Touch Information
Target | Gesture | Action |
Input Field | Tap | If the drop down is not open, expand the drop down list. Otherwise, close the drop down list. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow. |
Option Item | Tap | Tap on an option item in the drop down list to add to selection. |
Selected item with remove icon | Tap | Remove item from the selected items list by tapping on the remove icon. |
Disabled option items receive no highlight and are not selectable.
Keyboard Information
Target | Key | Action |
Option item | Enter | Select the highlighted item from the drop down. |
Input field | Enter | Add the input text to selections. |
Drop down | UpArrow or DownArrow | Highlight the option item on the drop down list in the direction of the arrow. If the drop down is not open, expand the drop down list. |
Combobox | LeftArrow or RightArrow | Move focus to the previous or next selected item. |
Selected item with remove icon | Backspace or Delete | Remove the selected item having focus. |
Drop down | Esc | Collapse the drop down list. If the drop down is already closed, do nothing. |
Combobox | Tab In | Set focus to the combobox. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow. |
Disabled option items receive no highlight and are not selectable.