Design an interview

Design an interview

If your rules will be deployed in an interactive software application, defining an interview allows you to specify the way in which users will interact with the rulebase.

When the rulebase is run, the Oracle Determinations Engine collects information in order to find a value for the specified goal (see Oracle Determinations Engine and the Inference Cycle for more on this process). The interview you define specifies the user's experience while providing this information and reviewing the conclusions reached by the rules. The aim of your interview design is to provide users with a logical and easy-to-understand interface to your rulebase.

Interview features

There are many options available that allow you to design a user's experience of your rulebase in the best possible way. Consider the options available and allow some time to identify the characteristics that your users would find most effective and usable in interacting with your rulebase.

Options you can use in the design of your interview include:

Most interview elements are defined in a screens file. This contains details of questions screens and questions, as well as the summary screen, which guides users through available goals to investigate and presents conclusions. Specific screen orders for your question screens, and screen flows are also defined in the screens file. Other interview features, such as integrated help files or interview documents, are added as additional files and linked to from within the screens file.

To see an example of a complete rulebase with many interview features, open and run the Social Services Screening example rulebase project provided in the Examples folder in the Oracle Policy Modeling installation folder.


See also: