2.1 Getting Started with Deployment

The following is an overview of steps needed to deploy OpenStack services using Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux.

  1. Set up the basic OpenStack environment.

    • Set up the target nodes.

      Target nodes are the hosts that run OpenStack services. The services a target node runs determines the type of node it is, either controller, compute, database, network, and storage. You install and prepare Oracle Linux or Oracle VM Server on each target node. Oracle VM Server can only be used as a compute node and storage node.

    • Set up the master node.

      The master node is used to deploy OpenStack services to target nodes. Typically, you use a controller node as a master node. But you can use a separate host if you prefer. You install the OpenStack Kolla command line interface (kollacli), and add users to the kolla group. Membership of this group enables users to set up, configure and deploy OpenStack services using the kollacli command.

    Chapter 3, Preparing the Basic Environment has details of what you need to do.

  2. Set up the deployment.

    • Add the target nodes to the deployment.

      You specify the host name or IP address of each node to be included in the deployment.

    • Set up the kolla user on the target nodes.

      You copy the SSH public key for the kolla user to the target nodes, and confirm that the kolla user can log in to each node. This ensures the kolla user is able to deploy OpenStack services to the target nodes.

    • Assign the target nodes to groups.

      Groups are used to associate the target nodes with OpenStack services. The default groups are control, compute, database, network, and storage. You assign the target nodes to groups so that all nodes in the same group run the same services. For more information, see Section 2.2, “Using Groups to Deploy Services”.

    • Enable the OpenStack services you want to deploy.

      All OpenStack services are enabled by default, apart from Swift, Ceilometer, and Aodh. However, you have full control over the services that are deployed and can enable or disable services by setting Kolla properties. For example, the enable_horizon property controls whether or not you want to deploy the OpenStack web-based interface.

    • Configure the passwords for all services.

      Typically, when you deploy an OpenStack service, a database is created for the service and the credentials for the service admin user are registered with the Keystone service. You must set passwords for the database and the service admin users. You only do this once.

    • Configure the deployment by setting properties.

      You set Kolla properties to configure how the OpenStack services operate once they are deployed. For example, the cinder_backup_driver property enables you to specify the storage driver used to back up Cinder block storage volumes.

    • Set up the Docker registry.

      OpenStack services are deployed to target nodes as Docker containers. The Docker registry stores the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Docker images. The Docker daemon running on each target node pulls (downloads) the Docker images from the registry and uses them to create the Docker containers. The master node tells each target node which images they should download. By default, the Docker registry used is the Oracle Container Registry.

    • Prepare to deploy OpenStack services.

      Once you have prepared the basic environment, you might need to perform additional configuration, depending on the OpenStack services you intend to deploy.

    Chapter 4, Setting up a Deployment has details of what you need to do.

  3. Perform the deployment.

    • Initial deployment

      Initially, you want to deploy all the enabled OpenStack services to the groups of hosts that are configured to run each service. When you deploy, the configuration files required for each service are assembled using a template and the configured Kolla properties. The kolla user logs in to each target node, copies the service configuration files and starts the Docker containers for the OpenStack services that the target node is configured to run.

    • Update or expand the deployment

      After your initial deployment, you might want to make configuration changes, to add or remove services, to move services to different target nodes, or to add or remove target nodes. You can do all this by redeploying services. You are able to do this because the OpenStack data is stored separately from the Docker containers that run the OpenStack services.

    Chapter 5, Deploying Services has details of what you need to do.