Element: <oj-range-slider>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: RangeSliderElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Range Slider Bar Tap Reposition the thumb.
Range Slider Thumb Swipe Reposition the thumb.

Keyboard Information

The JET slider supports keyboard actions for thumb movement:

Target Key Use
Range Slider Tab Places focus on the range slider component. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow.
Range Slider RightArrow Scrolls right on a horizontal range slider, scrolls up on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider LeftArrow Scrolls left on a horizontal range slider, scrolls down on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider UpArrow Scrolls right on a horizontal range slider, scrolls up on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider DownArrow Scrolls left on a horizontal range slider, scrolls down on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider PageUp Scrolls one page right on a horizontal range slider, scrolls one page up on a vertical range slider.
A page is defined as 20% of the range of the range slider.
Range Slider PageDown Scrolls one page left on a horizontal range slider, scrolls one page down on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider End Scrolls to the right end on a horizontal range slider, scrolls to the bottom on a vertical range slider.
Range Slider Home Scrolls to the left end on a horizontal range slider, scrolls to the top on a vertical range slider.