The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

1.2 Enabling and Customizing Accessibility Features in the GNOME Desktop

Oracle Linux 6 includes several assistive features for users with vision, hearing, and mobility impairments. You can enable and customize most assistive features in the GNOME desktop by using the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.

To access the Assistive Technologies Preferences preferences tool from the top bar of the GNOME desktop:

  1. Starting from the System menu, select Preferences, and then select Assistive Technologies to open the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.

    The Assistive Technologies Preferences tool is divided into two sections: Assistive Technologies and Preferences. Using the tool, you can enable preferred applications, as well as set preferences for keyboard and mouse accessibility.

  2. Enable assistive features in the desktop by selecting the Enable assistive technologies check box.

  3. To select and customize preferred assistive technologies, click Preferred Applications to open the Preferred Applications preferences tool.

    The Preferred Applications preferences tool includes the following four tabs: Internet, Multimedia, System, and Accessibility. To customize assistive technologies, start from the accessibility tabbed section of the tool, which is divided into the following sections:

    • Visual

      In this section, you can enable preferred applications that provide accessibility features for users with visual impairments. The following entries are available: Orca, Orca with Magnifier (default), GNOME Magnifier without Screen Reader, and Custom. The Custom entry provides an option for configuring an application of your choice.

    • Mobility

      In this section, you can enable preferred applications that provide accessibility for users with motor impairments. The following entries are available: GNOME OnScreen Keyboard (default) and Custom. The Custom entry provides an option for configuring an application of your choice.

    1. To change the default application for the Visual or Mobility categories, use the up and down arrows to select the application.

      To configure a custom application of your choice:

      1. Use the down arrow to select Custom.

        Note that the application must already be installed on your system.

      2. Refer to the application's documentation to determine the command-line invocation for the application.

      3. Enter the command-line invocation for the application in the Command text-entry field.

    2. (Optional) To specify that the preferred application you selected start automatically when you log in to the system, select the Run at start check box.

    3. Click Close to save the changes and return to the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.

  4. To configure keyboard preferences:

    1. In the Preferences section of the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool, click Keyboard Accessibility.

    2. Using the accessibility tabbed section of the Keyboard Preferences tool, customize keyboard preferences, as needed.

    3. Click Close to save the changes and return to the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.

    For more complete details about customizing keyboard preferences, see Section 4.1, “Customizing Keyboard Preferences for Accessibility”.

  5. To configure mouse preferences:

    1. In the Preferences section of the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool, click Mouse Accessibility.

    2. Using the accessibility tabbed section of the Mouse Preferences tool, customize mouse preferences, as needed.

    3. Click Close to save the changes and return to the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.

    For more complete details about the mouse preferences that you can set and step-by-step instructions, see Chapter 3, Working With Assistive Mouse Features.

  6. When you are done making changes, click Close to exit the Assistive Technologies Preferences tool.