Source—sFTP Remote

Use the Source tab to configure a new source or edit an existing source. How? The tab content depends on the source type. Settings for sources of type sFTP Remote are listed here.

sFTP Remote source is supported in FIPS mode.

The sFTP Remote Source tab is arranged in the following sections:

General Information and Actions

Element Description


Saves the source without deploying it. Remember to save before closing this tab.


Deploys and activates the source. You must save the source before you can deploy it. You must save again before you can redeploy. The configuration must be valid or deployment fails.

The Deploy Source dialog appears, prompting you for an optional comment. Impacted transfers are listed. Click the Deploy or Cancel button in the dialog.

The Deploy action in the tab is grayed with a green check to show successful deployment.

To view information about deployed artifacts, click the Show Deployment Details button on the Artifacts Search tab, or view the Deployments tab on the Monitoring page.


Reverts all changes since the last save.

General Information

Click the arrow to the left to display read-only source information, including name, last user to update, last update date and time, and last deployment date and time.


Name of the sFTP target.


Allows you to add or edit the artifact description. This description is for all deployments of the artifact and is visible in the Artifacts Search tab.

The Deploy dialog also allows you to enter a description, which is specific to a particular deployment label and is visible in the Deployments tab on the Monitoring page.


The Location section allows you to specify the location of the files to be transferred.

Element Description

Content Folder

Specifies the directory from which files are transferred.

Include Content in Subfolder

Specifies that files in subfolders are also transferred if checked.

Source Properties

Click the arrow to the left to display source properties.

Element Description

User Name

Specifies the user as whom to access the source.


Specifies the user password.

Confirm Password

Confirms the user password.

Host Name

Specifies the host name.

Control Port

Specifies the port for the source.

Authentication Type

Specifies the authentication type: Password or Public Key.

Private Key

Specifies the absolute path to the private key file for authentication.


Specifies the passphrase

Confirm Passphrase

Confirms the passphrase.

Minimum Age

Specifies the minimum time in seconds of existence in the source location for files to be transferred.

Source Schedule

The Source Schedule section displays information about when the source is checked for files to be transferred. Source schedule settings affect all transfers that use the source.

Element Description


Polling Interval

Specifies the frequency in seconds at which the source is checked for files to be transferred.

A source polling interval and a source schedule act independently unless Use Duration is checked in the schedule configuration. In that case, polling occurs within the specified duration.

Add schedule

Allows you to schedule transfers that use this source. For more information, see Scheduler.


Specifies the Event check box, if enabled, allows you to execute transfers through a SOAP/REST service.


Security enabled implies that protection is valid for Administrators and any other users selected.

Add Users, Groups, and Roles

Adds users, groups, and roles to the list of who can access transferred files. For more information, see Add Users, Groups, and Roles.


Click the arrow to the left to display source processing actions, which affect all transfers that use the source.

Element Description

Add processing actions

Allows you to compress, decompress, encrypt, or decrypt transferred files before the transfer. For more information, see Pre-Processing Actions.

Advanced Properties

The Advanced Properties section of the sFTP Remote Source tab allows you to change advanced source properties.

Element Description


Click the General tab to display general advanced properties.

Trigger File Strategy

Specifies when the Trigger File activates the transfer: End Point Activation, Every Time, or Once Only.

File Name

Specifies the file that activates the transfer when present.

Note: If the Trigger File directory is same as Content Folder (input) directory, and there is an Include Files pattern, the Trigger File Name must not match the file inclusion pattern. If the Trigger File directory is same as Content Folder (input) directory, and there is an Exclude Files pattern, the Trigger File Name must match the file exclusion pattern.

Else, this results in validation error causing source deployment failure. This is to prevent trigger files from being processed as content (input) files.

File Directory Override

If Trigger File Strategy is selected, this property specifies the directory in which the trigger file is searched.

FTP Path Separator

Specifies the separator for file paths. The default is a forward slash (/).

List Parser Key

Specifies the key for parsing ls command results: UNIX (default), Win MVS, or MVS. When connecting to Windows FTP Server, change the List Parser Key to Windows, and configure the recent date and default date to MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm format.

Transport Provider

Specifies the protocol for connecting to the remote server: Socket or HTTP.

Remote Server Time Zone

Specifies the time zone of the remote FTP server relative to UTC.

Remote Server Encoding

Specifies which character encoding the remote FTP server uses.

Retain Processed Filenames Specifies whether to retain the processed file names list.


Click the Content tab to display advanced properties related to the source content.

Optional filtering of source content specified as

Specifies how the filter string is interpreted: Wildcard (the default) or Regular Expression.

If you selected Wildcard, use * as a wildcard. For example, *.xml specifies that XML files are transferred. To specify text or XML files, you can use *.(xml|XML|txt|TXT). For example, File = "TXT-20100505-XXXX.txt" where XXXX can be any four successive digits. Regexp Filter expression = "XT-20100505-\\d{4}\\.txt"

For more information about regular expressions, see The Java Tutorials: Regular Expressions.

Include Files

Includes files in the transfer. You can use * as a wildcard. For example, *.xml specifies that XML files are transferred. If Include Files is not specified, all files are included unless excluded by Exclude Files, which takes precedence.

Transfers can specify files to include using filters. For more information, see Transfer. Exclude Files and Include Files are executed before transfer filters. Coordinate your sources and transfers accordingly.

Exclude Files

Excludes files from the transfer. You can use * as a wildcard. For example, *.xml specifies that XML files are not transferred. If Exclude Files is not specified, no files are excluded.

Transfers can specify files to include using filters. For more information, see Transfer. Exclude Files and Include Files are executed before transfer filters. Coordinate your sources and transfers accordingly.

Proxy Settings

Click the Proxy Settings tab to display advanced properties related to proxy server configuration.

User Name

Specifies the user as whom to access the proxy server.


Specifies the password for the proxy server user.


Specifies the proxy server port.

Host Name

Specifies the proxy server host name.

Use Proxy

Uses the configured proxy server if checked.


Click the Security tab to display advanced properties related to security.

Data Integrity Algorithm

Specifies the data integrity algorithm: Hmac-md5 or Hmac-sha1.

Compression Algorithm

Specifies the compression algorithm: None or ZLIB.

Key Exchange Algorithm

Specifies the key exchange algorithm: Diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 or Diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1.

Cipher Suite

Specifies the cipher suite: Cast 128, Twofish 256, AES 128 (default), Twofish 128, 3 DES, Blowfish, AES 256, or AES 192.

PKI Algorithm

Specifies the PKI algorithm: RSA or DSA.

Public Key

Specifies the absolute path to the public key file for authentication.

Ignore File Permissions

Ignores the file permissions on remote SFTP server. This is used to process the files from Windows SFTP servers.

Performance Attributes

Click the Performance Attributes tab to display advanced properties related to performance.

Thread Count

Specifies the number of threads the transfer uses. If set to 0, acts as Single Threaded does. If set to -1, uses the global thread pool with a poll size of 4. The maximum allowed value is 40.

Max Raise Size

Specifies the maximum number of files transferred per each Polling Interval cycle.

Single Threaded

Specifies that the transfer is single-threaded and deactivates Thread Count if checked. Only one thread polls for and transfers files.


Click the Operation tab to display advanced properties related to file operations.

Action Type

Specifies the action taken after files from this source are transferred: None, Archive, Delete, or Archive and Delete.

Related Topics

Creating a Source in Using Oracle Managed File Transfer