previously contain data, the purge populates the field with asterisks. See Anonymizing Data for a discussion.

A Transaction Note is written for each order line: Private Data Anonymized.

Scheduling the Completed Order Data Purge

  • Select the Day of Week when the job should run.
  • Enter the Time when the job should run in 24-hour format (HH:MM).
  • Enter the Days Old an order or purchase order must be to be eligible for anonymization.
  • Select Schedule Enabled.
  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

Orders across all organizations are anonymized.

Completed Order Data Purge Fields

History: Use the Completed Order Private Data Purge screen to review completed order data purge jobs that have run.

For more information: See the Operations Guide for information on web service requests that support inquiring on private data and requesting to anonymize it.

Daily Clean Up

The Daily Clean Up job in the Daily Hygiene folder clears outdated information, including:

  • Pack slip records generated through the Vendor Portal, after the number of days specified in the Pack Slip Files field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Reports, after the number of days specified in the File Storage field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • File storage records, after the number of days specified in the File Storage field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Pack slip records generated through Store Connect, after one day.
  • Shipping label records generated for integrated shipping with ADSI, in either the Vendor Portal or Store Connect, after one day.
  • Email notification records, after three days.
  • Product import error files and part files, after the number of days specified in the Product Import Error Files field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen, if Cloud Storage is used.
  • Records in the RICS_LOG table of messages between Order Broker and Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS), based on the number of days specified in the RICS Log History field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

    RICS log records whose Retry Status is Failed are not eligible to be purged.

  • Job history records which are older than the Job History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen. See the View Job History screen to review job history.
  • Audit records for audited tables that have exceeded the audit retention days specified in the CTL_APP_CONFIG table in the database. The retention days is set 183 days (6 months) by default, and is not displayed on any screen. The audited tables include Preferences, Preference Overrides, Drop Ship Preferences, Job Schedule, System, and Web Service Users. Contact your Oracle support representative if the retention setting needs to be changed.
  • Shopping logic trace records shopping logic trace records for closed, completed, canceled, and unfulfillable orders, when the records are older than the number of days specified in the Trace Log History field under Retention Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen. screen, if shopping logic tracing is enabled; see Trace Shopping Log for background.

  • Records in the XOM_ITEM_DUPLICATE table that are older than 180 days. This table contains a record for each order line that was not created in Order Broker because a duplicate was found. Duplicate records are retained for 180 days for troubleshooting by Oracle Support.

  • Records in the XOM_ITEM_DUP_CHECK table that are older than 2 days. This table contains a record of each submitted order, which is used temporarily only for the duplicate checking process before order creation.

Scheduling the Daily Clean Up Job

  1. Enter the Time in 24-hour format (HH:MM) when the job should run.
  2. Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  3. Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Daily Clean Up Fields

Daily Cleanup History: Use the Daily Clean Up Job History screen to review daily cleanup jobs that have run.

For more information: See the Tenant-Admin screen for information on Retention Settings fields.

Fulfilled Inventory Export

Purpose: Use the Fulfilled Inventory Export to generate a pipe-delimited file of recent order fulfillments, so the inventory system of record can use this information to update its own inventory based on activity in Order Broker.

Export updates: The export program:

  • identifies each order line within the system since the last time the export was run, based on the export update date and time in the xom_status_history table:

    • delivery and pickup orders: the order line assigned to the location for fulfillment has gone into fulfilled status
    • ship-for-pickup orders: the order line assigned to the location for sourcing (transferring or shipping the item to the pickup location) has gone into intransit status
  • for each order line whose fulfilled or intransit quantity was included in the export, updates the export update date and time in the xom_status_history table
  • for each product location included in the export:

    • if the Track Fulfilled Quantity setting is Reset During Inventory Export, sets the Fulfilled Quantity to 0
    • decreases the Available Quantity by the total quantity of fulfilled order lines included in the export, based on the quantity from the xom_status_history table
    • updates the Last Updated Date for the product location
  • generates the export file, creating the export record in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-EXPORT. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table. See File Storage API for Imports and Exports for details.

Fulfilled Inventory Export History: Use the Fulfilled Inventory Export History screen to review fulfilled inventory exports that have run.

For more information: See the Fulfilled Inventory Export File.

Fulfilled quantity used in availability calculation: Both the Reserved Quantity and the Fulfilled Quantity are subtracted from the product location’s Available Quantity when calculating the Available to Promise quantity. See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Typically, you would set the Track Fulfilled Quantity field at the System screen to Reset During Inventory Export. See that field.

Fulfilled Inventory Export File

  • File format: The file is pipe-delimited (|).
  • File location: The FILE_STORAGE table.
  • File naming: Named FULFILLED_QUANTITY_EXTRACT_SYSCD_220831_165819.csv, where SYSCD is the code for the system, and 150831_165819 the date (August 31, 2022) and time when the file was created, in the retailer’s time.

File contents:

  • Location code: The code identifying the location that shipped the delivery order, where the pickup order was picked up, or that shipped or transferred the ship-for-pickup order.
  • Order number: The number or code identifying the order in the originating system.
  • System product code: The number or code identifying the item in the fulfilling system.
  • Quantity fulfilled: The quantity of the item shipped, picked up, or in transit.
  • Unit price: The unit price of the item on the order.
  • Date and time: The date and time when the item was shipped or picked up. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS:XXX format, where XXX is milliseconds (for example, 2022-11-15T16:15:34.710).

Scheduling the Fulfilled Inventory Export

  • Click the plus sign next to the Fulfilled Inventory Export job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.

Illustrates the plus sign next to the Fulfilled Inventory Export job.


The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Click the organization whose fulfilled inventory data should be extracted. When you select an organization, the systems within the organization are displayed.

Illustrates the systems within an organization.
  • When you select an organization, the Fulfilled Inventory Export Fields are displayed to the right.
  • Select one or more Days of Week when the job should run.
  • Use the Time field to enter each time when the job should run, in 24-hour format (HH:MM). If entering multiple times, separate each with a comma and no spaces.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Fulfilled Inventory Export Fields

Job Summary

Inventory Quantity Export

The different options for calculating the available quantity for inventory export include using probable quantity rules; using probability rules; and not using rules. The required settings for each are described below.


Configure the export for only one system in your organization to support the export for all eligible systems within the organization. The selected system does not need to be the organization default.

Difference between probable quantity rules and probability rules: Probable quantity rules are used only to calculate the probable quantity to pass to an integrated system, such as an ecommerce site, while probability rules apply dynamically to determine the available quantity when Order Broker receives a request, such as a Submit Order request or a Locate Items request.

Use probability rules for the inventory quantity update to provide a consistent calculation both interactively and through the batch updates described here.

Typical Inventory Quantity Export Usage

An example of how you might use the inventory quantity export would be an ecommerce system that requires an estimate of availability for display at the ecommerce site:

  • System A is your ecommerce system. For this system:

    • The Inventory Qty Export flag is not selected, because the system does not require its own product locations in the export file.
    • At the Inventory Quantity Export settings at the Schedule Jobs screen, the Enabled flag is selected, a schedule is defined, and a Safe Stock Method method is selected.
  • Systems B and C are additional systems in your organization that can fulfill orders. For these systems, the Inventory Qty Export flag is selected, because updated inventory should be included in the inventory quantity export file.
  • If the Safe Stock Method is set to Probable Quantity Rules or No Rules, the inventory quantity export runs when scheduled for system A, and includes all product locations in systems B and C that have been updated since the last inventory quantity export for system A.
  • If the Safe Stock Method is set to Probability Rules:

    • Whenever Order Broker receives the inventory count web service request, it responds with the requested number of updated product location records since the most recent request.
    • The inventory quantity export runs when scheduled for system A, and includes all product locations in systems B and C that have an available quantity greater than zero.
  • The calculation of the quantities in the export file, and the web service response, when using probability rules, is based on the selected Safe Stock Method.


The Default Unfulfillable Location is not included in the inventory quantity export.

See below for more details.

Pausing inventory updates through RICS: If Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) are enabled, these updates need to pause during the inventory export process in order to prevent database contention. To support this requirement, if the Online flag at the RICS Integration tab on the System screen is selected:

  • When the inventory quantity export begins, it first sends a stop request to RICS.
  • Then when the export completes, it sends a start request to RICS.

The message is sent to the URL specified for the Outbound Orders Service at the RICS Integration tab on the System screen.


To support sending the stop and start requests, the User ID specified at the RICS Integration tab on the System screen needs to have the Operator or Admin role in RIB.

Maximum number of records exported? When the export is generated through the getInventoryQuantity request message, the export file includes up to the number of records specified for the inventory.qty.export.max.threshold in the CTL_APP_CONFIG table. This threshold is set to 500 by default. See the Operations Guide for more information.

Export file placement: The export creates the export file in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-EXPORT. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table.

Inventory Quantity Export History: Use the Inventory Quantity Export History screen to review inventory quantity exports that have run.

Scheduling the Inventory Export

  • Click the plus sign next to the Inventory Export job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.
    Illustrates the Inventory Export job under Exports in the left-hand panel.


    The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Click the organization whose inventory quantity data should be exported. When you select an organization, the systems within the organization are displayed.
    Illustrates the systems within an organization.


    When the Safe Stock Method is set to Probability Rules, you cannot schedule the job to run more than once a day. With this setting, the system can instead receive incremental inventory updates through the Get Inventory Quantity web service, described in the Operations Guide.
  • Use the Days of Week to select each day when the export job should run.
  • Use the Time field to enter each time when the job should run, in 24-hour format (HH:MM). If entering multiple times, separate each with a comma and no spaces.


    To avoid a system slow-down or degrading performance, do not run the Inventory Quantity Extract more than once a day or during peak processing time.
  • When you select a system in the organization, the Summary of Inventory Quantity Export Fields are displayed to the right. See the Inventory Quantity Rules Settings for details on the Safe Stock Method, File Output Type, and Incremental Updates fields, and see Inventory Quantity Rules Settings, below, for details on configuration options.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Inventory Quantity Rule Settings

Probability Rules Settings:

  • Overview: Provides incremental updates to an external system through a web service, applying probability rules set up through the Probability Rules and Probability Location screens, as well as a pipe-delimited file containing a full overlay of all product locations where the available quantity is greater than zero.
  • Configuration:
    • Safe Stock Method: Set to Probability Rules.
    • File Output Type: Set to Full Overlay, and cannot be changed.
    • Incremental Updates: Set to Probability Rules to enable a background process to perform the probability calculation and queue updated product location records to return in the response to the inventory quantity web service; otherwise, set to No Update.

Additional configuration requirements:

  • Select the Inventory Qty Export flag at the Inventory tab of the System screen for each system that should have product locations included in the export.
  • Set the PQE Startup Threads at the Tenant-Admin screen to a number from 1 to 100 to enable the background process that performs the probable quantity calculation.
  • If needed, create the web service user ID to authenticate the incremental update web service for the Admin web service; see Web Service User for background.

For more information: See Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service. Also, see the RESTful Get Inventory Quantity Updates chapter in the Operations Guide for information on the web service that returns incremental inventory quantity updates.

Probable Quantity Rules Settings:

For more information: See Probable Quantity Update and Export.

No Rules Settings:

  • Overview: Provides a pipe-delimited file that includes either totals aggregated by product or all changed records for individual product locations after applying probable location rules.
  • Configuration:

For more information: See the Inventory Quantity Export Using Available to Promise Quantity (No Rules).

Summary of Inventory Quantity Export Fields

Job Summary

For more information: See the Tenant-Admin screen for information on Retention Settings fields.

Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service

Required configuration: See Inventory Quantity Rules Settings for details on configuring the inventory quantity export for probability rules and to support the Get Inventory Quantity Updates web service to support incremental updates.

Difference between probable quantity rules and probability rules: Probable quantity rules are used to calculate the probable quantity to pass to an integrated system, such as an ecommerce site, while probability rules apply dynamically to determine the available quantity when Order Broker receives a request, such as a Submit Order request or a Locate Items request.

Tracking Probability Rules for Incremental Updates on Inventory Availability

The probability rule export uses a background process that evaluates changes that might affect the quantity that is expected to be available in product locations. This information is queued in the database so that Order Broker can send current information, including the new “probable quantity” based on probability rules, for updated product locations, when requested by an integrating system. This job runs if:

Note that the field returns in the web service is labeled as the probable quantity, but it is a projected inventory count based on probability rules, not on probable quantity rules.

Which systems? The background process evaluates product locations for all systems within the organization that have the Inventory Qty Export flag at the Inventory tab of the System screen selected.

Which updates trigger probability rule calculation? The background process monitors the following data that could be factors in applying probability rules, and calculates the updated quantity to return in the inventory quantity web service.

  • Product location updates: Changes to the available quantity or reserved quantity based on status updates, minimum sell quantity, sales velocity, shrink rate, daily sell-through quantity, sell quantity/multiple, and the fulfilled quantity. See the Browse Product Locations window for information on these fields.
  • Product updates: Changes to the category, class, or department, if a product location exists.
  • System product updates: A change to the master style, if a product location exists.

Also, creating a new product location triggers the probability rule calculation.

Things to note:

  • Probability rules based on express carrier, order type, originating system, last updated date, today, or requested quantity are not considered when performing the probability rule calculation.
  • Probability rules based on the product location’s next PO date or next PO quantity are not considered when performing the probability rule calculation for the web service update; however, they are applied to the data in the inventory quantity extract file, described below.
  • Reserved quantity updates that take place through changing the statuses selected at the Reservation tab of the System screen do not trigger probability rule calculation for the web service update; however, these changes do factor into the calculation for the full overlay export file.
  • If a probability rule set to Exclude Location applies, the probable quantity indicated for the product location in the web service update is zero, and the product location is not included in the extract file.
  • The Default Unfulfillable Location and the IN PROCESS location are not included in the probability rule calculation.
  • The Use Probability Rules preference does not need to be selected for the processing described here to take place.

Get Inventory Quantity Updates web service: Order Broker responds with recent inventory updates when it receives a request through the inventory quantity web service. The requesting system can specify the number of updated product locations to include in the response, and Order Broker tracks which updates have been sent in the web service, and which are queued for an upcoming web service request. See the Get Inventory Quantity Updates chapter in the Operations Guide for information on this web service.

Full Overlay Inventory Quantity Extract File

File name: The generated full overlay inventory quantity extract file generated through the Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service is named INVENTORY_QUANTITY_EXTRACT_SYSTEM_200220_123456.txt, where SYSTEM is the system code and 200220_123456 is the date and time. The text file is in a zip file of the same name, for example INVENTORY_QUANTITY_EXTRACT_SYSTEM_200220_123456.zip.

Which records included? This file includes all product locations for the organization that currently have an available quantity greater than zero. Also, only product locations associated with a system whose Inventory Qty Export flag is selected are included.

The Use Probability Rules preference does not need to be selected for this extract file to be generated.

File placement: When the export runs, the program creates the export record in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-EXPORT. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table.

File contents: The pipe-delimited file contains the following fields, including a header row containing the column names:

  • SYSTEM_CD: The code identifying the system associated with the product location.
  • PRODUCT_CD: The system product code in the organization’s default system.
  • LOCATION_CD: The code identifying the location in the system.
  • AVAILABLE_QTY: The current on-hand quantity for the product location, before applying any calculations.
  • RESERVED_QTY: The reserved quantity for the product location, based on the statuses selected at the Reservation tab of the System screen, and updated through status updates to the order line.
  • PROBABLE_QTY: The calculated value after applying any eligible probability rules.


  • The PROBABLE_QTY value here is not the same as the probable quantity calculated using probable quantity rules, as described under Probable Quantity Update and Export.
  • Probability rules based on express carrier, order type, originating system, last updated date, today, or requested quantity are not considered when calculating the probable quantity.
  • If a probability rule is set to Exclude Location applies, the product location is not included in the extract file.
  • The Default Unfulfillable Location is not included in the probability rule calculation.
  • The Use Probability Rules preference does not need to be selected for the file to be generated as described here.

Job notifications: If the Event Notifications settings are configured at the Event Logging screen, a job notification message is generated each time the export job runs. See Event Notifications settings and the Job Notification Messages appendix of the Operations Guide for more information.

Probable Quantity Update and Export

Required configuration: See Inventory Quantity Rules Settings for details on configuring the inventory quantity export for probable quantity.

If the File Output Type is set to Changed Records, the probable quantity update and export:

  • Subtracts the current reserved quantity for updated product locations.
  • Subtracts the fulfilled quantity for product locations, populated if it has not been cleared by the Fulfilled Inventory Export.
  • Updates the probable quantity field, if necessary, in the product location table in Order Broker, as well as the probable updated date. See Probable Quantity, below, for a discussion.
  • Creates a pipe-delimited export file for all product locations in the organization whose probable quantities were updated since the last time the export ran for the system running the update and export, provided the Inventory Qty Export flag is selected at the Inventory tab of the System screen.

For more information: See Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for information on exporting inventory quantities based on probability rules rather than based on probable quantity rules.

About probable quantity update and export:

Aggregate by Product

If you have selected the probable quantity export and the File Output Type is set to Aggregate by Product, the update and export:

  • Sums the quantities for each product across product locations, regardless of whether there has been any activity since the last export.
  • Creates a pipe-delimited export file containing the products and totals. In this situation, the file does not include the location code.

No other uses of probable quantity: Order Broker does not use the probable quantity field in any calculation, return it in any web service, or display it on any screen. Its only use is to be available for in the probable quantity export.

Which product locations are included in the export file? If File Output Type is set to Changed Records, the export file includes product locations that:

  • Are part of a system that has the Inventory Qty Export flag selected.
  • Have been updated since the last time the export file was generated for the requesting system.

Job notifications: If the Event Notifications settings are configured at the Event Logging screen, a job notification message is generated each time the export job runs. See Event Notifications settings and the Job Notification Messages appendix of the Operations Guide for more information.

Probable Quantity

Usage: If the Safe Stock Method field is set to Probable Quantity Rules, the probable quantity export program updates the probable_qty and the probable_updated fields in the product location table. The probable_qty is not used in any additional process or displayed on any screen in Order Broker; however, it is included in the probable quantity export so that a remote system, such as your ecommerce system, can display a more accurate picture of an item’s availability, without the need for interactive inquiries.

However, if the Safe Stock Method field is set to No Rules, the system uses the available to promise quantity as the probable quantity.

Which product locations evaluated? If the Safe Stock Method field is set to Probable Quantity Rules, when the inventory quantity export program runs for a system, it evaluates, and potentially updates, the probable_qty for all product locations that are flagged as eligible to be included in the export file (based on a probable_updated field set to NULL). The product location is flagged as eligible by setting this field set to NULL when:

  • A product import, including the incremental inventory import, updates the product location.
  • You update a product location at the Edit Product Location screen.
  • The product location is updated through an interactive inventory update (for example, triggered by a submit order request or a locate items search).
  • You assign a probable quantity rule, modify an assigned probable quantity rule, or delete a probable quantity rule assignment for the location type that includes the location through the Probable Quantity Location screen, even if the product does not qualify for that particular rule.

When the probable quantity export program evaluates and resets the probable_qty based on whether the Safe Stock Method flag is selected, it updates the probable_updated field with the current date and time, indicating that the product location is not currently eligible for probable quantity update until the next activity that updates the probable_updated field.

Backorders? For the purposes of calculating the probable quantity for export, a negative available quantity is treated the same way as an available quantity of zero.

Calculation details: To determine the probable_qty for a product location, the program uses the following rules:

  1. The calculation starts with the current on-hand quantity (the available_qty in the product_location table).

  2. The update calculates the available to promise quantity by:

    • Subtracting the reserved quantity, if any, based on the Reserved Statuses at the Reservation tab at the System screen.
    • Subtracting the fulfilled quantity, if any, for recently fulfilled orders in the store location that have not been reset to 0 through the Fulfilled Inventory Export.
  3. If:

    • The Safe Stock Method field is set to No Rules, or if no probable quantity rules apply to the product location based on the location type, the probable_qty = the available to promise .
    • Otherwise, if the Safe Stock Method field is set to Probable Quantity Rules, and there are any probable quantity rules that apply to the product location based on the location type, then the probable_qty is calculated by applying the probable quantity rule to the available to promise quantity.

About probable quantity rules: Probable quantity rules can add or subtract a quantity, increase or decrease by a percentage, or set the probable_qty to a specified quantity.


If the available to promise quantity (Available quantity - reserved quantity) = 10 and...

  • Probable quantity rule is Available + 5, then the probable_qty is 15.
  • Probable quantity rule is Available - 15, then probable_qty is 0.
  • Probable quantity rule is 5, then probable_qty is 5.
  • Probable quantity rule is Available - 10%, then probable_qty is 9.

If the available to promise quantity is negative: The program still applies the probable quantity rule if the available to promise quantity is negative. For example, if the available to promise quantity is -3, but the probable quantity rule indicates to add 10, then the probable_qty is 7. However, if the result after applying the probable quantity rule is still negative, then the probable_qty is 0.

Probable quantity rules that apply a percentage increase or decrease do not affect the probable_qty if the available to promise quantity is less than 0. The result is still negative, so the probable_qty is still 0. For example, if the available to promise quantity is -5, and the rule increases the quantity by 25%, the result is still less than 0, so the probable quantity is 0.

Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules

You can set up probable quantity rules based on:

  • matching system product code, or
  • matching master style code
  • matching department, class, or category
  • no required matching

Also, you can assign probable quantity rules at the location type level or at the location level.

If multiple probable quantity rules could apply to the same product location, the program applies only the last possible rule as follows to calculate the probable_qty:

First, evaluate rules assigned to the location type:

  • 1: no matching required
  • 5: matching master style
  • 6: matching system product

Next, evaluate rules assigned to the location, using the same sequence listed above; however, rules assigned at the location level might not apply if there was no additional activity, such as a product import, that flagged the product location as eligible for probable quantity calculation.

Example: For a particular product, rules have been assigned to:

  • the location type, specifying a matching master style
  • the location, without any matching required
  • the location, specifying a matching system product

Result: The rule that is assigned at the location level and specifies a matching system product is applied to the product location and updates the probable_qty.


Rules assigned at the location level are eligible to be applied only if another activity, such as an inventory import, updates the product location.

For accurate calculation of the probable_qty, do not apply multiple probable quantity rules at the same level and with the same criteria.

Date and time updated: When it updates the probable_qty, the program also updates the probable_updated date and time in the product location table. This update occurs regardless of whether the probable_qty was updated solely because of a change in probability rule assignment.

What if the probable_qty doesn’t change? If the probable_qty does not change as a result of the probable quantity update program, the program does not update the probable_updated field unless the probable_updated field was set to NULL because of one of the activities listed above.

Example: If a user advances to the Edit Product Location screen in Order Broker and then clicks Save, this changes the probable_qty and probable_updated date for the product location to NULL; as a result, the update program includes this product location in its updates, and the product location is then eligible to be included in the extract file, even if there has not been any actual inventory change or change to the resulting probable_qty.


Even if the probable_qty for a product location is more than zero, this does not indicate if the location supports a particular transaction type, such as pickup.

Probable Quantity Export File Layout and Contents

File placement: When the probable quantity export runs, the program creates the export record in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-EXPORT. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table.

File naming: The file name is Probable_Quantity_Extract_SYS_220702_123456.txt, where SYS is the system (in all uppercase) running the export, and 150702 is the date when the file was generated, in YYMMDD format, and 123456 is the time when the file was generated, in HHMMSS format, and in the retailer’s time.

File contents:

  • SYSTEM_CD: The code identifying the system associated with the product.
  • PRODUCT_CD: The system product code for the item in the system generating the extract. The process trims any blank, trailing spaces.
  • LOCATION_CD: The code identifying the location. This field is not included when the Aggregate by Product flag is selected. In this case, the following quantities are totals across all eligible product locations, and all products are included in the export file regardless of whether there has been any activity since the last export.
  • AVAILABLE_QTY: The current on-hand quantity of the product, without factoring in any reserved quantity or rules. From the available_qty in the product_location table, or the total available quantity across all product locations if the Aggregate by Product flag is selected.
  • RESERVED_QTY: The current quantity reserved for the product, based on the selected Reserved Statuses for the system. From the reserved_amt in the product_location table, or the total reserved quantity across all product locations if the Aggregate by Product flag is selected.
  • PROBABLE_QTY: See Probable Quantity.

Inventory Quantity Export Using Available to Promise Quantity (No Rules)

Required configuration: See Inventory Quantity Rules Settings for details on configuring the inventory quantity export to include the available to promise quantity when the Safe Stock Method is set to No Rules.

Aggregate by product: If the Safe Stock Method is set to No Rules and the File Output Type is set to Aggregate by Product, the export:

  • Sums the quantities for each product across product locations, regardless of whether there has been any activity since the last export.
  • Creates a pipe-delimited export file containing the products and totals for all products that are part of a system that has the Inventory Qty Export flag selected. In this situation, the file does not include the location code.

Changed records: If the Safe Stock Method is set to No Rules and the File Output Type is set to Changed Records, the export file includes product locations that:

  • Are part of a system that has the Inventory Qty Export flag selected.
  • Have been updated since the last time the export file was generated for the requesting system.

File layout: The same as the Probable Quantity Export File Layout and Contents, except that the PROBABLE_QTY is set to the available to promise quantity.

File placement: When the export runs, the program creates the export record in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-EXPORT. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table.

Job notifications: If the Event Notifications settings are configured at the Event Logging screen, a job notification message is generated each time the export job runs. See Event Notifications settings and the Job Notification Messages appendix of the Operations Guide for more information.

Sales Order Data Extract

You can use the sales order data extract to export data related to sales orders and purchase orders. The data that you can extract includes:

  • sold-to and ship-to customers
  • customization details
  • items ordered
  • status history

The extract writes the information to pipe-delimited files, which are bundled into a compressed zip file. See File Storage API for Imports and Exports for more information on obtaining export files, and see Sales Order Data Extract Files for information on the naming and contents of these files.

Extract by organization: You need to schedule this job separately for each organization whose order data should be extracted. Click the plus sign next to the job name in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.


The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Scheduling the Sales Order Data Extract

  • Click the plus sign next to the Sales Order Data Extract job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.
    Illustrates the Sales Order Data Extract in the left-hand panel.
  • Click the organization whose sales data should be extracted. When you select an organization, the Sales Order Data Extract Fields are displayed to the right.


    The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Use the Schedule Interval field to select:
    • Day(s) of Week to have the extract run at a regular time on one or more days of the week to periodically extract all orders with any activity since the last extract, or,
    • Initial Load to extract:
      • All order data, if you do not specify an Extract Orders with Activity From and Activity To date, or
      • Data for orders that have had activity during the Activity From and Activity To dates.


    The job fails if the total number of orders to extract exceeds 500,000. If this occurs, you can use the Initial Load option with the Activity From and Activity To dates to complete the extract of historical orders in increments until the extract is up to date. For example, if there is a total of 750,000 orders from the past year, you might use the Initial Load option with the Activity From and Activity To dates to break the extract into two six-month increments, each for less than the 500,000-order limit.
  • If you selected a Schedule interval of Day(s) of the Week, select one or more Days of Week when the job should run.
  • Enter the Time when the job should run.
  • If you selected Initial Load as the Schedule Interval, optionally enter the Extract Orders with Activity From and To, as described above.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

  • Optionally, select Include Private Data to have the extract files include personal data, such as name, address, and email address; otherwise, leave this flag unselected to have personal data for customers replaced with asterisks or with text such as ***** Data Privacy Blocked *****.


    User names are not replaced in the extract files, regardless of the setting of the Include Private Data flag.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

Sales Order Data Extract Fields

  • Organization: The code and name of the organization selected in the left-hand panel. Display-only.
  • Schedule Interval:
    • Day(s) of Week to have the extract run at a regular time on one or more days of the week to periodically extract all orders with any activity since the last extract, or,
    • Initial Load to extract:
      • All order data, if you do not specify an Activity From and Activity To date, or
      • Data for orders that have had activity during the Activity From and Activity To dates.

        See Scheduling the Sales Order Data Extract, above, for a discussion.


        Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.
  • Day(s) of Week: Use these fields to select one or more Day(s) of Week when the job should run.
  • Time: The time of day, in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job runs. Required, regardless of the selected Schedule Interval.
  • Extract Orders with Activity From and To: Optionally, enter a From and To date to include order data for orders with activity during this date range. These fields are enterable only when the Schedule Interval is set to Initial Load.


    Also updated by Run Job API: The settings of these fields are updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.
  • Include Private Data: Select this flag to include personal data, such as names, addresses, and email addresses in the data extract files; otherwise, leave this flag unselected to have this information anonymized. See anonymized in the glossary for more information.


    Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.
  • Run Now enables you to run the job immediately.

Job Summary

Sales Order Data Extract Job History: Use the Sales Order Data Extract Job History screen to review sales order data extracts that have run.

For more information: See Sales Order Data Extract Files for information on the content of the extract files.

Identity Cloud User Synchronization

About identity cloud service user synchronization: Use IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) to create users for omnichannel applications, including Order Broker and Order Management System. Users that exist in IDCS or OCI IAM are then created in Order Broker:

  • Through the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job, or
  • Automatically, when the user logs into Order Broker.

Users are created in Order Broker with the default authority defined from IDCS or OCI IAM, described below.

If you need to create Store Associate users and/or Vendor users in addition to Order Broker users, see the processes described below.


The Identity Cloud User Synchronization job does not delete, deactivate, or update authority for any user records, including vendor users and store associates, in Order Broker. Use the related screen in Order Broker to update users once they have been created.

Web service authentication: The Identity Cloud User Synchronization job does not create web service users. See Web Service Authorization on creating web service users.

Required Setup for Identity Cloud Service User Synchronization


Begin the user synchronization process after setting up other required data in Order Broker, including your organization, preferences, systems, and roles. See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for more information.

The following steps describe creating Order Broker (retailer) user profiles.

Setup at the Tenant (admin) screen: Complete the Identity Cloud Service Settings at the Tenant screen. See these settings for more information.

Configuring the default user: The default user is created automatically, with a user name of Identity Cloud Default User. This is not an actual user record that can log into Order Broker; instead, it serves as a template for creating actual users. You cannot delete the default user.

Before creating additional, actual users, update the default user with the settings to apply to actual users when they are created in Order Broker:

  • Role assignments with a Role Type of Retailer, controlling the default authority to Order Broker screens. See Role Wizard for more information.
  • The Default Shipping System that controls system product code to display as the Item # at the Order screen.

You can modify the configuration of the default user if you will import multiple groups of users into Order Broker. For example, you could first configure the default user with just order inquiry and maintenance authority, import a group of users, and then reconfigure the default user with different authority for the next group of users.

Setup and Creation of Order Broker Users in IDCS or OCI IAM

You can use the following process in IDCS or OCI IAM to create users and control their attributes through group assignment, using the application record in IDCS or OCI IAM for Order Broker, The application record typically has a Name such as RGBU_OBCS_UAT_APPID.

  • Create one or more groups to use for assignment of roles to users. For example, create an ob_users group to use for creation of regular users, and an ob_admin group to use for creation of admin users. Assign the group to the appropriate application role in IDCS or OCI IAM: either OBCS_Admin or OBCS_User.
  • Create each user in IDCS or OCI IAM, specifying the user’s first name, last name, user name, and email address. The user name be lower case and cannot be longer than 256 positions.
  • Assign each created user to the appropriate group.
  • Assign each group to the Order Broker application in IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • Assign each user to the appropriate application role in IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • Assign or reset the password for each user in IDCS or OCI IAM. This triggers an email to the email address specified for the user, who can log in using either the user name defined in IDCS or OCI IAM if it does not exceed 10 positions, or the email address.


If an Order Broker user logs in after configuration in IDCS or OCI IAM, this creates the user record in Order Broker; otherwise, the record is created through the import job, described below.

After completing the required setup describe above, run the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job to import new users from IDCS or OCI IAM. Each new user is created in Order Broker with the settings from IDCS or OCI IAM:

  • The admin flag is selected if the user is assigned to the OBCS_Admin application role in IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • The role-based authority is from the default user’s current settings.

After creation: Once users are created in Order Broker, you can maintain them; for example, you can change the email address, date formats, user name, authority, and default shipping system for Order Broker users, and you can flag a user as inactive so that the user cannot log in. You can also delete the users from Order Broker, although this does not delete the corresponding records in IDCS or OCI IAM.


The synchronization job does not update existing users in Order Broker.

Creating Vendor Users

If you also need to create vendor users in Order Broker, use the following process:

  • In Order Broker, create one or more vendors. See the Vendors screen for more information.
  • In Order Broker, create one or more role assignments with a Role Type of Vendor, controlling the default authority to Vendor Portal screens. Select the Identity Cloud User Default flag at the Specify Role Name step of the Role Wizard.
  • In Order Broker, run the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job to create the vendor user groups in IDCS or OCI IAM corresponding to each vendor created in Order Broker and then send a request to assign the OBCS_Vendor_User role. The vendor user group is created as <system>|<vendor>, where <system> is the system code identifying the default vendor system, and <vendor> is the code identifying the vendor, and then the group is assigned to the role.


    In the case of a failure, you may need to assign the group to the role manually.

  • In IDCS or OCI IAM, create each vendor user and assign it to the vendor user group associated with the same vendor. See Setup and Creation of Order Broker Users in IDCS or OCI IAM for background on creating the user in IDCS or OCI IAM and notes about defining the user name.


Assign the vendor user only to the vendor user group associated with the correct vendor. Order Broker does not support assigning a vendor user to more than one vendor.
  • Run the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job again to import new vendor users from IDCS or OCI IAM. The vendor users are assigned role-based authority based on the vendor role types set up through the Role Wizard with the Identity Cloud User Default flag selected.


The synchronization job does not update existing vendor users in Order Broker.

Creating Store Associate users

If you also need to create store associate users in Order Broker, use the following process:

  • In Order Broker, create the default Store Connect system for your organization. See the Systems screen for more information.
  • In Order Broker, run the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job to create store user groups in IDCS or OCI IAM for each system that is flagged as the Store Connect default for an organization. The user group is named STC-SYSTEM, where SYSTEM is the system code of the Store Connect default system in your organization. Order Broker then sends a request to add each Store Connect group to the OBCS_Store_User role in IDCS or OCI IAM.


    In the case of a failure, you may need to assign the group to the role manually.
  • In IDCS or OCI IAM, create each store associate user and assign it to the store user group associated with the appropriate system. See Setup and Creation of Order Broker Users in IDCS or OCI IAM for background on creating the user in IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • In Order Broker, run the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job again to import new store associate users from IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • Use the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to finish configuration of the store associate user, including assigning one or more locations and flagging the user as active. The Requires Location field at the Store Associate User Profiles screen indicates that the store associate user requires location assignment.


  • The synchronization job does not update existing store associate users in Order Broker.
  • An associate user ID that exceeds 30 positions in length can cause display issues in Store Connect.

Scheduling the Identity Cloud User Synchronization Job

  • Enter the Time in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job should run.
  • Select Schedule Enabled.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.
  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Synchronization job history: Use the Identity Cloud User Synchronization History screen to review history of the synchronization job.

Identity Cloud User Synchronization Fields

Incremental Inventory Import

Overview: The incremental inventory update checks for an incremental inventory record in the FILE_STORAGE table.

Identifying the incremental inventory file: The file in the FILE_STORAGE table needs to be named INCREMENTAL_INVENTORY_SYS_xxx.TXT, where SYS is the system code and xxx is a user-defined alphanumeric sequence number. The sequence number indicates to the program the order in which to process multiple import files for the system. For example, if the files are named INCREMENTAL_INVENTORY_ABC_AB1.TXT and INCREMENTAL_INVENTORY_ABC_AB.TXT, the program first processes the file with the AB1 sequence number, and then the file with the AB2 sequence number. If there are records for the same product location in both import files, the record from the second file overwrites the first.

You cannot submit an import if another import process, including the product import, is already running in your organization.

Job Batch Size: The Job Batch Size controls the number of records to process in each batch.

  • The program creates or updates the product location records in the Order Broker database.
  • If there are any errors that prevent the program from processing a record in one of the files, the program creates an error record in the FILE_STORAGE table. The CONTAINER setting for the record is OROB-ERRORS. You can use the File Storage API to download export file records from the FILE_STORAGE table.

    Errors that might occur include an invalid number of columns, alphabetical characters in a numeric field, or a numeric field that is null: for example, the next PO quantity is blank rather than 0 or another number.

  • If the Incremental Inventory Import field at the Event Logging screen is set to Administrator, the program sends the Incremental Inventory Import Status Email to your system administrator (the Administrative Email addresses) if the incremental inventory update fails.

Records imported regardless of system: The incremental inventory update program processes all records in the pipe-delimited file or FILE_STORAGE record if they are product locations for the organization, regardless of whether they are associated with the system selected for import; however, if they are not associated with the organization, they are skipped and are not reported as errors.

Resolving a scheduling issue: If the import does not run as scheduled, you can use the Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen to stop and restart the schedules for all jobs and periodic programs.

Note that the Reschedule All option does not restart jobs that are in Paused status (Illustrates the paused icon.). Jobs stay in Paused status only briefly before Order Broker restarts them automatically.

Incremental Imports History: Use the Incremental Imports History screen to review incremental imports that have run.

Job notifications: If the Event Notifications settings are configured at the Event Logging screen, a job notification message is generated each time the import job runs. See Event Notifications settings and the Job Notification Messages appendix of the Operations Guide for more information.

Sample Incremental Inventory Import File

The pipe-delimited incremental inventory import file needs to include the following fields. The first row is the header information, which is informational only, and the following row is the product location data to update.



Incremental Inventory File Mapping

  • system_cd: The code identifying the system importing the updated inventory for the product locations into Order Broker. Alphanumeric, 10 positions. Required.
  • location_cd: The code identifying the location where the product is stocked in the external system. Alphanumeric, 10 positions. Required.
  • product_cd: The system product code identifying the product in the external system. The system product code might differ from the product code if the external system is not the default system for the organization. Alphanumeric, 35 positions. Required.
  • available_qty: The current quantity of the product available to sell in this location as of the time of the import process. A negative quantity, preceded by a minus sign (-), indicates that the item is backordered. Numeric, 6 positions. Required, but can be set to 0.
  • next_po_qty: The quantity ordered for this product on the next purchase order for this location. Numeric, 6 positions. Required, but can be set to 0.
  • next_po_date: The next date when a purchase order for this product is expected for delivery in this location. Datetime format; if set to YYYY-MM-DD, a time of 12:00:00 AM is appended. Can be empty, even if there is a next_po_qty.

Incremental Inventory Import Status Email

Order Broker sends this email to the Administrative Email address specified at the Event Logging screen if the incremental inventory program was unable to import the pipe-delimited file and if the Email Notifications flag for the Incremental Inventory Import option is set to Administrator.

The language used for the email is based on the Language specified for the organization, and the formatting of dates, times, and numbers is also based on the organization-level settings. See the Organization screen for more information.

The Uploaded By entry always indicates a user of SYSTEM.


Your Incremental Inventory Import has failed.

System Code 6

Date/Time File Failed 2016-11-02 13:01:06.257

Uploaded By SYSTEM

Please do not respond to this message.

--Order Broker

Scheduling the Incremental Inventory Import Job

  • Click the plus sign next to the Incremental Inventory Import job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.
    Illustrates the Incremental Inventory Export job selected in the left-hand panel.


    The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Click the organization where incremental inventory data should be imported. When you select an organization, the systems within the organization are displayed.
    Illustrates the systems within an organization.
  • When you select a system, the Incremental Inventory Import Fields are displayed to the right.
  • Enter the Time in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job should run.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Incremental Inventory Import Fields

  • Schedule Enabled
  • Schedule Interval: Set to Daily. Display-only.
  • Time: The time of day, in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job runs. Required.
Job Summary

For more information: See the Tenant-Admin screen for information on Retention Settings fields.

Product Import

Process overview: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview.

Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services imports: Importing store and warehouse locations, products, inventory, barcodes, and product images from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services also uses a different process from the one described under Import Process Overview (Other than RMFCS File Upload through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services). If you have configured the OCDS Integration tab of the System screen to enable any of the available imports from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, then submitting an import at the Schedule Jobs screen triggers the request(s) to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for data, rather than any of the other import options described here. Also, the fields described under OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Integration are used to control the import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for background and more information.

Import products from the default system first to prevent import errors: It is important to schedule the product import for the default system before the other systems in the organization. Order Broker requires that the product exist in the default system before you can create the system products or product locations for the other systems. However, if you import products from Merchandising Cloud Services applications (RMFCS), each product has the same product and system product code across systems, and the product code is created automatically if it does not already exist in the default system.


Oracle recommends that you run this job daily at a time when demands on the system are limited, and when it does not interfere with the database backup.

Additional consideration when scheduling import processes for systems:

  • Oracle recommends that you allow about 30 minutes between scheduled import processes to help make sure that each process completes before the next one begins.
  • If you are using File Storage, a copy of each import file must be uploaded to the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table through a putFile request message.


Each import is optional. For example, you can run the import for products and product locations without also importing locations, UPC barcodes, or images. When the import runs, it includes any import files it finds for the system in the OROB-IMPORTS container.

File cleanup: Product import error files are cleared by the Daily Clean Up job; see Daily Clean Up for more information. Product Import history is retained for the number of days specified in the Job History retention setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

For more information: See:

Product Import Status Email

When the import process is complete, Order Broker sends an email to the email address(es) specified at the Administrative email field at the Event Logging screen if the Email Notifications flag for the Location Product Import option is set to Administrator.

The language used for the email is based on the Language specified for the organization, and the formatting of dates, times, and numbers is also based on the organization-level settings. See the Organizations screen for more information.

Sample email contents:


Your Product Import Process has Failed.

System Code store

Import ID 201

Date/Time File Finished

2020-10-22 09:37:53.762

Uploaded By sample user

# of Product Records 850

# of Product Records In Error 12

# of Inventory Records 1,445

# of Inventory Records In Error 14

# of Location Records 1,300

# of Location Records In Error 14

# of Upc Records 0

# of Upc Records in Error 0

Please do not respond to this message.

--Order Broker

Information in this email includes:

  • Success or failure: The email indicates that the process failed if any product, product location, location, or UPC records failed to update; otherwise, it indicates a success.
  • System code: the system scheduled for import, or the selected system when you ran the import on demand.
  • Import ID: A unique ID number assigned by Order Broker to identify an import process. This number is displayed at the Product Imports History screen and listed on the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report.
  • Uploaded By: the user ID of the person who scheduled the import process, or ran it on demand.
  • # of Product Records: The total number of product records that were successfully created or updated as a result of the import process.
  • # of Product Records in Error: The total number of product import records that were in error for this import process.
  • # of Product Location Records: The total number of product location records that were successfully created or updated as a result of this import process.
  • # of Product Location Records in Error: The total number of product location import records that were in error for this import process.
  • # of Location Records: The total number of location records that were successfully created or updated as a result of this import process.
  • # of Location Records in Error: The total number of location import records that were in error for this import process.
  • # of Upc Records: The total number of product UPC barcodes that were successfully created or updated as a result of this import process.
  • # of Upc Records In Error: The total number of UPC barcodes that were in error for this import process.

Always generated? If the Email Notifications flag for the Location Product Import option at the Event Logging screen is set to Administrator, Order Broker generates this email regardless of whether the import process ran because you scheduled it, or you ran it on demand.

Negative number? A negative number of records generally indicates that an error occurred.

If number of records and number of records in error are both 0: The email lists a number of records and a number of records in error as 0 if there was no import file to process. This situation might occur if:

  • You did not import a particular type of record; for example, there were no product barcodes to import; or
  • The name of an import file did not match the naming convention; for example, a product barcode file was named PRODUCT_BARCODE.TXT (no system specified) or PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.txt (the txt extension was lowercase).

In any of these cases, the email indicates that the import was successful.

For more information: See the Product Imports History screen and the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report for more troubleshooting information related to these imports.


Some errors that can occur from the data in a flat import file are not written to the related import database table, so in that case the error is noted only in the error file and not on the related report; for example: an invalid number of columns in the flat file or an empty file.

Scheduling the Product Import Job

First, advance to Product Import options

  • Click the plus sign next to the Product Import job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.
    Illustrates the Product Import selected in the left-hand panel.


    The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Click the organization where data should be imported. When you select an organization, the systems within the organization are displayed.
    Illustrates the systems within an organization.
  • When you select a system, the Scheduling the Product Import Job are displayed to the right.

Then schedule the import for an integrated system

Reviewing results: You can review the import process at the Product Imports History screen, and you can review errors through the Product Barcode Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Location Import Errors Report.

Product Import Job Fields

OCDS Options (If OCDS is configured):

Job Summary

For more information: See the Tenant-Admin screen for information on Retention Settings fields.

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders

This job cancels unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders based on the settings of the Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders and Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders at the Preferences screen. This job uses a Schedule Interval of Daily, and runs at the specified Time.

Scheduling the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders Job

  • Enter the Time in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job should run.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Order Fields

Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders History: Use the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders History screen to review auto-cancel jobs that have run.

For more information: See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Email Notifications

This job generates email notifications to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff based on the unprocessed records that are currently in the EMAIL_NOTIFICATION table.

Scheduling the Email Notifications Job

  • Use the Minutes field to enter the number of minutes to wait before generating any emails to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff. Your entry must be a number from 1 to 59.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.

  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Email Notifications Fields

History: Use the Email Notifications Job History screen to review email notifications jobs that have run.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails

You can use the generate pickup ready reminder emails job to send emails to customers indicating that their pickup orders or ship-for-pickup orders are ready for pickup, based on whether the date and time when they were picked or received is older than the number of Aged Hours defined for the job.

The email will be generated to the customer each time the job runs until the order is picked up or canceled. Emails are not generated for orders that are under review, or that are not assigned to a Store Connect location.

Generate by organization: You need to schedule this job separately for each organization that needs to generate pickup-ready reminder emails. Click the plus sign next to the job name in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.

Illustrates the Orders options in the left-hand menu with the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails option opened to show organizations.


The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen. Also, only organizations that have a Store Connect system defined are displayed.

Scheduling the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails Job

  • Click the plus sign next to the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job in the left-hand panel to display a list of existing organizations.
  • Click the organization where you want to generate the reminder emails. When you select an organization, the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Email Fields are displayed to the right.


    The list of organizations is available only if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.
  • Optionally, select Schedule Enabled.
  • Optionally, select Run Now to run the job immediately.
  • Select each Day of Week when the job should run.
  • Select the Time when the job should run.

  • Specify the Aged Hours to indicate how many hours after a pickup order is picked, or a ship-for-pickup order is picked (if the sourcing location is the same as the pickup location) or received (if the sourcing location ships the items to the pickup location), that it is eligible to receive the pickup reminder.

  • Select Save.
  • Select Cancel to exit the screen.

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Email Fields

Job Summary

Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails Job History: Use the Generate Pickup Reminder Email History screen to review pickup ready reminder generation jobs that have run.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.

Fields at this Screen

Field Description


The organization associated with data imported or exported by the job. Used only for Fulfilled Inventory Export, Inventory Quantity Export, Sales Order Data Extract, Incremental Inventory Import, and Product Import. You can schedule these jobs for multiple organizations.


The system associated with the data imported and exported by the job. Used only for the Fulfilled Inventory Export, Inventory Quantity Export, Incremental Inventory Import, and Product Import. You can schedule these jobs for multiple systems.

Schedule Enabled

If this flag is selected, the job runs according to the defined schedule.

Only jobs whose schedules are enabled are listed at the View Active Schedules screen.

Schedule Interval

Indicates the time period used to determine when the job should run. With the exception of the Sales Order Data Extract, the type of schedule interval is display-only and cannot be changed. Possible intervals are:

Days of Week

Select one or more days of the week when the job should run. Used for the Fulfilled Inventory Export, Inventory Quantity Export, Sales Order Data Extract, Incremental Inventory Import, and Product Import.

Day of Week

Use the drop-down menu to select the single day of the week when a Weekly job should run. Used only for the Completed Order Private Data Purge.


The number of minutes to wait before running the scheduled job. Your entry must be a number from 1 to 59.

Used for the Email Notifications job to indicate the number of minutes to wait before generating any emails to store locations, vendors, customers, retailers, or systems operations staff.

If you change this setting and click Save, the job is rescheduled to use the entered number of minutes.


The time of day, in HH:MM format (24-hour clock) when the job runs.

You can specify a single time for:

You can specify up to 25 times, separating each by a comma, for:

Used for all jobs except Email Notifications, which runs using a specified interval of minutes.

If you change this setting and click Save, the job is rescheduled to run at the entered time.

If entering multiple times, separate each with a comma and no spaces.

Run Now

Select this option to run the job immediately without waiting for the scheduled day and time. Available for all jobs.

If you click Cancel after selecting Run Now, the job does not run immediately, but only according to the defined schedule.

Conflicting job: If you select the Run Now option for a job and another job that might conflict is currently running, the screen displays an error message. See Which Jobs Conflict, above.

Safe Stock Method

Used only for the Inventory Quantity Export.

Difference between probable quantity rules and probability rules: Probable quantity rules are used to calculate the probable quantity to pass to an integrated system, such as an ecommerce site, while probability rules apply dynamically to determine the available quantity when Order Broker receives a request, such as a Submit Order request or a Locate Items request.

Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.

File Output Type

  • Aggregate by Product: Select this setting to have the probable quantity export file include current total quantities of all products across all product locations; This setting available only when the Safe Stock Method is Probable Quantity Rules or No Rules.
  • Changed Records (default): Select this setting to have the probable quantity export file include all updated product locations. This setting is available only when the Safe Stock Method is Probable Quantity Rules or No Rules.
  • Full Overlay: The export process creates a file containing records for all product locations with a quantity greater than zero. This is the only available setting when the Safe Stock Method is Probability Rules; otherwise, not available.

Used only for the Inventory Quantity Export.

Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.

Incremental Updates

Controls whether to run a new background process to track product location records with any changes, in order to support responding to web service requests for inventory updates.

  • Probability Rules: Run the background process to track product locations with any changes. This setting is available only when the Safe Stock Method is Probability Rules; otherwise, not available.
  • No Update: Do not run the background process if the Safe Stock Method is Probability Rules; or the process is not available.

Used only for the Inventory Quantity Export.

Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.

Days to Keep Errors

For the Product Import, enter the number of days to retain product import history in the product_import, product_location_import, location_import, product_import_ecommerce_log, and product_import_log tables after an import process completes. Each time you run the import process for a system, it deletes these records if the indicated number of days has passed.

Once these records are deleted, you cannot review errors through the Location Import Errors Report, Product Import Errors Report, and Product Barcode Import Errors Report.

Note: The process also creates records in the import tables for records that are not in error. These records are eligible to be cleared through the Daily Cleanup job after the number of days specified in the Job History field at the Tenant-Admin screen. You can review these job history records at the Product Imports History screen or the View Job History screen.

Enter a number from 1 to 99. Required if the Enabled flag is selected. Default = 7.

Included only for the Product Import.

Also updated by Run Job API: The setting of this field is updated when the Run Job API is used to submit this job.

Aged Hours

For the Generate Pickup Ready Reminder Emails job, indicates how many hours after a pickup order is picked that it is eligible to receive the pickup reminder.

OCDS Configured

For the Product Import, set to Yes if OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services is configured; otherwise, set to No. Display-only. See below for more information.

Included only for the Product Import.

OCDS Integration

The following three fields are used for the Product Import. The Schedule Interval Options, Date, and Time fields described below are available only when the system supports imports from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for background. Also, they are used only when you submit the import on demand.

If the OCDS import is not enabled for any type of data, then the standard import through the file storage API takes place.

Schedule Interval Options

Use this field for the Product Import to select whether to run a complete import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, or to import records only if they were updated since the last time you imported from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, and you have selected the Run Now flag. If you select:

  • Since Last Run: Use the Date and Time fields to indicate the cutoff date and time for importing new or changed records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for all URLs that are flagged as Active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen.
  • Full Refresh: The import includes all eligible records, based on the URLs that are flagged as Active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen.


  • All store and warehouse locations are always included when your import includes these options based on the settings at the OCDS Integration tab, regardless of whether you select Since Last Run or Full Refresh.
  • These options apply only when you run the import on demand by selecting Run Now. When the import runs as scheduled, it is always a full import.
  • Use caution when selecting Full Refresh when the active import options include store inventory or warehouse inventory, as the number of records to import can affect system performance.

Included only for the Product Import.

Date (in OCDS Options)

Use this field for the Product Import to select the cutoff date for importing updated records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, you have selected the Run Now flag, and you selected Since Last Run. If you don’t specify a cutoff date and time, the import uses the last date when the import ran.

Included only for the Product Import.

Time (in OCDS Options)

Use this field for the Product Import to select the cutoff time for importing updated records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available for the Product Import only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, you have selected the Run Now flag, and you selected Since Last Run. If you don’t specify a cutoff date and time, the import uses the last time when the import ran.

Included only for the Product Import.

Last Updated

The last date and time when the schedule was updated for the job, and the ID of the user who performed the update.

Last Run

The last date and time when the job ran. Display-only.

Next Run

The next date and time when the job is scheduled to run. Display-only. Blank for any job that is not currently enabled.

Last Status

The Status from the most recent time the job ran. Included only for the Inventory Quantity Export.

OCDS Integration

The following three fields are available only when the system supports importing from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for more information. Also, they are used only when you submit the import on demand.

If the OCDS import is not enabled for any type of data, then the standard import through the file storage API takes place.


These fields are not labeled on this screen to indicate they are related to the OCDS integration.

Since Last Run or Full Refresh (unlabeled field)

Use this field to select whether to run a complete import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, or to import records only if they were updated since the last time you imported from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, and you have selected the Run Now flag. If you select:

  • Since Last Run: Use the Date and Time fields to indicate the cutoff date and time for importing new or changed records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for all URLs that are flagged as Active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen.
  • Full Refresh: The import includes all eligible records, based on the URLs that are flagged as Active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen.


  • All store and warehouse locations are always included when your import includes these options based on the settings at the OCDS Integration tab, regardless of whether you select Since Last Run or Full Refresh.
  • These options apply only when you run the import on demand by selecting Run Now. When the import runs as scheduled, it is always a full import.
  • Use caution when selecting Full Refresh when the active import options include store inventory or warehouse inventory, as the number of records to import can affect system performance.


Select the cutoff date for importing updated records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, you have selected the Run Now flag, and you selected Since Last Run. If you don’t specify a cutoff date and time, the import uses the last date when the import ran.


Select the cutoff time for importing updated records from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

This field is available only if at least one URL is flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab on the System screen, you have selected the Run Now flag, and you selected Since Last Run. If you don’t specify a cutoff date and time, the import uses the last time when the import ran.

Sales Order Data Extract Files

The Sales Order Data Extract generates a zip file containing a set of pipe-delimited files, which contain the following types of information on sales orders and purchase orders:

  • sold-to customer
  • customization
  • items
  • order totals, locations, and other general order data
  • order shipments
  • ship-to customer
  • status history

File naming: The zip file is named EXPORT_DATA_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

See File Storage API for Imports and Exports for information on receiving the exported files.

In this topic:

For more information: See:


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_CUSTOMER pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on the customer who placed each order. The information is found in the XOM_CUSTOMER table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_CUSTOMER_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? If the Include Private Data flag was not selected when the export was generated, the data for all personal data fields in the file are replaced with the text ***** Data Privacy Blocked *****. The fields that can be masked include:

  • Name fields
  • Address fields, with the exception of the city, territory (province or state), and postal (zip) code
  • Phone numbers

The information might also be masked because the order has already been anonymized. In this case, the data is replaced with a row of asterisks.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the database and the submit order message, or in the CreateDSOrder request message in the case of a purchase order.

For more information: See the of the Order screen for more information on customer-related fields in context, and see the Purchase Order screen for information on customer-related fields on purchase orders.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Alphanumeric, 30

The number identifying the order in the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 50

The last name of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The middle name of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The first name of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The prefix to the sold-to-customer’s name, such as Dr. or Ms.


Alphanumeric, 50

The suffix to the sold-to customer’s name, such as Jr.


Alphanumeric, 50

The first line of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The second line of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The third line of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The fourth line of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The city or town of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The state, province, or territory of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The zip or postal code of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The daytime phone number of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The evening phone number of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 250

The email address of the sold-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 3

The code identifying the country of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The name of the sold-to customer’s company.


Alphanumeric, 30

The code identifying the customer in the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 50

The apartment or suite of the sold-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

Future use.


Alphanumeric, 50

The customer’s daytime phone number with any formatting characters removed.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_CUSTOMIZATION pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on any customization or special handling for order lines. The information is found in the XOM_ORDER_ITEM_CUSTOMIZATION table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_CUSTOMIZATION_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? This file does not contain any personal data.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the database and the submit order message, or in the CreateDSOrder in the case of a purchase order.

For more information: See the SubmitOrder Request Message and CreateDSOrder Request Message chapters in the Operations Guide for more information on how customization information is passed from the originating system.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Numeric, 10

The order line number receiving the customization.


Numeric, 10

A unique number to identify each record.


Alphanumeric, 50

The code used to identify the type of customization.



The description of the customization.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_ITEM pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on the lines on orders. The information is found in the XOM_ITEM table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_ITEM_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? This file does not contain any personal data.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the database and the submit order message, or in the CreateDSOrder in the case of a purchase order.

See the Details tab at the Order screen for more information on order detail lines, or see the Purchase Order screen for information on purchase orders.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Alphanumeric, 30

The number identifying the order in the originating system.


Numeric, 10

The order line number assigned by Order Broker.


Alphanumeric, 35

The product code for the default system in the organization.


Alphanumeric, 40

The description of the item.


Number, 10

The requested quantity of the item.


Number, 19.4

The single-unit price for the item charged by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The total tax amount charged for a single unit of the item, passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the fulfilling location, or the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the system associated with the fulfilling location.



The current status of the order line. See Order and Line Statuses for more information.



The date and time of the most recent status update.



Any special instructions for the purchase order line or sales order line passed by the originating system, and stored in the EXTENDED_DATA field in the XOM_ITEM table.


Number, 10

The line number in the originating system.


Number, 10

Identifies the original line number on a sales order if the line was split. Otherwise, set to 0.


Number, 10

Identifies the original quantity of the line on a sales order was split. May differ from the QUANTITY if the line was split.


Number, 10

The number of times the order line on a sales order has been polled.


Number, 19.4

The extended freight charge passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The charge amount for customization of the line.


Alphanumeric, 1

Set to Y if the item should be gift wrapped; otherwise, set to N.


Alphanumeric, 1

Set to Y if the item requires shipping alone; otherwise, set to N.



Any message passed for the order line. Stored in the NOTE table in the database.


Numeric, 8.3

The unit shipping weight of the item, as passed by the originating system.


Number, 10

A number assigned to group lines for printing and updating status.


Number, 10

Identifies a record in the XOM_ORDER file if the item has been shipped.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the location where the customer picks up the sales order. Included only for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the system associated with the location where the customer picks up the sales order. Included only for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders.



The date and time when the order line on a sales order is eligible to be automatically canceled.



A setting of 1 indicates that the order line on a sales order was automatically canceled; otherwise, set to 0 or blank. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_ORDER pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data about the orders. The information is found in the XOM_ORDER table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_ORDER_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? If the Include Private Data flag was not selected when the export was generated, the data for all personal data fields in the file are replaced with ***** Data Privacy Blocked *****.

The information might also be masked because the order has already been anonymized. In this case, the data is replaced with a row of asterisks.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported in the database and through the submit order message, or in the CreateDSOrder request message in the case of a purchase order.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Alphanumeric, 30

The number identifying the order in the originating system.



The date and time when the order was created in Order Broker.



Possible order types:



The transaction date passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The order total before taxes as passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The total taxes for the order as passed by the originating system


Alphanumeric, 30

The same as the TAX_AMOUNT.


Number, 19.4

The total amount for the transaction as passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 10

From the employee ID passed by the originating system, or the buyer ID for a purchase order.


Alphanumeric, 50

The transaction number passed by the originating system for a sales order.


Number, 10

The originating channel passed by the originating system for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the originating location passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the system associated with the originating location, passed by the originating system.



The current status of the order. See Order and Line Statuses for more information.



The most recent date and time when the status of the order was updated.



The special instructions passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 50

The code identifying the carrier for the order, passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 50

The description of the carrier for the order, passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 1

Set to Y to indicate that the order is a gift, passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The total freight charges for the order, passed by the originating system.


Number 19,4

The amount due when the order is picked up, typically used to indicate the balance due for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order. From the balance_due passed in the SubmitOrder request message.


Alphanumeric, 50

A code identifying the source of the sales order in the originating system. From the source_code passed in the SubmitOrder request message.


Numeric, 10

Set to 0.


Alphanumeric, 50

From the ref_transaction_no passed in the SubmitOrder request message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 10

The three-position alphabetical ISO 4217 currency code for the order. From the currency passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The additional freight on the order, passed by the originating system.


Number, 19.4

The additional charges on the order, passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 1

Set to Y if the order should ship complete.



Any message passed in the order_message tag of the SubmitOrder request message for a sales order. Stored in the NOTE table in the database.



Any gift message passed by the originating system. Stored in the NOTE table in the database.


Number, 19.4

The tax on freight for the order passed by the originating system.


Numeric, 1

Set to 1 if the sales order is currently under review; otherwise, set to 0.


Alphanumeric, 1

Set to Y if the sales order has not yet been “shopped” to a fulfilling location; otherwise, set to N.


Numeric, 1

Set to 1 if the sourcing location was specified in the SubmitOrder request for a ship-for-pickup order; otherwise, set to 0. Defaults to 0. Only used for new orders created in 16.0 or higher.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_ORDER_SHIPMENT pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on the shipments made for orders. The information is found in the XOM_ORDER_SHIPMENT table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_ORDER_SHIPMENT_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? This file does not contain any personal data.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the StatusUpdate request message and the database.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Number, 10

A unique number to identify a shipment.


Alphanumeric, 50

From the carrier or shipping agent passed by the originating system.


Alphanumeric, 255

From the tracking_number passed in the Order Status Update request message for a sales order.



The date and time of the shipment.


Number, 19.4

From the freight charges in the XOM_ORDER_SHIPMENT table.


Number, 12.4

The package weight.


Alphanumeric, 255

A package identifier.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_SHIPPING pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on the customer who receives each order. A separate record is created for each shipped line.The information is found in the XOM_SHIPPING table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_SHIPPING_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? If the Include Private Data flag was not selected when the export was generated, the data for all personal data fields in the file are replaced with ***** Data Privacy Blocked *****. The fields that can be masked include:

  • Name fields
  • Address fields, with the exception of the city, territory (province or state), postal (zip) code, and country code
  • Phone numbers

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the SubmitOrder request message and the database.

For more information: See the Header tab of the Order screen for more information on customer-related fields in context, and see the Purchase Order screen for information on customer-related fields on purchase orders.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Alphanumeric, 30

The number identifying the order in the originating system.


Numeric, 10

The order line number shipped.


Alphanumeric, 50

The last name of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The middle name of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The first name of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The prefix to the ship-to customer’s name, such as Dr. or Ms.


Alphanumeric, 50

The suffix to the ship-to customer’s name, such as Jr.


Alphanumeric, 50

The first line of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The second line of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The third line of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The fourth line of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The city or town of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The state, province, or territory of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The zip or postal code of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 3

The three-position alphabetical or numeric (ISO Spec 3166) of the ship-to customer’s country.



The date and time when the order was created.


Alphanumeric, 50

The shipping tracking number. From the tracking_number in the Order Status Update request message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 50

The shipper for the order. From the shipping_agent in the Order Status Update request message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 50

The daytime phone number of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 50

The evening phone number of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 250

The email address of the ship-to customer.


Alphanumeric, 3

The code identifying the country of the ship-to customer’s address.


Alphanumeric, 50

The apartment or suite of the ship-to customer’s address.


The table below lists the fields in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY pipe-delimited file, containing extracted data on the status history of each order. The information is found in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY table in the database.

The complete file name is EXPORT_DATA_XOM_STATUS_HISTORY_ORGANIZ_CD_20190825_045700.dat, where ORGANIZ_CD is the organization code, 20190825 is the date generated in YYYYMMDD format, and 045700 is the time generated in HHMMSS format.

The file contains a header row. The heading for each column is indicated in the table below.

Personal data? The EMPLOYEE_ID in the file is not masked regardless of whether the Include Private Data flag was selected.

Field attributes: The field attributes listed below are based on what is supported through the SubmitOrder request message and the database.

For more information: See the Header tab of the Header tab screen for more information on customer-related fields in context, and see the Purchase Order screen for information on customer-related fields on purchase orders.

Column Heading Attributes Description

Numeric, 10

A unique number assigned by Order Broker to identify an order.


Alphanumeric, 30

The number identifying the order in the originating system.


Numeric, 10

The order line number related to the activity.


Number, 10

A unique number to identify the status history record for the order.



The date and time when the activity occurred.



The status of the order line at the time of the activity. See Order and Line Statuses for more information on sales orders.


Alphanumeric, 50

The description of the status code, as described for the STATUS field, above. The same as the STATUS, except:

  • When the activity was the removal of personal data, the reason is PII REMOVED.
  • When the status changes to accepted, picked, accepted, fulfilled, the REASON is blank.

Alphanumeric, 10

The employee ID indicated for the order creation or status change.


Alphanumeric, 50

The transaction_no passed by the originating system in the SubmitOrder request message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the location to fulfilling location, or the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order.


Alphanumeric, 10

The code identifying the system associated with the fulfilling location.


Alphanumeric, 50

The code identifying the carrier for the order. From the ship_via passed in the SubmitOrder request message or the shipping_agent in the Status Update message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 50

From the ship_via_description passed in the SubmitOrder request message or the tracking_number in the Status Update request message for a sales order.


Number, 10

The order line quantity associated with the activity.



The source associated with the activity:

UI = User Interface

WS = Web Service or API


Alphanumeric, 30

The status reason code, if any, passed in the Order Status Update request message for a sales order.


Alphanumeric, 254

A note about the activity, if any, from the order_status_reason_note passed in the Order Status Update request message for a sales order. This field is also updated with the current Under Review status when the order is initially created, or when the Under Review status changes.



The date when the sales order was exported through the Sales Order Data Extract.


Alphanumeric, 500

The carton numbers used to ship the sales order.


Number, 10

A value in this field indicates that there has been a shipping address change for a sales order. You can review shipping address changes at the Order History Detail - Address Change Window.


Number, 10

A reason code generated by the Science Engine if a sales order is partially or fully unfulfillable. See the discussion of Science Engine responses at History tab of the Order screen for more information.



The last date before a pickup or ship-for-pickup order is eligible to be canceled by the auto-cancel unclaimed orders job.


Numeric, 1

If set to 1, indicates to display the Pickup By Date in order history as a change.

OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports

About OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services integration: You can use integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import data from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). When you use ODCS or Merchandising Omni Services for these imports, Order Broker generates web service requests to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for this information rather than processing an upload file.

Required setup: To import data through the integration with OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services:

  • Use the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen to define the URLs for requests to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, as well as other data required for the integration, including the maximum number of records to request for each import type and authentication information.
  • Use the Schedule Jobs screen to submit the imports. If any of the URLs are specified at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen and are flagged as active, this screen triggers the import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services rather than another data import method.

See each of the imports described below for more details on required configuration and mapping.

Confirming the version number of OCDS: If you need to confirm the version of OCDS, you can submit a web service request to a URL such as https://SERVER/ords/ocds/omnichannel/v1/admin/version, where SERVER is the name of the server.

OCDS returns a response that includes something such as the following:

"version": "16.0.031",

"hotfix": "ocds-hf-003.0"

Where 16.0.031 is the version and 003 is the hot fix.

In this topic:

For more information: See:

OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Import Steps

The import steps are:

  1. Use the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen to specify the URLs for each type of import to take place, activate selected imports, and complete additional information such as the location types to use when creating location records and connection information for OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

    If any of the URLs are flagged as active at the OCDS Integration tab, the OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services import process runs rather than any other import process.

  2. Use the Schedule Jobs screen to schedule the import, or run it on demand. If you select Run Now, you need to also indicate whether to perform a Full Refresh or Since Last Run; however, the store location and virtual warehouse location imports always perform a full refresh. See the OCDS Integration fields at this screen for more information.


Use caution when selecting Full Refresh when the active import options include store inventory or warehouse inventory, as the number of records to import can affect system performance.

Troubleshooting: If one of the URLs specified at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen is incorrect, this is not listed as an error at the Product Imports History screen; however, the issue is noted as a communication error in the tenant error log file.

Error reports: See the Location Import Errors Report for errors that occur related to missing location name or code, and see the Product Import Errors Report for errors that occur related to the product or product description.

No report is generated for any store or warehouse inventory records; however, an error file is available through the file storage API. See Product Location Import Error Files for more information.

Batch size: The import process uses the Job Batch Size specified at the Tenant-Admin screen to indicate the maximum number of records that OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services should return at a time. This number, typically set to 1000, is appended to the request messages to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for each import type. Order Broker continues submitting requests until OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services no longer indicates that there are more records to return.

No deletions: The OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services import creates or updates records. No deletions take place as a result of this import.


The request messages to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services include "Accept-Encoding: gzip" in the request header, in order to receive compressed data in the response and enhance processing performance.

Store Location Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields updated for store locations through import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Requirements: To import store locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, complete the following fields at the OCDS Integration tab tab at the System screen:

  • Complete the Store Location URL and select the Active flag.
  • Use the Default Location Type for store locations to select the Location Type to assign to imported store locations.

Unmapped fields: Any fields not listed in the following table do not exist in OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services or are not mapped or updated through the import process. To update some of these additional fields:

  • Use the Edit Location screen to specify additional information, such as days open for auto-cancel or labor cost. Additional fields that you can define at the Edit Location screen, such as store hours, rank, and region, are informational only.
  • Use the Preferences screen to define the types of orders that the store location is eligible to fulfill. You can set these preferences for the location type, and then optionally set overrides at the location level.

Invalid address? The import process creates a location record even if the address specified in the import response is incomplete or invalid. If the location is not included as expected in inventory search results or order assignments, you can use the Edit Location to verify or correct the address.

Update Latitude and Longitude: The import process updates the location’s Latitude and Longitude when creating or updating the location, providing the location is valid. See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview.

Days Open not updated: The Days Open fields for a location are all automatically selected when the import process creates a new location, and the existing settings are not updated when the import process updates an existing location. You can update these fields at the Edit Location screen, or through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

Error report: The Location Import Errors Report lists any errors that occur related to missing location name or code. These are the only two errors that can occur related to imported locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

No records are deleted through the import.


Regardless of whether you select Run Now or Since Last Run at the Schedule Jobs screen, all store locations are imported each time you submit the import.
Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the system selected at the Schedule Jobs screen.

location type

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the Default Location Type (store) specified at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen.


alphanumeric, 10 positions

See location. If the location code does not exist, the system creates a new location; if the location code already exists, the system updates the location.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

Description of the store location. Always updated.


alphanumeric, 20 positions



alphanumeric, 20 positions


contact name

alphanumeric, 50 positions



alphanumeric, 255 positions

The email address must be formatted as user@host.com (or other valid suffix such as .org). Order Broker does not validate that your entry represents an existing email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (;).

Address fields: The import process updates all address information if any address information was included in the import response, including clearing the data in any of the address fields that are blank or empty in the response from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

address lines 1 through 3

alphanumeric, 50 positions



alphanumeric, 35 positions



alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator. Should be a valid ISO code.

postal code

alphanumeric, 10 positions

The ZIP or postal code for the location.

Required if you use the proximity locator.

Note: To prevent issues with proximity calculation, Canadian postal codes should be imported with an embedded space. For example, the correct format is Y1A 1A3 rather than Y1A1A3.


alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator; in this situation, the country code must exist in the proximity table. Should be a valid ISO code.

Note: The import process creates a location record even if the address specified in the import response is incomplete or invalid. If the location is not included as expected in inventory search results or order assignments, you can use the Edit Location to verify or correct the address.

Warehouse Location Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields updated for virtual warehouse locations through import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Requirements: To import virtual warehouse locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, complete the following fields at the OCDS Integration tab tab at the System screen:

  • Complete the Warehouse Location URL and select the Active flag.
  • Use the Default Location Type for warehouse locations to select the Location Type to assign to imported warehouse locations.

Virtual warehouses only: The OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services integration imports virtual warehouses only; it does not import physical warehouses. Because the warehouses are virtual locations, the address information that is imported is from the physical warehouse associated with the virtual warehouse.


The virtual warehouse is imported only if the warehouse ID (warehouseid) specified in the response message from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services is different from the physical warehouse ID (physicalwh) in the response.

Unmapped fields: Any fields not listed in the following table do not exist in OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services or are not mapped or updated through the import process. To update some of these additional fields:

  • Use the Edit Location screen to specify additional information, such as days open for auto-cancel or labor cost. Additional fields that you can define at the Edit Location screen, such as store hours, rank, and region, are informational only.
  • Use the Preferences screen to define the types of orders that the warehouse location is eligible to fulfill. You can set these preferences for the location type, and then optionally set overrides at the location level.

Days Open not updated: The Days Open fields for a location are all automatically selected when the import process creates a new location, and the existing settings are not updated when the import process updates an existing location. You can update these fields at the Edit Location screen, or through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

Error report: The Location Import Errors Report lists any errors that occur related to missing location name or code. These are the only two errors that can occur related to imported locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

No records are deleted through the import.


Regardless of whether you select Run Now or Since Last Run at the Schedule Jobs screen, all virtual warehouses are imported each time you submit the import.
Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the system selected at the Schedule Jobs screen.

location type

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the Default Location Type (warehouse, unlabeled) specified at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen.


alphanumeric, 10 positions

See location. If the location code does not exist, the system creates a new location; if the location code already exists, the system updates the location.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

Description of the store location. Always updated.

address lines 1 through 3

alphanumeric, 50 positions


Address fields: The import process updates all address information for the physical warehouse associated with the virtual warehouse, including clearing the data in any of the address fields that are blank or empty in the response from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services or Merchandising Omni Services. Physical warehouses are associated with virtual warehouses based on the PHYSICAL_WH defined in the WAREHOUSE table in the OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services database.


alphanumeric, 35 positions



alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator. Should be a valid ISO code.

postal code

alphanumeric, 10 positions

The ZIP or postal code for the location.

Required if you use the proximity locator.

Note: To prevent issues with proximity calculation, Canadian postal codes should be imported with an embedded space. For example, the correct format is Y1A 1A3 rather than Y1A1A3.


alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator; in this situation, the country code must exist in the proximity table. Should be a valid ISO code.

Note: The import process creates a location record even if the address specified in the import response is incomplete or invalid. If the location is not included as expected in inventory search results or order assignments, you can use the Edit Location to verify or correct the address.

Product Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields updated for products and system products through import from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. When the system is the default, the import creates both product and system product records; otherwise, the import creates just the system product record.

Requirements: To import products and create system products from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, complete the following fields at the OCDS Integration tab tab at the System screen, complete the Products URL and select the Active flag.

The product must already exist in the organization’s default system in order to create or update the system product for a non-default system.

Error report: The Product Import Errors Report lists any errors that occur. Typically, the only possible error that can occur is if no product description is provided.

No records are deleted through the import.

Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the system selected at the Schedule Jobs screen.

product and system product

alphanumeric, 35 positions

Both from the item passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Not updated after initial product creation in Order Broker.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the description passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. Truncated if it exceeds 40 positions.

master style

alphanumeric, 35 positions

From the itemparent passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services (up to 25 positions, alphanumeric).


alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the dept passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services (4 positions, numeric).


alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the class passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services (4 positions, numeric).


alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the subclass passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services (4 positions, numeric). Displayed as the product Category in Order Broker.

Item Image URL Import Mapping

Importing item image URLs to display in Store Connect works the same way as the product import described above, except for the additional setup requirements at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen for the default system: you need to complete the Product Image URL and select the Active flag.

The item image URL should be formatted as https://www.example.com/folder/image.png, where:

  • http or https is the protocol

  • www.example.com is the domain or server name

  • folder is a folder or subfolder where the image is found

  • image.png or image.jpg is the name of the image

Image image URL updated? If the Product Image URL specified at the System screen for the default system is valid, and the URL passed does not exceed 255 positions, the import uses the imageuri passed in the response to update the Image URL for the product.

Errors: If the specified item image URL is not formatted correctly, or if it exceeds 255 positions, an error is returned and is listed on the Product Import Errors Report.

Product Barcode Import Mapping

Importing product barcode that can be used to scan items in Store Connect works the same way as the imports described above, except for the additional setup requirements at the OCDS Integration tab at the System screen for the default system: you need to complete the Product Barcode URL and select the Active flag.

If a product barcode already exists for the product, it is not overwritten; instead, an additional barcode is created. Existing barcodes are deleted through integration with OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services if the Action passed is Delete. Deleted records are included in the UPC Records count at the Product Imports History screen.

Errors: Any errors are listed on the Product Barcode Import Errors Report.

Store and Warehouse Inventory Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields in the product location record that are updated through store inventory and warehouse inventory imports from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. Both of these imports work the same way to update product locations in Order Broker, except for the setup requirements at the OCDS Integration tab tab at the System screen:

  • To import store inventory, complete the Store Inventory URL and select the Active flag.
  • To import warehouse inventory, complete the Warehouse Inventory URL and select the Active flag.

Record created? The import creates the product location if it does not already exist, provided both the product and the location already exist for the requesting system. If both the product and the location do not already exist, the record is counted as an error.

Errors: No report is generated for any store or warehouse inventory records; however, an error file is available through the file storage API. See Product Location Import Error Files for more information.

Additional fields for the product location, including the Next PO Date and Next PO Quantity, are not updated.


No records are deleted through the import.

Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the system selected at the Schedule Jobs screen.


alphanumeric, 35 positions

From the item passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.


alphanumeric, 10 positions

From the location passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

available quantity

numeric, 10 positions

From the availablequantity passed by OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Note: Interactive updates to the available quantity for product locations take place through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS). This information originates in Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS).

last updated by

alphanumeric, 10 positions

Set to the ADMIN user ID.

last updated


Set to the date and time when the import ran.

Importing Locations through File Storage API

Importing locations allows you to create a location, including the address, telephone numbers, and other related information such as the store rank and hours, based on information defined in a location import file from an external system.

What is a location? A location is a place where a product is sold or stocked. A location can be a warehouse or store where you keep actual inventory, or it can also be a virtual location such as a web storefront or a vendor. Locations are defined within an organization both by the system to which they belong and their location type.

Location address: It is important that the location address be accurate, since the location address is used as the ship-to address for ship-for-pickup orders.

Location relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including locations.

Required setup for file upload: You can use the File Storage API, to import locations to the location table and import location level fulfillment preferences to the preferencestable.

Create a pipe-delimited flat file named LOCATION_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code, making sure to name the file in all uppercase. Create a header row and a separate row for each location you wish to import. See Sample Location Import File for a sample of the data to include in the file.

Using the File Storage API, place the file in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The file remains in this location until you run the import; see Location Import Steps for processing details

Use of OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services: See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for information on importing store and virtual warehouse locations through an integration with OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.


  • Creating or updating a location through this import process does not support assigning Location Attributes to locations.
  • You can also create locations through the LocationUpdate request messages. See the Operations Guide for more information.

For more information: See:

Location Import Steps

The import steps related specifically to location import through the File Storage API:

  1. The process clears outdated records from the location_import table based on the Days to Keep Errors for the system. If a record is flagged with an error code, it remains in the import table until the Days to Keep Errors has passed and you next run an import for that system.
  2. The process uses the pipe-delimited flat file named LOCATION_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the system code that matches the system code associated with the import being processed in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The name of the pipe-delimited file should be uppercase, including the system code, regardless of whether the system code is upper and lowercase in Order Broker.
  3. If the process cannot move the records to the location_import table for field edits, it moves the records in error in the LOCATION_SYS.TXT flat file to the.OROB-ERRORS container in the FILE_STORAGE table. This can occur if, for example, the number of columns in the flat file is invalid. In this case, a general error is listed at the Product Imports History screen.
  4. If the records in the location import file pass the initial edits, the process uses the information from the flat file to create records in the location_import table. See Location Import Mapping for more information on how the data in the LOCATION_SYS.TXT file maps to the location_import table.
  5. Next, if a record in the location import file contains an error, the system updates the record in the location_import table with the error code.

    In this situation, you can run the Location Import Errors Report to review the list of errors in the import file. Correct the records in error in the originating system and use the file storage API to replace the file.

    Note that certain errors are listed on the error report with an error code of 56 and a reason of Locations Import Failed - Other Error. This can occur when, for example, an address line is too long or a one-position flag, such as the Active flag, contains an invalid character. In these cases, a more descriptive error description is included in the error file.

  6. For records in the location import file that process successfully, the system:

    • Creates and updates records in the location table. If the Active field is Y, the location is listed on the Locations screen. See Location Import Mapping for more information on how the data in the location_import table maps to the location table.

    • Updates all address information if any address information was included in the import file, including clearing the data in any address fields that are blank (containing a space) or empty in the import file. However, if all address fields are empty in the import file, the current address information is not replaced, and only non-address fields are updated with the data from the import file.

    • With the exception of address data, clears any fields that contain a blank space in the import file; otherwise, does not update any field that is empty in the import file.

    • Creates and updates records in the preferences table. These preference settings display at the location level on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen.

    • Deletes the location_import record.

    • If you use proximity locator, determines the location’s latitude and longitude using either the Oracle Maps Cloud Service or the proximity location table, depending on your configuration, and saves this information as part of the location record.

  7. After processing all import files:

    • The process writes a log record for each import process, displayed at the Product Imports History screen.

    • Based on the Location Product Import setting at the Event Logging screen, after processing all import files, the process generates an email notification indicating success (if all records were successfully imported) or failure (if any record could not be imported).

The backed up files in the FILE_STORAGE table are cleared based on the number of days specified in the Product Import Files setting in the Retention Settings area of the Tenant - Admin screen.

Invalid address? The import process creates a location record even if the address specified in the import file is incomplete or invalid. In this case, the location record is listed on the Location Import Errors Report with an error of 75 - The address combination is invalid. If the location is not included as expected in inventory search results or order assignments, you can use the Edit Location to verify or correct the address.

Update Latitude and Longitude: The import process updates the location’s Latitude and Longitude when creating or updating the location. See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview.

Days Open not updated: The Days Open fields for a location are all automatically selected when the import process creates a new location, and the existing settings are not updated when the import process updates an existing location. You can update these fields at the Edit Location screen, or through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background on how the Days Open fields control the update of the Pickup By Date.

Sample Location Import File

To import locations, create a pipe-delimited flat file named LOCATION_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.

The following is a sample of the contents to include in the LOCATION_SYS.TXT pipe-delimited flat file. The first row is the header information, which is informational only, and the following row is the location data.

The file must contain the following columns, with each column separated using pipes |. Each column besides the LABOR_COST is required; an empty column can be entered as ||.


When updating a location, data passed in the location import file overrides the existing data for the location. If a setting in the location import file contains a blank space (| |), the system clears any value currently in the field. For example, if the existing rank for the location is 1, and you the RANK field in the location import file contains a space, the system clears the value of 1 from the Rank field. However, the address fields are treated as a single unit, and if any address data is passed in the import file, the entire address is updated, including clearing any fields that are blank or empty in the import file.


7|STC|TEST2|Location Test Import2|1234 Sample St|Address line 2|Address line 3|Address line 4|250|Westborough|MA|01581|US|5085550100|9371|5085550101|9-6|4|GreaterBoston|Firstname Lastname|flast@example.com|Y|Y|N|Y|N|Y|N|N|12.34

Location Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields in the location import flat file, the location_import table, and the location and preferences tables.


  • The field names indicated below are informational. The import ignores the field names in the first row in the flat file, although it does confirm that the number of columns in the first row is consistent with the number of columns in each import record.
  • See the Edit Location screen or the Preferences screen for more information on each field in context.
Field Attributes Description

used to update the SYSTEM_ID in the location table

alphanumeric, 10 positions

See system. The system code can include special characters and must be unique in Order Broker. The system code must be a valid system for the organization that the import process is being run.


Mapping: The system determines the SYSTEM_ID in the location table by mapping the SYSTEM_CD in the location_import table to the SYSTEM_CD in the system table.


used to update the LOCATION_TYPE_ID in the location table

alphanumeric, 10 positions

See location type. The location type code must be a valid location type code for the organization.


Mapping: The system determines the LOCATION_TYPE_ID in the location table by mapping the LOCATION_TYPE_CD in the location_import table to the LOCATION_TYPE_CD in the location_type table.


alphanumeric, 10 positions

See location. The location code must be unique for each organization and system.

If the location code does not exist, the system creates a new location; if the location code already exists, the system updates the location.



alphanumeric, 40 positions

Location names do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the integrated system, such as Order Management System or Xstore.


The import process updates all address information if any address information was included in the import file, including clearing the data in any address fields that are blank or empty in the import file. However, if all address fields are empty in the import file, the current address information is not replaced, and only non-address fields are updated with the data from the import file. Address fields include address lines, apartment/suite, city, state/province, postal code, and country.


alphanumeric, 50 positions each



named APT_OR_SUITE in the location table

alphanumeric, 20 positions



alphanumeric, 35 positions



alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator. Should be a valid ISO code.


alphanumeric, 10 positions

The ZIP or postal code for the location.

Required if you use the proximity locator.

Note: To prevent issues with proximity calculation or errors upon import, Canadian postal codes should be imported as a six-position code plus an embedded space. For example, the correct format is Y1A 1A3 rather than Y1A1A3.


alphanumeric, 3 positions

Required if you use the proximity locator; in this situation, the country code must exist in the proximity table. Should be a valid ISO code.

Note: The import process creates a location record even if the address specified in the import file is incomplete or invalid. If the location is not included as expected in inventory search results or order assignments, you can use the Edit Location to verify or correct the address.


alphanumeric, 20 positions



alphanumeric, 10 positions



alphanumeric, 20 positions



alphanumeric, 60 positions



alphanumeric, 10 positions



alphanumeric, 20 positions



alphanumeric, 50 positions



alphanumeric, 255 positions

The email address must be formatted as user@host.com (or other valid suffix such as .org). Order Broker does not validate that your entry represents an existing email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (;).

The following location level preferences in the location import file map to the PREFERENCES table. If any of the preferences are set to anything other than Y, N, or blank, the upload will be in error, with an error message such as the following indicated in the error file:

'Q' is invalid for Column 'SHIPFORPICKUP_SOURCE_AVAILABLE', expected Y or N.

These records are not listed on the Location Import Errors Report.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to fulfill an order whose fulfillment type is DELIVERY. See Delivery Order for a discussion.

Updates the location level Delivery Available field on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen:

  • If the import value was Y, the preference is Yes.
  • If the import value was N, the preference is No.
  • If the import value was blank, the preference is Not Defined.

Mapping: The system determines the location level Delivery Available setting on the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen by mapping DELIVERY in the location_import table to the PREFERENCE_VALUE for PREFERENCE_TYPE_ID 114 (Delivery Available) and LEVEL_ID 30 (location level) in the PREFERENCES table.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Not currently implemented.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Not currently implemented.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to fulfill an order whose fulfillment type is PICKUP. See Pickup Order for a discussion.

Updates the location level Pickup Available field on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen:

  • If the import value was Y, the preference is Yes.
  • If the import value was N, the preference is No.
  • If the import value was blank, the preference is Not Defined.

Mapping: The system determines the location level Pickup Available setting on the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen by mapping PICKUP in the location_import table to the PREFERENCE_VALUE for PREFERENCE_TYPE_ID 113 (pickup available) and LEVEL_ID 30 (location level) in the preferences table.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates whether a location can be assigned a delivery order even if it does not currently have sufficient inventory on-hand.

Enter Y to have the location eligible to fulfill a delivery order even if it does not currently have the requested quantity of each item on-hand, or enter N or leave blank if you do not want the location selected unless it currently has the full quantity of each item on-hand.

Note: Do not set this field to Y for the default unfulfillable location.

Listed in the location level Backorder Available field on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen:

  • If the import value was Y, the preference is Yes.
  • If the import value was N, the preference is No.
  • If the import value was blank, the preference is Not Defined.

Mapping: The system determines the location level Backorder Available setting on the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen by mapping BACK_ORDER_AVAILABLE in the location_import table to the PREFERENCE_VALUE for PREFERENCE_TYPE_ID 128 (backorder available) and LEVEL_ID 30 (location level) in the preferences table.


alphanumeric, 1 position

Enter Y to indicate the location is active. Informational only.

ShipForPickup_ Source_Available

alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to source an order whose fulfillment type is SHIPFORPICKUP. See Ship For Pickup Order for a discussion.

Updates the location level Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available field on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen:

  • If the import value was Y, the preference is Yes.
  • If the import value was N, the preference is No.
  • If the import value was blank, the preference is Not Defined.

Mapping: The system determines the location level Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available setting on the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen by mapping SHIPFORPICKUP_SOURCE_AVAIL in the location_import table to the PREFERENCE_VALUE for PREFERENCE_TYPE_ID 140 (sourcing available) and LEVEL_ID 30 (location level) in the preferences table.

ShipForPickup_ Pickup_Available

alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to have the customer pick up an order whose fulfillment type is SHIPFORPICKUP. See Ship For Pickup Order for a discussion.

Updates the location level Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available field on the Fulfillment Tab of the Preferences screen:

  • If the import value was Y, the preference is Yes.
  • If the import value was N, the preference is No.
  • If the import value was blank, the preference is Not Defined.

Mapping: The system determines the location level Ship For Pickup Receiving / Pickup Available setting on the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen by mapping SHIPFORPICKUP_PICKUP_AVAIL in the location_import table to the PREFERENCE_VALUE for PREFERENCE_TYPE_ID 139 (receiving/pickup available) and LEVEL_ID 30 (location level) in the preferences table.


numeric, 19.4

Used to shop an order for fulfillment or sourcing as part of the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) method when determining the cost to pick, pack, and ship an order. It can be 0, but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Should not exceed the specified length, or the upload record will be in error. This error is not listed on the Location Import Errors report. Optional.

Note: This column can be omitted entirely, instead of just leaving it blank; however, to omit the labor cost column, you must not only omit the column for each record, but also omit the column from the file headers. If no labor cost column is included for the location records, but the LABOR_COST is included in the file headers, the record is in error: Invalid number of import columns, 29 passed. This error is not listed on the Location Import Errors report.

You can also update the labor cost through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

Importing Products, System Products, and Item Image URLs through File Storage API

Purpose: Use the Schedule Jobs screen to import locations, products and system products, product locations, item image URLs, and UPC barcodes. This help topic describes the fields you can map and update for products, system products, and item image URLs.


This help topic does not address importing product data from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for more information.

Required setup: To import products and system products to the product and system_product tables, create a pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code, making sure to name the file in all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase. Create a separate row for each product or system product. See Sample Product Import File for a sample of the data to include in the file.

The process looks for the file in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The file remains in this location until you run the import, as described below.

  • Oracle recommends that you do not use UPC codes as system product codes, because UPCs are not permanently assigned to a single product.
  • Creating or updating a product through this import process does not support assigning Product Attributes to products.
  • You can also create products through the ProductUpdate request messages. See the Operations Guide for more information.

For more information: See:

Product and System Product Import Steps

The import steps related specifically to product and system product import:

  1. The process clears outdated records from the product_importtable based on the Days to Keep Errors for the system. If a record is flagged with an error code, it remains in the import table until the Days to Keep Errors has passed and you next run an import for that system.
  2. The process uses the pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the system code, that is in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The name of the pipe-delimited file should be uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.

    Job Batch Size: The Job Batch Size controls the number of records to process in each batch.

  3. If the process cannot move the records to the product_import table for field edits, it moves the records in error in the PRODUCT_SYS.TXT flat file to the OROB-ERRORS container of the FILE_STORAGE table, adding a date and time stamp to the name of the file, such as PRODUCT_SYS.TXT.20150628.153000.err. This can occur if, for example, there are an invalid number of columns in the flat file, a numeric field contains alphabetical data, a date is not formatted correctly, or the length of a field exceeds the maximum length in the database. In this case, a general error is listed at the Product Imports History screen, and no errors are listed on the Product Import Errors Report.
  4. If the records in the file pass the initial edits, the process uses the information from the flat file to create records in the product_import table. See Product Import Mapping for more information on how the data in the PRODUCT_SYS.TXT file maps to the product_import table.
  5. Next, if there is an error based on the required data for product and system product records, the process updates the record in the product_importtable with the error code.

    In this situation, you can run the Product Import Errors Report to review the list of errors in the import file. Correct the records in error in the originating system and use the file storage API to replace the file.

  6. If there are no errors for a product_import record, the process creates or updates the related product record (if the import is for the default system) and system product record and the product_import record is deleted.

  7. After processing all import files:

    • The process writes a log record for each import process, displayed at the Product Imports History screen.

    • Based on the Location Product Import setting at the Event Logging screen, after processing all import files, the process generates an email notification indicating success (if all records were successfully imported) or failure (if any record could not be imported)

The backed up files in the archive and error containers in the FILE_STORAGE table are cleared based on the number of days specified in the Product Import Files setting in the Retention Settings area of the Tenant - Admin screen.

Sample Product Import File

To import products or system products, create a pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.

The file must contain the following columns, each column separated using pipes |. Each column is required; a blank column can be entered as | |.

The following is a sample of the contents to include in the PRODUCT_SYS.TXT pipe-delimited flat file. The first row is the header information, which is informational only, and the following row is the product and system product data.


6|DEPARTMENT|CLASS|CATEGORY|PRODUCT|SYSTEM_PRODUCT|Product Description|Master Style|https://www.example.com/images/sample.png

The import ignores the first row in the file.

Product Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields in the product import flat file, the product_import table, and the product and product_location tables.


The flat file field names indicated below are informational. The import ignores the first row in the flat file.
Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

See system. The system code can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include special characters, and must be unique in Order Broker. The system code must be a valid system for the organization that the import process is being run, but does not need to be the same as the system running the import.



alphanumeric, 40 positions

The description of the product's department. Order Broker updates this field for the product only if it is passed from the default system. Informational only. Can be set to a blank.

Order Management System integration: If your default system is an Order Management System company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Department. Long SKU departments are used to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

The description of the product's class. Order Broker updates this field for the product only if it is passed from the default system. Informational only. Can be set to a blank.

Order Management System integration: If your default system is an Order Management System company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Class. Taken from the base item rather than the SKU if this is a SKU’d item. Long SKU classes can be used together with long SKU departments to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

The description of the product’s category. Order Broker updates this field for the product only if it is passed from the default system. Informational only. Can be set to a blank.

Order Management System 18.2 or earlier integration: If your default system is an Order Management System company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Division. Long SKU divisions can be used together with long SKU departments and classes to identify items within a retail hierarchy.

Order Management System 18.3 or later: If your default system is an Order Management System, this field is either:

  • The description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Division, if the OROB Item Category Value (M54) system control value is set to LSDIVISION or blank. Long SKU divisions can be used together with long SKU departments and classes to identify items within a retail hierarchy.
  • The item category code, if the OROB Item Category Value (M54) system control value is set to CATEGORY.

alphanumeric, 35 positions

The system product code identifying the product in the external system. The system product code might differ from the product code if the external system is not the default system for the organization.

If the system product code is already assigned to a different product in the system, there is no error, but the duplicate system product is not created.


Note: Oracle recommends that you do not use UPC codes as system product codes, because UPCs are not permanently assigned to a single product.


alphanumeric, 35 positions

The product code identifying the item in the default system. If the load record is creating or updating a system product, the product_cd must be a valid product in Order Broker. There can be only one entry for the same product code in the import file.


Note: The import process does not flag the product as an error if the product code includes an invalid character, such as the ^ symbol; however, such special characters are not valid as part of the product code in Order Broker and can subsequently cause errors during standard processing.


alphanumeric, 40 positions

The Name of a product. Order Broker updates this field for the product only if it is passed from the default system.



alphanumeric, 35 positions

See master style. Optional field. Order Broker updates this field for the product only if it passed from the default system. Informational only. Can be set to a blank.

Note: Normally, you would never change the master style for a product in Order Broker.


alphanumeric, 255 positions

Updates the Image URL for the product, indicating where to find the product image to display in Store Connect, when passed for the product in the default system. Optional field. Must be a validly formatted URL, such as https://www.example.com/folder/image.png, where:

  • http or https is the protocol

  • www.example.com is the domain or server name

  • folder is a folder or subfolder where the image is found

  • image.png or image.jpg is the name of the image

Must not exceed 255 positions.

If there was already an item image URL specified for the product, it is overwritten. If an item image URL was previously specified and a blank is passed in the import file, the item image URL is cleared.

The import does not validate that an image is found at the specified URL.

Importing Product Locations through File Storage API

Purpose: Use the Schedule Jobs screen to import locations, products and system products, product locations, and UPC barcodes. This help topic describes the fields you can map and update for product locations, including product location attributes.


This help topic does not address importing product location data from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services or individual inventory updates through the RIB. See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports or Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for more information. However, Product Location Import Error Files, below, does provide information on possible product location import errors, including errors that occur through the import of store or warehouse inventory through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Required setup: To import product locations to the product_location table:

  • Create a pipe-delimited flat file that includes a separate row for each product location. See Sample Product Location Import File for a sample of the data to include in the file.
  • The file should be named PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYS_NNNNN.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code and NNNNN is an optional series of characters, such as a date/time stamp, a location code, or both. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase. See the Product Location Import Steps for a discussion.
  • The process looks in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The file remains in this location until you run the import, as described below.


You can also create product locations through the ProductUpdate request messages. See the Operations Guide for more information.

For more information: See:

Product Location Import Steps

Use the Product Import option to import product, system product, bar code, and location data from pipe-delimited files. The import steps related specifically to product location import:

  1. The process uses the pipe-delimited flat file. The file should be named PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYSNNNNN.TXT, where:

    • SYS is the associated system code. The system code here should match the case for the code in your organization.

    • NNNNN is an optional suffix, which can include information such as a date/time stamp or a location code. The use of a date/time stamp can be useful if the integrating inventory system generates update files multiple times in a day.

    Multiple file processing:

    • If you include an optional suffix in the file name and there is more than one product location file in the FILE_STORAGE table, the files are processed in alphanumeric order. For example, if there are files named PRODUCT_LOCATION_INV_123_20161231010101.TXT and PRODUCT_LOCATION_INV_123_20161231040101.TXT, the PRODUCT_LOCATION_INV_123_20161231010101.TXT file is processed first.

    • If one file has an optional suffix and one does not, the file without the suffix is processed first.

    • Numeric suffixes are sorted before alphabetical suffixes. For example, a suffix that starts with 123 is processed before a suffix that starts with DC.

    • f a product location is included in more than one import file, the product location is overwritten. For example, a product location is in two files, and the first file has an available quantity of 100, while the next file processed has an available quantity of 98. After processing both files, the available quantity is set to 98.

    File name matching:

    The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.

    The import file(s) must be in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table.

    Job Batch Size: The Job Batch Size controls the number of records to process in each batch.

  2. If there are any errors in the file that prevent the process from moving each record to the product_location table, it moves the records in error in the import file to the OROB-ERRORS container in the file storage table, adding a date and time stamp to the name of the file, such as PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYS.TXT.20161028.153000.bak. See Product Location Import Error Files, below, for more information.

  3. If there are no errors for an import record, the process updates the record in the product_location table.


    The import process ignores any files that do not conform to the file naming convention or do not match the system running the import. It does not report an error if no matching files are found in the FILE_STORAGE table.
  4. After processing all import files:

    • The process writes a log record for each import process, displayed at the Product Imports History screen.

    • Based on the Location Product Import setting at the Event Logging screen, after processing all import files, the process generates an email notification indicating success (if all records were successfully imported) or failure (if any record could not be imported).

The backed up files are cleared based on the number of days specified in the Product Import Files setting in the Retention Settings area of the Tenant - Admin screen.

For more information: See Product Location Import Error Files, below, for information on possible errors.

Sample Product Location Import File

The following is a sample of the contents to include in the product location pipe-delimited flat file. The first row is the header information, and the following row is the product location data.



The import does not attempt to process the first row in the file; however, the number of columns in the header row is used to validate the number of columns, including empty columns, in each of the import records in the file. The total number of columns in the header row needs to match the number of columns for each record.

Product Location Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields in the product location import flat file and the product_location table.

Availability information and attributes: For an existing product location, the import can update either the availability information (available quantity, next PO quantity, and next PO date), any or all of the attributes, or both.

To create a new product location, the availability information is required.


  • The field names indicated below are informational. The import ignores the field names in the first row in the flat file, although it does confirm that the number of columns in the first row is consistent with the number of columns in each import record.
  • If any optional fields in the import file are left blank--that is, the file includes the pipe delimiters without a space or zero between them--the import does not update these fields.
Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

See system. The system code can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include special characters, and must be unique in Order Broker. The system code must be a valid system for the organization where the import process is being run, but does not need to be the same as the system running the import.



alphanumeric, 10 positions

The location where the product is stocked in the external system.



alphanumeric, 35 positions

The product code identifying the item in the default system. If the load record is creating or updating a system product, the product_cd must be a valid product in Order Broker.



numeric, 6 positions

The current quantity of the product available to sell in this location as of the time of the import process. Used to calculate the available to promise quantity. A negative quantity, preceded by a minus sign (-), indicates that the item is backordered. If the quantity passed includes a decimal, it is truncated; for example, if a quantity if 5.75 is passed, the available quantity is set to 5.

Note: If no available quantity is passed:

  • The next PO quantity and next PO date are not updated. However, if the available quantity specified is 0 or negative, the PO information is updated.
  • The product location attributes are still updated if the product location already exists; however, the import does not create a new product location.

Optional, but can be set to 0.


numeric, 6 positions

The quantity ordered for this product on the next purchase order for this location. Not updated if no available quantity is passed. If the quantity passed includes a decimal, it is truncated; for example, if a quantity if 5.75 is passed, the available quantity is set to 5.

Optional, but required if the available quantity is passed.



The next date when a purchase order for this product is expected for delivery in this location. YYYY-MM-DD format. If no time is specified in the file, a time of 12:00:00 AM is appended. Can be blank, even if there is a next_po_qty. Not updated if no next PO quantity is passed.

Note: The next PO date is cleared if no date is passed in the import file, but the next PO quantity is passed.



If the availability fields are valid but there is an error related to one of the attributes, the product location is created or updated with the availability information.

Attributes: The following product attributes are available to guide selection of fulfilling or sourcing locations for orders:

  • probability rules: See the Probability Rule Wizard for more information
  • standard brokering: optionally, the Routing Engine can use the Sales Velocity for ranking
  • weighted brokering: the Science Engine can use various product location attributes based on the configured weighted brokering percentages

Each of the product attributes are user-defined.

daily_sell_through_ qty

numeric, up to 6 positions

The Daily Sell Through Quantity. This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.



numeric, up to 6 positions

The Sell Quantity/Multiple. This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.



numeric, up to 6 positions

The Minimum Sell Quantity. This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.



numeric, up to 3 positions

The Shrink Rate %. This percentage can be up to 3 positions, and must be a whole number from 0 to 100. It cannot be a negative number.



numeric, 2 positions with an optional 2-place decimal

The Sales Velocity. Can be blank, or any number from 0 to 99.99. It cannot be a negative number.



The following columns can each be omitted entirely, instead of just leaving them blank (for example, ||); however, you must not only omit the column for all records in the import file, but also omit the column from the file headers. If the number of columns included for a product location record is different from the number of columns in the file headers, the record is in error, for example: Invalid number of import columns, 14 passed.


  • A record with all fields included, with some optional fields blank: OBRDoc|10|cumin|100|1|2015-08-27|1|2||||A|Y|19.99|2.3456
  • A record with the status, clearance, selling_price, and cost omitted entirely, and also some optional fields blank: OBRDoc|10|cumin|100|1|2015-08-27|1|2||||

alphanumeric, 1 position

The status of the product in this location. Optional. Informational only. Possible statuses are:

  • A or blank = Active (default). The product can be ordered. If the status in the import file is blank, this field is set to A for a new product location, and the Status for an existing product location is not updated.
  • I = Inactive. Cannot currently be ordered.
  • C = Discontinued. Can still be ordered, but will be inactive at some point in the future.

alphanumeric, 1 position

Indicates whether the product is on clearance in this location. Optional. Possible settings are:

  • Y = The product is on clearance.
  • N or blank (default) = The product is not on clearance. If the status in the import file is blank, this field is set to N for a new product location, and the On Clearance setting for an existing product location is not updated.

Used in LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation. If you use LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) and this flag is selected, the Science Engine uses a selling price of .01 to calculate margin.


numeric, 19 positions with a 4-place decimal

The single-unit selling price of the product in this location. Can be up to 19 positions with a 4-position decimal. It can also be 0, but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Optional, but should be specified if Gross Margin is used in the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation.


numeric, 19 positions with a 4-place decimal

The single-unit cost of the product in this location. Optional. It can be 0, but cannot be blank or a negative number, cannot exceed the specified field length, and should not include a currency symbol. The single-unit cost of the product in this location. Optional, but should be specified if Gross Margin is used in the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation.

Product Location Import Error Files

Each submitted product location record that is in error is included in a file n the OROB-ERRORS container of the FILE_STORAGE table.

The file name is PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYS.TXT.20161016.160011.bak, where PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYS.TXT is the name of the original import file, and 20161016.160011 are the date and time for the import, in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS format.

How errors are indicated in the error file: The error file is in the same format as the product location import file, except that for each record included in the file, there is an additional column entitled error_column. This column indicates the column that contained an error that prevented the record from processing. For example, if the product code for an import record was invalid, the error_column indicates product_cd. The header row is included if the error is not related to the number of columns.

  1. The error file does not indicate the nature of the problem with a particular field. For example, if the error_column indicates selling_price, it does not indicate whether the selling price was invalid because it included too many positions or a non-numeric character.
  2. If one or more required columns are missing for a record, the error resembles Invalid number of import columns, 10 passed.In this situation, the header row is not included in the error file.
  3. If there were no records in the import file, the error_column indicates Import file has no lines to import.

OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services imports: If any errors occur through the import of warehouse or store inventory through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports, an error file is also created in the OROB-ERRORS folder of the file storage table, as described above. In this case, the file name includes the OCDS prefix (for example, OCDS_PRODUCT_LOCATION_SYS.TXT) and the only errors that might be included in the error file are those related to location code, product code, or available quantity. The OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services import does not update all available fields in the product location table, and there are no possible errors related to the system code, because the code used is from the system you selected when running or scheduling the import at the Schedule Jobs screen.

Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API

Importing UPC barcodes allows you to create UPC-A or EAN-13 barcodes for products.

What is a UPC barcode? A UPC barcode is an identification of a product by either a UPC-A or EAN-13 code.

Used how? You can use UPC barcodes in Store Connect to scan picked items on orders. See the Store Connect Preferences screen for more information.

See the UPC screen for more information.

Required setup: Create a pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase. Create a separate row for each product location. See Sample Barcode Import File for a sample of the data to include in the file.

The process looks in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The file remains in this location until you run the import, as described below.

In this topic:

For more information: See:

Barcode Import Steps

The steps to import barcodes are:

  1. The process clears outdated records from the product_barcode_import table based on the Days to Keep Errors for the system. If a record is flagged with an error code, it remains in the import table until the Days to Keep Errors has passed and you next run an import for that system.
  2. The process uses the pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the system code in the OROB-IMPORTS container of the FILE_STORAGE table. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.
  3. If the records in the file pass the initial edits, the process uses the information from the flat file to create records in the product_barcode_import table. See Product Barcode Import Mapping for more information on how the data in the PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.TXT file maps to the product_barcode_import table.
  4. Next, if there is an error based on the required data for product barcode records, the process updates the record in the product_barcode_import table with the error code.

    In this situation, you can run the Product Barcode Import Errors Report to review the list of errors in the import file. Correct the records in error in the originating system and use the file storage API to replace the file.

  5. If there are no errors for a product_barcode_import record, the process updates the product_barcode table and the product_barcode_import record is deleted. The import process does not update existing barcode records. See Product Barcode Import Mapping for information on how the information from the file maps to the product_barcode table.
  6. After processing all import files:

    • The process writes a log record for each import process, displayed at the Product Imports History screen.

    • Based on the Location Product Import setting at the Event Logging screen, after processing all import files, the process generates an email notification indicating success (if all records were successfully imported) or failure (if any record could not be imported).

The backed up files in the archive and error containers are cleared based on the number of days specified in the Product Import Files setting in the Retention Settings area of the Tenant - Admin screen.

Sample Barcode Import File

To import product barcodes, create a pipe-delimited flat file named PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.TXT, where SYS is the associated system code. The file name should be all uppercase, including the system code, even if the system code is set up in Order Broker as upper and lowercase.

The following is a sample of the contents to include in the PRODUCT_BARCODE_SYS.TXT pipe-delimited flat file. The first row is the header information, which is informational only, and the following row is the product barcode data.




The import ignores the first row in the file.

Product Barcode Import Mapping

The table below lists the fields in the product barcode import flat file, the product_barcode_import table, and the product_barcode table.


The field names indicated below are informational. The import ignores the first row in the flat file.
Field Attributes Description

alphanumeric, 10 positions

See system. Identifies the organization where the product UPC barcode should be created, and the system where the system product exists. The system code can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include special characters, and must be unique in Order Broker. The system code must be a valid system for the organization where the import process is being run, but does not need to be the same as the system running the import.



alphanumeric, 35 positions

The system product code identifying the product in the external system. Must be valid in the system code specified. The system product code might differ from the product code if the external system is not the default system for the organization.



alphanumeric, 40 positions

The UPC-A or EAN-13 barcode identifying the product. A barcode can be assigned to just one product in an organization, but each product can have multiple UPC-A and EAN-13 barcodes. If the barcode specified was previously assigned to a different system product, it is reassigned to the system_product indicated in the file.


alphanumeric, 7 positions

Valid types are UPC-A and EAN-13.

Event Logging

Purpose: Oracle staff use the Event Logging screen to configure the logging to take place for Order Broker.

Logging options: Oracle staff can configure Order Broker to write logs for:

  • Order Broker modules:

    • errors only

    • deletions only (deletion logging is available only for the user interface)

    • detailed: all events are logged

    • nothing

  • Integrated Message Logging:

    • errors only

    • all messages

    • nothing

All personally identifiable information for customers, vendors, or locations is removed from logs. Personally identifiable information includes names, address, email addresses, phone numbers, customer numbers, and tender accounts.

The personally identifiable information is replaced in the log with the text *** Removed by Logger ***. For example, the email address might appear in the logs as <email>*** Removed by Logger ***</email>.

Email notifications: Oracle staff can also use the Event Logging screen to specify the events that should trigger an email notification to the admin user; the individual user who performed the action, such as an upload; both the admin user and the individual user; or not to trigger an email, as well as to configure the language to use for these emails.


See the System screen for information on specifying the email address to receive the Order Broker Polling Status Email.

Additional Logging Setup

Log retention days: The Server Logs setting in the Retention Settings section of the Tenant screen controls how many days to retain log entries until they are eligible for deletion through a scheduled process.

How to display this screen: Select Event Logging from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Event Logging authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
Field Description
Event Logging


See Additional Logging Setup, above, for information on additional required setup that controls the level of detail in the logs and whether to log activity.
Probability Rules

Controls the logging to take place when applying probability rules to locate items requests and other activities that require evaluation of availability in a product location. Possible settings:

  • Errors only: log an error if probability rule evaluation results in an error. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log probability rule activity.

Detailed logging is not supported for probability rules.

See Probability Rule Overview for background.

Location Product Import

Controls the logging to take place when importing product and inventory information from an external system, including the incremental import program. Possible settings are:

  • Detailed: log errors and write other updates when importing information.
  • Errors only: log activity only when an error occurs during imports.Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log activity based on product or product location imports or the incremental import.

See Schedule Jobs and the Incremental Inventory Import for background.

User Interface

Controls the logging to take place for activity in the Order Broker user interface. If this field is set to:

  • Detailed: Creation, update, and deletion of records are logged.
  • Deletions: Deletions only are logged.
  • Errors Only: Errors only are logged. Default setting.
  • Nothing: No screen activity is logged.
Trace Shopping Logic

Controls whether to track why individual locations are filtered when the Routing Engine selects a location to source an order. If this field is set to:

  • Detailed: The reasons why the Routing Engine filters individual locations from sourcing an order are tracked, and available for review at the Trace Shopping Log screen.
  • Nothing: Shopping logic is not traced.

Oracle recommends that shopping logic tracing be enabled only when needed to research shopping logic questions, and otherwise tracing is turned off in order to avoid impairing performance.

For more information: See the Trace Shopping Log screen.

Integrated Message Logging

All personally identifiable information for customers, vendors, or locations is removed from logs. Personally identifiable information includes names, address, email addresses, phone numbers, customer numbers, and tender accounts.

The personally identifiable information is replaced in the log with the text *** Removed by Logger ***. For example, the email address might appear in the log as <email>*** Removed by Logger ***</email>.

Order Broker Request/Response

Controls the logging that is related to the Routing Engine request and response messages, including geocode requests and responses if you use the Oracle Maps Cloud Service (see Proximity Locator Searching for background). Set this option to:

  • Everything:

    • Log XML messages and JSON messages, including the ProductUpdate, LocationUpdate, and LocationDetail messages and interactive inventory request messages. The availability service request messages are generated only when the Connection Type at the System screen is set to URL.

    • Log incorrectly formed XML messages.

  • Errors Only: log incorrectly formed XML messages and incorrect JSON messages. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log any activity based on Routing Engine requests and responses.
Drop Ship Request/Response

Controls the logging that is related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment request and response XML messages. Set this option to:

  • Everything: log all messages, including log incorrectly formed XML messages.
  • Errors Only: log formed XML messages. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log activity.
Vendor Portal Request/Response

Controls the logging that is related to communication between Order Broker and an integrated vendor that use JSON messages. Set this option to:

Integrated Shipping Request/Response

Controls the logging that is related to the integrated shipping option in the Vendor Portal and Store Connect. Set this option to:

  • Everything: log messages between Order Broker and the integrated shipping provider.
  • Errors Only: log incorrectly formed messages. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log messages between Order Broker and the integrated shipping provider.
Inventory Request/Response

Controls the logging that is related to the availability update request and response, and the inventory request and response between Order Broker and SIM or EICS. Set this option to:

  • Everything: log availability update request and response messages, and any errors such as an invalid request message.
  • Errors Only: log incorrectly formed messages. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not log availability update request and response messages.
Email Notifications

Controls the language to use for proximity uploads notifications.

Supported languages: Only the following languages are currently available:

Proximity Data Load

Controls the generation of email notifications when you upload proximity data through the Proximity Uploads screen. Possible settings:

  • Administrator: generate an email notification to the Administrative email.
  • User only: generate an email notification to the email specified at the User Profiles screen for the user who submitted the upload.
  • Admin and User: generate email notifications to the email specified at the for the user who submitted the upload and to the Administrative email.
  • Nothing: do not generate an email. Default setting.

See Proximity Upload Status Email for more information.

Location Product Import

Controls the generation of email notifications when importing product, system product, product barcode, location, and product location information from an external system. Possible settings:

  • Administrator: generate an email notification to the Administrative email. Default setting.
  • Nothing: do not generate an email.

See the Product Import Status Email for more information.

User Interface

Controls the email generation of email notifications for activity that takes place using the Order Broker user interface. Additional information will be provided by Oracle at a later date.

Incremental Inventory Import

Controls the generation of email notifications when the Incremental Inventory Import does not run successfully. Possible settings:

  • Administrator: generate an email notification to the Administrative email if Order Broker cannot retrieve updated inventory information.
  • Nothing: do not generate an email if Order Broker cannot retrieve inventory updates. Default setting.

For more information: See the Incremental Inventory Import.

Email Settings
Administrative email

The email address(s) to receive system-wide email notifications, including the Proximity Upload Status Email, Incremental Inventory Import Status Email, Product Import Status Email, and the duplicate order alert email. This email address is also used if a job is rejected because of a conflicting job; see Schedule Jobs for a discussion of jobs that might conflict. You can enter multiple email addresses, separating each with a semicolon (;).

  • Order Broker uses this email address, rather than the email address specified for the admin user at the User Profiles screen.
  • If you do not specify an internal email address, contact your email systems administrator to reset your mail server configuration to enable Order Broker to generate emails to addresses outside your company domain.

For more information on the duplicate order alert email, see the SubmitOrder Request Message in the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (2114324.1).

From Email Alias

The alias to display with the “from” address for administrative emails, for example, My Email Alias <no-reply-omni@oracledomain.com>. The actual “from” address is set by Oracle and cannot be changed.

Your entry can be up to 40 positions and can include letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, and does not need to be a valid, existing email address.

If you do not specify an email alias here, Order Broker generates emails using the defined “from” email address without including an alias.

Event Notifications

Use these fields to configure Order Broker to generate a job notification web service message to an external system each time one of the following job completes:

For more information: See the Job Notification Messages appendix in the Operations Guide for details on the message contents and troubleshooting information.

Job Notification URL

The URL to receive the job notifications. Up to 255 positions.


When the Authentication Type is set to OAuth, the URL must implement getAuthToken to obtain the token.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Message Version

Indicates the version of the Job Notification message to generate when a job completes. If the message version is 2.0, the Job Notification includes the jobRequestId. The jobRequestId is also included in the Run Job API response, enabling an integrating system that uses the Run Job API to connect the Run Job request with the completion of the submitted job. The version is set to 1.0 by default.

Wait Time

The number of seconds to wait for a response. Defaults to 30. Required.


A response is not required.
Authentication Type

Indicates whether to use Basic or OAuth authentication.

When the authentication type is Basic, you need to enter:

When the authentication type is OAuth, you need to enter:

See Manage External Application Access for background.

User ID

The user ID to use for authenticating the message in the system receiving the notification.This field is available only when the Authentication Type for a URL connection is set to Basic; otherwise, the Client ID field is available.

Up to 50 positions. Required when a Job URL is specified and Basic authentication is selected.


The password to use for authenticating the message in the system receiving the notification. Available only when a URL is specified and when the Authentication Type is set to Basic; otherwise, the Client Secret field is available. Required when Basic authentication is selected.

Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

Client ID

Identifies Order Broker as a client application for authentication using OAuth. Available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required when OAuth authentication is selected.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.

Client Secret

The client secret to authenticate Order Broker as a client application in order to obtain a token. Available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required when OAuth authentication is selected.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.

Retry Attempts

Determines the number of times to attempt to retry sending a notification if there are communication issues. If this field is set to:

  • 0, Order Broker does not attempt to resend a notification.
  • 1-100, Order Broker retries sending the notification the specified number of times, using the Retry Attempt Wait Time as the interval to pause between retry attempts.

Defaults to 0. A value from 0 to 100 is required.

Retry Attempt Wait Time

The number of minutes to wait between retry attempts. Must be set to a number from 1 to 60 if the Retry Attempts is not set to 0. Defaults to 0.

# of Current Retry Attempts

The total number of job notifications that Order Broker will attempt to retry after the next Retry Attempt Wait Time has elapsed. Display-only.

# of Held Failed Notifications

The total number of notification attempts that have failed. This total can include multiple attempts for the same notification. Held attempts are retained so they can be retried periodically, based on the Retry Attempt Wait Time. Display-only.

A number of failed notifications often indicates that the URL is incorrect or not available, the port number is incorrect, or that the authentication credentials are incorrect.

Maximum retry attempts: After 50,000 failed attempts, Order Broker stops retrying to send the job notifications.


Purpose: Use the Roles screen to work with user roles that control:

Admin user: An admin user has authority to all screens and does not need role assignment.

Making roles more or less specific: You can assign each user to one or more roles; for example, you can set up one role to control access to products and another role to control access to order inquiry, and assign a user to both of these roles if needed. You can also set up a single role to control authority to all systems-related options so that you can assign all authority to administrative users more easily.


The ability of a retailer user to generate specific reports is not controlled by role. For example, if a retailer user has authority to generate reports, but does not have authority to drop ship options, the user can still generate drop ship reports.

How to display this screen: Select Roles from the Systems Menu. The landing page does not have a shortcut to this screen.


Only users with Roles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a new role
  1. Optionally, select a Role Type and enter a Role Name. If you do not complete these fields here, you can complete them in the Role Wizard.
  2. Click New to advance to the Role Wizard. See the Role Wizard for complete instructions.
search for a role

Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and click Search to restrict the search results to matching roles:

  1. Optionally, select a from the Role Type drop-down box to restrict your results to roles of that type.


    You can leave the Role Type blank to remove this field from your selection criteria.
  2. Optionally, enter a full or partial Role Name to restrict your results to roles that contain your entry.
  3. Click Search.

Case: The Role Name is case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of vend does not match a role name of Vendor Admin.

select a role for review

Click the role to open the Browse Role window. This window displays the authority provided by the role, and any assigned users.

select a role for maintenance

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the Role Wizard, where you can review or update the role.

delete a role

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a role to delete the role from Order Broker.


You can delete a role even if it is assigned to one or more users. When you delete a role, the role is removed from any assigned users.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search/new fields:
Role Type

Role types are:

  • Retailer: Controls access to Order Broker screens and functions when assigned to a retailer user profile
  • Vendor: Controls access to Vendor Portal screens when assigned to a vendor user profile (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)
Role Name

The name of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and must be unique in Order Broker. The name can include special characters and spaces.

To search for a role, enter a full or partial role name and click Search to display roles that start with or match your entry. Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of vend does not match a role name of Vendor Admin.

Results fields:
Role Name

The name of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and must be unique in Order Broker. The name can include special characters and spaces.

Role Type

Role types are:

  • Retailer: Controls access to Order Broker screens and functions when assigned to a retailer user profile
  • Vendor: Controls access to Vendor Portal screens when assigned to a vendor user profile (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)

Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a role to advance to the Role Wizard.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a role to delete the role from Order Broker. This option is available even if the role is assigned to one or more users. When you delete a role, the role is removed from any assigned users.

Delivered roles

Delivered retailer user roles: The following retailer roles are delivered with Order Broker:

  • System Administration: Includes authority to all available menu options.
  • System Configuration: Includes authority to:
    • Orders (Inquiry): All authority included.
    • Products: All authority included.
    • Locations: All authority included.
    • Reports: All authority included.
    • Authority to Systems options is not included.
  • Order Maintenance: Includes authority to the Orders menu, including the ability to update an order. Also, includes authority to run and view all reports.
  • Order Inquiry: Includes authority to the Orders menu, but without the ability to update an order. Also, includes authority to run and view all reports.
  • Drop Ship Coordinator: Includes authority to:
    • Orders: Purchase Order Inquiry, Invoice Inquiry, and Invoice Maintenance.
    • Products: Products. Additional Products authority (Probable Quantity Location, Probable Quantity Rules, Probability Location, and Probability Rules) is not delivered.
    • Locations: Organizations and Preferences > Organizations and Preferences, Brands, and Vendors.
    • Reports: Run, View, and Schedule Reports.
    • Systems: Vendor User Profiles, Boxes, and Carriers.

Delivered vendor user role: The Vendor Admin user role includes all possible authority to the screens in the Vendor Portal. Delivered with Order Broker.

Browse Role

Purpose: Use the Browse Role window to review a retailer user or vendor user role, including the authority it controls and the users currently assigned to the role.

How to display this window: Click a role once at the Roles screen.


Only users with Roles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
edit the displayed role

Click Edit to advance to the Role Wizard.

review the next role

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next role.

review the previous role

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous role.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Role Name

The name of a role. The name can include special characters and spaces.

Role Type

Role types are:

  • Retailer: Controls access to Order Broker screens when assigned to a retailer user profile
  • Vendor: Controls access to Vendor Portal screens when assigned to a vendor user profile (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)
Allowed User Authority

Lists each type of retailer or vendor secured feature (such as Systems) and feature description (such as Event Logging) provided by the role. See the Authority step in the Role Wizard for a complete listing.

Assigned Users

Lists each retailer or vendor user assigned to the role. See User Profiles or Vendor User Profiles for more information.

Role Wizard

Purpose: Use the Role Wizard to create or edit roles you use to control users’ authority to different menu options. There are different types of authority available for assignment to:

  • retailer users with access to Order Broker screens for either the Routing Engine or Supplier Direct Fulfillment modules
  • vendor users with access to the Vendor Portal (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)

Admin user: An admin user has authority to all screens and does not need role assignment.

Making roles more or less specific: You can assign each user to one or more roles; for example, you can set up one role to control access to products and another role to control access to order inquiry, and assign a user to both of these roles if needed. You can also set up a single role to control authority to all systems-related options so that you can assign all authority to administrative users more easily.

Delivered roles: Order Broker is delivered with predefined roles. See Delivered roles for details. Make sure to review the authority associated with these roles prior to assigning them to a user.

Steps to creating a role: The basic steps to creating or modifying a role are:

  1. Specify Role Name: specify the name for a role and whether it applies to retailers or vendors.
  2. Authority: specify the authority available to users with the role. The authorities available for selection vary depending on whether you are setting up a retailer or vendor role.
  3. Users: specify the users to assign to the role. You can also assign users to a role later, through the:
  4. Review Role: review the role before you accept your entries or changes.

How to display:

  • creating a role: click New at the Roles screen
  • changing or reviewing a role:
  • click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a zone at the Roles screen, or
  • click Edit at the Browse Role window


Only users with Roles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

In this topic: This topic includes the Role Wizard steps:

  1. Specify Role Name
  2. Authority
  3. Users
  4. Review Role

Specify Role Name

Purpose: Use this first step in the Role Wizard to specify the name of the role and indicate whether it applies to retailer or vendor users.

How to display:

  • creating a role: click New at the Roles screen
  • changing a role:
    • click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a role at the Roles screen, or
    • click Edit at the Browse Role window

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Role Name

The name of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and must be unique in Order Broker. The name can include special characters and spaces.

Role Type

Role types are:

  • Retailer: Controls access to Order Broker screens and functions when assigned to a retailer user profile
  • Vendor: Controls access to Vendor Portal screens when assigned to a vendor user profile (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)
Identity Cloud User Default

Select this flag to have the role assigned to all users imported through the Identity Cloud User Synchronization job.

Completing this step:

  1. Enter or change the Role Name. Names can be 1 to 40 positions long and must be unique in Order Broker. If you entered a name at the Roles screen when creating a role, the name defaults here. The name can include special characters and spaces.
  2. Specify whether the role applies to retailers or vendors by selecting a Role Type.


    Selecting the Role Type is available only when you are creating a role.
  3. Click Next to continue to the Authority step, or click Cancel to exit the Role Wizard without saving your entries.


Purpose: Use this second step in the Role Wizard to specify the authority available to users assigned to the role.

Adding a secured feature to a role:

  • In the Eligible User Authority window, select the secured feature to assign to the role. See the Fields at this screen, below, for a listing of each feature and the authority it controls.
  • Drag the secured feature to the Allowed User Authority window.

Removing an existing secured feature from a role:

  • In the Allowed User Authority window, select the secured feature to remove to the role.
  • Drag the secured feature to the Eligible User Authority window.

Completing this step: Click:

  • Next to continue to the Users step.
  • Previous to return to the Specify Role Name step.
  • Cancel to exit the Role Wizard and discard your entries or changes.


All secured features for the Routing Engine and the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module are available for assignment, regardless of the modules specified at the Tenant screen.

Fields at this screen

Type of Secured Feature Feature Description Controls Access To Screen or Window and Subsequent Screens and Windows:
Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Retailer Roles


Certain features listed below are available only with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. See the individual screens and windows for more information.

Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry


Invoice Maintenance

Approve Invoice and Reject Invoice

Note: Authority to Invoice Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Invoice screen via the Invoice Inquiry screen.


Order Inquiry

Order Inquiry


Order Maintenance

Order: ability to edit

Edit Order Item: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Order Item

Note: Authority to Order Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Order screen via the Order Inquiry screen.


Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry


Attribute Definitions

Attribute Definitions

Note: This authority is not required to advance to the Product Attributes or the Location Attributes screen. These screens are available to users with Products or Locations authority.



Brands screen in Modern View


Fulfillment Zones

Fulfillment Zones


Location Bulk Updates

Location Bulk Updates


Location Types

Location Types





Order Broker Preference Overrides

Order Broker Preference Overrides


Organizations and Preferences

Organizations in Modern View and the Organizations and Preferences, including the Order Broker Preferences, Drop Ship Preferences, and Store Connect Preferences screens.





Probable Quantity Location

Probable Quantity Location


Probable Quantity Rules

Probable Quantity Rules


Probability Location

Probability Location


Probability Rules

Probability Rules





Run Reports

Run Reports


Schedule Reports

Schedule Reports


View Reports

View Reports



Boxes in Modern View



Carriers in Modern View


Event Logging

Event Logging


Proximity Uploads

Proximity Uploads


Order Reason Codes

Order Reason Codes screen in Modern View


Reschedule All

The Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen





Schedule Jobs

Schedule Jobs






Tenant (advance to the Tenant (retailer information) screen unless you are an admin user, in which case you automatically have authority to advance to the Tenant screen)


User Profiles

User Profiles


Vendor User Profiles

Vendor User Profiles


View Active Schedules

View Active Schedules, View Sales Order Data Extract Job History, Incremental Imports History, Product Imports History


View Job History

View Job History


Web Service Authorization

Web Service Authorization


Manage External Services

External Services


Manage External Application Access

Manage External Application Access,


File Storage History

File Storage History

Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Vendor Roles

Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen for the screens and windows listed below to be available.

Vendor Portal

Invoice Creation

Invoice Creation

Invoice # field at Purchase Order Shipping screen

Invoice Upload


Purchase Order Changes

Purchase Order Change Requests


Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry


Invoice Maintenance

Invoice: ability to edit

Edit Invoice Detail: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Invoice Detail


Invoice Upload

Invoice Upload



Vendor Configuration


Get Purchase Orders

Get Purchase Orders

Note: This screen is not currently implemented.


Integrated Shipping

Integrated Shipping


Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry


Purchase Order Maintenance

Purchase Order Maintenance


Purchase Order Shipping

Purchase Order Shipping


Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Purchase Order Shipping Upload


Select Purchase Orders

Select Purchase Orders


View Printed Pack Slips

View Printed Pack Slips


Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Void / Reprint Pack Slip


Purpose: Use this step to assign the role to existing users.

How to display: You advance to this step by clicking Next at the Authority step.

Which users are displayed? If the Role Type is:

  • Retailer: All retailer user profiles are displayed in the Eligible Users area unless they are already assigned to the role.
  • Vendor: All vendor user profiles are displayed in the Eligible Users area unless they are already assigned to the role (available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen)

Assigning existing users to the role: Highlight a user name in the Eligible Users area and drag the name to the Allowed Users area.

Removing the role from existing users: Highlight a user name in the Allowed Users area drag it to the Eligible Users area.

Alternate method to assign roles:

Alternate way to display a user’s assigned roles:

Completing this step: Click:

  • Next to continue to the Review Role step.
  • Previous to return to the Authority step.
  • Cancel to exit the Role Wizard and discard your entries or changes.

Review Role

Purpose: Use this step to review a role you have created or changed, including user assignment, and to accept or reject your entries or changes.

How to display: You advance to this step by clicking Next at the Users step.

This step displays the role you have created or changed using the role. See the Authority step for information on specifying the menu option authority available to the role, and see the Users step for information on assigning users to the role.

Completing this step: Click Save to accept your changes and save the role, or click Cancel to reject all changes to the role and return to the Roles screen. If you click Cancel while creating a new role, the role is not saved.

Optionally, click Previous to return to the Users step.


Depending on the number of users assigned to the role, there may be a slight delay after you select Save.

When does the role authority become available to the user? The role authority is available to the user the next time the user logs into Order Broker (retailer user) or the Vendor Portal (vendor user).

User Profiles

Purpose: Use the User Profiles screen to work with users, deactivate user logins, or delete users that have access to Order Broker for the purposes of configuring or reviewing settings and activity for either the Routing Engine module, the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, or both.

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Vendor user profiles: See the Vendor User Profiles screen for information on working with vendor user profiles that control authority to the Vendor Portal.

Store associate user profiles: See the Store Associate User Profiles screen for information on working with store associate profiles that control authority to Store Connect.

Web service users: See the Web Service Authorization screen for information on working with user profiles used for web service authentication.

How to display this screen: Select User Profiles from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Only users with User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a user profile

Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching user profiles:

  • Enter a full or partial User ID to restrict your results to product user ID’s starting with your entry.
  • Enter a full or partial Name to restrict your results to user profiles whose names contain your entry. You can’t search by name for a user who has been anonymized.
  • Enter a full or partial Email to restrict your results to user profiles whose email addresses contain your entry. You can’t search by email for a user who has been anonymized.
  • Set the Disabled logins drop-down box to Yes or No to restrict your results to user profiles that match your selection, or leave this field unselected to search for user profiles regardless of this setting.
  • Click Search.

Case: The User ID is changed to lowercase automatically. The additional enterable fields on this screen (Name and Email) are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

change an existing user

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a user profile to advance to the User Profile Configuration screen.


If the User Profile Configuration screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected user profile is displayed.
deactivate or enable the login for a user profile

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the user cannot currently log into Order Broker; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

If someone attempts to log in using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.

select a user for review

Click the user profile to open the Browse User Profile window. This window displays information about the user, including the user’s assigned authority.

delete a user profile

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a user profile to delete the user profile from Order Broker.

You cannot delete an admin user profile. Also, you cannot delete a user profile if there is order transaction history for the user.

You cannot delete the default user. Also, deleting a user profile does not delete the user from IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). See Identity Cloud User Synchronization for more information.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:
User ID

A unique ID to identify a user. The user ID is always lowercase.


The user’s name.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

You can’t search by name for a user who has been anonymized.


Email addresses must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Optional entry.

Depending on your selections at the Event Logging screen, Order Broker might generate an email to this email address if the user uploads proximity or product attribute data; see that screen for more information on specifying the email address to use for various system notifications.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

You can’t search by email for a user who has been anonymized.

Disabled Logins

Use this flag to filter search results based on whether the users can currently log into Order Broker. Select:

  • Yes to display users who cannot log into Order Broker
  • No to display users who can log into Order Broker
Results fields:

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a user. The user ID can be 5 to 10 positions in length. Always lowercase.


The user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name.


Email addresses must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s email. Optional entry.


Depending on your selections at the Event Logging screen, Order Broker might generate an email to this email address if the user uploads proximity or product attribute data; see that screen for more information on specifying the email address to use for various system notifications.

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the user cannot currently log into Order Broker; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed. You can also use the Active flag at the User Profile Configuration screen to control whether a user can log in.

You can deactivate a user account manually.

If someone attempts to log in using a deactivated user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a user profile to advance to the User Profile Configuration screen. At that screen, you can change information about the user, such as access rights or default shipping system.


If the User Profile Configuration screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected user profile is displayed.

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for a user profile to delete the user profile from Order Broker. This option is not available for an admin user.

You cannot delete the default user. Also, deleting a user profile does not delete the user from IDCS or OCI IAM. See Identity Cloud User Synchronization for more information.

User Profile Configuration

Purpose: Use the User Profile Configuration screen to specify user authority, the user’s default system, and the formats to display numbers, dates, and times on Order Broker screens. The user’s default system indicates which system product code to display to the user at the Order screen.

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this screen:


  • Only users with User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • If the User Profile Configuration screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected user displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
change any of the fields or settings for an existing user
  • Change any of the enterable settings at the Preferences tab.
  • To change role assignment to control user authority, select the Authority tab and drag roles between the Eligible Roles and Assigned Roles areas.
  • Click Save to update the user.
  • The user should log out of Order Broker and then log back in to apply the changes.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
User ID

Up to 256 positions, alphanumeric. Display-only. Always lowercase.


Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Required. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Depending on your selections at the Event Logging screen, Order Broker might generate an email to this email address if the user uploads proximity data; see that screen for more information. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized. Optional.


Indicates whether the user can log into Order Broker. You can also use the Disable Login option at the User Profiles screen to control whether a user can log in.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). Up to 255 positions. Display-only.

Default Shipping System

Indicates the system product code to display as the Item # at the Order screen. This field is required unless you have not yet created any systems in Order Broker.

Data Formats

The following fields control the display of data on Order Broker screens for the user. They do not control the format of data on reports or in emails, or the datetime stamps for archived file names.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Order Broker screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2016
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2016
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2016
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2016/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2016


Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Order Broker screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01


Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Order Broker screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34



The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Order Broker screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234



The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.


All authority is selected by default for the admin user and cannot be removed.

Alternate method to assign authority: You can assign authority to an existing user through this screen, or through the Users step in the Role Wizard.

Eligible Roles

This area displays all available roles set up to control authority for retailer users that are not currently assigned to this user. To assign a role, highlight it and drag it to the Assigned Roles area.

For more information: See the Role Wizard, especially the Authority step, for information on setting up roles and the authority that a role can control.

Assigned Roles

This area displays all roles to which the user is currently assigned. To remove a role, highlight it and drag it to the Eligible Roles area.

Browse User Profile

Purpose: Use the Browse User Profile window to review a user with authority to Order Broker screens.


See Vendor User Profiles for information on setting up vendor users for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module, Store Associate User Profiles for information on setting up store associate users, and Web Service Authorization for information on setting up web service users.

Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this window: Click a user profile once at the User Profiles screen.


Only users with User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
edit the displayed user

Click Edit to advance to the User Profile Configuration screen.

review the next user profile

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next user profile.

review the previous user profile

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous user profile.

Fields at this window

Field Description
User ID

Up to 256 positions, alphanumeric. Always lowercase.


Users anonymized? If a user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the user’s name and email.

Anonymized users can still log into Order Broker and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric.


Depending on your selections at the Event Logging screen, Order Broker might generate an email to this email address if the user uploads proximity data; see that screen for more information.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management).

Shipping System

The code and description of the user’s default system. Controls the system product code to display as the Item # at the Order screen.


Set to No if the user cannot currently log into Order Broker; otherwise, set to Yes if the user can currently log in. Based on the setting of the Disable Login icon at the User Profiles screen or the Active flag at the User Profile Configuration.

Data Formats

The following fields control the display of data on Order Broker screens for the user. They do not control the format of data on reports or in emails, or the datetime stamps for archived file names.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Order Broker screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2016
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2016
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2016
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2016/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2016
Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Order Broker screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01
Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Order Broker screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Order Broker screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234

Indicates the roles to which the user is currently assigned. See the Role Wizard for background.

Vendor User Profiles

Purpose: Use the Vendor User Profiles screen to work with vendor users that have access to the Vendor Portal, deactivate vendor user logins, or delete vendor users.

About vendor users: Vendor users are associated with a single vendor, and when they log into the Vendor Portal, only that vendor’s information is available.

Each vendor record is associated with a single organization. If the same vendor fulfills drop ship purchase orders for multiple organizations, you need to create a separate vendor record for each organization.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Creating vendor users: See Identity Cloud User Synchronization.

How to display this screen: Select Vendor User Profiles from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Vendor User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a vendor user profile

Optionally, use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching vendor user profiles:

  • Select a different Organization to work with vendors for that organization.
  • Select a Vendor to work with user profiles for that vendor.
  • Enter a full or partial User ID to restrict your results to user ID’s starting with your entry.
  • Enter a full or partial Name to restrict your results to user profiles whose names contain your entry. You can’t search by name for a vendor user who has been anonymized.
  • Enter a full or partial Email to restrict your results to user profiles whose email addresses contain your entry. You can’t search by email address for a vendor user who has been anonymized.
  • Set the Disabled logins drop-down box to Yes or No to restrict your results to user profiles that match your selection, or leave this field unselected to search for user profiles regardless of this setting.
  • Click Search.

Case: The User ID is changed to lowercase automatically. The additional enterable fields on this screen (Name and Email) are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

change an existing vendor user’s name, email, or authority, or activate or deactivate the user’s login

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a vendor user profile to advance to the Vendor User Profile screen.


If the Vendor User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected vendor user profile is displayed.
activate or deactivate the login for a vendor user profile

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the vendor user cannot currently log into the Vendor Portal; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the vendor user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed. You can also use the Active flag at the Vendor User Profile screen to control whether a vendor user can log in.

If someone attempts to log into the Vendor Portal using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the vendor user profile is enabled, no users for a vendor can log into the Vendor Portal if the vendor itself is currently flagged as Inactive at the Vendors screen.
select a vendor user for review

Click the vendor user profile to open the Browse Vendor User Profile window. This window displays information about the vendor user, including the vendor user’s assigned authority.

delete a vendor user profile

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a vendor user profile to delete the vendor user profile from Order Broker. You can delete a vendor user profile even if there is purchase order history for the user.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:

See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.


A vendor who fulfills drop ship purchase orders originating in an integrated system such as Order Management System. Vendor users are associated with a single vendor, and when they log into the Vendor Portal, only that vendor’s information is available. See the Vendors screen for a discussion of vendors.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a vendor user with authority to log into the Vendor Portal. The user ID can be 5 to 50 positions in length. Always lowercase; entries in uppercase are automatically changed to lowercase.


The vendor user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. You can’t search by name for a vendor user who has been anonymized.


Email addresses must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Optional entry. Informational only; email notifications to the vendor are sent to the emails specified at the Emails options folder under the Preferences tab of the Edit Vendor or New Vendor screen. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. You can’t search by email address for a vendor user who has been anonymized.

Disabled Logins

Use this flag to filter search results based on whether the vendor users can currently log into the Vendor Portal. Select:


This flag is used for search only. Your selection here does not apply when you are creating a new vendor user.
Results fields:

Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


A vendor who fulfills drop ship purchase orders originating in an integrated system such as Order Management System. Vendor users are associated with a single vendor, and when they log into the Vendor Portal, only that vendor’s information is available. See the Vendors screen for a discussion of vendors.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a vendor user. The vendor user ID can be 5 to 50 positions in length. Always lowercase.


The vendor user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Informational only; email notifications to the vendor are sent to the emails specified at the Emails options folder under the Preferences tab of the Edit Vendor or New Vendor screen. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the vendor user cannot currently log into the Vendor Portal; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the vendor user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed. If someone attempts to log in using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the vendor user profile is active, no users for a vendor can log into the Vendor Portal if the vendor itself is currently flagged as Inactive at the Vendors screen.

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a vendor user profile to advance to the Vendor User Profile screen. At that screen, you can change an existing vendor user’s preferences and authority.


If the Vendor User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected vendor user profile is displayed.

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for a vendor user profile to delete the vendor user profile from Order Broker.

Vendor User Profile

Purpose: Use the Vendor User Profile screen to review or change a vendor user profile.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

How to display this screen:

Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Completing this screen: Click Save when you are done to apply updates to an existing vendor user; otherwise, click Cancel.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Vendor User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
change any of the fields or settings for an existing user
  1. Change any of the enterable settings at the Preferences tab.
  2. To change role assignment to control user authority, select the Authority tab and drag roles between the Eligible Roles and Assigned Roles areas.
  3. Click Save to update the vendor user.


The user should log out of the Vendor Portal and then log back in to apply the changes.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
User ID

5 to 50 positions, alphanumeric. Always lowercase. Display-only.


The vendor associated with the vendor user.

User ID

5 to 50 positions, alphanumeric. Always lowercase.


Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Required. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Optional. Informational only; email notifications to the vendor are sent to the emails specified at the Emails options folder under the Preferences tab of the Edit Vendor or New Vendor screen. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Indicates whether the vendor user can log into the Vendor Portal. You can also use the Disable Login option at the Vendor User Profiles screen to control this setting.


Even if the vendor user profile is enabled, no users for a vendor can log into the Vendor Portal if the vendor itself is currently flagged as Inactive at the Vendors screen.

Alternate method to assign authority: You can assign authority to an existing vendor user through this screen, or through the Users step in the Role Wizard.

Vendor user with no authority? Optionally, you can create a vendor user profile with no assigned roles. This user, if active, can log into the Vendor Portal to review the charts and information at the home screen, but cannot advance to any modules.

Eligible Roles

This area displays all available roles set up to control authority for vendor users that are not currently assigned to this user. To assign a role, highlight it and drag it to the Assigned Roles area.

For more information: See the Role Wizard, especially the Authority step, for information on setting up roles and the authority that a role can control.

Assigned Roles

This area displays all roles to which the vendor user is currently assigned. To remove a role, highlight it and drag it to the Eligible Roles area.

Browse Vendor User Profile

Purpose: Use the Browse Vendor User Profile window to review a vendor user.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

How to display this window: Click a vendor user profile once at the Vendor User Profiles screen.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Vendor User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
edit the displayed vendor user

Click Edit to advance to the Vendor User Profile screen.

review the next vendor user profile

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next vendor user profile.

review the previous vendor user profile

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous vendor user profile.

Fields at this window

Field Description

The vendor you selected when creating the vendor user. When the vendor user logs into the Vendor Portal, only this vendor’s data is displayed.

User ID

5 to 50 positions, alphanumeric. Always lowercase.

Vendor users anonymized? If a vendor user has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the vendor user’s name and email.

Anonymized vendor users can still log into the Vendor Portal and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Informational only; email notifications to the vendor are sent to the emails specified at the Emails options folder under the Preferences tab of the Edit Vendor or New Vendor screen. Asterisks are displayed if the user has been anonymized.


Set to No if the vendor user cannot currently log into Order Broker; otherwise, set to Yes if the vendor user can currently log in. Based on the setting of the Disable Login icon at the Vendor User Profiles screen.


Even if the vendor user profile is enabled, no users for a vendor can log into the Vendor Portal if the vendor itself is currently flagged as Inactive at the Vendors screen.

Indicates the roles to which the vendor user is currently assigned. See the Role Wizard for background.

Store Associate User Profiles

Purpose: Use the Store Associate User Profiles screen to deactivate store associate user logins or delete existing store associate users.

About store associate users: Store associates have access only to Store Connect screens.

Used for: The Store Connect module.

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Creating store associates: See Identity Cloud User Synchronization.

How to display this screen: Select Store Associate User Profiles from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Store Associate User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a store associate user profile

Optionally, use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching store associate user profiles:

  • Select a different Organization to work with store associates for that organization.
  • Enter a full or partial User ID to restrict your results to user ID’s starting with your entry.
  • Enter a full or partial Name to restrict your results to user profiles whose names contain your entry. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by name.
  • Enter a full or partial Email to restrict your results to user profiles whose email addresses contain your entry. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by email address.
  • Set the Disabled logins drop-down box to Yes or No to restrict your results to user profiles that match your selection, or leave this field unselected to search for user profiles regardless of this setting.
  • Select a Location to restrict your results to store associates who are assigned to that store location.
  • Click Search.

Case: The User ID is changed to lowercase automatically. The additional enterable fields on this screen (Name and Email) are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

change an existing store associate user, or enable or deactivate the user’s login

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a store associate user profile to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen.


If the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected store associate user profile is displayed.
deactivate or activate the login for a store associate user profile

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the store associate user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

You can also use the Active flag at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to control whether a store associate user can log in.

If someone attempts to log into Store Connect using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the store associate user profile is enabled, the associate must be assigned to a store location in order to log into Store Connect.
select a store associate user for review

Click the store associate user profile to open the Browse Store Associate User Profile window. This window displays information about the store associate user, including the store associate user’s assigned authority and location(s).

delete a store associate user profile

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a store associate user profile to delete the store associate user profile from Order Broker. You can delete a store associate user profile even if there is history for the user.

Deleting a store associate user profile does not delete the user from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:

See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a store associate user with authority to log into Store Connect. Always lowercase; entries in uppercase are automatically changed to lowercase.


The store associate user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. f the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by name.


Email addresses must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Optional entry. Informational only. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by email address.

Disabled Logins

Use this flag to filter search results based on whether the store associate users can currently log into Store Connect. Select:

  • Yes to display store associate users who cannot log into Store Connect
  • No to display store associate users who can log into Store Connect
Results fields:

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a store associate user. The store associate user ID can be 5 to 30 positions in length. Always lowercase.


The store associate user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name.


The code identifying the store location where the store associate is assigned.

No location? This field is blank if the store associate is not assigned to any locations. In this case, the associate cannot log into Store Connect.

Multiple locations? If you have used the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to assign the associate to more than one location, the word Multiple is displayed here. An associate user who is assigned to more than one location must select the correct location when logging into Store Connect.


Informational only. If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s email.


The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the store associate user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

You can also use the Active flag at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to control whether a store associate user can log in.

If someone attempts to log into Store Connect using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the store associate user profile is enabled, the associate must be assigned to a store location in order to log into Store Connect.
Requires Locations

The icon (Illustrates the attribute icon.) indicates that the store associate has not yet been assigned to any locations.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a store associate user profile to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen. At that screen, you can change an existing store associate user’s preferences, authority, and store assignment(s).


If the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected store associate user profile is displayed.

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for a store associate user profile to delete the store associate user profile from Order Broker. You can delete a store associate even if there is history for the store associate user profile.

Deleting a store associate user profile does not delete the user from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Edit Store Associate User Profile

Purpose: Use the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to review or change a store associate user profile.

Used for: The Store Connect module.

How to display this screen:

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Completing this screen: Change information as needed at the Preferences tab or Locations tab, and click Save when you are done to finish applying updates to an existing store associate user; otherwise, click Cancel.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Store Associate User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Update through a web service: You can assign a store associate to locations, as well as changing the associate’s Active flag setting, through the Store Associate Location Assignment web service; see the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (2114324.1) for more information. A store associate must be assigned to at least one location in order to use Store Connect.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
User ID

Always lowercase. Display-only.


The organization associated with the Store Connect system where the store associate works. Display-only.

Preferences tab

1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Required. Set to asterisks if the associate has been anonymized.


Must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Informational. Optional. Set to asterisks if the associate has been anonymized.


Indicates whether the store associate user can log into Store Connect. You can also use the Disable Login option at the Store Associate User Profiles screen to control this setting.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). Display-only.

Data Formats

The following fields are not currently used.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined for Store Connect.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Store Connect screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2018
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2018
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2018
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2018/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2018


Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Store Connect screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01


Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Store Connect screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34


  • Regardless of this setting, the percentage displayed for the pie chart on the Store Connect home screen always uses a period; for example, 99.9%.
  • The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Store Connect screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234



The decimal separator and the thousands separator cannot be the same.
Locations tab

All locations for the Store Connect system are displayed in either the Eligible Locations area (if not already assigned to the store associate) or the Assigned Locations area (if already assigned).

Assigning locations: To assign a location or remove the assignment, drag the location between the two areas.

Sorting: Optionally, sort on a column, expand a column, or rearrange columns before selecting locations. For example:

  • Click the Region column heading to sort locations by region.
  • Position the cursor between the Name and City column headings until the cursor turns into a double-pointed arrow, then drag the City column heading to the right to enlarge the Name column.
  • Position the cursor on the Rank column heading, drag the entire column to the left, and drop it between the Location and Name columns.

Filtering: Optionally, enter a full or partial location field to restrict the displayed locations to your entry. For example, enter a Postal Code of 016 to restrict the listed locations to those whose postal codes start with 016.

Eligible Locations

Lists all Store Connect locations that are not currently assigned to the store associate. Information displayed includes:

  • Location: The code identifying a location. Location codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, and must be unique for the system.
  • Name: The name describing the location. Location names can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the Store Connect system.
  • City: The city where the location is located. Can be up to 35 positions.
  • State/Province: The U.S. state or Canadian province where the location is located. Can be up to 3 positions.
  • Country: The code identifying the country. Can be a two-position alpha, three-position alpha, or three-position numeric code, validated against the ISO 3166 list of country codes.
  • Postal Code: The U.S. ZIP code or Canadian postal code for the location.
  • Rank: The rank you have assigned to the location. Informational. Up to 10 positions.
  • Region: The region you have assigned to the location. Informational. Up to 20 positions.


You cannot assign the IN PROCESS location.
Assigned Locations

Lists all Store Connect locations that are currently assigned to the store associate. See Eligible Locations, above, for descriptions of each field.

Browse Store Associate User Profile

Purpose: Use the Browse Store Associate User Profile window to review a store associate user.

Used for: The Store Connect module.

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this window: Click a store associate user profile once at the Store Associate User Profiles screen.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Store Associate User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
edit the displayed store associate user

Click Edit to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen.

review the next store associate user profile

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next store associate user profile.

review the previous store associate user profile

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous store associate user profile.

Fields at this window

All fields are display-only.

Field Description

The organization associated with the Store Connect system where the store associate works.

User ID

Always lowercase. If the user ID exceeds 60 positions, it is truncated.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Asterisks are displayed if the associate has been anonymized.


Informational. If the email address exceeds the available width, it is truncated. Asterisks are displayed if the associate has been anonymized.


Set to No if the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, set to Yes if the store associate user can currently log in. Based on the setting of the Active icon at the Store Associate User Profiles screen.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). Up to 255 positions.

Data Formats

The following fields are not currently used.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined for Store Connect.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Store Connect screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2017
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2017
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2017
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2017/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2017
Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Store Connect screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01
Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Store Connect screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Store Connect screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234

Indicates the role(s) to which the store associate user is currently assigned. These roles do not currently control authority in Store Connect. See the Role Wizard for background.


The code and name of each location where the associate is currently assigned. See the Locations tab at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen for more information on assigning locations.

Proximity Uploads

Purpose: Use the Proximity Uploads screen to update the zip or postal code information in the proximity location table if you use proximity locator but do not use the Oracle Maps Cloud Service.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Areas for proximity locator searching: You can upload U.S. zip codes. Canadian postal codes, or international postal codes for Order Broker to use when performing proximity locator searches.

Required zip or postal code data: Before you use the Proximity Uploads screen, you need to obtain a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing the zip or postal code information. See the Proximity upload process overview for more details.

In this topic:

How to display this screen: Select Proximity Uploads from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Proximity Uploads authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Proximity upload process overview

Purpose: Follow the steps below to update the zip or postal code information in the proximity location table.

Before you start: Obtain or create the CSV (comma-separated value) file for upload. See the Proximity CSV file layouts for details on the information required in this file.

Updating the proximity_location table: Perform the steps below at the Proximity Uploads screen.


It is important to schedule the update at a time when proximity searching is not required on your system, since once the update starts, proximity information will not be available until the update is complete. Each time Order Broker updates the proximity location table, it first clears the outdated information before adding the new, current information.
  1. Select the type of postal or zip code data that you are uploading from the Proximity Data Type drop-down list. Possible options are:
    • Canada
    • International
    • United States
  2. In the Country Code field, enter the country code associated with each uploaded zip or postal code record. Updates the country_cd field in the proximity_location table. This is a 3-position, alphanumeric code.
  3. Use the Browse button next to the File Name field to identify the CSV file to upload.


    This file must match the Proximity Data Type selected, and must have a CSV extension.
  4. Click Upload. Order Broker:
    • Places the file in a temporary location.
    • If this is an update, clears the records with matching country codes from the proximity_location table.
    • Adds a record to the proximity_location table for each record in the uploaded file, using the Country Code to update the country_cd field and the Proximity Data Type to update the country field.
    • When processing is complete, sends the Proximity Upload Status Email to the Administrative email address specified at the Event Logging screen.

Location of archived or error files: Order Broker saves a copy of each uploaded file in the FILE_STORAGE table, using a CONTAINER of OROB-ARCHIVES if the upload was successful; otherwise, if there were errors, the CONTAINER it uses is OROB-ERRORS.

Proximity CSV file layouts

United States File Layout

The required contents of the CSV file and the target fields in the proximity_location table for the United States are described below.

Field contents described below as (empty) are not passed, with no space included between the comma delimiters, as in the following sample entry:

Postal Code,City,StateCode,County,,CityTypeCode,,CityAliasName,Latitude,Longitude


Column headings are required.
Field Contents Attributes Target in proximity_location table

postal (zip) code

varchar, 10 positions



varchar, 35 positions


state code

varchar, 3 positions



varchar, 35 positions





city type code

nchar, 1 position





city alias name

varchar, 35 positions



numeric, 9.6 positions



numeric, 9.6 positions


Canada File Layout

The required contents of the CSV file and the target fields in the proximity_location table for Canada are described below.

Field contents described below as (empty) are not passed, with no space included between the comma delimiters, as in the following sample entry:

Postal Code,City,State,,Latitude,Longitude


Column headings are required.
Field Contents Attributes Target in proximity_location table

postal code

varchar, 10 positions



varchar, 35 positions


province (state)

varchar, 3 positions






numeric, 9.6 positions



numeric, 9.6 positions


International File Layout

The required contents of the CSV file and the target fields in the proximity_location table for other countries are described below. A sample entry is:

Postal Code,Latitude,Longitude,City,StateCode


Column headings are required.
Field Contents Attributes Target in proximity_location table

postal code

varchar, 10 positions



numeric, 9.6 positions



numeric, 9.6 positions



varchar, 35 positions


state or province code

varchar, 3 positions



How to tell if the process is complete? Normally, Order Broker generates an email to the Administrative email address specified at the Event Logging screen when the process is complete, using the Locale specified at that screen to determine the language for the email.

Your upload process could fail if:

  • You select a Proximity Data Type that does not match the selected File Name.
  • You edit the CSV file in any way before you start the upload.
  • You attempt to start an upload while another upload is still in process.

If the process fails, it is possible that proximity data will be unavailable for the country related to the CSV file, because the first thing that Order Broker does as part of the upload process is clear the related records from the proximity location table before rebuilding it. To correct this situation, begin the upload process again, using a complete CSV file.

If the upload remains in Uploaded status for longer than expected, contact your Oracle representative.

Proximity Upload Status Email

Order Broker generates the Proximity Upload Status email to the Administrative email address specified at the Event Logging screen at the completion of the proximity upload process if the Email Notifications flag for the Proximity Data Load option is set to Administrator. The Language specified at the Event Logging screen is used.

This email includes:

  • The status of the upload, i.e, whether it completed successfully or if there were errors.
  • The file name uploaded.
  • The size of the uploaded file.
  • The user ID who performed the upload process.
  • The date and time the upload started and finished.
  • The number of records read, created in the proximity_location table, and in error.

The language is based on the Language specified at the Event Logging screen.

The “from” address on the email is the From Email specified at the Event Logging screen.



Your Proximity Upload has Completed Successfully.

Proximity Data Type: United States

File Name: generic_postal_code_data.csv

File Size: 3367903 bytes

Uploaded By: sample_usr

Date/Time File Uploaded: 2021–10–11 12:34:56.123

Date/Time Load Finished: 2021–10–11 12:34:59.234

# of Records Read: 8004

# of Records Loaded: 8004

# of Records In Error: 0

Please do not respond to this message.

–Order Broker

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Entry fields:
Proximity Data Type

Indicates the postal code type that you are uploading. Your selection updates the country field in the proximity_location table. Possible selections are:

  • Canada
  • International
  • United States


Country Code

The country code associated with each uploaded zip or postal code record. Updates the country_cd field in the proximity_location table.

Order Broker requires that store locations and locate items or submit order requests specify the country code that matches the proximity location record. For example, if you enter US here, then USA is not a valid entry at the New Location or Edit Location screens, or in the locate items request message or the submit order message.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

File Name

The name of the CSV file containing the zip or postal code data. You can use the Browse button to select the file. Required.

Upload history fields:

The date and time of the upload process. The date and time are updated by the Order Broker server when you begin the upload process, and then again when the process is complete.

Proximity Data Type

The value selected from the Proximity Data Type drop-down box at the time you ran the upload.


The status of the upload. Possible statuses are:

  • Completed: The entire upload and update completed without any errors.
  • Completed with Errors: The proximity upload completed, but one or more records could not be processed.

  • Failed: The process could not update the proximity location table, possibly because the file or filename being invalid, the .CSV file was deleted or moved, or there was an error during processing.
  • Uploaded: The .CSV file was uploaded, but the process has not finished updating the database.


See Troubleshooting for information on correcting problems.
File Name

The name of the uploaded file.

User ID

The ID of the user who ran the upload.


Purpose: Use the Systems screen to review or work with external databases or business entities that integrate with Order Broker for the Routing Engine (including, optionally, the Store Connect module) or Supplier Direct Fulfillment. For example, a system might be a database in Xstore or a company in Order Management System.

System relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the data hierarchy in Order Broker, including products.

Created how? You need to use this screen to create each system that will integrate with Order Broker. See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module or Setting Up Data for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module for more information.

How to display this screen: Select Systems from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Systems authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a system
  1. Optionally, select a different organization from the Organization drop-down box. See Data Hierarchy for more information on how systems are integrated within organizations.
  2. Enter a system code in the System field. System codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique.


    When creating the Store Connect system, you should not use a system code that begins with STC-, as these characters are used as part of the name for the user group in IDCS or OCI IAM. You can use STC_ (with an underscore rather than a hyphen) instead.
  3. Optionally, enter a name in the Name field. Names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and can include spaces and special characters. If you do not enter a name here, you need to enter it at the System screen when creating a system.
  4. Click New. If:
    • the system already exists in the organization, or if you did not select an organization or enter a System code, Order Broker displays an error message;
    • otherwise, you advance to the System screen, where you can complete the creation of the system.

The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.


If you click Cancel at the System screen after clicking New, the system is not created.

Order Management System integration: The code representing the Order Management System system must match the setting of the OROB System (K50) system control value.

search for a system

Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching systems:

  1. Optionally, select a different organization from the from the Organization drop-down box to restrict your results to this organization.


    You can select a blank organization to remove this field from your selection criteria.
  2. Enter a full or partial system code in the System field to restrict your results to system codes starting with your entry.
  3. Enter a full or partial name in the Name field to restrict your results to systems whose names contain your entry.
  4. Click Search.

Case: The System and Name are case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of p does not match a system code of POS.

select a system for review or maintenance

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the System screen.


If the System screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected system is displayed.
delete a system

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a system to delete the system from Order Broker. This option is available only if there is not an existing system product or location for the system.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search/new fields:

The organization associated with your Default Shipping System is selected by default, and the systems associated with that organization are displayed. See organization.


You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.

See system. System codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique. Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of p does not match a system code of POS.


The Name of a system. Names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and can include spaces and special characters. Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of p does not match a system name of POS.

Results fields:

See organization.


See system. Click a system code to advance to the System screen.


If the System screen is already open, you advance to the screen where the previously-selected system is displayed.

The Name of a system.


A check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that this is an online system; otherwise, it is an offline system.


A check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that this is the default system.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a system to advance to the System screen. At that screen, the settings you can review or change include:

  • database connection settings for product and inventory updates
  • polling and status update settings
  • reserved statuses to subtract from the availably quantity


If the System screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected location is displayed.

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for a system to delete the system from Order Broker. You can delete the system if there are no existing system product or location records.


Purpose: Use the System screen to:

  • set a system as the default system for the organization
  • indicate whether the system is an online system or offline system (Routing Engine only)
  • specify how to obtain interactive inventory information for an online system (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether the system requires status updates from assigned fulfilling locations (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether the Routing Engine should place a delivery or ship-for-pickup order in another location within the system when the first selected location rejects the order (Routing Engine only)
  • specify whether to create more than one delivery, ship-for-pickup, or pickup order using the same order number and line number
  • specify whether to subtract the quantities on orders in certain statuses in determining the available quantity for a product location (Routing Engine only)
  • create a default vendor system so that you can create vendors to fulfill drop ship orders (Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only)
  • create a default Store Connect system so that you can fulfill orders through the Store Connect module
  • set configuration options for integration with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for order communication with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) and Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)
  • set configuration options for integration with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import locations, products, system products, and product locations

System relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the data hierarchy in Order Broker, including products.

First system for an organization is flagged as the default: The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.

How to display this screen:

  • Create a new system at the Systems screen


    If you click Cancel after advancing to the System screen, the system is not created.
  • Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an existing system code at the Systems screen


  • Only users with Systems authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.
  • If the System screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected system displayed.

In this topic:

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Flag a system as the organization default

Select the Organization Default flag and click Save. When you select this flag for a system, it clears the flag for the system that was previously the organization default. See the description of the Organization Default flag for background.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.
Flag a system as the vendor default for the organization so that you can create vendors for the organization(Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only)

Select the Vendor Default flag and click Save.

An organization can have only one vendor default system. Once you flag a system as the vendor default for an organization, you cannot change the vendor default assignment to a different system.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the vendor default system besides the organization, name, and this flag.

Configure a system for a RESTful web service connection for interactive inventory updates (URL)

(Routing Engine only)

Inventory tab

  1. Select the Online flag.
  2. Select a Connection Type of URL to display the remaining Inventory Service fields in the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter the URL where Order Broker should post the RESTful request messages. Your entry should end with /getAvailable.


    Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
  4. Enter the Connection Timeout indicating the number of seconds to wait for a response to the RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for an interactive inventory availability update.
  5. Optionally, specify the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time if you would like to configure the interactive inventory update to time out temporarily after a specified number of failed requests.
  6. Select an Authentication Type of either Basic or OAuth.


    See Manage External Application Access for background on Oath.
  7. If the authentication type is Basic, enter the User ID and Password to authenticate the inventory request to the system.
  8. If the authentication type is OAuth, enter the Client ID and Client Secret to authenticate the inventory request to the system.
  9. Click Save.

OMS integration: See Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) in the Order Management System Classic View online help for information on setting up authentication for the CWServiceIn web service. If you enter a user ID at the System screen, it must be in all capital letters. Also, the URL you enter is typically in the format of http://<SERVER>:1234/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/Inventory, where <SERVER> is the server name and 1234 is the port number. See Generic Web Services in the Order Management System Classic View online help for more information.

For more information: See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) in the overview for background, and see the RESTful Inventory Request and Response Messages chapter in the Order Broker Operations Guide for details and more setup requirements.

Configure a system to receive interactive updates from Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)
  1. Select the Online flag.
  2. Select a Connection Type of SIM to display the remaining Inventory Service fields in the Inventory tab.
  3. Enter the URL where Order Broker should post the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores messages to SIM.
  4. Enter the Connection Timeout indicating the number of seconds to wait for a response from SIM to the available inventory lookup request.
  5. Optionally, specify the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time if you would like to configure the interactive inventory update to time out temporarily after a specified number of failed requests.
  6. Enter the User ID and Password to authenticate the inventory request to SIM.
  7. Click Save.

For more information: See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) for a discussion of interactive inventory updates from SIM.

Configure a system to require a status update before flagging an order as Polled

(Routing Engine only)

  1. At the Orders tab, select the Require Status Update flag.
  2. Enter the number of Polling Retries indicating how many times to include an order in the fulfillment response message to a fulfilling location before it is included in a notification email to the system administrator. You can enter any number from 1 to 99.
  3. Optionally, enter one or more email addresses in the System Ops Email field to receive the Order Broker Polling Status Email. If you enter multiple email addresses, separate each with a semicolon (;). Order Broker verifies that the email addresses you enter are formatted correctly.
  4. Click Save.

For more information: See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.


This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message.
Configure a system to subtract the total reserved quantity when calculating the effective available quantity of an item in a location

(Routing Engine only)

You can configure a system so that, when Order Broker determines the current available quantity of an item in a location, it subtracts the total quantity currently reserved for orders from the reported available quantity in order to determine the effective available quantity. This calculation helps you prevent overcommitting the inventory for the location.

Example: The available quantity reported by a system for a product location is 37; however, the location is assigned to fulfill an order for 4 units, and the order is in new_order status, indicating that the location has not yet polled for new orders and been notified of this order assignment. As a result, the effective available quantity is actually 33 (37-4). You can configure the system to consider order lines in new_order status as reserved, and subtract the total quantity of order lines in this status from the reported available quantity to determine the effective available quantity for a fulfilling location.

To configure the system for reserved quantity calculation:

  1. At the Reservation tab, select the Include Reserved flag to make the Reserved Statuses flags available for selection.
  2. Select each status that should be considered reserved, indicating that order lines in this status should be subtracted from the available quantity to avoid overcommitting the inventory.
  3. Click Save. The screen displays a message indicating that it is updating the reserved quantities based on your selection. The number of product locations affected by the update determines how long this calculation takes to complete.
  4. Processing the update does not affect any existing orders that are already assigned to a location for fulfillment. For example, an order is currently assigned to a location whose on-hand quantity of an item is 5. After processing the update, the on-hand quantity of the item is now -1. However, the order remains assigned to the location and is not automatically rejected.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Prevent the Routing Engine from assigning delivery orders to another location in the originating system

(Routing Engine only)

You can configure a system so that, when a delivery order originates in a location within that system, the Routing Engine does not assign the order to another location that is also within the system.

Example: System A includes locations DC1 and DC2, both distribution centers for the same enterprise sharing the same order database. When DC1 submits a delivery order, you do not want that order assigned to DC2.


This setting also prevents the locate items response from including locations within the system submitting the request.

To prevent order assignment to a location within the system:

  1. At the Orders tab, select the Disallow shopping within same system flag.
  2. Click Save.

For more information: See the Disallow shopping within same system flag.

Flag a system as the Store Connect default

(Store Connect module only)

  1. Select the Store Connect Default flag.
  2. Use the Reservation tab to specify the statuses to include in the reserved quantity for each Store Connect location. Typically, the reserved statuses are New Order, Accepted, Picked, and Polled.
  3. Click Save.

About the Store Connect system:

  • Locations associated with the Store Connect system are eligible for assignment to store associates, who can log into the Store Connect module to work with orders assigned to these locations.
  • Orders assigned to these locations are ordinarily updated by store associates working through the Store Connect screens rather than through XML messages.
  • Store Connect locations do not poll for newly assigned orders; instead, a background job updates new orders to polled status, making the orders available for store associates to work with, based on your settings at the Store Connect Preferences screen.
  • Order Broker generates email notifications to store locations associated with this system when new orders are ready for processing.
  • You can import barcodes from RMFCS for this system. See Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for background.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.


Once you create any locations for the Store Connect system, you cannot change the setting of this flag for the Store Connect system or for any other systems in the organization.
Configure communication with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for order information
  1. Select the RICS Integration tab.
  2. Use this tab to specify settings for communication with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Broker and Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

For more information: See the RICS Integration tab.

Configure communication with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services for location, product, system product, item image URL, barcode, and product location imports
  1. Select the OCDS Integration tab.
  2. Use this tab to specify settings for communication with Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to obtain location, product, system product, and product location information.

For more information: See the OCDS Integration tab.

Configuring System Connections for Supported Integrations (Routing Engine)

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview, and see the Schedule Jobs screen for additional required setup. The steps to complete this screen are listed under Options at this screen.

Also, see:

Order Management System Setup for Polling

If the Routing Engine sends orders to Order Management System for fulfillment, your setup related to requiring status updates should be consistent at the System screen in Order Broker and for the related system control value in Order Management System:

Setup Status Update Required No Status Update Required

Require Status Update at the System screen in Order Broker:

selected; also, complete the Polling Retries and System Ops Email fields


Re-polling for Orders Brokered to OROMS or Re-polling for Orders Brokered to OROMS system control value in Order Management System (labeled Re-polling at the Order Broker Values(K15) screen):



For more information: See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Systems screen without making any changes. See the Fields at this screen for more information.


If you are creating a new system, clicking Cancel prevents the creation.
Field Description

See organization.


See system. The system code can be 1 to 10 positions in length, can include special characters, and must be unique in Order Broker. Required if you are creating a system; otherwise, display-only.

Order Management System integration: The code representing the Order Management System system must match the setting of the OROB System (K50) system control value. However, names for systems do not need to be the same as the Order Management System company descriptions.

System fields

The Name of a system. System names can be 1 to 40 positions in length and can include special characters. Required.

Organization Default

Select this check box to flag the system as the default system for the organization. Products in Order Broker can have relationships with every integrated system, but they are defined by the default system. You should load the Order Broker database with the default system’s products first, and then create system products for each additional integrated system.

An organization can have only one default system.

First system created: The Organization Default flag is selected when you create the first system for an organization, and the flag cannot be unselected at this time. To designate a different system as the default, you need to create another system and flag that system as the default; this unflags the first system.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.
Vendor Default

Select this checkbox to flag the system as the vendor default for the organization. A vendor default system is required before you can create any vendors for the organization.

An organization can have only one vendor default system. When you select this flag for a system, it clears the flag for the system that was previously the vendor default.


The system flagged as the Vendor Default should not be the default system for the organization.

The vendor system cannot originate sales orders or purchase orders.

It is not necessary to specify any additional information for the vendor default system besides the organization, name, and this flag.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module only. Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen.

Store Connect Default

Select this checkbox to flag the system as the Store Connect system.

About the Store Connect system:

  • Locations associated with the Store Connect system are eligible for assignment to store associates, who can log into the Store Connect module to work with orders assigned to these locations.
  • Delivery and pickup orders assigned to these locations are ordinarily updated by store associates working through the Store Connect screens rather than through XML messages.
  • You use the Store Connect Preferences screen to set up preferences related strictly to Store Connect, as opposed to the general Routing Engine preferences you set up at the Preferences screen.
  • Store Connect locations do not poll for newly assigned delivery or pickup orders; instead, a background job updates new orders to polled status, making the orders available for store associates to work with. Your settings at the Store Connect Preferences screen control when the orders are updated to polled status.
  • Order Broker generates an email notification to the store location when new delivery or pickup orders are polled.
  • Optionally, Order Broker generates pickup-ready notification emails to customers for pickup orders or shipment notification emails for shipped delivery orders.
  • The Store Connect system cannot originate orders.
  • You can import barcodes from RMFCS for this system. See Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for background.

For more information: See the Store Connect Overview for background.


Once you create any locations for the Store Connect system, you cannot change the setting of this flag for the Store Connect system or for any other systems in the organization.

Used for the Store Connect module only. Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Inventory tab

Available only with the Routing Engine module.


Select this check box to indicate that this is an online system, meaning that Order Broker requests interactive inventory updates when it receives a locate items request, product availability search request, or needs to select a fulfilling location for a delivery order, either as part of initial order creation or through the status update process

About online processing: If Order Broker is unable to retrieve an interactive update from the system, it uses the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory). This available quantity is updated either through a recent online inventory inquiry, or through the most recent inventory download from the system. Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your systems administrator. See Example: Searching for Items for more information.

Offline system: If the check box is not selected, this is on offline system, meaning that Order Broker does not request interactive inventory updates; instead, it relies on the available quantity stored in the Order Broker database (offline inventory). Typically, inventory levels in the Order Broker database are updated daily, or whenever scheduled by your system administrator.

Changing to offline: You can temporarily change a system from online to offline if you know that communication with the system will not be available and you would like to avoid unnecessary processing time for locate items requests.

When you clear the checkbox, the Inventory Service information is retained so that you will not need to specify it again if the system goes back online.

Changing to online: When you change a system to online, you need to specify the URL and other inventory service information, described below.

For more information: See Configure a system for a RESTful web service connection for interactive inventory updates (URL) or Configure a system to receive interactive updates from Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS) for setup steps.

Inventory Qty Export

Indicates whether to include updated product locations from this system in the pipe-delimited file generated when you run the inventory quantity export for any system in the organization. This setting does not control whether a background job monitors changes that could affect probability rules calculations. See Inventory Quantity Export for information on running the export.

Track Fulfilled Quantity

Indicates whether to track the fulfilled quantity for a product location when you ship a delivery order (status is fulfilled), transfer a ship-for-pickup order (status is intransit), or when a pickup order is picked up (status is fulfilled):

  • Do Not Track Fulfilled: Do not update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit.

    Used when? You might use this setting for a system that tracks its own inventory levels, tracks order fulfillments through status inquiry requests, and keeps Order Broker product locations in sync through interactive inventory updates. In this case, you would not typically use the Fulfilled Inventory Export.

    Note: If you change to Do Not Track Fulfilled from another setting, the fulfilled quantities for product locations within the system are reset to 0.

  • Reset During Inventory Export: Update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit. When the Fulfilled Inventory Export runs, reset the product location’s fulfilled quantity to 0, and subtract the fulfilled quantity from the product location’s available quantity. These updates leave the product location’s available to promise quantity unchanged (available to promise = available quantity - reserved quantity + fulfilled quantity).

    Used when? You might use this setting for a system such as Store Connect, that typically relies on Order Broker to manage order activity, and uses the fulfilled inventory export for updates on fulfilled orders. Tracking the fulfilled quantity enables you to avoid overstating the actual quantity available for orders.


    If you select this setting, you should have at least one day selected for the Fulfilled Inventory Export.
  • Reset During Product Import: Update a product location’s fulfilled quantity when a delivery or pickup order is fulfilled, or when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit. When the import process runs, reset the product location’s fulfilled quantity to 0. Do not subtract the fulfilled quantity from the available quantity; instead, update the product location’s inventory information with the current information received in the import, if any. If the product location is not included in the import, the fulfilled quantity is still reset to 0.


    The fulfilled quantity is not reset through the Incremental Inventory Import, only through the Product Import.

Used when? You might use this setting for a system that periodically updates inventory levels based on activity outside of Order Broker and also receives information on fulfilled orders through status update requests, but uses the fulfilled quantity to calculate a more accurate available to promise quantity in the interval between product imports.


The above settings are available for selection regardless of whether the system is flagged as Online.

For more information: See below for examples of the calculations for each setting.

Examples of fulfilled quantity updates

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Do Not Track Fulfilled:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The next time the system updates the product location through a periodic product and inventory import or an interactive inventory update, it resets the available quantity to the current level.

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Reset During Inventory Export:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 2
  • Available to Promise: 8

The Fulfilled Inventory Export runs:

  • Available: 8
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The next time the system updates the product location through a periodic product and inventory import, it resets the available quantity to the current level if it is different.

Track Fulfilled Quantity set to Reset During Product Import:

A product location has:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 10

The location is assigned a new delivery order for a quantity of 2:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 2
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 8

The order is fulfilled:

  • Available: 10
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 2
  • Available to Promise: 8

If the Fulfilled Inventory Export runs, there is no update.

The product and inventory import runs, passing an available quantity of 3 as a result of additional activity within the system:

  • Available: 3
  • Reserved: 0
  • Fulfilled: 0
  • Available to Promise: 3

The fulfilled quantity is not subtracted from the available quantity, since the product and inventory import provides the most current inventory level based on all activity.

Connection Type

For an Online system, select:

  1. SIM to have Order Broker send a lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request to Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS) for interactive inventory updates for requested items. To use the interactive inventory requests, you need to:
  2. Select the Online flag.
  3. Complete the required Inventory Service fields (URL, Connection Timeout, User ID, and Password.
  4. Optionally complete the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time fields, and,
  5. URL to have Order Broker send a RESTful service call to the remote system for interactive inventory updates for requested items. To use interactive inventory requests, you need to:
  6. Select the Online flag.
  7. Complete the required Inventory Service fields (URL, Connection Timeout, Authentication Type; User ID, and Password (for Basic authentication), or Client ID and Client Secret (for OAuth).
  8. Optionally, complete the Failed Request Threshold and Failed Request Wait Time fields, and

Leave this field set to None for an offline system.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database in the overview.

Inventory Service

The remaining fields on the Inventory tab enable Order Broker to retrieve interactive product and inventory information when the Connection Type is set to SIM or URL, and the inventory hasn’t been updated in the time frame defined at the Preferences screen. The interactive inventory updates take place only if the Online flag is selected.

Displayed and required when? The Connection Type setting controls which fields are displayed and required.

See Connection Type, above, for information on completing the fields on this tab, and see below for information on the individual fields.


The URL where Order Broker should send RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for real-time inventory updates for requested items, or the URL to use for integration with SIM or EICS.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL or SIM, and is required if the Online flag is selected.

If a URL is specified, then additional fields are displayed and required. See the Connection Type for more information.

Your entry should end with /getAvailable if the Connection Type is set to URL.


The Inventory Request/Response setting at the Event Logging screen controls whether to log the inventory update request and response messages.

OMS integration: See the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option in the Order Management System Classic View online help for information on setting up web service authentication. If you use the Basic Authentication Type, the user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters. Also, the URL is typically in the format of http://<SERVER>:1234/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/Inventory/getAvailable, where <SERVER> is the server name and 1234 is the port number. See Generic Web Services in the Order Management System online help for more information.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

For more information: See the RESTful Inventory Request and Response Messages chapter in the Order Broker Operations Guide for details and more setup requirements.

Connection Timeout


  • URL: The number of seconds to wait for a response to the RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for an interactive inventory update before timing out and using offline inventory information from the Order Broker database. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • SIM: The number of seconds to wait for a response to the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request to SIM or EICS before timing out and using offline information from the Order Broker database. Defaults to 30 seconds.

A value of 1 or higher in this field is required if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Failed Request Threshold

The number of consecutive failed interactive inventory request attempts that, if exceeded, should trigger putting the inventory requests for the system in a wait time. For example, if this field is set to 5, and 6 requests in a row fail to get a response, interactive inventory requests are halted for the defined wait time. Can be set to 0, indicating that failed requests are not evaluated, or from 1 to 10000 if failed requests should be evaluated. Defaults to 0.

This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Failed Request Wait Time

The number of minutes to wait after the defined number of failed requests have been exceeded for the system. For example, if this field is set to 10, interactive inventory requests for the system are halted for 10 minutes. Can be set to 0 only if the Failed Request Threshold is also set to 0; otherwise, can be set from 1 to 60. Defaults to 0.

This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL or SIM is specified.

Authentication Type

Indicates whether to use Basic or OAuth authentication. Defaults to Basic. This field is available only if a Connection Type of URL is specified.

When the authentication type is set to Basic, you need to enter:

When the authentication type is set to OAuth, you can select the Use Tenant Client ID flag, or enter:


Select OAuth only if the integrating system supports it.

See Manage External Application Access for background.

Use Tenant Client ID

Leave this flag selected in order to use the Client ID and the Client Secret defined at the Tenant-Admin screen when using OAuth for authentication. This field is available when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. In this case, the current setting of the Client ID from the Tenant-Admin screen is displayed to the right; otherwise, if the Identity Cloud Service Settings setup has not been completed, a message indicates No value entered.

If this flag is selected, then the Client ID and Client Secret, if any, entered here are not used.

Query Time Out

Not currently implemented.


Not currently implemented.


Not currently implemented.

User ID

If the Connection Type is URL: A valid user ID required to authenticate the inventory update request message to the system.


This field is available only when the Authentication Type for a URL connection is set to Basic; otherwise, the Client ID field is available.

For integration with Order Management System (URL), you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to set up a corresponding user ID and password for the CWServiceIn web service. The user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters.

If the Connection Type is SIM: A valid user ID required to authenticate the lookupAvailableInventoryAllStores request message to SIM or EICS.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL or SIM. Required if the Online flag is selected, or if a URL is specified.


The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

This field is available only if the Connection Type is set to URL and the Authentication Type is set to Basic, or if the Connection Type is set to SIM. Required if the Online flag is selected, or if a URL is specified.

Client ID

Identifies Order Broker as a client application for authentication using OAuth. This field is available only when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Authentication Type is OAuth and the Use Tenant Client ID flag is not selected.

For integration with Order Management System (URL), you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to set up a corresponding client ID and client secret for the CWServiceIn web service. The client ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.

Client Secret

The client secret to authenticate Order Broker as a client application in order to obtain a token. This field is available only when the Connection Type is URL and the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Authentication Type is OAuth and the Use Tenant Client ID flag is not selected.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background on OAuth authentication.


Not currently implemented.

Orders tab

Use these fields to control:

  • Whether the Routing Engine can assign an order to another location within the system
  • Whether the Routing Engine continues to include a new order in the fulfillments response to the assigned fulfilling location until the location sends a status update. See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Available only with the Routing Engine module.

Order Broker Shopping
Disallow shopping within same system

Indicates whether the Routing Engine should assign a ship-for-pickup or delivery order to another location in the same system.

If the Disallow shopping within same system flag is:

  • Selected: The Routing Engine does not assign an order to another location within the same system that submitted the order. The order can be assigned to a location in a different system, based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen; otherwise, it is unfulfillable. Also, the locate items response does not include any locations within the system submitting the request, unless the requested location is within the same system.


    If the submit order message specifies a location within the same system, the order is created in the specified location regardless of the setting of this flag.
  • Unselected (default): The Routing Engine can assign the order to another location within the system, based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen. Also, the locate items response can include locations within the system submitting the request.

When to disallow shopping? You might use this field to disallow shopping if your OMS system, such as Order Management System, supports multiple warehouses and each warehouse is represented as a separate location in Order Broker.

Order Fulfillment

Order Management System setup: If you send orders to Order Management System warehouses for fulfillment, check Order Management System Setup for Polling for more information.

Require Status Update

Fulfillment response message: Indicates whether to automatically flag an order or line as Polled when it is included in the fulfillment response message, or to continue including it in the fulfillments response message until the assigned location sends a status update message accepting the order:

  • Selected = Order Broker continues to send an order or line in the fulfillments response message when the assigned fulfilling location polls for new orders until the order is flagged as polled:

    • The order is flagged as polled when the location sends a status update message to with a status of polled or accepted.
    • Order Broker uses the order’s or line’s Poll Count field to track the number of times it has been included in the fulfillments response message.
    • When the order’s or line’s Poll Count exceeds the Polling Retries specified for the system, Order Broker includes the order in the Order Broker Polling Status Email sent to the System Ops Email specified for the system. Each item’s current Poll Count is indicated on the Order screen.

    Possible risk: With this setting, there is a potential risk that an order could be created twice in the integrating system if, for example, that system does not complete creating the new orders in the fulfillments response message and sending the status update messages for them before it sends a new fulfillments request message to Order Broker.

  • Unselected (default) = Flag the order or line as Polled when it is included in a fulfillment response message to the location; do not include the order or line more than once.

    Possible risk: With this setting, there is a potential risk that an order might not be created in the integrating system if, for example, the integrating system does not receive the fulfillments response, or fails to create all orders in the response.


    This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message. Also, it does not apply to orders fulfilled through Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.

Intransit response message: If the Require Status Update flag is:

  • Selected = the Routing Engine continues to include a ship-for-pickup order in the intransit response message to a pickup location or system, until the location or system sends a status update indicating that the order or order line is intransit polled.
  • Unselected = the Routing Engine includes each ship-for-pickup order or line just once in the intransit response message to a pickup location, and then changes the status to intransit polled.

Polling count: The polling count for the order line is initially set to 0 when it is in transit. Each time the Routing Engine includes an order or line in the intransit response message, it increases the order line’s Poll Count.

Unlike the rules for the fulfillment response, the rules for the intransit response do not include generating the Order Broker Polling Status Email when an in transit order exceeds the Polling Retries specified for the system.


The setting of this flag does not affect Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.
Use Requesting System Line Number in Status Update

Controls how the line_no in the status update request identifies the order line to update when the Allow Split Line preference is selected but the Allow Partial Updates preference is not.

Applies to specific configuration only: The line_no is interpreted as the originating system's line number ONLY if:

Otherwise, the line_no identifies the current line number in Order Broker.

Example: The configuration described above is in place. The originating location submits a status update request to cancel line 1, referencing its own line number rather than the Order Broker line number. Line 1 originated with 4 units, but has since split across 2 locations, resulting in lines 1 and 2 in Order Broker for 2 units each, with an originating line number of 1. The result is that the update request cancels both order lines. Otherwise, if the configuration described above is not in place, or if the originating location did not submit the status request, only the first of the two lines is canceled.

When the organization has Allow Split Line selected and Allow Partial Updates unselected, this flag should be:

  • selected for a system such as Order Management System, which includes its line number in the status update request
  • unselected (default) for a system such as Xstore, which includes the Order Broker line number in the status update request


When the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, the requesting system needs to first obtain the current line numbers in Order Broker before submitting a status update.
Polling Retries

The number of times to include the order or line in a fulfillment response message before including the order in the Order Broker Polling Status Email.

  • If the Require Status Update flag is:

    1. Selected: You can enter any number from 1 to 99
    2. Unselected: Enter 0


Order Broker tracks the number of retries in the Poll Count field at the Order screen.


This setting does not apply to Store Connect locations, which do not use the fulfillment request and response message.
System Ops Email

The email address where Order Broker should send the notification email listing orders that have not been acknowledged after the number of Polling Retries has been reached.

If you enter multiple email addresses, separate each with a semicolon (;). Order Broker verifies that the email address you enter are formatted correctly.

Optional, even if the Require Status Update flag is selected.

Reservation tab

Use this tab to indicate the order or order line statuses to subtract from a location’s available quantity in order to determine the quantity that is actually available to fulfill new orders.

Typically, the reserved statuses for a Store Connect system are New Order, Accepted, Picked, and Polled.

Inventory quantity export: Changes to the reserved statuses at this tab do not trigger probability rule calculation for the inventory quantity web service, as described under Tracking Probability Rules for Incremental Updates on Inventory Availability; however, these changes do factor into the calculation for the Full Overlay Inventory Quantity Extract File. See Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for background.

Available only with the Routing Engine module.

Include Reserved

Select this check box to have Order Broker subtract reserved order lines from the reported available quantity for a product location. This calculation helps you prevent overcommitting inventory when assigning orders, responding to locate items requests, or evaluating selected fulfilling locations.

If this check box is selected, the Reserved Statuses listed below are available for selection. Once you select any statuses and click update, Order Broker calculates the total reserved quantity for each product location in the system currently assigned to any selected status.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Reserved Statuses

These statuses are available for selection if you select the Include Reserved checkbox. Select each status that indicates that inventory is reserved for an open order line and should not be assigned to new orders or listed in the LocateItems response message.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Possible statuses are:

  • New Order
  • Accepted
  • Canceled
  • Picked
  • Fulfilled
  • Unfulfillable
  • Polled
  • Posted
  • Processed
  • Verified
  • Intransit
  • Intransit Polled
  • Received
  • Partially Fulfilled

Typically, reserved statuses for your Store Connect system are New_Order, Accepted, Polled, and Picked.

RICS Integration tab

Use this tab to set up integration with the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Broker and: Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

For more information: See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.


Select this check box to indicate that this is a system is:

  • Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), or
  • Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM); or
  • Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS)

Order Broker integrates with these systems through the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS).

When you select this check box, you need to specify the Outbound Orders Service information, described below.

For more information: See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Send Release Reservation Inventory Message

Select this check box to send an order cancellation message through RICS when an order is rejected or canceled.

Hold Under Review Orders

Select this check box to post an order through RICS to RMFCS or SIM only when the order is not currently held for review, based on its Under Review flag. When you clear the Under Review flag for the order, it is then posted automatically. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.


This flag should be selected.
Outbound Orders Service

Use these fields to define how to integrate with Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) in order to communicate order information with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS).

These fields are required if the Online flag is selected at the RICS Integration tab.


The URL for RICS. This is the URL where Order Broker should send order-related and interactive inventory update messages for communication with RMFCS, EICS, or SIM.

This field is required if the Online flag is selected.

Also, if the Online flag is selected, then the Connection Timeout, User ID, and Password are also required.


The URL might be similar to https://SERVERNAME:47220/rib-oms-services-web/resources/publisher.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Connection Timeout

Defines the number of seconds to wait for a response from RICS before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds. Numeric, 9 positions.

Authentication Type

Enables you to select an authentication type of Basic or OAuth. Your selection in this field controls the additional fields displayed on this tab, described below.


OAuth support is available with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) application version 21.0 or above. Older versions will continue to support Basic authentication.
User ID

A valid user ID required to authenticate messages to RICS.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Required if using basic authentication. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.


This user ID needs to have the Operator or Admin role in RIB in order to support sending stop and start requests at the beginning and end of the Inventory Quantity Export, indicating to pause Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) while the export runs. It then generates a request to resume sending the update message when the update and export process is complete.

The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

IDCS Endpoint URL

The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. Alphanumeric, up to 255 positions. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: urn:opc:idm:myscopes. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Your Oracle representative can tell you whether to specify a Scope here. If you do not specify a Scope, the default applies.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if using OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

OCDS Integration tab

Use this tab to set up integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import warehouse or store location, product, and product location information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). When you use ODCS or Merchandising Omni Services for these imports, Order Broker generates web service requests for this information rather than processing an upload file.


If any of the URLs on this tab are flagged as active, the OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services import process is run rather than any other type of product or location import when you submit an import through the Schedule Jobs screen.

On this tab:

For more information: See:

OCDS Store location import fields

The first line on this tab includes the following three fields, which are related to the import of store location information.

Store Location URL

The endpoint to use when requesting store location information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/retailstore, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for store locations.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (store location)

Select this flag to enable importing store locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Store Location URL and Default Location Type for stores are also required.

Default Location Type (store)

Select the code for a store location type to associate with the store locations imported through the Store Location URL. All location types in your organization with a Category of Store are available for selection. Required if the Active flag is selected for store locations.


If you change this setting after initially importing store locations, existing store location records are not updated.
OCDS Warehouse location import fields

The second line on this tab includes the following three fields, which are related to the import of virtual warehouse location information.

Virtual warehouses only: The OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services integration imports virtual warehouses only; it does not import physical warehouses. Because the warehouses are virtual locations, the address information that is imported is from the physical warehouse associated with the virtual warehouse.

Warehouse Location URL

The endpoint to use when requesting virtual warehouse location information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse locations.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (warehouse location)

Select this flag to enable importing virtual warehouse locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Location URL and Default Location Type for warehouses are also required.

Default Location Type (warehouse, unlabeled)

Select the code for a warehouse location type to associate with the virtual warehouse locations imported through the Warehouse Location URL. All location types in your organization with a Category of Warehouse are available for selection. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse locations.


If you change this setting after initially importing warehouse locations, existing warehouse location records are not updated.
OCDS Products import fields

The third line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product information.

Products URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for products.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (products)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Products URL is also required.

OCDS Product barcode import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product barcode information.

Product Barcode URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product barcode information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/upc, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product barcodes.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (barcodes)

Select this flag to enable importing product barcodes through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Products Barcode URL is also required.

OCDS Product image import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product image information.


These fields should be completed only for the default system in the organization. The Active flag can be selected only for the default system.
Product Image URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product image information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/image, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product images.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (images)

Select this flag to enable importing product images through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services. You can select this flag only for the default system for the organization.

If this flag is selected, the Products Image URL is also required.

OCDS Store inventory import fields

The fourth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product location information from store locations.

Store Inventory URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product location information for store locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/Store, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for store inventory.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active(store inventory)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products in store locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Store Inventory URL is also required.

OCDS Warehouse inventory import fields

The fifth line on this tab includes the following two fields, which are related to the import of product location information from virtual warehouse locations.

Warehouse Inventory URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product location information for virtual warehouse locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse inventory.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Active (warehouse inventory)

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products in warehouse locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Inventory URL is also required.

OCDS Web service configuration fields

The final fields on this tab control web service authentication, communication, and timeout for OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

Request Size

Defines the total number of records to request from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services in each import request. You can set this field as high as 500,000. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Defaults to 250,000.

Connection Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response before timing out. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Can be up to 9 positions. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Authentication Type

Enables you to select an authentication type of Basic or OAuth. Your selection in this field controls the additional fields displayed on this tab, described below.


OAuth support is available with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) application version 21.0 or above. Older versions will continue to support Basic authentication.
User ID

The user ID to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 50 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.


The user ID and password must be valid for authentication of the web service requests to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services; however, no validation takes place at this screen.

The password to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 50 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.

IDCS Endpoint URL

The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Alphanumeric, up to 255 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and using OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: rgbu:merch:system. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and using OAuth.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.


Purpose: Use the Tenant screen to define enterprise-wide settings for Order Broker,

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.

Which Tenant screen? When you select the Tenant screen:

  • If you are the admin user, you advance to the Tenant-Admin screen, which displays fields required for administration of the application. See that screen for more information.
  • Otherwise, if you are a retailer user, you advance to the Tenant (retailer information) screen, which displays configuration options for a retailer user with administrative authority. See that screen for more information.

Tenant (retailer information)

Purpose: Use the Tenant screen to define enterprise-wide settings for your enterprise’s use of Order Broker, including those related to:

  • the Order Broker module(s) you use
  • your logo

About tenant settings: Tenant settings are attributes of your enterprise in Order Broker at a level higher than the organization. Tenant-level settings apply to all your organizations in Order Broker.

Order and merchandise volume: This screen also displays total order and merchandise locator requests broken out by month for the current and prior year. This information is also available through a web service; see the Order and Locator Metric Web Service in the Operations Guide (MOS ID 2114324.1) for more information.

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Tenant authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information. Also, the admin user does not have access to this screen.

Tenant - Admin screen: The Tenant-Admin screen displays additional settings related to cloud administration. This screen is available only to an admin user.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to exit the screen without making any changes.

Field Description
Tenant Logo

The URL for the logo to display in Store Connect. Not currently used.

Preview the logo: After entering the URL, click the preview icon (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at 254 x 33.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Time Zone

The time zone to use when setting schedules and displaying dates and times on screens, in reports, and in email notifications. This is the retailer’s time zone, which can be different from the system time zone and the user’s time zone. See Time Zones for a discussion.

Changing the time zone: If you change the time zone, you should reset the following:

  • Report schedules, through the Schedule Reports screen
  • Imports, through the Schedule Jobs screen
  • Incremental inventory import, probable quantity update and export, and fulfilled inventory export, at the System screen
Geocode Address

The URL to use when generating geocode requests to determine the latitude and longitude for:

  • a location, when the location is created or has its address updated, either through the New Location or Edit Location screens, or through the import process
  • a customer’s address, in order to calculate proximity for an order or inventory request, such as the SubmitOrder or the LocateItems request message

If you specify a URL, Order Broker uses the Oracle Maps Cloud Service to determine latitude or longitude. Otherwise, if this field is blank, Order Broker uses the proximity database.

This field is display-only at this screen, and can be set at the Tenant-Admin screen. Admin authority is required for access to the Tenant-Admin screen.

See Proximity Locator Searching for background.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Use Routing Engine

Select this option to be able to use the Routing Engine and see related screens.

Required settings:

  • If you select the Use Store Connect option but not this option, this option is selected automatically.
  • Order Broker requires that at least this option or the Use Vendor Portal option are selected. If you don’t select any of the module use options, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

Use Store Connect

Select this option to be able to use the Store Connect module. This option also requires the Routing Engine. If you select this option and don’t select Use Routing Engine, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

Use Vendor Portal

Select this option to use the Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) module.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

About the Volume tables: The Volume tables display totals, broken out by month for the current year and the previous year, of SubmitOrder requests and of searches for fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup locations. Totals are for all organizations in the enterprise.

Activities that aren’t tracked: Order Broker does not include any of the following order-related activity in the Order or Merchandise Locator Volume tables:

  • status inquiries, either individually or by list
  • status updates, either through the status update request message or through the Order screen
  • fulfillment requests or intransit requests
  • order searches
  • order updates (updates to the Under Review setting or the Pickup By Date)
  • “reshopping” an order or line that is rejected

Supplier Direct Fulfillment? Activities related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module are not tracked in the Order or Merchandise Locator Volume tables.

Things to note:

  • All organizations: The totals listed include all organizations in the environment.
  • Counter reset: The counters reset at the start of a new month.
  • Actual date: The month incremented is based on the actual date, not the date specified in the request message. For example, a SubmitOrder request received on October 1 updates the total for October, even if the transaction date specified in the message is September 30.
  • Counter always incremented by 1: Each request increments the counter by 1, regardless of the number of items, requested quantity(s), or if multiple fulfillment types are specified for a ProductAvailabiity request.
  • Splitting order or line? The totals are incremented by just 1, regardless of whether the Allow Split Order or Allow Split Line preferences are selected and the order or line would need to be fulfilled out of multiple locations. For example, a SubmitOrder request for 2 units of item ABC123 results in 1 unit assigned to location 100 and 1 unit assigned to location 200; however, the Order Volume total is incremented by just 1.
  • Unfulfillable orders: The order counter is incremented for orders that cannot be fulfilled, and are automatically assigned to the Default Unfulfillable Location.
  • Order not created: The order count is not incremented when Order Broker returns an error to a SubmitOrder request if, for example, the specified product is not available in the specified location, or if the specified location does not support the order type.

Troubleshooting if last month in the tables is cut off: Depending on the browser you are using, the font size in your browser, the zoom level in your browser, and the Display settings for your computer, the last months in the volume tables may be cut off. Some things to try:

  • Make sure your computer’s Display setting is at 125% or less, and zoom out (-) if needed in the browser.
  • Decrease the font size in the browser.
  • If you prefer to leave the computer’s Display setting at the default, try another browser; for example, the last month may be cut off in Firefox, but displayed correctly in Chrome.
Order Volume

Displays order request totals broken out by month for the current year and the previous year. The monthly total is incremented by 1 each time the routing engine processes a SubmitOrder request.

Unfulfillable? The monthly total is incremented when an order or line on a new order is assigned to the unfulfillable location (Default Shipping Location), because there are no locations that could fulfill the order.

Unavailable? The monthly total is not incremented when the requested quantity of the item(s) is/are not available at the specified location (for example, Location does not have sufficient inventory of this item) or if the specified location does not support the order type (for example, Location (123) does not support pickup transactions).

Rejected: The monthly total is not incremented when an assigned location rejects the order or line, and Order Broker attempts to “reshop” it.

Error? The monthly total is not incremented when the routing engine returns an error, such as when the requested product is invalid, unless the error indicates that the requested quantity(s) of one or more items are not available for the order.

Merchandise Locator Volume

Displays merchandise locator requests broken out by month for the current year and the previous year. The monthly total is incremented by 1 each time the routing engine:

  • processes a LocateItems request, regardless of the number of items in the request.
  • processes a ProductAvailability request, regardless of the number of items in the request or the number of fulfillment types specified in a ProductAvailability request.

Unavailable? The monthly total is incremented regardless of whether the requested quantity(s) of the item(s) is/are available within the search criteria.

Error? The monthly total is not incremented when the Order Broker returns an error, except an error that indicates that the requested quantity(s) of the item(s) is/are not available within the search criteria.


Purpose: Use the Tenant-Admin screen to define enterprise-level settings for Order Broker, including those related to:

  • the Order Broker module(s) used
  • the retailer’s logo
  • the timeout interval for Order Broker user sessions
  • the number of unsuccessful login attempts before Order Broker deactivates a user ID
  • the Geocode Address for integration with Oracle Maps Cloud Service

About tenant settings: Tenant settings are enterprise-level attributes in Order Broker at a level higher than the organization. Tenant-level settings apply to all the retailer’s organizations in Order Broker.

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.


Only an admin user can display this screen. Retailer users with Tenant authority advance instead to the Tenant (retailer information) screen.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the enterable fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to exit the screen without making any changes.

Only the default admin user has access to fields related to administering Order Broker.

Field Description
UI Timeout

The number of minutes that Order Broker should wait before timing out a user’s inactive session. When the session times out, the screen displays an error when the user next clicks an option or attempts to navigate in Order Broker, and needs to close the browser before logging back in to Order Broker.

Your entry can be 15 minutes to 1440 minutes (24 hours). Required.

The default setting is 30 minutes.

Use Routing Engine

Select this option to be able to use the Routing Engine and see related screens.

Required settings:

  • If you select the Use Store Connect option but not this option, this option is selected automatically.
  • Order Broker requires that at least this option or the Use Vendor Portal option are selected. If you don’t select any of the module use options, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.
Use Store Connect

Select this option to be able to have the Store Connect module available. This option also requires the Routing Engine. If you select this option and don’t select Use Routing Engine, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.
Tenant Logo

The URL for the logo to display at the Store Connect login page at a size of 254 x 33 pixels.

Preview the logo: After entering the URL, click the preview icon (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at 254 x 33.

This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Use Vendor Portal

Select this option to have the Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) module available.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.

The name of the Order Broker database. The destination specified in inbound XML messages must match this setting. The default setting is locate. Required.

Once you set the account, it should not ordinarily be changed.

Time Zone

The time zone to use when setting schedules and displaying dates and times on screens, in reports, and in email notifications. This is the retailer’s time zone, which can be different from the system time zone and the user’s time zone. See Time Zones for a discussion. Display-only.

Changing the time zone: When the time zone here is reset by the retailer, the following should also be reset:

  • Report schedules, through the Schedule Reports screen
  • Imports, through the Schedule Jobs screen
  • Incremental inventory import, probable quantity update and export, and fulfilled inventory export, at the System screen
  • Jobs scheduled through the Schedule Jobs screen

Note: Modern View screens reflect the change in time zone the next time the user logs into Order Broker.

Job Batch Size

Indicates the number of records to include in each batch for all imports. The default setting is 1000, the maximum setting is 50,000, and the minimum setting is 10.

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database.

PQE Startup Threads

Indicates the number of threads to allot to a background job that calculates probable quantity updates for the Inventory Quantity Export. The job checks this setting each time it starts. If this field is set to 0, no calculation takes place. Defaults to 0.

Identity Cloud Service Settings
Client ID

The Name identifying Order Broker as an application in IDCS or OCI IAM. Typically formatted as RGBU_OBCS_ENV_APPID where OBCS identifies Order Broker and ENV identifies the environment, such as production.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Display-only.

Can be used as the default client ID for OAuth authentication for the Inventory Service. See the Manage External Application Access for more information.

Retention Settings

The following settings control the number of days to retain certain types of files.

If set to 0 days: If you set one of the following to 0 days, then all files or records are eligible to be purged the day after creation.

File Storage

The number of days to retain:

  • File storage records
  • Generated reports

After this number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the database records, so it is no longer possible to:

  • Retrieve the file storage records, or
  • Print the generated reports


You can also use the File Storage History screen to delete individual file storage records.

Setting this field to a whole number from 0 to 30 days is required.

Pack Slip Files

The number of days to retain pack slip records for purchase orders that have been shipped through the Vendor Portal. After this number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the database records, so it is no longer possible for the vendor to print the pack slips. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

  • This setting does not control the retention of pack slip records generated through Store Connect. The daily cleanup job automatically deletes these database records after one day. The store associate cannot reprint pack slips using these records.
  • Used only by the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.
Product Import Error Files

The number of days to retain import error files before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database and Incremental Inventory Import for background.

RICS Log History

The number of days to retain records in the RICS_LOG table of messages between Order Broker and Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

RICS log records whose Retry Status is Failed are not eligible to be purged.

The RICS log history messages are available for review at the RICS Log tab if the system is configured for order integration through RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Trace Log History

The number of days to retain trace log history records for closed, completed, canceled, or unfulfillable orders before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. If the Trace Shopping Logic field is set to Detailed at the Event Logging screen, the Routing Engine records the reasons why individual locations are eliminated when selecting a location to source an order. You can use the Trace Shopping Log screen to review these shopping trace records; see that screen for information on tracing shopping logic.

Can be from 0 to 30 days. Defaults to 30. Required.

Job History

The number of days to retain job history records before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them.

See the View Job History screen to review job history.

Can be from 1 to 30 days. Defaults to 30. Required.

Geocode Settings
Geocode Address

The URL to use when generating geocode requests to determine the latitude and longitude for:

  • a location, when the location is created or has its address updated, either through the New Location or Edit Location screens, or through the import process
  • a customer’s address, in order to calculate proximity for an order or inventory request, such as the SubmitOrder or the LocateItems request message

If you specify a URL here, Order Broker uses the Oracle Maps Cloud Service to determine latitude or longitude. Otherwise, if this field is blank, Order Broker uses the proximity database.

Invalid URL? If the URL specified here is invalid, the error is logged based on the specified logging level. Also, web service request messages that require lookup of the customer address return an error indicating Customer Address not found. This error is returned only if the Shop Order When Proximity Unknown preference is unselected.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching for background.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Connection Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response from Oracle Maps Cloud Service. If there is no response within that number of seconds, Order Broker returns an error to a product availability, locate items, or submit order request:

  • Product availability or locate items request: error is 1012 Customer Address not found.
  • Submit order request: error is 2084 Customer Address not found


The 2084 error is returned only if the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference is not selected.

Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests.

Defaults to 30 seconds.

Turn-by-Turn Distance URL

The URL where Order Broker submits requests for turn-by-turn distance calculation. Used only when a Carrier for Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation is selected at the Preferences screen, and that carrier is used in a locate items, product availability, or submit order request. See Turn-by-Turn Distance Calculation for Delivery Orders for a discussion.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Failed Geocode Request Threshold

Defines the number of consecutive failed interactive inventory request attempts that, if exceeded, should trigger putting the Geocode requests in a wait time. For example, if this field is set to 5, and 6 requests in a row fail to get a response, Geocode requests are halted for the defined wait time. Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests. Defaults to 0.

Can be left set to 0, indicating that failed requests are not evaluated, or from 1 to 10000 if failed requests should be evaluated.

Failed Geocode Request Wait Time

Defines the number of minutes to wait after the defined number of failed requests have been exceeded. For example, if this field is set to 10, Geocode requests are halted for 10 minutes. Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests. Defaults to 0.

Can be left set to 0 only if the Failed Geocode Request Threshold is also set to 0; otherwise, can be set from 1 to 60.

Web Service Authorization

Purpose: Use the Web Service Authorization screen to work with authentication requirements for Order Broker web services. By setting up and requiring user IDs and passwords for web services, you confirm that Order Broker authenticates the identity of the system submitting web service requests.

Authentication is always required. When Order Broker receives a web service request without a valid web service user and password, the request is refused with an error: Inbound Message failed validation.

IDCS or OCI IAM setup required: Each web service user must also be created in IDCS or OCI IAM.

About store locations and Xstore Office on premises: The Xstore Office on premises solution differs from other solutions in that it serves as the parent for any related store locations. Any store locations that are assigned a parent ID do not require setup as web service users; instead, you configure external access for Xstore Office on premises, and this “parent” handles authentication for all related store locations.

When authentication is required for a request originating from any location associated with the Xstore Office parent ID, the parent ID’s authentication credentials are used.

Recognizing Xstore Office store locations: When a request specifies a client ID that matches the format used in IDCS or OCI IAM to identify stores related to Xstore Office on premises, Order Broker obtains the client ID of the Xstore Office on premises application, and uses it for authentication.

Order Broker uses the CLOUD_APP_CLIENT table to track client IDs for store locations that use the Xstore Office parent ID.


Order Broker does not use these web service authorization settings for web service requests that Order Broker sends to an external system, such as the Oracle Maps Cloud Service.

For more information: See the Omnichannel Web Service Authentication Configuration Guide at https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2728265.1 for instructions on web service authentication configuration.

How to display this screen: Select Web Service Authorization from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Web Service Authorization authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
work with web service users

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a web service to advance to the Web Service User screen, where you can work with users identifying systems that use the web service.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Web Service

An Order Broker web service:

  • Admin: Includes:
    • ProductUpdate
    • LocationUpdate
    • LocationDetail
    • Email Out API
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getInventoryAvailability
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm
    • Store Associate Location Assignment


Admin authority is also required for the inventory quantity web service; see Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for background.
  • Discovery: Requests include Location discovery and System discovery.
  • Locate: Includes all requests related to the Routing Engine:
    • EchoTest
    • Fulfillments
    • Intransit
    • InventoryAvailability
    • LocateItems
    • OrderSearch
    • OrderUpdate
    • ProductAvailability
    • StatusListRequest
    • StatusRequest
    • StatusUpdate
    • SubmitOrder
  • Private Data Request: Includes all requests to inquire on or delete private data:
    • GetPrivateData
    • ForgetPrivateData
  • Purchasing: Includes all requests from the retailer to Order Broker related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:
    • CreateDSOrder
    • CreateDSVendor
    • GetDSChanges
    • GetDSInvoices
    • SetDSAddressChange
    • SetDSCancel
    • SetDSCostChange

For more information: See the Operations Guide for details on the above messages.

  • Run Job:

    Includes the Run Job request message to submit a job, as an alternative to submitting or scheduling a job at the Schedule Jobs screen. OAuth is required for the Run Job API. See the Operations Guide for background.
  • Storage: Includes all requests from an integrating system to upload, download, inquire on, or delete files through File Storage API for Imports and Exports:
    • putFile
    • getFile
    • getFiles
    • deleteFile

For more information: See the Operations Guide for details on the above messages.

  • Vendor: Includes all requests submitted by an integrated vendor to Order Broker for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm

For more information: See the Vendor Integration Guide for details on the above messages.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a web service to advance to the Web Service User screen, where you can work with users identifying systems that use the web service.

Web Service User

Purpose: Use the Web Service User screen to work with user names that identify an integrating system for web service requests. This setup is required.

IDCS or OCI IAM setup required: Each web service user must also be created in IDCS or OCI IAM.


Order Broker uses web service users only for web service authentication. Unlike Order Broker user profiles, vendor users, or store associates, web service users do not have authority to any Order Broker screens.

OAuth: If you use OAuth for authentication of inbound web services, the User specified here is the IDCS or OCI IAM Client ID used to generate the token.

How to display this screen: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) at the Web Service Authorization screen.


Only users with Web Service Authorization authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a web service user for a system to use for web service request authentication
  1. Optionally, enter a User name of up to 255 positions. The name can include special (non-alphanumeric) characters and spaces.
  2. Click New to open the New Web Service User window. At this window:
  3. Enter the User or, optionally, change the entered User.
  4. Click Save to save the user; otherwise, click Cancel.
delete a web service user

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a web service user to delete the user.

search for a web service user

Enter a full or partial User name and click Search to display web service users whose names start with or match your entry.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Web Service

The Web Service you selected at the Web Service Authorization screen.

Search field:

The name of a user identifying a system sending web service requests. Used for authentication of messages for the web service. Up to 255 positions, and can include special (non-alphanumeric) characters and spaces. To search, enter a full or partial User name and click Search to display web service users whose names start with or match your entry.

OAuth: If you use OAuth for authentication of inbound web services, the User specified here is the IDCS or OCI IAM Client ID used to generate the token.

Results fields:

The name of a user identifying a system sending web service requests. Used for authentication of messages for the web service. Up to 255 positions, and can include special (non-alphanumeric) characters and spaces.

OAuth: If you use OAuth for authentication of inbound web services, the User specified here is the IDCS or OCI IAM Client ID used to generate the token.


Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a web service user to delete the user.

New Web Service User

Purpose: Use the New Web Service User window to create a new user identifying a system for web service authentication. This setup is required.


Order Broker uses web service users for web service authentication only. Unlike Order Broker user profiles, vendor users, or store associates, web service users do not have authority to any Order Broker screens.

How to display this window: Click New at the Web Service User screen.


Only users with Web Service Authorization authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Completing the creation of a web service user identifying a system for web service authentication:

  1. Enter the User or, optionally, change the entered User. The name can be up to 255 positions, and can include special (non-alphanumeric) characters and spaces.


    If you use OAuth for authentication of inbound web services, the User you specify here is the Client ID assigned when the Trusted Application (or Confidential Application) was created in IDCS or OCI IAM.
  2. Click Save to save the user; otherwise, click Cancel.

Fields at this window

Field Description

The name of a user identifying a system for authentication of messages for the web service. Up to 255 positions, and can include special (non-alphanumeric) characters and spaces. Case-sensitive for authentication. Required.

Matches another user? A warning message indicates if the user ID specified when you are creating a new web service user matches an existing User ID for a user of another type, such as an Order Broker user, Store Connect associate, or Vendor user; however, you can still create the web service user. This message also indicates if the user ID matches the Cloud Service User ID of an Order Broker user or a Store Connect associate.

If using OAuth: If you use OAuth for authentication of inbound web services, the User specified here is the IDCS or OCI IAM Client ID used to generate the token.

Manage External Application Access

Purpose: Use the Manage External Application Access screen to create, review, and work with external applications that integrate with Order Broker using OAuth, and define the web services that use OAuth authentication for inbound web service requests to Order Broker.

About OAuth: OAuth requires the requesting system to provide an access token with the web service request. Oracle Cloud Services use IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) as the authenticating service. The requesting system will use its configured client ID and secret to request an OAuth token from IDCS or OCI IAM and then include that token in service requests.

In addition to being more secure, OAuth provides better performance than basic authentication.

How requests are validated with OAuth:

  1. The requesting system first passes a client ID and a client secret to an authenticating service, such as IDCS or OCI IAM.
  2. The authenticating service, such as IDCS or OCI IAM, generates a short-lived token.
  3. The requesting system submits the token to the destination system, rather than a password and user ID as with basic authentication.
  4. The destination system validates the token and client ID.

The following is required in order to support OAuth between Order Broker and other Omnichannel products, including Order Management System and Xstore Cloud Services or Xstore Office (On Premises), as well as an external system such as an ecommerce system:

  • The IDCS or OCI IAM client ID and client secret for the integrating system must be created through an Omnichannel cloud service, if it does not already exist.
  • The system receiving the web service request needs to have a record of the client ID with assigned access for the web service API.
  • A system sending the web service request needs to be able to request the token from IDCS or OCI IAM.
  • The system sending the web service request needs to include the token so the system receiving the web service request can validate the request.

For example, if your ecommerce system will communicate with Order Broker using OAuth, you can use this page to:

  • Create a client ID and secret, which you can then provide to the ecommerce system.
  • Create the associated web service authentication records for the ecommerce system.

Order Broker Client ID: The Client ID displayed at the Tenant-Admin screen is the Name identifying Order Broker as an application in IDCS or OCI IAM. Typically formatted as RGBU_OBCS_ENV_APPID, where OBCS identifies Order Broker and ENV identifies the environment, such as production.

About store locations and XOffice On Prem: The XOffice On Prem application differs from other applications in that it serves as the parent for any related store locations. Any store locations that are assigned a parent ID are not displayed at this page; instead, you configure external access for XOffice On Prem, and this “parent” handles authentication for all related store locations.

When authentication is required for a request originating from any location associated with the XOffice On Prem parent ID, the parent ID’s authentication credentials are used.

Example: XOffice On Prem is the parent for location A, so the XOffice On Prem authentication credentials are used.

For more information: See the Omnichannel Web Service Authentication Configuration Guide on My Oracle Support (2728265.1) for web service configuration instructions.

OAuth summary by product:

Product Inbound Support Outbound Support
Order Broker

18.2 or higher

19.1 or higher

Order Management System

18.3 or higher; 19.0 or higher supports XOffice On Prem validation of stores with parent ID.

19.1 or higher

Customer Engagement

18.0 or higher; 18.3 or higher supports XOffice On Prem validation of stores with parent ID.

not currently supported


Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) and Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) do not currently support using OAuth for authentication of inbound messages. The Authentication Type at the RICS Integration tab and the OCDS Integration tab of the System screen should be set to Basic; however, if you are using Merchandising Omni Service rather than OCDS, the Authentication Type at the OCDS Integration tab of the System screen should be set to OAuth.

Troubleshooting: Options at this page that require communication with IDCS or OCI IAM, including generating a new client, regenerating the secret for a client, and refreshing the displayed applications, will fail if the administrative properties listed above are not set correctly. See the Identity Cloud Service Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen for more information on setting up these properties, or contact your Oracle representative for more help.

Outbound web services using OAuth authentication: The following outbound services support OAuth authentication:

  • OMS Service: Used for authentication for the inventory request message to be sent to Order Management System. Use the Inventory tab tab of the System screen to define the OAuth Authentication Type, Client ID, and Client Secret for Order Management System. If you are using Basic authentication, it is recommended to move to OAuth.
  • Job Notification Service: Used for authentication for the job notification message to be sent to an external application. Use the Event Logging screen, and select OAuth as the Authentication Type. If you are using Basic authentication, it is recommended to move to OAuth.
  • OCDS:

    Used for authentication for RESTful web service requests that are sent to Merchandising Omni Service. Configure on the OCDS Integration tab of the System screen.

Outbound web services using basic authentication: OAuth is not supported for the following:


If any other existing Oracle Cloud Services are configured for basic authentication and support OAuth, you should migrate these services to OAuth.

For more information: See the Oracle Retail Omnichannel Web Service Authentication Configuration Guide, on My Oracle Support at https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?id=2728265.1, for information on configuring the Omnichannel products for OAuth.

How to display this screen: Select Manage External Application Access from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this screen. This authority is not delivered automatically, so you must assign it manually. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Before you start: The first time a user advances to this screen, no applications are displayed.

Select Refresh to request existing applications from IDCS or OCI IAM and create records for them in Order Broker, which are then displayed, provided the Identity Cloud Service Settings at the Tenant-Admin screen are populated correctly.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
refresh the displayed applications

Click Refresh to update the list of currently existing application clients from IDCS or OCI IAM:

  • If any additional client applications are found in IDCS or OCI IAM that did not previously have records in Order Broker, these client application records are created in the Order Broker database. For example, additional client records might have been included through another product, such as Customer Engagement Cloud Services. These new client records are also displayed at the Web Service User screen.

    Example: When you click Refresh, the updated list of client applications might include client applications created through another application, such as Customer Engagement.

  • If any client applications that previously existed in Order Broker have been deleted from IDCS or OCI IAM, they are deleted from Order Broker, and the web service authentication user records are also removed from the Web Service User screen.
  • If any client applications that previously existed in Order Broker have been changed in IDCS or OCI IAM, then applications are updated if the changed fields are the Client ID (APPLICATION_ID), Description, and the PARENT_APP_ID (used only when the Application Type identifies an XOffice On Prem store location).
  • When additional store locations have been created for XOffice On Prem, using the Refresh option creates the records in the Order Broker database; however, these records are not displayed at the Manage External Application Access page because they are assigned to XOffice client applications as their parent ID. The Manage External Application Access does not display any records whose parent ID is populated.
  • Client application records in IDCS or OCI IAM without client ID’s are not imported.
  • Client application records in IDCS or OCI IAM with duplicate client ID’s are tracked as duplicates in logs.
  • The screen displays an error if it cannot refresh the data, typically if communication with IDCS or OCI IAM fails. See above for details on the settings used for communication with IDCS or OCI IAM.
create a new client application

Select New Client to open the Generate Application Client window.


Typically, before beginning the generation steps, you would select the Refresh option to confirm that the required client application was not already created.
work with the web services to which the client application has access

Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an application to open the Edit Web Services window, where you can review, select, or unselect the web services that can be authorized through the application.

regenerate the client secret for the application

Select the new secret icon (Illustrates the new secret icon.) for an application to open the Regenerate Application Client Secret window, where you can generate a new client secret to use when requesting an OAuth token.


This option is available only for external application clients that were created through Order Broker.
search for a client application

To search based on application description: Enter a full or partial Application Description and click Search to display applications that contain your entry.


External applications that were generated through Customer Engagement Cloud Services have a blank Application Description. Search for them by using the Client ID.

To search based on web service assignment: Select a Web Service from the drop-down list and click Search to display applications assigned to that web service. For example, select Discovery from the drop-down list and click Search to display applications that are configured to authenticate discovery web service requests.

Optionally, you can search based both on Application Description and Web Service assignment.

This screen displays records only if they are not associated in IDCS or OCI IAM with a parent ID. If you use XOffice On Prem, each store location record in IDCS or OCI IAM is associated with the XOffice On Prem application as its parent ID. Because there can be many store locations associated with the parent application record, this screen displays just the XOffice record rather than the individual store locations.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search Fields
Application Description

The description of the client application created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.


External applications that were generated through Customer Engagement Cloud Services have a blank description.
Web Service

The Order Broker inbound web service to which the application has access. Optionally, select one of the following to restrict your search results:

  • Admin: Includes:

    • ProductUpdate
    • LocationUpdate
    • LocationDetail
    • Email Out API
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getInventoryAvailability
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm
    • Store Associate Location Assignment

  • Discovery: Requests include Location discovery and System discovery.

  • Foundation Read/Write: Provides authority to update records as well as to perform inquiries on foundation data. Grants foundation:rw scope in IDCS or OCI IAM. Foundation data includes:

    • Boxes

    • Brands

    • Carriers

    • Cancel or Reject Reason Codes

  • Foundation Read Only: Provides authority to perform inquiries on foundation data as described above, but does not provide authority to make any updates. Grants foundation:r scope in IDCS or OCI IAM.

  • Locate: Includes all requests related to the Routing Engine:

    • EchoTest
    • Fulfillments
    • Intransit
    • LocateItems
    • OrderSearch
    • OrderUpdate
    • ProductAvailability
    • StatusListRequest
    • StatusRequest
    • StatusUpdate
    • SubmitOrder
  • Private Data Request: Includes all requests to inquire on or delete private data:

    • GetPrivateData
    • ForgetPrivateData
  • Purchasing: Includes all requests from the retailer to Order Broker related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

    • CreateDSOrder
    • CreateDSVendor
    • GetDSChanges
    • GetDSInvoices
    • SetDSAddressChange
    • SetDSCancel
    • SetDSCostChange
  • Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service: Includes all requests received from Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS). See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background on order-related messages. Not currently implemented.

    This authentication is also required to receive individual updates to the available quantities for product locations through the Retail Integration Bus (RIB). See Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for a discussion.

  • Run Job:

    Includes the Run Job request message to submit a job, as an alternative to submitting or scheduling a job at the Schedule Jobs screen. OAuth is required for the Run Job API. See the Operations Guide for background on this API.
  • Storage: Includes all requests from an integrating system to upload, download, inquire on, or delete files through File Storage API for Imports and Exports:

    • putFile
    • getFile
    • getFiles
    • deleteFile

    For more information: See the Operations Guide for details on the above messages.

  • Vendor: Includes all requests submitted by an integrated vendor to Order Broker for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm


If Vendor access is selected, the client ID is available for selection as the Vendor Client Id for an integrated vendor at the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screen, provided the client ID has not already been assigned to a different vendor.

For more information: See the Vendor Integration Guide for details on the above messages.

Search Results
Application Description

The description of the application created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Client ID

The client ID uniquely identifies the client in IDCS or OCI IAM:

  • If the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_ <ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the environment, such as PROD for production.
  • If the application record was created through Order Broker or another omnnichannel application, the client ID is formatted as RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where OBCS identifies the application, and <RANDOM> is a series of 8 random characters.
  • Otherwise, if the application record was created in IDCS or OCI IAM, the client ID is a series of random characters.

This is the Name in IDCS or OCI IAM. Note that the Display Name in IDCS or OCI IAM is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Display-only.


The client ID is similar to a user ID in that it identifies a client application to the authentication service, in this case IDCS or OCI IAM. You can create client IDs through the Manage External Application Access screen, in IDCS or OCI IAM, or through other applications, such as Customer Engagement.
Web Service Access

The list of Order Broker inbound web service to which the application has access. See Web Service, above, for a list of possible web services. You can use the Edit Web Services window to work with the inbound web services. Display-only.

Date Created

The date when the application record was created or regenerated in Order Broker, which could be when the record was received from IDCS or OCI IAM, or generated during the creation of a new record through Xstore On Prem authentication, as well as through the Generate Application Client window. Display-only.

Edit Access

Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an application to open the Edit Web Services window, where you can review, select, or unselect the web services that the application can authorize.

New Secret

Select the new secret icon (Illustrates the new secret icon.) for an application to open the Regenerate Application Client Secret window, where you can generate a new client secret to use to request an OAuth token.


This option is available only for external application clients that were created through the Generate Application Client window in Order Broker.

Edit Web Services

Purpose: Use the Edit Web Services for window to review, add, or delete the web service user authentication records for an application that submits web service requests to Order Broker.


The description of the selected application client is indicated in the window title; for example, if the application client’s description is Client Sample, the window title is Edit Web Services for Client Sample.

How to display this screen: Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an application at the Manage External Application Access screen.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

About Creating Access

Select or unselect any of the displayed web services. Click OK to update the web service access; otherwise, click Cancel.

Once created, the inbound web service user records are listed in the Web Service Access column at the Manage External Application Access page, and are also displayed at the Web Service User screen, with the User set to the Client ID for the application. The client ID can now be used for OAuth authentication for that web service.

Delete web service access: If you delete the web service option, the inbound web service user authentication record is deleted, is no longer displayed at the at the Web Service User, and can no longer be used for authentication for that web service.

Web Services

  • Admin: Includes:
    • ProductUpdate
    • LocationUpdate
    • LocationDetail
    • Email Out API
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getInventoryAvailability
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm
    • Store Associate Location Assignment


Admin authority is also required for the inventory quantity web service; see Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for background.
  • Discovery: Requests include Location discovery and System discovery.
  • Foundation Read/Write: Provides authority to perform inquiries as well as to create, update, or delete foundation data. Grants foundation:rw scope in IDCS or OCI IAM. Foundation data includes:

    • Boxes

    • Brands

    • Carriers

    • Cancel or Reject Reason Codes

    See Application Data Services in the Operations Guide (MOS ID 2114324.1) for more information.

  • Foundation Read Only: Provides authority to perform inquiries on foundation data as described above, but does not provide authority to make any updates. Grants foundation:r scope in IDCS or OCI IAM.

    See Application Data Services in the Operations Guide (MOS ID 2114324.1) for more information.


    Although there are additional scopes defined in IDCS or OCI IAM, they are not in use at this time and not available to assign through the Edit Web Services window
  • Locate: Includes all requests related to the Routing Engine:

    • EchoTest

    • Fulfillments

    • Intransit

    • InventoryAvailability

    • LocateItems

    • OrderSearch

    • OrderUpdate

    • ProductAvailability

    • StatusListRequest

    • StatusRequest

    • StatusUpdate

    • SubmitOrder

  • Private Data Request: Includes all requests to inquire on or delete private data:

    • GetPrivateData

    • ForgetPrivateData

  • Purchasing: Includes all requests from the retailer to Order Broker related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

    • CreateDSOrder

    • CreateDSVendor

    • GetDSChanges

    • GetDSInvoices

    • SetDSAddressChange

    • SetDSCancel

    • SetDSCostChange

  • Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service: Includes all requests received from Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS). See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background on order-related messages. Not currently implemented.

    This authentication is also required to receive individual updates to the available quantities for product locations through the Retail Integration Bus (RIB). See Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for a discussion.

  • Run Job:

    Includes the Run Job request message to submit a job, as an alternative to submitting or scheduling a job at the Schedule Jobs screen. OAuth is required for the Run Job API.

See the Operations Guide for background.

For more information: See the Operations Guide for details on the above messages.

  • Vendor: Includes all requests submitted by an integrated vendor to Order Broker for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

    • setDSAcknowledge

    • getDSOrders

    • setDSShipConfirm


If Vendor access is selected, the client ID is available for selection as the Vendor Client Id for an integrated vendor at the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screen, provided the client ID has not already been assigned to a different vendor.

For more information: See the Vendor Integration Guide for details on the above messages.

Generate Application Client

Purpose: Use the Generate Application Client window to:

  • Generate a new client for the XOffice On Premises application and assign web service access, if it has not already been created through another application.
  • Generate a new client for another application besides XOffice On Prem, if it does not already exist in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) and it directly integrates with a cloud service.

How to display this screen: Select New Client from the Manage External Application Access screen.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Before you start: Before beginning the generation steps, you would typically select the Refresh option at the Manage External Application Access screen to confirm that the required client application was not already created.

Creation steps: If the required client application is not displayed after you select Refresh:

  1. Complete the Application Details.

    • Application Type: Can be either:

      • XOffice On Prem: Select this option only if the application has not already been created through another application.

      • External: Select this option if the application integrates with IDCS or OCI IAM and an OAuth Client does not already exist in IDCS or OCI IAM.

      Selecting an Application Type is required.

      • Application Description: Enter a brief description of the application. This will be the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM, and is informational. If you require multiple environments, such as one for production and one for UAT, you can include this information in the application description. Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.

      • Environment: If the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, specify the type of environment, such as PROD or TEST. Your entry is converted to upper case, and no spaces or special characters are allowed. Required if the Application Type is XOffice On Prem; otherwise, if you set the Application Type to External, this field is not enterable and is not used. Informational.

  2. Click Generate Client to generate the new client and submit it to IDCS or OCI IAM; otherwise, select Cancel to close the window without generating the client.
  3. If you click Generate Client and the generation is successful, the window displays the Generated Credentials:

    • The new generated Client ID, and a link to copy it to the clipboard.

    • The new generated Secret, and a link to copy it the clipboard.


Copy and paste the new client ID and the new client secret so that you can update an external application so that it can request the token from IDCS or OCI IAM. This information will not be available later so should be stored in a secure location.


If your browser displays a warning message when you select the Copy to Clipboard option, click Allow Access.

The window displays an error if it cannot create the client, such as if the client ID already exists, or if communication with IDCS or OCI IAM fails. See Manage External Application Access for information on the properties used for communication with IDCS or OCI IAM.

Click Done to close the window, and click OK at the confirmation window to confirm that you are done copying the client ID and secret to the clipboard.

About the generated client ID:

  • When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.
  • When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters and OBCS identifies Order Broker.

Define web service access: After creating the client, you can define web service access. See the Edit Web Services window for more information.

Regenerate secret: Use the Regenerate Application Client Secret if you need to regenerate the secret for the client application.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Application Details
Application Type

Indicates whether the new application is either:

  • XOffice On Prem: Select this option only if the application was not created through another application.
  • External: Select this option if the application integrates with IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management).


About XOffice On Prem:The Manage External Application Access screen displays records only if they are not associated in IDCS or OCI IAM with a parent ID. If you use XOffice on premises, each store location record in IDCS or OCI IAM is associated with the XOffice on premises application as its parent ID. Because there can be many store locations associated with the parent application record, the Manage External Application Access screen displays just the XOffice rather than the individual store locations.

Application Description

The description of the application created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM. Alphanumeric, 50 positions. Required.


If the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, use this field to specify the type of environment, such as PROD or TEST. Your entry is converted to upper case, and no spaces or special characters are allowed.

Required if the Application Type is XOffice On Prem; otherwise, if you set the Application Type to External, this field is not enterable and is not used. Informational.

Generated Credentials

If the new client is generated correctly, the following fields are displayed.

Client ID

When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.

When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters.


This is the Name in IDCS or OCI IAM. Note that the Display Name in IDCS or OCI IAM is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the client ID to the clipboard, so you can more easily share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the ID has been successfully copied.


The client secret to use for generating the OAuth token.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the secret to the clipboard, so that you can share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the secret has been successfully copied.

Regenerate Application Client Secret

Purpose: Use the Regenerate Application Client Secret window to generate a new client secret for an existing client application.


This option is available only for external application clients that were created through Order Broker.

For more information: See Manage External Application Access for background.

How to display this screen: Select New Secret (Illustrates the new secret icon.)for the application client at the Manage External Application Access screen.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

When you regenerate: When you regenerate the secret, the client is deleted and recreated in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) and use of the new secret is required for OAuth. You need to update the external application so that it can request the token from IDCS or OCI IAM, as the previous secret is no longer valid.

How to generate a new secret: Click Regenerate and click OK at the confirmation window. There might be a slight delay. If the request is successful, the window displays:

  • The new Client ID, and a link to copy it to the clipboard.
  • The new Secret, and a link to copy it to the clipboard. This information will not be available later, so it should be stored in a secure location.

Copy and paste the Client ID and the new Secret if you need to share the information for an application that is not integrated with IDCS or OCI IAM, so that application can use the secret for OAuth authentication.


If your browser displays a warning message when you select the Copy to Clipboard option, click Allow Access.

The window displays an error if it cannot generate the new secret, such as if communication with IDCS or OCI IAM fails. See Manage External Application Access for information on the properties used for communication with IDCS or OCI IAM.

Click Done to close the window, and click OK at the confirmation window to confirm that you are done copying the client ID and secret to the clipboard.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Application Details
Client ID

When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.

When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters and OBCS represents Order Broker.


This is the Name in IDCS or OCI IAM. Note that the Display Name in IDCS or OCI IAM is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.


Application Description

The description defined when the application was created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM. Alphanumeric, 50 positions. Display-only.

Application Type

Indicates whether the new application is either:

  • XOffice On Prem: Select this option only if the application was not already created in another application.
  • External: Select this option if the application integrates with IDCS or OCI IAM.


About XOffice On Prem:The Manage External Application Access screen displays records only if they are not associated in IDCS or OCI IAM with a parent ID. If you use XOffice on premises, each store location record in IDCS or OCI IAM is associated with the XOffice on premises application as its parent ID. Because there can be many store locations associated with the parent application record, the Manage External Application Access screen displays just the XOffice rather than the individual store locations.

Generated Credentials
Client ID

When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.

When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters and OBCS represents Order Broker.


This is the Name in IDCS or OCI IAM. Note that the Display Name in IDCS or OCI IAM is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the client ID to the clipboard, so you can more easily share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the ID has been successfully copied.


The client secret to use for generating the OAuth token.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the secret to the clipboard, so that you can share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the secret has been successfully copied. This information will not be available later, so it should be stored in a secure location.

File Storage History

Purpose: Use this screen to review the records in the File Storage (FILE_STORAGE) table and optionally, delete records.

For more information: See File Storage API for Imports and Exports for an overview.

How to display: Select File Storage History from the Systems Menu.


Only users with File Storage History authority can advance to this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for file storage history records

Optionally, use the Container, File Name, and/or Date Stored fields and click Search to search for one or more file storage records.

delete a file storage history record

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a file storage history record to delete the record from the File Storage table.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:

Optionally, select a container type and click Search to restrict displayed File Storage History records assigned to the selected Container:

  • Archive: OROB-ARCHIVES. Records that have processed and are archived. Used for vendor and shipment upload records for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment, as well as proximity uploads.
  • Errors: OROB-ERRORS. Import records that did not process successfully.
  • Exports: OROB-EXPORTS. Export records that have been generated.
  • Imports: OROB-IMPORTS. Import records available for processing.
  • Paused: OROB-PAUSED. Import or export records that have been paused temporarily when switching to a different server to complete.
File Name

The name of the file in the File Storage table. Optionally, enter a full or partial file name and click Search to display File Storage History records whose names contain your entry.

Date Stored

The date when the record was stored in the File Storage table. Optionally, select a date and click Search to display File Storage History records stored on that date.

Results fields:

Identifies the type of file storage record. Possible containers are:

  • Archive: OROB-ARCHIVES. Records that have processed and are archived. Used for vendor and shipment upload records for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment, as well as proximity uploads.
  • Errors: OROB-ERRORS. Import records that did not process successfully.
  • Exports: OROB-EXPORTS. Export records that have been generated.
  • Imports: OROB-IMPORTS. Import records available for processing.
  • Paused: OROB-PAUSED. Import or export records that have been paused temporarily when switching to a different server to complete.
File Name

The name assigned to the file. For information on naming for different types of files, see:

Date Stored

The date when the file was stored in the File Storage table.


Optionally, select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a file storage record to delete the record from the File Storage table.