Element: <oj-status-meter-gauge>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: StatusMeterGaugeElement

Touch Information

Gesture Action
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Drag Value change when readonly is false.

Keyboard Information

Key Action
Enter Submit the current value of the gauge.
Tab Move focus to next element and submit the current value of the gauge.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
UpArrow Increase the gauge's transient value. Value is set after using Enter or Tab to submit.
DownArrow Decrease the gauge's transient value. Value is set after using Enter or Tab to submit.
LeftArrow Decrease the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Increase the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Value is set after using Enter or Tab to submit.
RightArrow Increase the gauge's transient value in left-to-right locales. Decrease the gauge's transient value in right-to-left locales. Value is set after using Enter or Tab to submit.