Element: <oj-c-tab-bar-mixed>


Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: CTabBarMixedElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Tab Tap Selects the tab.
Remove button Tap Removes the tab.
Arrow button Tap When dynamic tabs are displayed inside a conveyor belt, tapping the arrow button will scroll the conveyor belt.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Tab Enter or Space Select the current tab.
Tab LeftArrow or RightArrow Navigate to the previous or next tab.
Tab Delete Remove the current tab.
Tab Esc Hide the tooltip if tooltip is shown.
Dropdown UpArrow or DownArrow Navigate the dynamic tab represented as item in the list in the direction of the arrow.
Dropdown Enter or Space Select the highlighted choice from the dropdown and close the dropdown.
Dropdown Esc Close the dropdown.