Changing Order Items

Order items can only be changed in Order mode. See Modify a Transaction for more information about changing line items in a transaction.

To make changes to Order Broker order items, perform the appropriate action:

  • Edit Delivery Information. Note that this can only be done for Order Broker orders before tendering. If a delivery address needs to be changed after the order is sent to Order Broker, the order must be canceled and a new order created with the correct address.

  • Make changes to the line items. See Modify a Transaction for more information about changing items in a transaction.

Edit Delivery Information

To change the delivery information for an order:


Note that this can only be done for Order Broker orders before tendering. If a delivery address needs to be changed after the order is sent to Order Broker, the order must be canceled and a new order created with the correct address.

  1. Opening an Order Broker Order.

  2. Click Edit Delivery Info.

  3. Change the delivery information as necessary: