The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.

4.4 Configuring a Slave Spacewalk Server by Using the Spacewalk Web Interface

Configure a slave Spacewalk server as follows:

  1. In a browser tab, navigate to http://master_swksvr_FQDN/pub, where master_swksvr_FQDN is the FQDN of the master Spacewalk server, and download the CA certificate file RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT as RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT-MASTER.

    Alternatively, you can use the wget command as follows:

    # wget -q -O /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT-MASTER \
  2. In the Spacewalk web interface, go to Admin, select ISS Configuration and then select the Slave Setup tab.

  3. On the Known Master Instances page, click + Add new master.

  4. On the Details for new Master page, type the FDQN of the master server and the absolute path name of the master's CA certificate that you downloaded (RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT-MASTER), then select whether the master will be the default one with which the slave synchronizes.

  5. Click Add new master.

    The page refreshes to display a Configure Master-to-Slave Org Mappings section that enables you to configure local names for the organizations that the master exports. When you synchronize content, access permissions that you have configured for channels on the master server propagate to the slave server. You can choose which organizations, and any associated channel permissions, to map to a slave server.

    If necessary, create the local organizations to be mapped to the organizations that the master server exports as follows:

    1. Go to Admin, select Organizations and click + create new organization.

    2. On the Create New Organization page, provide the details for the organization, including its name and the login details of its administrator.


      You must create a new user to act as the organization's administrator, as the Spacewalk administrator cannot perform this role.

    3. Click Create Organization.

    4. To return to the Configure Master-to-Slave Org Mappings section for the master server instance, go to Admin, select ISS Configuration. Then, select the Slave Setup tab and click the name of the master server instance.

  6. In the Configure Master-to-Slave Org Mappings section, select the local organizations that map to the organizations that the master server exports.

  7. For each exported organization in the Master Org Name column, use the pull-down menu in the Matching Local Org column to select the local organization that should map to the export organization.

    If you do not want to import an organization, select NOT MAPPED.

  8. Click Update.