The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

1.14 Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Enhancements

The log format for Oracle ASMLib, used to manage Oracle ASM devices dedicated to Oracle Databases, is updated to include timestamps of the activities logged to /var/log/oracleasm.

The oracleasm command line utility is improved for the scandisks operation to scan devices that are not directly available under /dev, but may be available within subdirectories within /dev. Additional directories to be scanned during the scandisks operation can be configured by setting the Directories to scan option when using the interactive configuration tool. For example:

# oracleasm configure -I
Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.
The next two configuration options take substrings to match device names.
The substring "sd" (without the quotes), for example, matches "sda", "sdb",
etc.  You may enter more than one substring pattern, separated by spaces.
The special string "none" (again, without the quotes) will clear the value.
Device order to scan for ASM disks []:
Devices to exclude from scanning []: dm
Directories to scan []: /dev/mapper/
Use device logical block size for ASM (y/n) [n]:
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done