Element: <oj-menu>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: MenuElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Menu Item Tap Invoke the menu item's action.
Menu Swipe Down Dismiss the menu, if "swipe to dismiss" is enabled by the application.
JET Component or HTML Element having a JET Context Menu Press & Hold Open the context menu.
Outside of Menu Touch Close the menu.

Disabled items do not allow any touch interaction.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Menu Item Enter or Space Invoke the focused menu item's action.
UpArrow Move focus to the previous menu item, wrapping around at the top.
DownArrow Move focus to the next menu item, wrapping around at the bottom.
Home Move focus to the first menu item.
End Move focus to the last menu item.
Menu Item in Top-level Menu Esc Close the menu and move focus to the launcher.
JET Component or HTML Element having a JET Context Menu Shift + F10 Open the context menu.

* RTL refers to pages written in a right-to-left language such as Arabic.

Typing a letter moves focus to the first item whose title starts with that character. Repeating the same character cycles through matching items. Typing more characters within the one second timer matches those characters.

Note that the "Search for text when I start typing" feature in Firefox can interfere with web content that accepts keystrokes, such as this "type a letter" feature of JET Menu.

Disabled items can receive keyboard focus, but do not allow any other interaction.