Interactive Reports page

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On the Interactive Reports page, you can view interactive report definitions that you created or were published to you for select projects and data configurations. This page also lists all published and unpublished interactive report definitions created by users in your login group, if you have the Administer Users permission.

General activities

The following links appear at the top of the page and affect the entire page:

Note: The Create Definition from XML link is only available for users with the superuser permission.

The following filters appear at the top of the page and affect the report definition list:

Row-specific activities

The following menu options are available from the row menu, located in the leftmost column of the table, and affect an individual row in the table:

See Creating an all cases summary report output or Creating a query-based report output.


Field descriptions—Interactive Reports page




Name of the interactive report definition.


Description of the interactive report definition.


Name of the project that the interactive report definition is associated.


Name of the data configuration that the interactive report definition is based on.

Created By

Name of the user who created the interactive report definition.


Date and time when the interactive report definition was created.

The Created By and Created fields are filled in when the Create Definition page is completed.


Date and time the interactive report definition was last modified.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the interactive report definition.

The Modified and Modified By fields are filled in each time the report definition is saved.


Identifier that was assigned automatically to the interactive report definition when it was saved. Each report definition ID is unique across all report definitions and is not reused if the report definition is deleted.


Category of the report. The category is intended only for informational purposes.


Type of report. For example, Query-based or Summary of all Cases.


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