Element: <oj-sunburst>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: SunburstElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Node Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.
Outer Edge Drag Rotate when rotation is enabled.

Keyboard Information

Key Action
Tab Move focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
UpArrow Move focus and selection to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring). In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move away from the center, while it will move towards the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
DownArrow Move focus and selection to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring). In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move towards the center, while it will move away from the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
LeftArrow Move focus and selection counterclockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring).
RightArrow Move focus and selection clockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring).
Shift + UpArrow Move focus and extend selection to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring). In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move away from the center, while it will move towards the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
Shift + DownArrow Move focus and extend selection to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring). In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move towards the center, while it will move away from the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
Shift + LeftArrow Move focus and extend selection counterclockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring).
Shift + RightArrow Move focus and extend selection clockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring).
Ctrl + UpArrow Move focus to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring), without changing the current selection. In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move away from the center, while it will move towards the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
Ctrl + DownArrow Move focus to the first adjacent sector in an inner or outer layer (ring), without changing the current selection. In the northern hemisphere of the sunburst, this will move towards the center, while it will move away from the center in the southern hemisphere of the sunburst.
Ctrl + LeftArrow Move focus counterclockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring), without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + RightArrow Move focus clockwise to adjacent sector in the same layer (ring), without changing the current selection.
Ctrl + Spacebar Multi-select sectors with focus.
Shift + Alt + LeftArrow Rotate 5 degrees counterclockwise.
Shift + Alt + RightArrow Rotate 5 degrees clockwise.
Enter Drill on a node when drilling is enabled.
+ Expand a node when showDisclosure is enabled and the node is expandable.
- Collapse a node when showDisclosure is enabled and the node is collapsable.