You can personalize the way data appears in Reporting Center by changing your preferences. For example, you can set the product language and the preferred output format of reports.

Changes take effect immediately in the current session. The preferences are stored and used for future sessions unless you change them.

You can change the following settings:



Number of entries in list view

The maximum number of rows that appear in a list before scrollbars are required. This applies to rows where scrolling is allowed.

Separators in list view

The method of separating entries in lists in Public Folders and My Folders.

Choose from no separator, grid lines, or alternating backgrounds. This setting applies to all lists with the exception of the output versions list. This setting is available only if you use Internet Explorer or Firefox.


The uniform look and feel applied to all components of ACI.

You can choose from the styles available to you.

Show hidden entries

Use this setting to show or remove hidden entries from your view in Reporting Center.

When you select this check box, the hidden entries remain visible, but their icons are faded.

When you clear this check box, the hidden entries disappear from your view. For example, hidden packages are not visible in Reporting Center and in the associated studios.

You must have access to the Hide Entries capability granted by your administrator to see this setting.

Default view

The decision to use list view or details view by default. List view shows the name, modified date, and actions. Details view shows the name, description, modified date, and possible actions.

Details view works only in Public Folders and My Folders. In other tools, list view is used.

Number of columns in details view

The maximum number of columns per row for the details view.

Report format

The preferred format to view the report. Choose between HTML, PDF, Delimited Text (CSV), Excel, and XML.

Show a summary of the run options

The option to cause a summary of the run options to appear when a report is not run interactively.

Show the Welcome page at startup

The option to show or hide the Welcome page when you log on.

Product language

The language used by the ACI user interface. It applies to all ACI components, such as Reporting Center, the report viewer, and Report Studio.

Content language

The language used to view and produce content in ACI, such as names and descriptions of entries, or data in reports.

Time zone

The time zone used. Select the default server time zone set by your administrator. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Or you can select another time zone.

Personal settings appear if you have read permissions for your account.



Primary logon

The namespace and credentials that you used to log on to ACI. Also shows the given name, surname, and email address if they have been defined.

Secondary logon

A list of secondary logons.

The secondary logons exists if you logged on to multiple namespaces.


Use to specify an email address for alerts.

When the delivery service processes the alert list, it uses the email address specified in the Email box to send alerts to the user. If there is no email address specified, the email address specified in the Primary logon section is used.


Authorization to other users, groups, and roles to run entries using the credentials.

Click Renew the credentials after you change your password in your third-party namespace or to ensure that all credentials are in place if you are logged in to multiple namespaces.

Groups and roles

A list of groups and roles associated both with your primary and secondary logons.


A list of secured functions and features that you can use based on both your primary and secondary logons. To create trusted credentials, see Trusted Credentials.

Portal tabs settings appear if you have read permissions for your account.

Portal Tabs


List of entries

Represents the tabs, including Public Folders and My Folders, in your Reporting Center environment.


Use to add a tab for a specified page in Reporting Center.

Each tab represents Public Folders, My Folders, or a page.


Use to remove a tab from Reporting Center.

Modify the sequence

Use to change the order of tabs in Reporting Center.

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