Element: <oj-timeline>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: TimelineElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Timeline Item Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.
Timeline Panel Drag Panning: navigate forward and backward in time in horizontal/vertical orientation.
Pinch-Close/Spread-Open Zoom In/Out. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is not supported.
Zoom Control Tap on "+" element Zoom In. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is not supported.
Tap on "-" element Zoom Out. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is not supported.
Overview Press on right/left side of window & Hold & Drag in right of left direction Zoom In/Out (resize overview window). In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is not supported.
Press & Hold on the body of window & Drag in right of left direction Pan (move overview window). In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is not supported.

Keyboard Information

Key Action
Tab Move focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
F2 Toggle Actionable mode. Entering actionable mode enables keyboard action on elements inside the item bubble, including navigating between focusable elements inside the item bubble.
UpArrow Moves focus between series in a Dual Timeline and does nothing in a Single Timeline.
  • Move focus and selection to previous data item (on left). If discrete viewport-navigation-mode is enabled, Timeline will navigate to the next Nav Arrow from the first series item, and the previous Nav Arrow from the next Nav Arrow.
  • If currently in move (or resize) mode (see Ctrl + m, Alt + s, Alt + e), move the candidate position to the left by some amount of time. Upon entering move (or resize) mode, the amount of time is set to the scale of the minor axis. See PageUp or PageDown for information on changing the amount of time to move by.
  • Move focus and selection to next data item (on right). If discrete viewport-navigation-mode is enabled, Timeline will navigate between the previous Nav Arrow and the next Nav Arrow before going to the first item.
  • If currently in move (or resize) mode (see Ctrl + m, Alt + s, Alt + e), move the candidate position to the right by some amount of time. Upon entering move (or resize) mode, the amount of time is set to the scale of the minor axis. See PageUp or PageDown for information on changing the amount of time to move by.
Shift + UpArrow Move focus and multi-select previous data item.
Shift + DownArrow Move focus and multi-select next data item.
Shift + LeftArrow Move focus and multi-select previous data item (on left).
Shift + RightArrow Move focus and multi-select next data item (on right).
Ctrl + UpArrow Move focus to previous data item, without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + DownArrow Move focus to next data item, without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + LeftArrow Move focus to previous data item (on left), without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + RightArrow Move focus to next data item (on right), without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + Spacebar Multi-select data item with focus.
= or + Zoom in one level if zooming is enabled. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is disabled.
- or _ Zoom out one level if zooming is enabled. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this is disabled.
PageUp or PageDown
  • Pan up / down if scrolling is enabled.
  • If currently in move (or resize) mode (see Ctrl + m, Alt + s, Alt + e), select the amount of time greater / less than the current move by amount in the following ramp: years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. For example, if the current move by amount is weeks, PageUp or PageDown would change the amount to months or days respectively.
Shift + PageUp Pan left in left-to-right locales. Pan right in right-to-left locales. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this changes the viewport to the next time frame.
Shift + PageDown Pan right in left-to-right locales. Pan left in right-to-left locales. In discrete viewport-navigation-mode, this changes the viewport to the previous time frame.
Ctrl + m When focus is on a task and dnd.move.tasks is enabled, enter move mode. See also the UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow, PageUp or PageDown, Esc, and Enter sections for more information.
Alt + s When focus is on a task and task-defaults.resizable is enabled, enter resize (start) mode. See also the LeftArrow, RightArrow, PageUp or PageDown, Esc, and Enter sections for more information.
Alt + e When focus is on a task and task-defaults.resizable is enabled, enter resize (end) mode. See also the LeftArrow, RightArrow, PageUp or PageDown, Esc, and Enter sections for more information.
Esc Cancel drag, or exit move or resize mode, if currently dragging, or in move mode (see Ctrl + m) or resize mode (see Alt + s and Alt + e). Cancels actionable mode if currently in actionable mode.
Enter Finalize move or resize, if currently in move mode (see Ctrl + m) or resize mode (see Alt + s and Alt + e) respectively.