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Oracle Java CAPS FTP Binding Component Tutorial     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Understanding the FTP Binding Component

Tutorial Overview

Tutorial Requirement

Software Needed for the Tutorial

Tutorial Plan

FTP Binding Component Project in a Nutshell

Starting the GlassFish Application Server

To Start the GlassFish Application Server

Working With JBI Runtime Environment

To Start JBI Components

FTP Binding Component Runtime Configuration Properties

Creating a BPEL Module Project : SendInventory

To Create a BPEL Module Project

Creating a WSDL Document : Using FTP

To Create a WSDL Document : ftpTransfer

To Modify ftp:message Properties

Poll Request Wizard Properties

FTP MessageActivePassive Element (<ftp:messageActivePassive>)

FTP Binding Component Extensibility Elements

Runtime Configuration

FTP Operation Element (<ftp:operation>)

FTP Binding Element (<ftp:binding>)

FTP Transfer Element (<ftp:transfer>)

Pattern Matching

FTP Address Element (<ftp:address>)

FTP Message Element (<ftp:message>)

Creating a WSDL Document : Using FILE

To Create a WSDL Document : fileTrigger

Creating a BPEL Process

To Create a BPEL Process

To Add a Partner Link

To Add Web Services and Basic Activities

To Edit Web Service : Receive1

To Edit the Web Service : Invoke1

To Edit the Basic Activities : Assign1

Validating BPEL

To Invoke Explicit Validation

Design View : Notifications

The Design View

Creating a Composite Application

To Create a Composite Application

Deploying the Composite Application

To Deploy the Composite Application

Working With Various Binding Types

Exploring the XML Schema

About the Schema View

Creating the XML Schema

To Create XML Schema

To Add a Complex and a Global Complex Type to the XML Schema

To Add Element to the XML Schema

To Add Elements to the XML Schema

FTP Binding Component Runtime Configuration Properties

image:Properties configuration

The sun-ftp-binding JBI Binding Component Runtime Configuration properties are described in the following table.

Table 1 sun-ftp-binding Properties

Description of the JBI Component.
Name of the JBI Component.
State of the JBI Component.
Type of the JBI Component.
Build Number
JBI Component build number.
JBI component version.
Number of Outbound Threads
The number of outbound threads waiting for messages from the JBI runtime environment. Any integer number between 1 and 2147483647 is allowed.

Default value: 10

Time out for Invoke
The time out period, in milliseconds, for invoking a synchronous service.
  • Minimum – 100 milliseconds

  • Maximum – 2145483647 milliseconds

After a consumer sends a request, the proxy polls the response periodically. If there is no response after the InvokeTimeout period has elapsed, the poller thread exits and reports a timeout. The polling interval is specified by the extensible WSDL property ftp:pollIntervalMillis.

The default value in milliseconds is 1,000,000.

Use Passive FTP
Indicates if passive FTP is enabled.
Use Proxy
Specifies whether to use a proxy for FTP transfer from within a corporate firewall.

Default value: false

Proxy URL
If UseProxy is enabled, specifies the URL for the proxy.

Default value: socks5://localhost:1080

Proxy User ID
A valid proxy user ID.
Proxy User Password
A valid proxy user password.
Connection Pool Minimum Size
Minimum number of connections in the pool.
Connection Pool Maximum Size
Maximum number of connections in the pool.
Enable NM Properties
Indicates if component–specific normalized message properties are enabled.
Max Idle Timeout for Pooled Connections
Maximum idle time period for connections in the pool in milliseconds (> 1000).
Application Configuration
Application Configuration allows users to define the named group of the configuration parameters specific to a JBI component. It helps an endpoint to reference these parameters and complete the binding.

Click the ellipses to add an Application Configuration.

Application Variables
Application variables are categorized into the following types:




Click the ellipsis to add the Application Variables.