Creating or editing an interactive report definition

1.         Click the Reports tab.

The Report Definitions page appears.

2.         Click Interactive Reports.

The Interactive Reports page appears.

3.         To create an interactive report definition, click Create Definition.


To edit an interactive report definition, click the row menu (Row menu) for the interactive report definition, and then click Edit. Alternatively, click Edit Definition on the Display Report page.

The Create Definition page appears. Continue with Step 9.

Note: If you are a superuser, the Edit option is available for customer-specific reports provided by Oracle; however, any changes to these reports should be made by Oracle.

4.         From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration to indicate the source data on which to base the report. You can click Browse to select from a descriptive list of data configurations.

5.         In the Name field, type a report name. The name does not need to be unique, although Oracle recommends that you provide a unique and meaningful name.

6.         In the Description field, type a description that differentiates the report definition from others on the Interactive Report Definitions page.

7.         Assign the report definition to a project.

8.         From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following options for the report type (if you are a superuser). The types always include Query-based and Summary of all Cases. Customer-specific reports also appear in the list.

  1. Query-based—Create an interactive report definition that includes a query. Users can provide values to the query when the report is run.
  2. Summary of all Cases—Create a report output that includes all cases and can be used by a drug profile configuration. Reports that can be added as charts on the Drugs tab are based on this type of report.

Note: Once you leave the Create Definition page, you cannot change the report type.

9.         Click Save.

For a query-based interactive report, the Edit Report Query page appears. You must define a query. (If you are editing the report definition, click the Query option.)


For a Summary of all Cases interactive report, the Edit Report Columns page appears. If you are defining an all cases summary report, the report definition is not valid until certain requirements have been met. See About All Cases Summary reports.

The Edit Report Columns page appears.  From this page, you can edit the report columns, the report attributes, and the report descriptors.

The application also saves the interactive report definition and lists it on the Interactive Report Definitions page filling in the Created By and Created columns, although you cannot yet run it.

10.      Edit the report columns. For more information, see Editing report columns.

When defining breakdown details for a report variable that you included in the query for the report, you can specify that the breakdown details will be the values provided for the query variable when the report is run. See Defining breakdown by query values.

11.      Optionally, edit the report attributes. For more information, see Editing report attributes.

12.      Optionally, edit the report descriptors. For more information, see Editing report descriptors.

13.      If you have made changes to an interactive report definition since the last time it was saved, save the interactive report definition without running it by clicking Save. If you are working on a complex report definition, click Save periodically.

Note: If you edit a report definition that you did not create, the Save button does not appear.


To save the interactive report definition with a different name, without running it, click Save As. Provide a name for the new report definition.


Save the interactive report definition and run it. For a valid report definition, click Save & Run. A report is considered valid if it includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and there are no error messages for the report definition. For a query-based interactive report, a query must be part of the report definition. For an all cases summary interactive report, the definition must conform to certain criteria.

14.      To run the report definition, for a valid report definition, click Run. A report is considered valid if it includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and there are no error messages for the report definition. For a query-based interactive report, a query must be part of the report definition. For an all cases summary interactive report, the definition must conform to certain criteria.

  1. If you run the report, you must select a data configuration to indicate the source data against which the report will be run.
  2. To run a query-based report, you must also run the query. The report will be run against cases that meet the query criteria.
  3. To run an all cases summary report, you must specify report parameters.

Each time you save the report definition, the application fills in the Modified and Modified By columns on the Interactive Reports page.