Element: <oj-navigation-list>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: NavigationListElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
List Item Tap Selects the item.
Press & Hold Display context menu
Group Item Tap Expand or collapse the group item if drillMode is set to collapsible. When drillMode is set to sliding, sublist will silde in. When drillMode is set to none, group item will be selecetd.
Press & Hold Display context menu
Hierarchical Menu button Tap Open menu. Refer menu button touch documentation. Note: This is applicable only for Sliding Navigation List.
Overflow Menu button Tap Open menu. Refer menu button touch documentation. Note: This is applicable only for Horizontal Navigation List when overflow is set to popup.
Previous Icon or List Header Tap Collapses the sublist and slides to parent list. Note: This is applicable only for Sliding Navigation List.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
List Item Enter or Space Selects list item.
UpArrow Moves focus to the previous visible list item.
DownArrow Moves focus to the next visible list item
RightArrow (LeftArrow in RTL) For horizontal navigation list,focus will be moved to next visible item.
LeftArrow (RightArrow in RTL) For horizontal navigation list,focus will be moved to previous visible item.
Home Moves focus to the first visible list item.
End Moves focus to the last visible list item.
F2 If focus is on a list item, pressing F2 will make its contents accessible using TAB. It can also be used to exit actionable mode if already in actionable mode.
Esc When F2 mode is enabled, press Esc to exit F2 mode.
Shift+Tab Move fous to hierarchical menu button.Only applicable for sliding navigation list and when hierarchial menu button is enabled.
Group Item RightArrow (LeftArrow in RTL) If focus is on collapsed node, expands the sub list.
LeftArrow (RightArrow in RTL) If focus is on expanded node, collapses the sub list.
List Item in sublist Esc Applicable only for sliding navigation list. If focus is in a sub list, closes the sublist and moves focus to the parent list item.
Hierarchical Menu button Enter Open menu. Refer menu button keyboard documentation. Note: This target is visible only for Sliding Navigation List.
Tab Moves focus to current list item. Note: This target is visible only for Sliding Navigation List.
Shift + Tab Moves focus to Previous Icon. Note: This target is visible only for Sliding Navigation List.
Overflow Menu button Enter or Space Open menu. Refer menu button touch documentation. Note: This is applicable only for Horizontal Navigation List when overflow is set to popup.
Previous Icon or List Header Enter Collapses the sublist and slides to parent list.Note: This target is visible only for Sliding Navigation List.
Tab Moves focus to Hierarchical Menu button. Note: This target is visible only for Sliding Navigation List.