Adding a drop-down list field

When you add a field to a topic workflow configuration, it appears by default in the user interface as a value-entry field and accepts any alphanumeric value a user enters. An alternative is to provide a limited set of possible entries for a field so that a drop-down list appears in the user interface. For example:

Example of a drop-down list

Users can select a single value from a drop-down list, and can change the selected value for the field at any time (if permitted for a given workflow state by the topic or action field access level). Drop-down lists structure data entry by limiting the number of possible entries. They also assure that the values stored for a field are consistent.

Note: An alternative is to add a field that appears with a multi-selection list control in the user interface. There are two field types that support this: Append-only and Multiple Values.  If the field is Append Only, users can select one or more values, but cannot remove any previously selected and saved value. If the field is Multiple Values, users can select one or more values, and can remove previously saved values. See Adding a multi-selection list field.

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.

The Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page appears.

3.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a field, and click Manage Fields

The Manage Fields page appears.

4.         Click Add Field.

The Add Field page appears.

5.         In the Column name field, enter a column name.

6.         In the Display name field, enter a name to appear in the user interface.

7.         From the Format drop-down list, select the format of the field: String, Integer, or Date.

8.         If you specified a String format, in the Length field, enter the maximum field length.

9.         In the Type section, select Single Value.

10.      In the Context section, select the field context. The field can be used to collect information for a topic, action, attachment, or work team.

11.      Optionally, specify the field to be used for filtering by checking Display as filter field. See Identifying a field as a filter field.

12.      Click Save.

The Manage Fields page appears.

Note: You can design a pair of drop-down list fields that are linked. Selections available for the second field in the pair are dependent on the selection for the first in the pair. See Adding linked fields.

13.      Click for the field you added, and then click Define Values.

The Define Valid Field Values page appears.

14.      Click Add Value.

15.      The Add Value page appears.

16.      In the Value field, enter a value for users to select.

17.      Click Save.

18.      Repeat steps 14 - 17 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file and then upload it. See Uploading a table of valid values.

19.      Modify the display order of the valid values as needed. Click Modify Display Order.

The Modify Display Order dialog box appears.

A.        From the Values for Dropdown list, select a value.

B.        To change the order of the value in the list, use the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons.

C.        Click OK.

D.        Click Back.

The Manage Fields page appears. The values you defined appear in the Field Values column.

By default, the new field appears as a drop-down list for a topic or action that is in any workflow state, for any type of document-style attachment, or for a work team. The field is editable; that is, users can select a value from the list or select "  " (blank).


You can make this field required (the blank value is not offered, and users must select one of the defined values before saving).