Element: <oj-waterfall-layout>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: WaterfallLayoutElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Card Tap Focus on the item.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Card LeftArrow Move focus to the previous item according to the data order.
RightArrow Move focus to the next item according to the data order.
F2 Enters Actionable mode. This enables keyboard action on elements inside the item, including navigate between focusable elements inside the item. It can also be used to exit actionable mode if already in actionable mode.
Esc Exits Actionable mode.
Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to next focusable element within the item. If the last focusable element is reached, shift focus back to the first focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to next focusable element on the page (outside of the component).
Shift+Tab When in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous focusable element within the item. If the first focusable element is reached, shift focus back to the last focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous focusable element on the page (outside of the component).