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Oracle Java CAPS FTP Binding Component Tutorial     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Understanding the FTP Binding Component

Tutorial Overview

Tutorial Requirement

Software Needed for the Tutorial

Tutorial Plan

FTP Binding Component Project in a Nutshell

Starting the GlassFish Application Server

To Start the GlassFish Application Server

Working With JBI Runtime Environment

To Start JBI Components

FTP Binding Component Runtime Configuration Properties

Creating a BPEL Module Project : SendInventory

To Create a BPEL Module Project

Creating a WSDL Document : Using FTP

To Create a WSDL Document : ftpTransfer

To Modify ftp:message Properties

Poll Request Wizard Properties

FTP MessageActivePassive Element (<ftp:messageActivePassive>)

FTP Binding Component Extensibility Elements

Runtime Configuration

FTP Operation Element (<ftp:operation>)

FTP Binding Element (<ftp:binding>)

FTP Transfer Element (<ftp:transfer>)

Pattern Matching

FTP Address Element (<ftp:address>)

FTP Message Element (<ftp:message>)

Creating a WSDL Document : Using FILE

To Create a WSDL Document : fileTrigger

Creating a BPEL Process

To Create a BPEL Process

To Add a Partner Link

To Add Web Services and Basic Activities

To Edit Web Service : Receive1

To Edit the Web Service : Invoke1

To Edit the Basic Activities : Assign1

Validating BPEL

To Invoke Explicit Validation

Design View : Notifications

The Design View

Creating a Composite Application

To Create a Composite Application

Deploying the Composite Application

To Deploy the Composite Application

Working With Various Binding Types

Exploring the XML Schema

About the Schema View

Creating the XML Schema

To Create XML Schema

To Add a Complex and a Global Complex Type to the XML Schema

To Add Element to the XML Schema

To Add Elements to the XML Schema

Working With Various Binding Types

This topic explains the functional behavior of various binding types.

  1. Poll Request Message and Put Response

    1. Poll Request

      • Message Name Prefix: Prefix for inbound (IB) message name.

      • Poll Interval in milli-seconds: Polling interval in milliseconds when message is polled from a remote target.

    2. Put Response

      Message Name Prefix: Prefix for outbound (OB) message name.

    image:Put Response
  2. Put Request Message and Poll Response

    1. Put Request

      Message Name Prefix: Prefix for outbound (OB) message name.

    2. Poll Response

      • Message Name Prefix: Prefix for inbound (IB) message name.

      • Poll Interval in milli-seconds: Polling interval in milliseconds when message is polled from a remote target.

      image:Put Response
  3. Put Request Message

    Message Name Prefix: Prefix for outbound (OB) message name.

    image:Put Request Message
  4. On Demand Get Message

    1. Message Name Prefix: Prefix for inbound (IB) message name.

    2. Enable Archive Polled Message: Indicates if archive is required for processed message. If true, processed message is archived, otherwise, it is removed.

      image:On Demand Get Message
  5. Receive Request

    Poll Request

    1. Receive Source (From): Path pointing to a file on remote FTP server where the transferred data will be read (receiveFrom), the path components could be literals or regular expressions.

    2. Receive Source (From): Has Regular Expressions. Indicates if 'receiveFrom' has regular expressions. When 'receiveFrom' contains regular expressions, these are used as filters to filter out those directory/file entries that match the corresponding regular expressions.

      For example, if 'receiveFromHasRegexs' = FTP_IN_BOX/archive200[1-6]/invoice_[0-1][1-9].bak

      At runtime, FTP BC gets a directory listing from FTP_IN_BOX, iterate through each one of them and finds the first match for regular expression 'archive200[1-6]'.

      For example, archive2001, get a directory listing from FTP_IN_BOX/archive2001, iterate through each one of them and find the first match for regular expression 'invoice_[0-1][1-9].bak', say, invoice_01.bak, now FTP_IN_BOX/archive2001/invoice_01.bak is found as the first match, and it will be used as the resolved value for 'receiveFrom', otherwise, if no match found for regular expression 'invoice_[0-1][1-9].bak', FTP BC will go back to the parent level, and try the next match of 'archive200[1-6]', and repeat the above process until found a path matching all the regular expressions as corresponding path components or no matching path found after exhausted all paths under FTP_IN_BOX.

    3. Pre Receive Operation (Command): Operation performed before receiving starts.

      • NONE - No operation is performed before receiving starts.

      • COPY - Make a copy of the target file (specified by 'receiveFrom') to a file specified by 'preReceiveLocation' before receiving starts.

      • RENAME - Move the target file (specified by 'receiveFrom') to a file specified by 'preReceiveLocation' before receiving starts.

    4. Pre Receive Operation Location: Destination file for operation to be performed before receiving starts.

    5. Pre Receive Location Has Patterns: Indicate if 'preReceiveLocation' contains patterns, where 'pattern' is a string containing special characters escaped by percentage sign, the following are all the symbols supported:

      1. directory/file name replacement (%p/%f), usually used in pre/post operation's 'receiveFrom'/'sendTo' path.

        For example, when 'sendTo' is my_in_box/invoice.dat, then a pattern like %p_backup/%f.bak will be my_in_box_backup/invoice.dat.bak after expansion.

      2. UUID %u, will be substituted by a UUID value compliant with Java 1.5 UUID.

      3. sequence number reference %0, %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, this symbol will be replaced by the current value of sequence number, which is an integer count that increments after each reference.

      For Java Timestamp Patterns, see Table 4.

    6. Post Receive Operation (Command): Operation performed after receiving completes:

      • NONE - no operation performed after receiving completes.

      • DELETE - delete the target file (specified by 'receiveFrom') after receiving completes.

      • RENAME - move the target file (specified by 'receiveFrom') to a file specified by 'postReceiveLocation' after receiving completes.

    7. Post Receive Operation Location: Destination file for operation to be performed after receiving completes.

    8. Post Receive Location Has Patterns: Indicates if 'postReceiveLocation' contains patterns, where 'pattern' is a string containing special characters escaped by percentage sign. The symbols supported are similar to Pre Receive Location Has Patterns.

    9. Poll Interval: Polling interval in milliseconds when data is polled from a location specified by 'receiveFrom'.

    image:Receive Request Poll Request
  6. Receive Request and Send Response

    Send Response (Put Response)

    1. Send Destination (To): Path pointing to a file on remote FTP server, where the transferred data will be stored (sendTo), the path components could be literal or patterns, see 'sendTohasPatterns' for a detailed definition of pattern.

    2. Send Destination (To): Has patterns. See Pre Receive Location Has Patterns.

    3. Pre Send Operation (Command): Operation performed before sending starts.

      • NONE - No operation performed before sending starts.

      • COPY - Make a copy of the target file (specified by 'sendTo') to a file specified by 'preSendLocation' before sending starts.

      • RENAME - Move the target file (specified by 'sendTo') to a file specified by 'preSendLocation' before sending starts.

    4. Pre Send Operation Location Destination file for operation to be performed before sending starts.

    5. Pre Send Location Has Patterns Indicate if 'preSendLocation' contains patterns, where 'pattern' is a string containing special characters escaped by percentage sign. The supported symbols are similar to Pre Receive Location Has Patterns

    6. Post Send Operation (Command) Operation performed after sending completes:

      • NONE - no operation performed after sending completes.

      • DELETE - delete the target file (specified by 'sendTo') after sending completes.

      • RENAME - move the target file (specified by 'sendTo') to a file specified by 'postSendLocation' after sending completes.

    7. Post Send Location (Command): Destination file for operation to be performed after sending completes.

    8. Post Send Location Has Patterns: Indicates if 'postSendLocation' contains patterns, where 'pattern' is a string containing special characters escaped by percentage sign. The symbols supported are similar to Pre Receive Location Has Patterns.

    9. Append Payload To Target File: Indicates if the message will be appended at the end of the target file.

    image:Send Response Put Response