
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Accomplishments form, 28.6.7
Add Bank Transit Number form, 29.12.1
Add Job Postings form,
Competencies tab,
Address Book Master table (F0101), 29.10.1
Allowed Dependent Relationships by Plan form, 19.2.2
Allowed Dependent Relationships by Plan program (P085500), 19.1, 19.2.2
Allowed Increment form, 21.3.3
Applicant Entry program (P08401),
Applicant Login Information table (F08405), 8.2, 8.2
Applicant Login program (P08405)
processing options, 9.4
Ascending Descending (08R/AD), 8.3.1
Auto Deposit Instructions program (P055011), 28.5.1, 29.11.1, 29.12.1
automatic deposit information, 28.5.1
approval, 29.11.1
approving bank transit information, 29.12.1
entering, 28.5.1
program information, 29.11.1
self service, 28.5.1
Automatically Setup SS Dependent Selection report (R085505)
processing options, 20.2.3
Available Plans and Plan Options by Employee program (P085520W), 25.5.3
Available Plans and Plan Options form, 25.5.3
Available Plans Work File Build program (R085520)
processing options, 20.5.4
Available Plans Workfile Build program (R085520), 20.5.1


bank transit codes (07/BC), 29.12.1
Benefit Amount Rate Edits program (P085573), 21.2.1
Benefit Amount/Rate Edit Revisions, 21.2.3
Benefit Amount/Rate Edit Revisions form, 21.2.3
Benefit Categories by Enrollment Events form, 18.2.2
benefit category
excluding from a work file build, 20.6.1
linking to benefit groups, 15.1
selecting for self-service enrollment, 18.1
Benefit Confirmation Statement Options program (P085518), 23.3.1
Benefit Enrollment Events program (P08500), 17.2.2
benefit groups
assigning benefit categories to, 15.1
setting up URLs for self service, 16.6.1
benefit plan
excluding from a work file build, 20.6.1
setting up URLs for self service, 16.1
setting up URLs for self-service categories, 16.5.1
setting up URLs for self-service plan options, 16.3.1
setting up URLs for self-service plans, 16.4.1
Benefit Statement Options form, 23.4.5
Benefits Enrollment Event Setup form, 17.2.2
benefits enrollment events, setting up, 17.1
Benefits Enrollment Plan/Option URL Address form, 16.3.3
benefits self service
available plans workfile setup, 25.5.1
cross-referencing new plan rates, 26.1
current coverage workfile setup, 25.4.1
defining process flow scripts, 22.3.1
employee information storage setup, 24.1
enrollment event setup, 17.1
managing work files, 27.1
purge the Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Table, 27.3.1
purging the Employee Current/Pending Elections Work Table, 27.2.1
revising dependent and beneficiary updated coverage, 25.7.1
revising the Current Coverage Work File, 25.4.1
revising the personal profile workfile, 25.8.1
running the Populate Director Form Rules/Edits report, 22.2.1
setting up benefits workflow approval, 23.5.1
setting up maximum coverage increase limits, 21.3.1
setting up process flows, 22.1
setting up translated director text, 22.4.1
setting up URLs for plans, 16.4.1
benefits self service setup
available plans workfile, 25.5.1
current coverage workfile, 20.3.1
dependent and beneficiary workfile, 20.4.1
enrollment events, 17.1
personal information workfile, 20.7.1
process flows, 22.1
URLs for categories, 16.5.1
URLs for plan options, 16.3.1
URLs for plans, 16.4.1
workfiles, 20.1
benefits self-service
saving benefits information, 24.3.1
setup, 13.1
benefits self-service setup
allowed dependent relationships by plan, 19.1
benefit confirmation statement options, 23.3.1
benefit plan guidelines, 21.1
benefits information storage, 24.3.1
categories by enrollment event, 18.1
contribution limits, 21.2.1
cross-referencing new plan rates, 26.1
current coverage workfile, 25.4.1
defining process flow scripts, 22.3.1
dependent and beneficiary updated coverage, 25.7.1
dependent selection, automatic, 20.2.1
employee information storage, 24.1
form options, 23.2.1
managing work files, 27.1
maximum coverage increase limits, 21.3.1
personal profile workfile, 25.8.1
purge the Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Table, 27.3.1
purging the Available Plans and Plan Options by Employee Work Table, 27.6.1
purging the Current Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table, 27.4.1
purging the Employee Current/Pending Elections Work Table, 27.2.1
purging the employee personal, contact, phone work tables, 27.5.1
saving employee personal information, 24.2.1
steps and rules for director process flows, 20.8.1
translated director text, 22.4.1
URLs, 16.1
URLs for groups, 16.6.1
workflow approval, 23.5.1
Build Current Dependent/Beneficiary Work File report (R085537)
processing options, 20.4.3


Categories By Benefit Group form, 15.2.2, 21.3.3
Categories by Benefit Group program (P08350), 15.1, 15.2.2, 21.3.1
Categories by Enrollment Event program (P085510), 18.2.2
categories by enrollment event, setting up, 18.1
categories to benefit groups, linking, 15.1
Certifications form, 28.6.8
Classification/Pay Cross Reference program (P05932), 7.4.1
Common Setting for HR Employee Self Service program (P05004), 14.1
Common Setting for HR Employee Self Service Programs table (F05004), 2.2
common settings
benefits enrollment, 2.2
compensation management, 2.2
human resources, 2.2
self-service applications, 2.2
setting up, 2.2
compensation management, 29.1.1
competency information
Education form, 28.6.9
entering using self service, 28.6.1
revising with self service, 28.6.1
competency information using self service, revising, 28.6.1
competency information using self service, working with, 28.6.1
Competency Self Service program (P05130)
processing options, 28.6.4
program information, 28.6.1
Current Dep/Ben Coverage Revisions form, 25.6.3
Current Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table program (P085537W), 25.6.3
Current Enrollment Work File Build report (R085530)
processing options, 20.3.3
program information, 20.3.2
Current to Future DBA X-Ref program (P08515), 26.3.2


Default Setup Tasks table (F087101), 6.3.1
Define a Process Flow Step form,
Define Director Text form, 22.4.3
Define Setting by Posting Category form, 10.3.3
assigning, 29.6.1
setting up delegates for Managers Workbench, 6.7.1
setting up manager delegates for time entry self service, 6.8.1
dependent and beneficiary workfile, building, 20.4.1
Dependent Enrollment program (P085570)
processing options, 23.2.5
Dependent/Beneficiary Coverage Revisions form, 25.7.3
Dependent/Beneficiary Coverage Revisions program (P085536W), 25.7.3
Dependent/Beneficiary Workfile Build program (R085537), 20.4.1
dependents and beneficiaries
setting up a current personal information workfile, 20.4.1
setting up steps and rules for director process flows, 20.8.1
Disable Activities tab form,
Disable Applicant Activities
F08462 table, 8.2
UDC 08R/AA, 8.3.3


EEO Survey table (F08492), 8.2, 8.2
Element ID (UDC 08R/EI), 8.3.4
employee competency information
approve information, 29.13.1
entering with self service, 28.6.1
revising with self service, 28.6.1
Employee Daily Time Entry program (P051127), 28.7.1
Employee Enrollment Work File Revision form, 25.4.3
Employee Enrollment Work File Revisions program (P085530W), 25.4.3
Employee Information - Telephone Numbers program (P054215)
processing options, 23.2.4
program setup, 23.2.4
Employee Information program (P0801),
Employee Profile program (P060116)
processing options, 28.3.4
reviewing, using self service, 28.3.1
Employee Self Service Director Setup program (P05401), 22.4.3
Employee Self Service Form Options form, 23.2.6
Employee Self Service Form Options program (P085550), 23.2.1, 23.2.6
Employee Self Service Process Flow Setup program (P05400), 22.3.3
employee self-service, 3.1
employee self-service history, reviewing, 25.1
employee setup default tasks, 6.3.1
Employee Setup Entry, 29.10.7
Employee Setup Entry form, 29.10.5
Employee Setup Master table (F08710), 29.10.1
employee setup process, setting up, 6.3.1
employee setup using workflow, completing,
Employee Setup Workbench program (P08710), 6.3.1, 6.3.1
processing options, 29.10.4
program information, 6.3.1
employee setup, initiating,
Employee Status Change program (P08720)
processing options, 29.4.3
program information, 29.4.1
Employee Status Change Setup form, 6.4.5
Employee Status Change Setup program (P08730), 6.4.1
processing options, 6.4.4
program information, 6.4.5
employee status change, setting up, 6.4.1
Employee Summary Time Entry for Self Service program (P051128), 28.10, 28.10.3
employment data for verification-of-employment letters, entering, 29.8.1
employment requests, verification, 29.8.1
encryption key
eRecruit Security form, 9.2.3
Enrollment Statement program (P085568)
processing options, 23.4
program setup, 23.4
Entered Benefit Amount/Rate Edits table (F085573W), 21.2.1
Enterprise Workflow Management
Employee Setup,
Employee Setup Workbench program (P08710), 6.3.1
Managers Employee Setup program (P08710), 29.10.1
Name and Address Change program (P05101), 3.3.1
Upcoming Reviews by Supervisor program (P052200), 6.2.1
Verification of Employment program (P05003), 3.2.1
creating a job posting, 11.3.4
creating job postings, 11.3.1
defining posting categories, 10.2.1
editing a job posting, 11.3.5
features, 8.1
managing job postings, 11.1
overview, 8.1
system, 8.1
eRecruit security, 9.2.1
eRecruit Security form, 9.2.3
eRecruit setup
define standard phrase categories, 10.4.3
defining posting categories, 10.2.3
defining settings by posting category, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
defining standard phrase categories, 10.4.1
defining standard phrases, 10.5.1, 10.5.3
encryption key, 9.2.1
General Constants table (F08466), 8.2
system level, 9.1
eRecruit Setup form, 10.2.3, 10.4.3, 10.5.3
eRecruit Setup program (P08460), 10.1, 10.2.3, 10.3.1, 10.3.3, 10.4.1, 10.4.3, 10.5.1, 10.5.3
eRecruit Status (08R/AS), 8.3.2
ESS Setup Director, 13.2.3
ESS Setup Director program (P05410), 13.2.1
ESS Setup Director program (P054100), 13.2.3
ESS Time Entry Setup program (P051123), 7.3.1
ESS Workfile Approval Setup program (P085515), 23.5.1
Extended Applicant Information table (F08403), 8.2, 8.2


F0101 table, 29.10.1
F05002 table, 3.2.1
F05003 table, 3.2.1
F05004 table, 2.2
F060116Z table, 29.10.1
F085573W table, 21.2.1
F085574 table, 21.3.1
F08710 table, 29.10.1
F087101 table, 6.3.1
F087102 table, 6.3.1
F087103 table, 6.3.1


Generate Graphic Organizational Chart program (P08713W), 29.16.1
processing options, 6.6.3
program information, 6.6.1


information for new employees, setting up, 29.10.1
Internal/External/Both (08R/IE), 8.3.5
setting up self-service, 2.2
setting up self-service benefits, 13.1
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS program (P0855303)
processing options, 4.4.2
URLs, 4.7.1
IRS W-4 Form Work File Revisions program, 4.6.1


Job Basket table (F08474), 8.2, 8.2
job posting, 11.3.4
Job Posting (08R/WS), 8.3.12
Job Posting Competencies table (F08471), 8.2, 8.2
Job Posting Field Preferences table (F08465), 8.2, 8.2
Job Posting Fields by Tab table (F08464), 8.2
Job Posting Location (08R/JL), 8.3.6
Job Posting report (R08471)
processing options, A.3.3
Job Posting Settings table (F08460), 8.2
Job Posting Sort Workfile table (F08473), 8.2, 8.2
Job Posting Tab Settings table (F08460), 8.2
Job Posting Text table (F08471), 8.2
Job Posting Text table (F08472), 8.2
job postings
creating, 11.3.1
edits, 11.3.5
eRecruit, 11.1
Job Postings table (F08470), 8.2, 8.2


Labor Distribution Periods program (P059062), 7.5.1
Language form, 28.6.10
Letter Component (08R/LC), 8.3.7


Manage Job Postings form, 11.3.4
Manage Job Postings program (P08470), 11.1, 11.3.4, 11.3.5
processing options, 11.3.3
program information, 11.3.1
manage self-service workfiles, 27.1
Manager Delegates program (P08750)
processing options, 6.7.3
program information, 6.7.1
Manager Delegates Setup program (P051126)
processing options, 6.8.3
program information, 6.8.1
Manager Review and Approval program (P051129), 29.17.1
manager self service, 29.1
approving information, 29.11.1
Managers Employee Setup program (P08710), 29.10.1
managers reports, 29.9.1
setting up organizational charts for the web, 6.6.1
setting up the employee setup process, 6.3.1
setup, 6.7.1
Manager's Report Setup form, 6.5.4
manager's reports, setting up, 29.9.1
Managers Delegates program (P08750)
processing options, 29.6.4
program information, 29.6
Managers Employee Setup program (P08710)
completing the process with Workflow,
employee records, adding,
initiating the process for Employee Setup,
program information, 29.10.1
Managers Reports form, 29.9.3
Managers Reports program (P08740), 29.9.1
Managers Reports Setup program (P08741)
program information, 6.5.1
setup, 6.5.1
Managers Workbench program (P08712)
processing options, 29.3
program information, 29.2.1
managing self service workfiles
purge the Available Plans and Plan Options by Employee Work Table, 27.6.1
purge the Employee Current/Pending Elections Work Table, 27.2.1
managing self-service workfiles
purge the Current Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table, 27.4.1
purge the Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Table, 27.3.1
purge the employee personal, contact, phone work tables, 27.5.1
Mandatory/Hide/Disable (08R/MH), 8.3.8
Maximum Insurance Coverage Increase Amounts table (F085574), 21.3.1
Maximum Insurance Coverage Increase program (P085574), 21.3.1


Name and Address Change program (P05101)
program information, 3.3.1
setup, 3.3.1
new DBA plan rates
cross-reference, 26.1
setting up, 26.1


organizational charts
program information, 29.16.1
web-based, 29.16.1
Override Employee Labor Period Standard Hours form, 7.5.4
Override Employee Labor Period Standard Hours program (P059063), 7.5.1


P012501 program, 29.11.1, 29.12.1, 29.13.1
P05003 program, 28.2.3, 28.2.4, 29.8.1, 29.8.4
P05004 program, 14.1
P051125 program, 7.2.3
P051126 program, 6.8.3
P051127 program, 28.7.1
P051128 program, 28.10, 28.10.3
P051129 program, 29.17.1, 29.17.3
P05130 program, 28.6.1, 28.6.4
P052200 program, 6.2.3, 29.7.1
P053020 program, 3.5
P05400 program, 22.1, 22.2.1, 22.3.1, 22.3.3
P05401 program, 22.1, 22.4.1, 22.4.3
P05410 program, 13.2.1, 23.2.3
P054100 program, 13.2.3
P054101 program, 25.8.3
P054215 program, 23.2.4
P055011 program, 28.5.1, 29.11.1, 29.12.1
P059062 program, 7.5.1
P059063 program, 7.5.1
P05932 program, 7.4.1
P060116 program, 28.3.1, 28.3.4
P07186 program, 28.4.1
P0801 program,
P08320 program, 21.2.1, 21.2.3, 21.3.1, 21.3.3, 25.3.3
P08350 program, 15.1, 15.2.2, 21.3.1
P08400 program, 9.3
P08401 program,
P08405 program, 9.4
P08460 program, 10.1, 10.2.3, 10.3.1, 10.3.3, 10.4.1, 10.4.3, 10.5.1, 10.5.3
P08470 program, 11.1, 11.3.1, 11.3.3, 11.3.4, 11.3.5
P08488 program, 12.5.1, 12.5.3
P08498 program, 12.4.3
P08500 program, 17.2.2
P08515 program, 26.3.2
P085303W program, 4.6.1
P08550 program, 23.2.6
P085500 program, 19.1, 19.2.2
P085501 program, 20.6.1
P085510 program, 18.2.2
P085515 program, 23.5.1
P085518 program, 23.3.1
P085520W program, 25.5.3
P0855303 program, 4.4.2
P085530W program, 25.4.3
P085536W program, 25.7.3
P085537W program, 25.6.3
P085550 program, 23.2.1
P085568 program, 23.4
P085570 program, 23.2.5
P085573 program, 21.2.1
P085574 program, 21.3.1
P085585 program, 25.3
P08710 program, 29.10.1,,,, 29.10.4
P08712 program, 29.3
P08713W program, 6.6.1, 6.6.3, 29.16.1
P08720 program, 29.4.3
P087201 program, 29.5.3
P08730 program, 6.4.1, 6.4.4, 6.4.5
P08740 program, 29.9.1
P08750 program, 6.7.3, 29.6.4
Paid Time Off Inquiry program (P053020), 3.5
paid time-off inquiry, setting up, 3.5
Pay Stub History Information form, 28.4.1
pay stub review, 28.4.1
pay stubs, reviewing, 28.4.1
Pay Type by Category table (F05002), 3.2.1
Personal Employee Information Workfile Build report (R054101)
processing options, 20.7.3
setup information, 20.7.3
personal information, working with, 28.3.1
Personal Profile Work File Revision program (P054101), 25.8.3
phrase categories, defining, 10.4.1
Phrase Category (08R/PH), 8.3.9
Plan DBA/Enrollment DBA Cross Reference form, 26.3.2
Plan Master form, 21.3.3
Plan Master program (P08320), 21.2.1, 21.2.3, 21.3.1, 21.3.3, 25.3.3
plan options, setting up, 25.3.3
Plans Within Categories form, 21.3.3
Plans/Categories To Exclude From Work File Build program (P085501), 20.6.1
Populate F05402 and F05403 Files report (R8985500), 4.3.1, 20.8.1, 22.2.1
posting category
Confirmation Email tab, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
define settings, 10.3.1
defining, 10.2.3
Disable Activities tab, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
eRecruit, 10.2.1, 10.3.1, 10.3.3, 10.3.3
Field Preferences tab, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
Posting Display tab, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
setup, 10.2.3
Web Addresses tab, 10.3.1, 10.3.3
Posting Category (08R/PC), 8.3.10
Posting Display tab form,
Posting Element Display Settings table (F08463), 8.2, 8.2
Posting Status (08R/PS), 8.3.11
Process Flow Detail form,
process flow script, 22.3.1
Process Recruitment Records program (R08470)
setup information, 12.7.3
Process Recruitment Records report (R08470)
processing options, 12.7.3
Purge Available Plans/Plan Options program (R084451), 27.6.1
Purge Available Plans/Plan Options report (R085541)
processing options, 27.6.3
setup information, 27.6.3
Purge Current Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table program (R085543), 27.4.1
Purge Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Table program (R085542), 27.3.1
Purge Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Table report (R085542)
processing options, 27.3.3
setup information, 27.3.3
Purge Employee Current/Pending Elections Work Table program (R085540), 27.2.1
Purge Employee Personal, Contact, Phone Work Tables program (R054040), 27.5.1
Purge Employee Personal/Contact/Phone report (R054040)
processing options, 27.5.3
setup information, 27.5.3


R054040 program, 27.5.1, 27.5.3
R054101 program, 20.7.3
R054104 program, 24.2.1, 24.2.3
R084451 program, 27.6.1
R08470 program, 12.7.3
R08471 report, A.3.3
R08490 report, 12.8.3
R085503 report, 4.9.1
R085505 report, 20.2.3
R085520 program, 20.5.1, 20.5.4
R085524 program, 24.3.1
R085524 report, 24.3.2
R085530 report, 20.3.3
R0855303 report, 4.9.3
R085537 program, 20.4.1
R085537 report, 20.4.3
R085540 program, 27.2.1
R085541 report, 27.6.3
R085542 program, 27.3.1
R085542 report, 27.3.3
R085543 program, 27.4.1
R8985500 program, 20.8.1, 22.2.1
R8985500 report, 4.3.1
Recruit Apply Posting table (F08498), 8.2, 8.2
Recruitment Information table (F08490), 8.2, 8.2
Recruitment Self Service Menu program (P08400)
processing options, 9.3
setup information, 9.3
References table (F08496), 8.2, 8.2
Resum Flag (08R/RF), 8.3.13
Review Applicants program (P08498)
processing options, 12.4.3
setup information, 12.4.3
Review Requests for Verification of Employment program (P05003), 3.2.1, 28.2.4, 29.8.1
processing options, 28.2.3, 29.8.4
setup information, 28.2.3
Review/Validate Automatic Deposit Instructions form, 29.11.1
Revise Automatic Deposit Instructions form, 28.5.1
Revise Labor Distribution Periods form, 7.5.3


Search eRecruit Applicants and Resumes form, 12.5.4
Search eRecruit Applicants and Resumes P08488
processing options, 12.5.3
setup information, 12.5.3
Search eRecruit Applicants and Resumes program P08488, 12.5.1
self service
approving automatic deposit information, 29.11.1
approving bank transit information, 29.12.1
approving competency information, 29.13.1
approving information, 29.11.1
automatically setting up dependent selection, 20.2.1
building the current coverage workfile, 20.3.1
building the personal information workfile, 20.7.1
defining process flow scripts, 22.3.1
delegate setup, 6.7.1
employee daily time entry, 28.7.1
Employee Profile (P060116), 28.3.1
entering automatic deposit information, 28.5.1, 28.5.1
entering competency information, 28.6.1, 28.6.1
manager delegates, 6.7.1
manager delegates for self service, 6.8.1
managers, 29.7.1
organizational charts for the web, 29.16.1
overview, 28.1
review employee self-service history, 25.1
Review Requests for Verification of Employment (P05003), 28.2.4
reviewing and approving timecards, 29.17.1, 29.17.3
reviewing employee personal profile, 28.3.1
revising competency information, 28.6.1
saving employee personal information, 24.2.1
setting up form options, 23.2.1
setting up process flows, 22.1
setting up workfiles, 20.1
setup, 6.1, 6.3.1, 6.6.1
summary time entry, 28.10, 28.10.3
time entry, 28.7.1, 28.7.1
time entry setup, 6.8.1
verification of employment letter, 28.2.1
self service considerations, 29.1.1
self-service, 7.3.1
director text for time entry, 7.2.1, 7.2.1
emergency contacts and phones, 3.4.1
employee, 3.1
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS, 4.4.1
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS program, 4.7.1
IRS W-4 Form Work File Revisions program, 4.6.1, 4.6.1
process flow script for IRS Form W-4, 4.5.1
setting up an intranet site, 2.2, 13.1
setting up Form W-4, 4.1
setting up IRS Form W-4, 4.1
setup, 3.4.1, 3.5, 13.1, 13.1
setup director, 13.2.1
time entry director text, 7.2.1, 7.2.1
time entry setup, 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.1
self-service benefits
automatically setting up dependent selection, 20.2.1
building the available plans workfile for self service, 20.5.1
building the current coverage workfile, 20.3.1
building the personal information workfile, 20.7.1
changing benefit plans for self-service, 13.1
cross-referencing new plan rates, 26.1
defining benefit category rules, 15.1
defining process flow scripts, 22.3.1
excluding plans and categories from work files for self service, 20.6.1
revising dependent and beneficiary updated coverage revisions, 25.7.1
revising the Available Plans Workfile, 25.5.1
revising the personal profile workfile, 25.8.1
revising workfiles, 25.1
saving employee information, 24.1
setup, 13.1
self-service benefits setup, 13.1
changing plan options, 13.1
reviewing dependent and beneficiary current coverage revisions, 25.6.1
running the Populate Director Form Rules/Edits report, 22.2.1
setting up a current dependent and beneficiary personal information workfile, 20.4.1
setting up allowed dependent relationships by plan, 19.1
setting up categories by enrollment event, 18.1
setting up contribution limits, 21.2.1
setting up enrollment events, 17.1
setting up maximum coverage increase limits, 21.3.1
setting up plan guidelines, 21.1
setting up process flows, 22.1, 22.2.1
setting up steps and rules for director process flows, 20.8.1
setting up translated director text, 22.4.1
setting up URLs, 16.1
setting up URLs for benefit groups, 16.6.1
setting up URLs for plan options, 16.3.1
setting up workfiles, 20.1
self-service benefits workflow approval, setting up, 23.5.3
Self-Service Director program (P05410)
processing options, 23.2.3
Self-Service Director Text program (P05401), 22.1, 22.4.1
self-service directors, setting up, 22.1
self-service employee information, saving, 24.1
Self-Service Manager Review and Approval - Timecards program (P051129), 29.17.3
Self-Service Process Flow Setup program (P05400), 22.1, 22.2.1, 22.3.1
self-service process flows, setting up, 22.1, 22.2.1
self-service setup
IRS Form W-4, 4.3.1, 4.9.1
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS, 4.4.1
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS program, 4.7.1
IRS W-4 Form Work File Revisions program, 4.6.1, 4.6.1
overview, 2.2
process flow script for IRS Form W-4, 4.5.1
purge the Available Plans and Plan Options by Employee Work Table, 27.6.1
purge the Current Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table, 27.4.1
purge the employee personal, contact, phone work tables, 27.5.1
purging the Employee Current/Pending Elections Work Table, 27.2.1
verification of employment, 3.2.1
work files, 27.1
settings for self service, 14.1
settings for self-service benefits, 14.1
benefits director, 13.2.1
Common Settings (P05004), 2.2
Setup Task Details table (F087103), 6.3.1
Setup Task List table (F087102), 6.3.1
Skills form, 28.6.6
Sort Fields (08R/SF), 8.3.14
standard phrase categories, defining, 10.4.3
Standard Phrase Search & Select form,
Standard Phrases table (F08461), 8.2, 8.2
standard phrases, defining
eRecruit, 10.5.1, 10.5.3
status change request, 29.4.1
status change request, reviewing, 29.4.1
Status Change Review program (P087201)
processing options, 29.5.3
setup information, 29.5.3
steps and rules for director process flows, 20.8.1
Stub Information History program (P07186), 28.4.1
System Control - Revisions form, 14.1


time accounting
self-service time entry, 28.7.1
time entry
employee daily time entry, 28.7.1
self service, 28.7.1, 28.7.1
self-service setup, 6.8.1
self-service summary time entry, 28.10, 28.10.3
setting up self-service, 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.1
setting up self-service pay types, 7.4.1, 7.4.1
setting up the self-service director, 7.2.1, 7.2.1
setting up the self-service interface, 7.3.1, 7.3.1
Time Entry Self Service Director program (P051125), 7.2.1
processing options, 7.2.3
Training/Development form, 28.6.1, 28.6.5
translated director text, setting up, 22.4.1
Travel Percentage (08R/TP), 8.3.15


Unedited Quick Hire Transaction File table (F060116Z), 29.10.1
upcoming employee reviews by supervisor
reviewing, 29.7.1
setup, 6.2.1
Upcoming Reveiws by Supervisor program (P052200), 29.7.1
Upcoming Reviews by Supervisor program (P052200)
processing options, 6.2.3
setup information, 6.2.3
Upcoming Reviews by Supervisor program (P052202), 6.1
Upcoming Reviews by Supervisor report (R052202), 6.1
Update Applicant Info report (R08490)
processing options, 12.8.3
setup information, 12.8.3
Update Benefits Info to Live Tables program (R085524), 24.3.1
Update Benefits Information to Live Tables report (R085524)
processing options, 24.3.2
setup information, 24.3.2
Update Employee Personal Information to Live Tables report (R054104)
processing options, 24.2.3
setup information, 24.2.3
Update Employee W-4 Form Information to Live Tables report (R0855303)
processing options, 4.9.3
setup information, 4.9.3
Update Employee W-4 Information to Live Tables report, 4.9.1
Update Job Posting form, 11.3.5
Update Personal Info to Live Tables program (R054104), 24.2.1
URLs for benefit categories, 16.5.3
URLs for benefit groups, 16.6.3
URLs for benefit plan options, 16.3.3
URLs for benefit plans, 16.4.3
user defined codes, 8.3.1
disable applicant activities (08R/AA), 8.3.3
element ID (08R/EI), 8.3.4
eRecruit status (08R/AS), 8.3.2
internal/external/both (08R/IE), 8.3.5
job posting (08R/WS), 8.3.12
job posting location (08R/JL), 8.3.6
letter component (08RLC), 8.3.7
mandatory/hide/disable (08R/MH), 8.3.8
phrase category (08R/PH), 8.3.9
posting category (08R/PC), 8.3.10
posting status, 8.3.11
resum flag (08R/RF), 8.3.13
sort fields (08R/SF), 8.3.14
travel percentage (08R/TP), 8.3.15


verification of employment
F05003 table, 3.2.1
requesting a letter, 28.2.1
setting up, 3.2.1
Verification Of Employment Data form, 28.2.4, 28.2.4
Verification of Employment Data table (F05003), 3.2.1
VOE Pay Types by Category form, 3.2.4


W-4 form
IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance for ESS program, 4.4.1, 4.7.1
IRS W-4 Form Work File Revisions program, 4.6.1
process flow script for IRS Form W-4, 4.5.1
setup, 4.1
Work Center, 29.10.6
Work Center form, 29.12.1, 29.13.1
Work Center program (P012501), 29.12.1, 29.13.1
Work Item Manager form, 29.11.1
Work Item Manager program (P012501), 29.11.1
Work With Delegates, 29.6.5
Work With Employee Self Service History program (P085585)
processing options, 25.3
setup information, 25.3
Work With HRM Common Display Settings form, 14.1
Work With Setup Tasks Details form, 6.3.5
Work With Setup Tasks form, 6.3.5
Work With Upcoming Reviews By Supervisor form, 29.7.4
Work With Verification of Employment Categories form, 3.2.4
Work With Verification Of Employment Data form, 29.8.5
Work with Verification of Employment Requests form, 28.2.4
setting up current dependent and beneficiary personal information, 20.4.1
setting up steps and rules for director process flows, 20.8.1
completing the process for Employee Setup using Workflow,
Employee Setup Workbench program (P08710), 6.3.1
Managers Employee Setup program (P08710), 29.10.1
Name and Address Change program (P05101), 3.3.1
process explanations, 6.3.1
Upcoming Reviews by Supervisor program (P052200), 6.2.1
Verification of Employment program (P05003), 3.2.1