Element: <oj-n-box>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: NBoxElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Cell Double Tap Maximize/restore cell.
Node Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.
Overflow Indicator Tap Maximize cell.
Group Node Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Double Tap Open group node dialog.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.
Dialog Double Tap Close dialog.
Close Button Tap Close dialog.

Keyboard Information

Key Action
Tab Move focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
Enter Maximize focused cell.
Enter Open dialog for focused group node.
Escape Restore maximized cell.
Escape Close dialog.
[ Move to first node in cell or dialog
] Move to containing cell or dialog
Left Arrow When cell focused, move to nearest cell to the left.
Right Arrow When cell focused, move to nearest cell to the right.
Up Arrow When cell focused, move to nearest cell above.
Down Arrow When cell focused, move to nearest cell below.
Left Arrow or Up Arrow When node focused, move to previous node.
Right Arrow or Down Arrow When node focused, move to previous node.
Ctrl + Left Arrow or Ctrl + Up Arrow When node focused, move to previous node but do not select.
Ctrl + Right Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow When node focused, move to previous node but do not select.
Ctrl + Space Select or Unselect focused node.
Shift + Left Arrow or Shift + Up Arrow Move focus and multi-select previous node.
Shift + Right Arrow or Down + Up Arrow Move focus and multi-select next node.