Create a Hold Transaction

To create a hold account:

  1. Click Extended Transaction.

    Figure 18-1 Extended Transaction Menu Buttons

    Extended Transaction Menu Buttons

  2. Click Hold.

    The window that opens will depend upon whether a customer is associated with the transaction and, if so, whether that customer has any existing hold accounts.

  3. Click Set Up New.

    • If no customer is associated with the transaction, continue with Step 4.

    • If a customer is associated with the transaction, continue with Step 5.

  4. If necessary, associate a customer with the transaction. See Associate a Customer with a Transaction.

    Figure 18-2 Hold Screen

    Hold Screen

  5. Add items to the transaction. See Entering Items.

  6. When you are done creating the hold:

    • Click Exit Hold to perform other actions in the transaction.

    • Click Complete Transaction to tender the transaction. See Tendering a Transaction for more information.

    Continue the transaction.