1.1 Introduction to OpenStack

OpenStack is a cloud computing software platform that controls pools of compute, storage, and networking resources in a data center. With OpenStack, you can manage different types of hypervisors, network devices and services, and storage, using a single API that creates a unified data center fabric. OpenStack is a pluggable framework that enables vendors to write plug-ins to implement a solution using their own technology, and which enables users to integrate their technology of choice.

OpenStack Services

OpenStack is built as a set of distributed services. These services communicate with each other, and are responsible for the various functions expected from cloud management software. The following are some of the key OpenStack services:

  • Nova: A compute service responsible for creating virtual machine instances and managing their life cycle, as well as managing the hypervisor of choice. The hypervisors are pluggable to Nova, while the Nova API remains the same, regardless of the underlying hypervisor.

  • Neutron: A network service responsible for creating network connectivity and network services. It is capable of connecting with vendor network hardware through plug-ins. Neutron comes with a set of default services implemented by common tools.

  • Cinder: A block storage service responsible for creating and managing external storage. It is capable of connecting to vendor storage hardware through plug-ins.

  • Swift: An object and Binary Large Object (BLOB) storage service responsible for managing object-based storage.

  • Keystone: An identity management system responsible for user and service authentication and authorization. Keystone is capable of integrating with third-party directory services such as LDAP. Keystone also provides the catalog of OpenStack services and their endpoints for all the components in a deployment.

  • Glance: An image service responsible for managing the images uploaded by users. Glance is not a storage service, but it is responsible for saving image attributes, making a virtual catalog of the images.

  • Heat: An orchestration service responsible for managing the life cycle of the OpenStack infrastructure (such as servers, floating IP addresses, volumes, security groups, and so on) and applications. Uses Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT) to describe the infrastructure for an application.

  • Horizon: A dashboard that creates a GUI for users to control the OpenStack cloud. This is an extensible framework to which vendors can add features. Horizon uses the same APIs that are exposed to users.

  • Murano: An application catalog service for publishing cloud-ready applications from a catalog. An agent is installed into an instance's operating system, which enables deployment of the applications directly into the guest. Murano also includes a plug-in to the Horizon dashboard.

  • Ceilometer: A telemetry service that collects, normalizes and transforms data produced by OpenStack services for various telemetry use cases, such as customer billing, resource tracking, and metering.

  • Aodh: An alarm service that provides alarms and notifications based on the metrics collected by Ceilometer.

More details are available in the OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide at:


OpenStack has many more services that are responsible for various features and capabilities, and the full list can be found on the OpenStack website at:


The list provided here is limited to those needed to get started with Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux.

OpenStack Nodes

There are a number of node types used in OpenStack. Nodes are a physical host computer, with an operating system installed. The node types discussed in this guide are:

  • A controller node is a system running Oracle Linux, and is where most of the OpenStack services are installed. A controller node can run all the non-compute services or only some of them.

  • A compute node is a system running Oracle Linux using Oracle VM Server or KVM. A compute node runs the bare minimum of services to manage virtual machine instances.

  • A database node is a system running Oracle Linux, and the services required to manage the OpenStack services' databases.

  • A network node is a system running Oracle Linux, and runs the network services such as providing an IP address to a booting Nova instance.

  • A storage node is a system running Oracle Linux, or Oracle VM Server. A storage node runs the services required to manage storage for images and instances.

    Some storage is not directly managed by the OpenStack services, but is instead managed by the storage appliance. For example on a storage node, Cinder communicates with the storage appliance's API, and it is the storage appliance that performs the storage management.

  • A master node is a system running Oracle Linux and the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux CLI (kollacli), which is used to deploy OpenStack services to the nodes. A master node is not an OpenStack node. Typically a controller node is used as a master node, but a master node can be a separate node.

More detailed information on the node types is available in the OpenStack Operations Guide at:


OpenStack Instances

OpenStack virtual machines are called instances, because they are instances of an image that are created on request and configured when launched. The main difference between OpenStack and traditional virtualization technology is the way state is stored. With traditional virtualization technology, the state of the virtual machine is persistent.

OpenStack can support both persistent and ephemeral models. In the ephemeral model, an instance is launched from an image in the image service, the image is copied to the run area, and when the copy is completed, the instance starts running. The size and connectivity of the instance are defined at the time of launching the instance. When an instance is terminated, the original image remains intact, but the state of the terminated instance is not retained. This ephemeral model is useful for scaling out quickly and maintaining agility for users.

In the persistent model, the instance is launched from a persistent volume on a compute node, or from a block storage volume, and not from the image service. A volume can be any kind of persistent storage, including a file, a block device, or an LVM partition. In this case, when the instance is terminated, any session changes are retained and are present the next time the instance is launched. In the persistent model, the size and connectivity of the instance are also defined at the time the instance launches. The persistent model in OpenStack is similar to the traditional approach to virtualization.

OpenStack Storage

The storage used in OpenStack can be either ephemeral or persistent. Ephemeral storage is deleted when an instance is terminated, while persistent storage remains intact. Persistent storage in OpenStack is referred to as a volume, regardless of the technology and device it is backed by. Persistent storage can either be used to launch an instance, or it can be connected to an instance as a secondary storage device to retain state. An example of this is a database launched as an ephemeral instance, with a volume connected to it to save the data. When the instance is terminated, the volume retains the data and can be connected to another instance as needed.

The OpenStack Cinder service is responsible for managing the volumes, and it offers a framework for vendors to create drivers. If a storage vendor wants to support OpenStack, the vendor must create a Cinder driver that enables users to use the standard calls to create volumes on a storage device.

OpenStack also supports object storage using the Swift service. Swift can also be used as the storage for the Cinder backup service.

OpenStack Networking

The OpenStack networking service, Neutron, offers a complete software-defined networking (SDN) solution, along with various network services. The network services Neutron can support include routing, DNS, and DHCP.

Neutron, like Cinder, offers a framework for vendors to write plug-ins for various services. For example, a network vendor might want to offer a custom load balancer instead of the default load balancer provided by Neutron. The plug-in framework offers a powerful tool to build sophisticated network topologies using standard APIs.

Network Isolation: Tenant Networks

Tenant networks are the basis for Neutron’s SDN capability. Neutron has full control of layer-2 isolation. This automatic management of layer-2 isolation is completely hidden from the user, providing a convenient abstraction layer required by SDN.

To perform the layer-2 separation, Neutron supports three layer-2 isolation mechanisms: VLANs, VxLANs, and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels. You must define which mechanism should be used and set up the physical topology as required. Neutron is responsible for allocating the resources as needed. For example, you would configure the physical VLAN switch, allocate the VLAN range, and then configure the VLAN in Neutron. When you define a new network, Neutron automatically allocates a VLAN and takes care of the isolation. You do not have to manage VLANs, and do not need to be aware of which VLAN was assigned to the network.

Complete Software-Defined Network Solution

OpenStack, using Neutron, presents a complete SDN solution. You can define isolated networks with any address space, and connect between those networks using virtual routers. You can define firewall rules without the need to touch or change any element of the physical network topology. Furthermore, there is a complete abstraction between the physical topology and the virtual networks, so that multiple virtual networks can share the same physical resources, without any security or address space concerns.

User Isolation: Multi-tenancy

Enabling multiple users to share the same physical environment while ensuring complete separation between them is a key feature of OpenStack. OpenStack is designed so that multiple tenants can share physical resources in a way that is transparent to the users. OpenStack offers ways to share virtual resources between tenants, but maintains complete separation where needed.